“The word bipartisan means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out.”

George Carlin



I am updating my post from yesterday and making it my featured post. I’m so infuriated by this story that I’m seeing red. The local radio station was reporting the story this morning and they said that the reason the Grand Jury did not indict Cardinal Bevilacqua was because he is 86 years old and in poor health. Since when does your age have anything to do with whether you have committed a crime. And make no bones about it, this man committed a horrific crime. He knowingly allowed deviant evil predators to rape 10 year old boys. He transferred these fiends to other parishes, allowing them to rape again. This man should be thrown into prison like a common punk criminal.

The evil acts of these priests is almost beyond comprehension. You need to understand the point of view of a 10 year old boy in Catholic school. You are in 4th grade. You still play with army men. You play little league baseball. You are taught from 1st grade on that priests are Jesus Christ. You are in awe of priests. You are a little bit afraid, because they have the power to forgive your sins. A priest is an all-powerful figure. Now imagine your ten year old son with a priest’s dick in his mouth and the priest sticking his dick in your ten year old son’s ass. THINK ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone had done this to my sons, I would get a gun and I would kill these deviant fuckers. I would not care about the consequences. First I would beat them within an inch of their lives and then I’d put a bullet in their heads. Then I’d go to confession, say I’m sorry, say 5 Our Fathers, and then according to the Catholic Church everything would be OK.

Think about the fact that Bishops, Cardinals, and even the Pope not only covered up these acts, they shipped these deviants to other parishes. When told of these acts, Cardinal Bevilacqua’s first question was whether the statute of limitations was up. THINK ABOUT THAT!!!!

I was born Catholic. Do I believe in God? Yes I do. I do wonder how he can allow this to happen, but I do believe in God.

Do I believe in the Catholic Church? NO I DO NOT. The Catholic Church is an Institution made by men for the benefit of men. The MEN who run the Catholic Church care about power and money. They are no different than Wall Street Bankers. These MEN have not been brought to justice. The Catholic Heirarchy is Evil because they have committed evil acts. Until they are brought to justice anything the Catholic Church does or says is suspect.


It has been many months since my last post about the Catholic Church Sexual Abuse coverup. The Phila Archdiocese had been shaken by a priest abuse scandal a few years ago. When the list of evil child fucking priests was revealed, I saw the name Father Shea on the list. He was the assistant pastor at my parish when I was a kid. Not only did this little boy fucker not go to jail, Cardinal Bevalaqua didn’t even defrock him. He lives out his days in the St Francis Home for elderly priests in Darby, PA. It seems that the statute of limitations was up for all the abuse cases put forward by the Grand Jury.

The part that infuriated me was not that there were child fucker deviant priests. There are sexual deviants all over the place. The heirarchy of the Catholic church – Pastors, Bishops, Cardinals and even the Pope, covered up this sexual abuse. They did not turn these evil scum over to the police. They knowingly transferred them to other parishes where they could satisfy their evil urges again and again. For these acts, the heirarchy of the Catholic Church deserve to burn in the hottest part of HELL.

The Catholic Church PR machine assured the public that they had rooted out the evil sexual predators and the scandal was a thing of the past. Pass the collection plate please. No one in the Catholic heirarchy went to jail. No Cardinal or Bishop was defrocked. The Pope has been implicated in the coverup. The Catholic Church is the richest church on earth. They fight every accusation. They pay hush money to the families of the victims. They close parishes and don’t build new high schools because they have to keep paying millions to the victims. All done in secret.

But the truth keeps being revealed. Below is one of the most disgusting stories you will ever read. The Grand Jury has just issued a 128 report of evilness that will make your blood boil. I have provided a link to the report, but I’ve posted the first 5 pages below for your enjoyment. This evilness permeates the Philadelphia Archdiocese. The current and past Cardinals of Phila should go to jail.

I spent 12 years in Catholic School. I went to church every week. I’ve sent all three of my boys to Catholic School. In the past year, I’ve become so disgusted by the leadership of the Catholic Church, that I stopped going to Mass and giving them any money. I will never give another dime to this corrupt evil organization. They are no better than the mafia or the criminal banks that I rail about.

I judge people and organizations by their actions, not their words. The actions of the Catholic Church are vile, evil and disgusting. These MEN portray themselves as holy and representing Jesus Christ. Nothing could be further from the truth. May they all burn in hell.

4 priests charged in sex abuse investigation

By David O’Reilly

Inquirer Staff Writer

Monsignor William Lynn, former head of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Office for Clergy, has been charged for allegedly failing to protect children from sexual abuse by priests, District Attorney Seth Williams announced today.

Two felony counts of endangering the welfare were lodged against Lynn follow a grand jury investigation, Williams said at a news conference.

Williams also announced the Revs. Charles Engelhardt, 64, and Edward Avery, 68, and Bernard Shero, 47, a former 6th grade teacher at St. Jerome’s School in Northeast Philadelphia, had been charged with raping and sexually assaulting the same boy in the parish between 1998, when he was 10 years old, and 2000.

Another priest, the Rev James Brennan, 47, is charged with raping and sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy in 1996.

All five men were arrested today, official said.

Williams said Lynn, who was the Archdiocese’s Secretary of the Clergy from 1992 to 2004, “supervised two of the abusers . . . knew they were dangerous and chose to expose them to new victims.”

Since 2004 Lynn has served as pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in Downingtown, a parish of nearly 4,000 families.

As head of the clergy office, Lynn oversaw all priest personnel issues, which included advising Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua and his successor, Cardinal Justin Rigali, on the assignment of priests; interviewing persons who reported sexual abuse by a priests; and overseeing the treatment of clergy known to have abused children.

In a message to church deacons, Rigali said he could not comment directly on the grand jury report because he had not yet received it.

But, he added: “I know the release of this report will be painful and my deep concern is for all of those who have been abused. I urge all the faithful of the Archdiocese to pray for, to extend every concern for and remain open to understanding the experience of the victims. It is in that spirit that we reflect upon the grand jury’s actions and the recommendations they make.”

At Lynnn’s church in Downingtown, workers in the parish office declined comment, abruptly referring reporters to Donna Farrell, the archdiocesan spokeswoman.

When an Inquirer reporter began to speak with a female parishioner outside the building, one of the workers ran out, grabbed her, and pulled her inside.

Several other parishioners expressed shock at news of the charges but declined to give their names. A man arriving for choir practice said he did not have enough information to comment. A woman who pulled up at the adjacent church school – which her daughter attends – said she did not want her remarks to reflect adversely on the school.

“We love this school,” she said. “I’m absolutely stunned; we totally trusted him.”

Today’s charges come nearly 5 1/2 years after a Philadelphia grand jury excoriated the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for an “immoral cover-up” of its sexually abusive clergy, and for creating what it said was a climate that exposed hundreds of children to assault.

Although the 2005 report directed much of its ire at Bevilacqua, the Roman Catholic archbishop from 1988 to 2003, it mentioned Lynn 652 times – more than any other member of the archdiocesan hierarchy, including Bevilacqua.

“Secretary for Clergy Lynn . . . treated victims as potential plaintiffs. Not only did they not receive apologies acknowledging their abuse, but many were bullied, intimidated, lied to, even investigated themselves,” the report said.

It also accused Lynn of repeatedly failing to investigate abuse charges, reassigning abusive priests, and concealing their crimes from civil authorities and the Catholic laity.

“It became apparent to the Grand Jurors that Msgr. Lynn was handling the cases precisely as his boss [Bevilacqua] wished,” it said.

The assistant district attorneys who wrote the scathing, 468-page report in 2005 said their office had sought ways to bring criminal charges against several archdiocesan leaders but were frustrated by Pennsylvania’s “inadequate” state laws, such as the statute of limitations.



In September 2003, a grand jury of local citizens released a report detailing a sad history of sexual abuse by priests of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. That abuse was known, tolerated, and hidden by high church officials, up to and including the Cardinal himself. The previous grand jury was frustrated that it could not charge either the abusers or their protectors in the church, because the successful cover-up of the abuse resulted in the expiration of the statute of limitations. Now, measures taken in response to the previous report have led to new information about more recent abuse, which this grand jury was empaneled to investigate. The fact that we received that information, and from the church itself, is some sign of progress; and this time there will be charges. The present grand jury, however, is frustrated to report that much has not changed. The rapist priests we accuse were well known to the Secretary of Clergy, but he cloaked their conduct and put them in place to do it again. The procedures implemented by the Archdiocese to help victims are in fact designed to help the abusers, and the Archdiocese itself. Worst of all, apparent abusers – dozens of them, we believe – remain on duty in the Archdiocese, today, with open access to new young prey.

Billy and Mark

This grand jury case began because two men came forward, while still young, to say what was done to them as children. By no means do we believe that these are the only two parishioners who were abused during this period. It remains an extraordinarily difficult thing for adults to tell authorities that they were taken advantage of, in the most intimate, shameful ways, by people they trusted. Their stories must be told, however, because they reveal a great deal about the current treatment of sexual abuse in the Philadelphia Archdiocese.

Twelve years ago, Billy was a 10-year-old altar boy in the fifth grade at St. Jerome School in Philadelphia. “Billy” is a pseudonym; he is still reluctant to name himself publicly, although he knows he will have to do so soon. While alone with him in the sacristy, Father Charles Engelhardt began to show Billy pornographic magazines. Eventually, the priest directed Billy to take off his clothes, and to put his penis in the priest’s mouth. Then the priest reversed positions, until he ejaculated on the boy. After that, Billy was in effect passed around to Engelhardt’s colleagues. Father Edward Avery undressed with the boy, told him that God loved him, had him engage in oral intercourse, and ejaculated on him. Next was the turn of Bernard Shero, a teacher in the school. Shero offered Billy a ride home, but instead stopped at a park, told Billy they were “going to have some fun,” took off the boy’s clothes, orally and anally raped him, and then made him walk the rest of the way home.

That was the beginning of a longer journey. Billy stopped talking with friends and started smoking marijuana. He would often gag and vomit for reasons the doctors could not discern. He checked books out of the library about sexual abuse. By high school he was taking pills, and then heroin.

The second victim, Mark, was only nine when he first met Father James Brennan, a parochial vicar at St. Andrew Church in Newtown. Father Brennan became a family “friend” who often visited the house. Mark, though, was the subject of special attention from the priest, who persistently wrestled with the boy, rubbed his back and shoulders, and openly brought up sex talk. When Mark was 14, in 1996, Father Brennan was finally ready to make his move. He arranged with Mark’s mother for a “sleepover” at an apartment the priest was renting. Once he had the boy there, Brennan showed him pornographic pictures on his computer, bragged about his penis size, and insisted that Mark sleep together with him in his bed. Then he lay down behind the boy and put his penis into the boy’s buttocks. Mark told his parents what happened, and they confronted Brennan, but he denied it and they believed the priest. From that point, Mark suffered depression, dramatic weight loss, and drug and alcohol addiction. Ultimately he attempted suicide.


Above is a description of the evil acts of evil people. The worse part is the coverup by the heirarchy of the Church. This man, Cardinal Bevilacqua knowingly allowed boy raping priests to be shielded from authorities and transferred to other parishes, while using the legal system to protect the Catholic Church from crimes. He authorized the payment of millions in hush money to keep the families of victims silent.

The exploits of Father Lynn are detailed above.

Cardinal Krol was the head of the Phila Archdiocese when I was a kid. He confirmed me. He also knowingly moved deviant rapists from parish to parish where they could prey on little 10 year old boys.

Father Thomas Shea was the asst pastor at St. Joseph’s parish in Collingdale when I was a kid. He had raped boys at St. Huberts. They transferred him to St. Josephs where he raped at least two boys, one who later committed suicide. He resides in an old priests home, never being charged because of the statute of limitations.


With my little run in the other day with Reverse Engineer, I was reminded of a time not so long ago. I had to go back through my emails to see when exactly the world came to an end on TBP #1. The bickering between RE and myself is chicken shit compared to the flaming end of TBP #1 that occurred on March 10, 2010. What most TBP members did not know was that my relationship with Jason had been going downhill for months behind the scenes. He wanted me to fly to London with him to meet some big shot investor. I said no. Glen Beck had asked me to be on his show and I had declined. Then I did an article that trashed Fox News. Jason got really mad about that. Jason was looking for a big payoff. I was looking to write good articles.

I showed tremendous restraint for months in dealing with Jason’s desire to control my site. Then I got copied on some emails that showed me he was trying to lure TBP regulars over to Raging Debate. I posted an article stating that he was doing this and the fireworks began. He immediately shut down my site and began to trash me on his site. I responded by posting some of his crazy emails to me on my Seeking Alpha instablog. He threatened to sue me for defamation. I responded by saying how could it be defamation if it was his own email. The vitriol swirled as he banned my IP address so Robmu1 would post my responses on Raging Debate. RE wrote a 10,000 word divorce article.

By the end of the week, we were worn out and agreed to bury the hatchet and move on. We have had no contact since. Here are some comments about the divorce. Smokey was very disappointed with the quick ending to the feud.

Smokey: Perfectly good feud—ruined.   A damn shame.   Screw this.    I’ve never seen such shocking wimpiness in all my born days.   From now on I’ll watch my niece’s Mary Poppins DVD or reruns of The Waltons or The Brady Bunch.    I mean, we had nasty innuendos and threats straight out of the gate, and just when it starts to get good, we get this wavering and backpedaling.  This reconciliation is totally unacceptable.  Please reconsider this grave mistake.

Smokey: @SanDiegoGuy:  Hilarious.  Never heard that.     That buzzard cartoon reminds me of a cartoon I saw a few years ago.  It was snowing, and two pigeons were sitting side by side high up on a tree limb.  Directly underneath them was a kid with his big mouth wide open to catch the falling snow. One pigeon said to the other, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”     When Quinn opens his new site, look for me to get some shit started right from the jump.  In particular, RE, Dee,  David Pierre, and a couple of anons have a rendezvous with me for a battle of insults and they don’t even know it yet.  It will be the good old days.

Stuck: Hey Smokey, go fuck yourself you batshit neocon.

Just thought I’d get things started ……….

Smokey: @ReverseEngineer:  It’s ON.    Bring it!!!  Just remember, no second thoughts allowed.   No holds barred.  No changing your mind.  No equivocation.   No I’m sorry’s.  No apologies.  No truces.  We will do battle as men, not as pussies.  We will serve as an affirmation to all observers that heated conflicted dialogue serves no purpose whatsoever, and only inspires more of the same.     Stuck In NJ—-You’re out. You repeatedly refused to engage me on TBP.  I refuse to waste my time on someone who refuses to engage.  I will no longer tolerate your partiality. You ignored the best of my insults, but on several occasions wanted to duke it out with Quinn.  How fair is that?  That is the most vile form of discrimination possible. 

Here is a picture of what has happened since the breakup:

I posted a pictorial display at the end of that fateful week on Seeking Alpha:

A week in the life of Jim Quinn:


JIM & JASON Tuesday Morning              

Jim & Jason Tuesday Afternoon


JIM & JASON Wednesday

JIM & JASON Thursday Morning

JIM & JASON Thursday Night

FRIDAY MORNING – Mission Accomplished


SSS has been egging me on about Henry Ford for the last few days for some unknown reason. It has spurred me to come up with a game we can all play. It seems that no matter what you write about a great individual, someone has something negative to say about the person. The game will be to name a great person and then add something negative about the person. I’ll provide a few examples to get the game started:

Henry Ford was a great man, despite being a Jew hating Nazi sympathizer.

Martin Luther King was a great man, despite plagerizing his doctoral thesis and banging anything that moved.

Barack Obama is great man, despite being a Muslim and not being born in the U.S.

Newt Gingrich is a great man, despite abandoning his cancer stricken wife.

Dick Cheney is a great man, despite being a pussy who got 5 draft deferments during the Vietnam War and shooting his best friend in the face with a shotgun.

Ingvar Kamprad is a great man, despite joining the Nazi party in 1945 and using slave labor in China and India to produce his cheap crap that he sells at IKEA.

Smokey is a great man, despite misunderstanding the metric system and using the wrong end of the ruler to measure his schlong, resulting in him confusing 11 1/2 inches with 11 1/2 centimeters.

I hope this is clear enough for everyone. I strongly suggest that you pick people who are well thought of by others on the site. I would suggest Dwight D. Eisenhower, George Bush, and Jack Welsh.


This one is dedicated to Smokey with love.

All booms bust. The only question is when.

by Simon Black

February 8, 2011
Santiago, Chile

Somewhere in China, an economist lost his job today… it was the poor guy who had been predicting manageable levels of inflation despite rapid headline GDP growth and even more rapid monetary expansion.

Yet, staring at reports which show inflation at a 28-month high, officials at the People’s Bank of China realized that they need to do something about inflation. Now. Especially in light of what’s going on in the world… hence today’s 25 basis point rate hike.

Inflation in China is coming from all sides. Certainly there is the country’s speedy economic growth, commonly reported in the press as ‘overheating’. Then there is the constant battle against America’s #1 export (inflation) as many of Bernanke’s trillions of new dollars have found their way into China’s economy.

Moreover, what a lot of people forget is that China has heavily engaged in its own stimulus programs, which, as a percentage of GDP, dwarf the stimulus packages in most developed countries (including the United States).

Given these genuine inflation fears and the brakes that Chinese policymakers are applying in terms of interest rates and property taxes, it is now almost a “consensus view” in the financial markets that China will face an economic crisis sometime in the next few years.

A recent survey of market participants published by Bloomberg indicated that 45% of those surveyed believe it’s inevitable that China’s boom will turn to bust sometime in the next 5 years.  Another 40% said they expect it to happen sometime after 2016.

The arguments for why China’s economy is a train-wreck waiting to happen are not new.  Prominent short-sellers such as Jim Chanos cite forests of empty apartment towers, deserted shopping malls with no stores or customers, and the empty city of Ordos as proof that China has massively overbuilt.

They argue that the economy is built on a foundation of quicksand, as construction accounts for the biggest single slice of GDP, and at some stage there simply won’t be a need to build anymore.

I can’t disagree.  At some point, perhaps in the not-too-distant future, building in China will slow, and subsequent rate hikes will curtail new expansion.

The way I view it, China has compressed 100 years of economic growth into 30 or 40 years, so naturally the annual growth rate has been fast. One thing that history has taught us, though, is that the free market cannot be continually outperformed by a central planning authority that inflates its money supply.

Rapid credit expansions can definitely give the appearance of strong economic growth, but no credit expansion has ever lasted permanently. In the long run, an economy can only continue to move forward at strong growth rates via increases in savings, productivity, technology, and innovation.

China’s technology sector is advancing rapidly– the country has developed the world’s fastest supercomputer and churns out three times as many engineers as the United States. China’s manufacturing sector has also shifted away from unskilled production to high tech manufacturing based on homegrown designs.

Knowledge is cumulative, however, so it will still take some time for China to be the genesis of the next generation of technological breakthroughs… and hence justify its huge growth rates based on innovation and technological advances.

For now, we can continue to marvel at the rapid pace of economic development in China.  But, let’s not make the same mistake people made with Japan in the 1980s and assume that the Chinese have stumbled across some superior economic perpetual motion machine.

The truth is, nobody knows what China’s real growth rate is. I remember spending time in the country’s gray markets– huge roadside, makeshift shopping malls with tens of thousands of people engaging in off-the-books transactions– thinking to myself ‘no way GDP numbers account for this…’

The fundamentals for growth are definitely there… but we would be foolish to not consider the disastrous effects of a cleverly disguised credit bubble masquerading as ‘the Chinese miracle’, or the consequences of an unsustainable exchange rate policy.

Nothing goes up or down in a straight line, and in the words of one of my most influential mentors, “All booms bust. The only question is ‘When?’”

The reality is, nobody knows when… and more importantly, what happens next.

DOES 2 + 2 = 22?

CoreLogic reported this morning that home prices fell 1.8% in the last month and have now declined for 6 straight months. This means that home prices are falling at an annualized rate of 21%. The post bubble low will be breached next month. Yesterday the MSM was excited by the fact that mortgage delinquencies declined again. The rate had peaked in January 2010 and has been steadily declining.

Now this is the part that requires some thinking. So anyone reading this post that works for CNBC, Seeking Alpha, or any other MSM outlet can go back to your mindless propaganda mode and exit stage left. The hundreds of billions in tax dollars thrown at housing in 2009 and early 2010 for home buyer tax credits and mortgage modification programs temporarily stopped prices from falling. Shockingly, when prices stopped falling, mortage delinquencies started to decline. OK. Got that?

The government’s efforts to prop up the housing market have failed miserably. The hundreds of billions were pissed down the toilet. The prop has been removed and home prices will fall to the level they were always going to fall to. Supply and demand determine price. Prices are now in freefall again. Guess what? In the next few months, mortgage delinquency rates will begin to rise again. Even Larry Kudlow could see this if he knew how to add 2 + 2.

As an added benefit, we are about to enter the huge reset stage for Alt-A fraudulent mortgages. These resets are occurring just as mortgage rates are hitting the highest levels in a year. This will give an added kicker to the foreclosure tsunami on the way.

So, you can listen to your favorite real estate broker who tells you it is the best time to buy, or you can add 2 + 2 and get 4.

According to LPS, 8.83% of mortgages are delinquent (down from 9.02% in November), and another 4.15% are in the foreclosure process (up from 4.08% in November) for a total of 12.98%. It breaks down as:

• 2.56 million loans less than 90 days delinquent.
• 2.12 million loans 90+ days delinquent.
• 2.2 million loans in foreclosure process.

For a total of 6.87 million loans delinquent or in foreclosure.


The hubris of a bankrupt imperial empire is not a pretty sight. Luckily, we educated the Chinese hackers at our best schools. The scenario may seem far fetched to linear thinkers. It is not far fetched during a Fourth Turning. Wait until a hard line Prophet Boomer moves into the White House in 2013. Paul Farrell writes some pretty provocative stuff.

Secret China war plan: trillions in U.S. debt

Commentary: Today an economic battle; later, combat

By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — Yes, Americans love war. Yes, wars cost money. And pile on debt, new taxes. Still, we love war. Why else let the military budget burn 48% of your tax dollars? But why is it “off the table” when the GOP talks “deficit cuts”?

Why? We love war. We’d rather attack with a macho battle cry like “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” than listen to a warning from historian Kevin Phillips: “Most great nations, at the peak of their economic power, become arrogant, wage great world wars at great cost, wasting vast resources, taking on huge debt, ultimately burning themselves out.”

Which dominates our Congressional deficit hawks? Which is China’s military strategy?

Admit it, we love war. Marine Corps posters grabbed me as a kid. Trained me as an aviation weapons system tech. So I couldn’t resist Erik Sofge’s edgy thriller, “China’s Secret War Plan,” about a China-U.S. war. Like a fast-paced Tom Clancy thriller. In Popular Mechanics: One of my favorites as a kid working in a small-town magazine store.

Yes, war’s popular. Locked in our DNA long ago. Sofge’s thriller was based on war games played by Pentagon generals and Rand Corporation strategists.

Americans love war. Can’t resist videogames, war movies: “Hunt for Red October,” “Platoon,” “Dirty Dozen,” “Star Wars,” “Terminator.” War turns us on, a testosterone virus in our brains. Our love blinds us to costs, collateral damage, unintended consequences, new debt for our kids. Besides, they’ll grow up loving war. DNA is passed on. Can’t resist.

That hot button was pushed recently with “secret” photos of China’s new stealth bomber exposed during the state visit of China’s President Hu Jintao. Sofge’s thriller begins:

Aug. 9, 2015, 0400. China’s war for “Taiwan starts in the early morning. There are no naval bombardments or waves of bombers … 1,200 cruise and ballistic missiles rise from heavy vehicles on the Chinese mainland … Taiwan’s modest missile defense network. a scattered deployment of I-Hawk and Patriot interceptors, slams into dozens of incoming warheads … a futile gesture. The mass raid overwhelms the defenses as hundreds of Chinese warheads blast the island’s military bases and airports.”

Do taxpayers have a choice? Plan for big wars, get bigger deficits?

The GOP wants to cut America’s massive debt. But “off-the-charts” military spending is “off the table.” Back in the ‘40s, WWII consumed 57% of our GDP. Today, war eats up about half America’s budget.

We’re sinking under Iraq war debt. Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz estimates Iraq at $3 trillion, with $2 trillion for future costs, like VA medical. The Afghan war, maybe another $3 trillion. Plus endless terrorist threats. Future wars are “planned” years, even decades in advance, strategies based on Pentagon-Rand war games.

America talks peace. But deep inside our collective brain is a dark monster: We’re little kids who love playing war. Age 10 I had a collection of model fighter planes, played air wars. Age 15, owned three guns for hunting. Then the Corps. Like a moth to the flames, we cannot resist our destiny in war. Sofge brings alive the action in our brains:

“Taiwan’s air force is grounded … Taiwanese troops mobilize in downtown Taipei and take up positions on the beaches facing China, just 100 miles to the west. But they know what the world knows: This is no longer Taiwan’s fight. This is a battle between an old superpower and a new one.” Games or reality, it’s all in our heads.

Or is this how WWIII starts? Between an aging America that loves war, won’t surrender without a fight, and the world’s rapidly emerging superpower, predicted to have a population one billion larger than America’s by 2050. Plus an economy 40% of the world’s GDP, dwarfing America’s GDP predicted to fall to just 14%. Yes, China’s the emerging new superpower, a crafty enemy laughing as we waste our economic resources.

Listen as Sofge quotes retired Rear Adm. Eric McVadon, former naval attaché in Beijing: “They are obsessed with Taiwan. On some given day, it’s entirely possible for people to be standing around a table in the Politburo in Beijing, and someone gets the ball rolling. And when it stops, we’re at war.”

Warning: That toxic thinking may well happen again when new neocons, a future Rumsfeld/Cheney team, gets the same paranoid itchings at the same time as China’s generals, all driven by inflated egos, irrational obsessions and a propensity to make the same kind of misjudgments that launched the Iraq War.

Warrior mindset sabotages our economy and superpower status

”Right now the Chinese seem to have taken the lead in this new arms race,” warns Sofge: “When Rand released a report in 2000 describing the potential outcome of a Sino-American conflict over Taiwan, the United States won the war handily. Nine years later, the nonpartisan think tank revised its analysis, accounting for Beijing’s updated air force, its focus on cyber warfare and its ability to use ballistic missiles to take out American satellites. Rand’s new conclusion: The United States would ultimately lose an air war, and an overall conflict would be more difficult and costly than many had imagined.”

Warning, just nine years from 2000 to 2009: The Iraq-Afghan Wars were supposed to make America stronger. Wrong. Those nine years are a perfect example of how war distorted America’s collective brain. Our neocon mindset about the Iraq war resulted in what’s now the “biggest foreign policy blunder” in history. Sofge captures this insanity:

”Ever since 1949, when Nationalist forces retreated to Taiwan following the Communist victory in the Chinese Civil War, Beijing has regarded the island as a renegade province of the People’s Republic. Now, in 2015, only the United States can offer Taiwan protection.” But “the nearest aircraft carrier is the U.S.S. Nimitz, which had just left the Japanese port of Yokosuka on Tokyo Bay … at least two days for the carrier to reach the strait … The closest other carrier group, near Pearl Harbor, is six days out.”

Yes, too late: The war’s over in less than 24 hours. Ironically, the Iraq/Afghan wars have not only weakened our economy and weakened our ability to fight future wars, they weakened America’s superpower status by indirectly handing the war-game victory to China. Worse, our irrational, neocon war brain is now demanding Americans “double down,” insisting defense cuts are “off the table.” Yes folks, America loves war; in that mindset, we will take on trillions new debt, even go down in flames.

Powerful new war strategy: China’s army of “cyber-attack” hackers

Suddenly, Sofge’s thriller exposes China’s fabulous new high-tech strategy: “Until the Nimitz arrives, it’s up to Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, 400 miles northeast of Taiwan, to defend the island. By 0515 hours, Air Force pilots are taking off in 40 F-15E fighters … airborne when Kadena comes under attack.

Error messages begin popping up on computer screens. Modern air defense systems share sensor information but this connection is going to become a liability. An army of hackers operating throughout China swarms the base’s networks, tying up communications with gibberish and cluttering the digital screens of radar operators with phony and conflicting data.”

Future wars: New “army” of hackers, tech geeks, game players, search-engine geniuses. Today Chinese compete with Google, X-Box, Facebook. Later they’re China’s cyber warriors, trained by China’s war-loving generals. The Pentagon knows: They’ll add trillions to our budgets, taxes and deficits, preparing for future wars. Forget cuts.

Hackers score many victories disabling Taiwan: “Early-warning satellites detect the infrared bloom of 25 ballistic missiles launched from the Chinese mainland. Five detonate in orbit, shredding American communication and imaging satellites … partially blinds U.S. forces.” So much for all that money wasted on a satellite defense system.

The pace of Sofge’s thriller accelerates like the final swift dogfight in “Top Gun:” China’s “20 remaining missiles re-enter the atmosphere over Okinawa … Kadena’s Patriot batteries fire missiles … but they are off-network … in disarray. Ten missiles are struck by multiple interceptors … equal number slip through … hit Kadena. … GPS-guided warheads contain bomblets … crater the base’s two runways … air-bursts devastating barracks, radar arrays and hangars … F-15s on the way … F-22 stealth fighters now cannot land on the bases shattered runways … Kadena’s satellites gone, the Nimitz and its flotilla of eight escorts … Aegis-guided missile destroyers … submarines … steaming toward an enemy possessing one of the world’s largest submarine fleets … an arsenal of land-, air- and sea-launched anti-ship missiles.”

Want more? Read Sofge’s “China’s Secret War Plan” thriller in the December 2010 Popular Mechanics. See how America could lose WWIII to China … in less than a day.

But Sofge hedges: “Chances are that a war between China and the United States will not happen in 2015, or at any other time. Under normal circumstances, a war for Taiwan would simply be too costly for either side to wage, especially given the chance of nuclear escalation. But circumstances are not always normal.”

In fact, history tells us wars are never “normal,” always unpredictable. Imagine this new cyber war, with an “army of Chinese hackers” beating America’s high-tech and very high-cost military.

China vs. USA, WWIII. Too costly? That never stops nations. Especially when leaders on both sides have macho egos, love war, act irrational. Add up China’s new stealth bomber, the deterioration of America ego losing those Pentagon war games and a resurgence of neocon war-loving politicians and you have to conclude that taxpayers will keep spending trillions preparing for the next global war, years in advance.

If not with China in 2015, then with some other boogeyman lurking the dark shadows of our collective brains, bad guys that will dominate the thinking of military generals for decades to come, for as the Bush Pentagon put it: “By 2020, warfare will define human life.”

So to be ever-vigilant, we’ll spend trillions, prepare for anything, anyone, anytime. Why? We love war!


I came downstairs this morning to a horrific murder scene. There on the family room floor was the lifeless body of goldie, our priceless 3 year old goldfish won at a local fair through the herculian efforts of one of my sons throwing a ping pong ball into his bowl. He had survived countless days of us ignoring him and forgetting to feed him. He learned to survive eating his own shit. But he never learned to live outside his tank, the poor bastard.

It seems our two cats had formulated a master plan. They would hover above his tank for hours watching his every move. They were always drinking the water in his tank. We thought it was harmless, so we ignored it. Little did we know it was part of their murderous plans. In retrospect, it seems so obvious. They eventually drank the water down to a level where escape was futile. Then under the cover of darkness, they attacked. I have concluded that Cookie was the lookout and Smokey committed the dastardly deed. Both are denying all involvement and claim that goldie leapt to his death on his own. They have both lawyered up.


Smokey claims it was Colonel Mustard.

The saddest part of this story is that Avalon will never experience the joy of transporting goldie to the shore or her mother’s house again. She would utilize an old lemonade container for these trips. Once while coming home from the shore she thought goldie needed more air, so she took the lid off the container. As she was turning to get on I-95, the bowl tipped over and goldie went under the car seat. Avalon pulled over and tried to find him to no avail. She gave him up for dead, but he flopped out and she was able to put him in the 2 inches of water left in the container. When we went on our cruise, she used the same container to transport him to her mother’s house and it fell over and broke, spilling most of the water. Now you know why I don’t like to drive in our minivan.

So ends the sad story of Goldie the goldfish. RIP

SMOOT-HAWLEY REDUX (Featured Article)

This article originally appeared in the November 2010 edition of the Casey Report.

As the Greater Depression continues along a parallel pathway with the Great Depression of the 1930s, Congress is about to commit the same blunder it made in 1930. The rocket scientists in the House of Representatives in September passed the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act, which aims to crack down on Chinese currency manipulation by targeting imports from China and other countries with currencies that are perceived to be undervalued.

The vote was 348 to 79, with more than 100 Republicans voting in favor of the bill. It died in the Senate before the mid-term elections, but Representative Sander Levin, Representative Tim Ryan and Representative Tim Murphy are expected to reintroduce the bill when the House returns in February from a congressional district work break. Senators Shumer and Casey are also planning legislation to punish the Chinese for unfair trade practices.

The head rocket scientist, Nancy Pelosi, declared:

“For so many years, we have watched the China-U.S. trade deficit grow and grow and grow. Today, we are finally doing something about it by recognizing that China’s manipulation of the currency represents a subsidy for Chinese exports coming to the United States and elsewhere. We owe that to American workers.”

This legislation is part of the Democrats’ “Make It in America” initiative that endeavors to increase domestic manufacturing and creating new American jobs. In classic congressional fashion, they are attempting to pass a bill that will make them look good in the eyes of their constituents, but will exacerbate already dangerous world trade imbalances.

You can count on Congress to pander to unions, protectionists, and America Firsters with hollow legislation, when 40 years of bad decisions, bad policies, and bad choices placed us in this situation. When you have made legislative choices that will require the U.S. government to borrow another $6 trillion in the next four years and you already owe someone $868 billion, it is not a good idea to punch them in the nose.

The U.S. is running an annual trade deficit exceeding $500 billion per year. It has not run an annual trade surplus since 1975. The trade deficit peaked at $769 billion in 2006, subtracting 5.7% from GDP. The enormous trade deficits are a result of government spending policies, Federal Reserve monetary policies, and corporate outsourcing that have gutted the industrial base of the U.S. These policies resulted in personal consumption expenditures surging from 62% of GDP in 1970, to 71% of GDP in 2009.

The trade deficits are not the fault of the countries selling goods to American consumers. Trade subtracted 3.5% from growth in April through June, the most since 1947, as imports surged at the fastest pace since 1984.

The trade deficit with China reached a record level in August of $28 billion, as imports skyrocketed. The U.S. is on track to exceed the 2008 record trade deficit with China of $268 billion. The facts that you don’t hear from the protectionist crowd is that exports to China are on track to reach $84 billion in 2010, 20% higher than the previous peak in 2008. Exports to China have increased by 525% since 2000, while imports from China have increased by 340%. The storyline about China not allowing U.S. imports into their country is false. Putting tariffs or quotas on goods coming from China will not create jobs in America and will only deepen and lengthen the current depression, just as it did in the 1930s.

Protectionism During the Great Depression

The complete collapse of worldwide trade during the 1930s, with its root in trade protectionism, did not cause the Great Depression, but it certainly didn’t help. In 1929, exports totaled $5.9 billion and accounted for 5.7% of GDP. By 1933, exports had plunged to $2.0 billion and accounted for only 3.5% of GDP. Imports plummeted by an equal amount. Global trade declined by 60% as tariffs were imposed and retaliation created a downward spiral. The U.S. provoked the trade war with the passage of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act.

Senators Reed Smoot and Willis C. Hawley sponsored the bill, and it was signed into law on June 17, 1930, by Herbert Hoover. It raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to the highest levels since 1828. The new tariff imposed an effective tax rate of 60% on more than 3,200 products and materials imported into the United States, quadrupling previous tariff rates. According to the U.S. Statistical Abstract, the overall effective tariff rate was 13.5% in 1929 and 19.8% by 1933.

It seems politicians never change. During the 1928 presidential campaign, Herbert Hoover promised to help beleaguered farmers by increasing tariffs on agricultural products. After getting elected, Hoover asked Congress for an increase of tariff rates for agricultural goods and a decrease of rates for industrial goods. The Republican-dominated House and Senate did him one better and increased tariffs across the board.

In May 1930, a petition was signed by 1,028 economists asking President Hoover to veto the legislation. Henry Ford begged him to veto the legislation. Hoover opposed the bill and called it “vicious, extortionate, and obnoxious” because he felt it would undercut his pledge to international cooperation. Then he proved that he was a standard-issue weak-kneed politician by signing the bill. Hoover’s initial instinct proved correct. The international community levied their own tariffs in retaliation after the bill became law. Canada, Britain, and other European countries immediately imposed their own tariffs. World trade came to a grinding halt.

Germany, with its war reparations, was particularly vulnerable to this contraction. Ironically, the U.S. was the lender to the world during the 1920s. American lending propped up the entire world economy. Former allies paid war-debt installments to the U.S. chiefly with funds obtained from German reparations payments, and Germany was able to make those payments only because of large private loans from the U.S. and Britain. Similarly, U.S. investments abroad provided the dollars, which alone made it possible for foreign nations to buy U.S. exports.

By killing world trade with the Smoot-Hawley tariffs, the U.S. shot itself in the foot and contributed to worsening the Depression in Germany. This inadvertently led to the rise of Hitler. Talk about unintended consequences.

Decades of Bad Choices

Blustering politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are attempting to ram through populist legislation in order to appear to be on the side of the American people. The Treasury secretary of the United States has declared China a currency manipulator. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao responded in kind:

“If we increase the Yuan by 20% to 40%, as some people are calling for, many of our factories will shut down and society will be in turmoil. If China saw social and economic turbulence, then it would be a disaster for the world.”

They are playing a high-stakes game of chicken, and the ante is much higher than it was in 1930. Exports account for 12.5% of our GDP today, versus 5.7% prior to the Great Depression.

The United States was a net exporter when the 1970s started. Our enormous trade deficits, which subtract from GDP, were not imposed on us by foreign countries. We are in this predicament because we made appalling choices.

We chose to allow the Federal Reserve to inflate away 95% of the purchasing power of the USD since 1971. We chose to elect politicians that have driven the national debt from $371 billion in 1970 to $13.6 trillion today. We chose to support “free trade” legislation that allowed corporate CEOs to gut our industrial base and ship good-paying jobs to China, while filling the pockets of these executives with millions. We chose to spend rather than save and invest in our country. We chose to become a consumer debt-centered society, relishing in the cheap goods we could buy from China on credit. We chose low prices at Walmart over small-business owners and sustainable domestic production of goods. Decades of bad choices cannot be reversed through taxation, tariffs, and quotas.

The Chinese have pegged their currency to the USD since 1995. For a decade, the U.S. was just fine with the peg, as American consumers got cheap goods, American corporations reaped huge profits from outsourcing, and banks raked in billions by lending money to everyone. Now that we have entered the Greater Depression, the finger pointing and accusations have begun.

Politicians and the people who elected them want someone to blame for their bad choices. The Chinese are the bogeyman that forced Americans to buy on credit. They forced American corporations to offshore millions of U.S. jobs. If the U.S. had a strong dollar policy, ran surpluses, and lived within its means, the Chinese peg would be meaningless.

U.S. GDP has grown by 335% since 1985. Over this same time frame, exports to China have grown by 1,800%, and imports from China have grown by 7,700%. Do politicians actually believe that imposing 30% tariffs on all Chinese products will magically create new manufacturing jobs in America? The 42,400 factories that have closed since 2001 and the 5.4 million manufacturing jobs lost are not coming back. A 30% upward revaluation of the yuan or 30% tariffs on Chinese products would devastate an economy that is still 70% dependent upon consumer spending. Just as in 1930, protectionist measures would boomerang and smack America in the back of the head.

If the pandering politicians in Washington D.C. are myopic enough to ignore the lessons of the past and start a trade war with China and/or the rest of the world, the possible implications would be:

  • An immediate increase in the prices of goods from China, which would proportionately hurt the lower and middle classes who shop at Walmart.
  • Retaliatory tariffs and protectionist policies by other countries, resulting in a decline in U.S. exports.
  • A net loss of U.S. jobs as the decline in consumer spending-related jobs will far outweigh any benefits to exporting businesses.
  • A decrease in world trade, resulting in a deepening of the current worldwide depression.
  • Possible unintended consequences similar to what happened in Germany after the hyperinflationary collapse of their currency (dictators, war, chaos).

The investment implications of trade barriers, tariffs, quantitative easing, and currency debasement are clear. Gold, silver, and virtually all commodities are likely to soar in this environment. To find out how to profit from this certain trend, check out Casey Research’s BIG GOLD REPORT.


Well RE is going to get his wish. His friend at Automatic Earth is going to debate Gonzalo Lira regarding whether we are headed for a deflationary or inflationary crash. Does it really matter at the end of the day? A crash is a crash. If Bernanke was not printing at hyper-speed we would have experienced a deflationary crash already. If he continues to print and ramps it up, we will experience an inflationary crash. It sucks either way. Here is a link to the site.

It’s on Thursday, Feb. 10, at 9pm EST. The link is here:

Maybe I should charge $45 to watch me thrash Smokey and SSS like rag dolls about Boomers destroying the world.


Where is the United States headed?

• A 1930s-style deflationary depression?

• Or a Weimar-style hyperinflationary crisis?


For the first time ever, two of the most prominent writers on this issue will face one another in a live online debate, to be held on Thursday, February 10, 2011.

NICOLE FOSS, a.k.a. “STONELEIGH” at The Automatic Earth, ranks among the most prominent of the deflationists. She maintains that the ongoing contraction of jobs and overall income in the US will lead us into a sustained deflationary depression. Consequently—and in direct contradiction to the advice of hyperinflationists such as Lira—Foss strongly recommends Americans stay liquid in US Dollars and avoid going into any debt. As jobs and many businesses disappear, Foss foresees a crash in the money supply, leaving most people without cash or credit, and a minority hoarding the little that remains.

GONZALO LIRA has emerged as one of the web’s most high-profile hyperinflationists. Drawing on personal experience from Chile in the early 1970’s, Lira says the same hyperinflationary crisis will soon take place in the United States, due to the massive oversupply of debased U.S. dollars chasing after a finite supply of tangibles. He argues that Americans would be well-advised to structure their investments and their own personal lives in anticipation of a rapid and stunning hyperinflation.

This live online debate will be moderated by Jay Carter of Financial Survival Radio.

Stoneleigh & Lira will be taking audience questions—live. Attendees are advised to have a microphone attached to their computer, in order to ask spoken questions in the live Q&A, though written questions will also be taken.

DATE & TIME: Thursday, Febrary 10, 2010 beginning at 9:00 PM EST


Live, 9pm EST, February 10, 2011.

It’s clear that some type of economic depression is coming to the United States and to much of the rest of the world. In many ways, it has already begun.

Deflation vs. Hyperinflation

It’s clear that some type of economic depression is coming to the United States and to much of the rest of the world. In many ways, it has already begun.

Where is the United States headed?

• A 1930s-style deflationary depression?

• Or a Weimar-style hyperinflationary crisis?


For the first time ever, two of the most prominent writers on this issue will face one another in a
live online debate, to be held on Thursday, February 10, 2011.Stoneleigh & Lira will be taking audience questions—live. Attendees are advised to have a microphone attached to their computer, in order to ask spoken questions in the live Q&A, though written questions will also be taken.

DATE & TIME: Thursday, Febrary 10, 2010 beginning at 9:00 PM EST

COST:  $45 Add to Cart View Cart

NICOLE FOSS, a.k.a. “STONELEIGH” at The Automatic Earth, ranks among the most prominent of the deflationists. She maintains that the ongoing contraction of jobs and overall income in the US will lead us into a sustained deflationary depression. Consequently—and in direct contradiction to the advice of hyperinflationists such as Lira—Foss strongly recommends Americans stay liquid in US Dollars and avoid going into any debt. As jobs and many businesses disappear, Foss foresees a crash in the money supply, leaving most people without cash or credit, and a minority hoarding the little that remains.

GONZALO LIRA has emerged as one of the web’s most high-profile hyperinflationists. Drawing on personal experience from Chile in the early 1970’s, Lira says the same hyperinflationary crisis will soon take place in the United States, due to the massive oversupply of debased U.S. dollars chasing after a finite supply of tangibles. He argues that Americans would be well-advised to structure their investments and their own personal lives in anticipation of a rapid and stunning hyperinflation.

This live online debate will be moderated by Jay Carter


Live, 9pm EST, February 10, 2011.

REGISTER HERE:   Add to Cart View Cart  


I just found out that I was born in the Year of the Rabbit – 1963. As you can see below, I’m reasonably friendly. SSS and Smokey can vouch for that. In honor of the Year of the Rabbit, I’ve included the most famous rabbit scene in movie history.

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2011 is the Year of the Golden Rabbit, which begins on February 3, 2011 and ends on January 22, 2012.  The Rabbit is the fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 animals signs.  The Rabbit is a lucky sign.  Rabbits are private individuals and a bit introverted.  People born in the Year of the Rabbit are reasonably friendly individuals who enjoy the company of a group of good friends.  They are good teachers, counselors and communicators, but also need their own space.

According to Chinese tradition, the Rabbit brings a year in which you can catch your breath and calm your nerves.  It is a time for negotiation.  Don’t try to force issues, because if you do you will ultimately fail.  To gain the greatest benefits from this time, focus on home, family, security, diplomacy, and your relationships with women and children.   Make it a goal to create a safe, peaceful lifestyle, so you will be able to calmly deal with any problem that may arise.


Today is February 1. As everyone knows, it is the start of Black History Month. Amazingly, this has been going on since I was in Catholic grade school, 37 years ago. I probably didn’t get the irony of going to school with 1,000 other white kids spread across 8 grades, with not a black kid to be found, and us celebrating Black History Month. It always involved writing some sort of report about a famous black person. In a grade with 100 kids you would end up with 35 reports on Martin Luther King, 30 reports on Harriet Tubmann, 20 reports on George Washington Carver, and 15 reports on the dude that discovered plasma and then died in a car accident because the white hospital wouldn’t give a black dude plasma (I forget the dude’s name).

What month is White History Month? I’m pushing hard for Irish History Month. Kids could write about the inventor of irish whiskey, how to blow up an English Protestant, 1,000 uses for a potato, is there really an Irish curse, why does cabbage smell like shit.

In honor of Black History Month, I think we should post a tribute to a different black person every day of the month. I would like Smokey to lead off.  

Black Chef Defends “Racist” Lunch Menu

An African-American chef is fighting back against allegations of racism for her choice of a Soul Food lunch menu celebrating Black History Month. 

The controversy started last Thursday after a cellphone pic of the NBC commissary menu was taken by Jimmy Fallon Show drummer, Questlove. Titled “In Honor of Black History Month,” the lunch offered fried chicken, collard greens, and other delicacies associated with African-Americans. The Roots drummer tweeted the pic to his followers, implying that Human Resources should investigate the issue for possible racism. 

Racist? Racist? 

The pic was quickly re-twittered by thousands of Questlove’s followers and soon broke into the mainstream news. In a few hours, NBC took down the questionable sign and issued an apology. 

“The month of February is Black History Month,” explains NBC chef Leslie Calhoun, “so we [at the NBC commissary] have always been trying to get something [on the menu in celebration of the month].” After getting the ok from the Head Chef, a trial menu was tested last year with great success. 

This year, Calhoun was given the right to choose NBC’s lunch menu for Black History Month, and selected food that “people would enjoy eating, as well as what I would personally eat.” 

Calhoun is also worried that, after fighting for 8 years to get the right to pick the menu for Black History Month, the controversy may prevent her from doing so next year. 


Now that Calhoun has spoken out, Questlove has backed off his militant posturing. “i think I need a twitter break. i done started something. and now I must put out fire,” he twittered after the news broke.


AMERICAN EULOGY (Featured Article)

The Founding Fathers described the kind of country they were shaping on July 4, 1776 with the most well known sentence in the English language:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Declaration of Independence

In 1776, America was an idea born of noble intentions. An idea that every citizen had the opportunity to succeed, prosper and achieve based upon their hard work and abilities. The government did not provide advantages or a safety net for its citizens. People were free to succeed or fail based upon their own merits. America had a frontier spirit because it was still a frontier. Individual effort, intellect and willingness to sweat allowed you to move up the socio-economic ladder. The government provided a National Defense, and very little else. In 1794, the country had a population of 4.4 million and a GDP of $310 million. Government spending totaled $7.1 million, or 2.3% of GDP, and was split between Defense and interest on the Revolutionary War debt. Today, Federal Government spending totals $3.7 trillion, or 25% of GDP.

James Truslow Adams in his 1931 Epic of America described the America that once existed in reality, but only exists as a phantom today: 

“The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, also too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.”

“The American Dream that has lured tens of millions of all nations to our shores in the past century has not been a dream of material plenty, though that has doubtlessly counted heavily. It has been a dream of being able to grow to fullest development as a man and woman, unhampered by the barriers which had slowly been erected in the older civilizations, unrepressed by social orders which had developed for the benefit of classes rather than for the simple human being of any and every class.” – James Truslow Adams – Epic of America

His assessment of the American Dream was made in 1931. He saw signs that the American Dream had begun to die. He was right. The American Dream began to develop a terminal illness in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve and the passage of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, creating a permanent income tax.

Song of the Century

Sing us a song of the century
It sings like American Eulogy
The dawn of my love and conspiracy
Forgotten hope and the class of 13
Tell me a story into that goodnight
Sing us a song for me – 
American Eulogy – Green Day


At the outset of the last century America was still a vital, free, growing country on the rise. The song of the century began as a joyous ballad and ended as a funeral dirge. The creation of a Central Bank, which could create inflation on demand, and allowing politicians the ability to buy votes through pork spending, paid for with ever increasing taxation, have sucked the life out of the American Dream. According to the Federal Reserve’s own website, their mandates were clear. Below are those mandates and an assessment of their success.

Conducting the nation’s monetary policy by influencing the monetary and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.

  •  Due to loose monetary policy in the 1920’s, the Federal Reserve created a stock bubble, a stock market crash of 89%, a decade long Great Depression, and unemployment of 25% in the 1930’s.
  • Due to loose monetary policies in the 1970’s, the Federal Reserve created raging inflation that reached 14% in the early 1980’s and needed to raise interest rates to 18% in order to break the back of inflation, resulting in unemployment surging to 9.7% in 1982.
  • Due to loose monetary policies in the early 2000’s, the Federal Reserve created the largest housing bubble in history, with the subsequent collapse bringing the financial system to within hours of collapse, and driving unemployment to 9.9% in 2009.
  • Due to the loosest monetary policy in history, today, inflation has begun to rage across the globe, leading to riots, protests and bloody revolutions, with more on the way.
  • The Federal Reserve has achieved their stable prices mandate by inflating away 96% of the purchasing power of the US dollar in less than 100 years. The price of gold continues to soar, as faith in the US dollar diminishes by the minute. I guess stability is in the eye of the beholder. 

Supervising and regulating banking institutions to ensure the safety and soundness of the nation’s banking and financial system and to protect the credit rights of consumers.

Historical US Bank Failures thru 2010

  •  The Federal Reserve’s supervisory and regulatory expertise can be observed in the graph above. This graph doesn’t do the Fed justice, as it begins in 1934. Sixteen years after its origination, the Fed managed to let 10,000 out of 25,000 banks in the country fail between 1929 and 1932.
  • Their glorious history also includes residing over the failure of 2,800 banks during the 1980’s S&L crisis.
  • While protecting their mega-bank Wall Street masters, the Fed has allowed over 300 small banks to go under so far. There are 900 banks on the troubled list that will eventually meet their maker.  

Maintaining the stability of the financial system and containing systemic risk that may arise in financial markets.

  • Generally, maintaining the stability of the financial system and containing systematic risk doesn’t include allowing the worldwide financial system to come within hours of collapse as described by Rep. Paul Kanjorski:
  • “On Thursday [the 18th], at about 11 o’clock in the morning, the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous drawdown of money market accounts in the United States to a tune of $550 billion being drawn out in a matter of an hour or two. The Treasury opened up its window to help. They pumped $105 billion into the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks.

    They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts, and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn’t be further panic and there. And that’s what actually happened. If they had not done that their estimation was that by two o’clock that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.

    Now we talked at that time about what would have happened if that happened. It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it.”

Providing financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions, including playing a major role in operating the nation’s payments system.

  • It seems this is the only mandate the Federal Reserve has taken seriously is providing services to its owners, the banks. Did the bankers and politicians that met on Jekyll Island to mastermind this Central Bank envision that those services would include: buying $1.5 trillion of toxic mortgages from the banks; allowing the mega-banks to borrow from the Fed at 0% and reinvest those funds at 2.5% risk free; pumping $600 billion directly into the stock market through their QE2 scam; allowing banks to falsely overstate the value of their mortgage and commercial loans; and never ever enforcing basic risk management regulations.
  • While providing Wall Street banks with billions of unearned risk free profits, 0% interest rates further impoverish the savers and senior citizens of the country. The Federal Reserve has fulfilled their unstated mandate of enriching bankers at the expense of middle class Americans.  

To strengthen U.S. standing in the world economy.

  • The Federal Reserve’s affect on the world economy is best revealed in a pictorial tribute to their policies:




The Federal Reserve has not been alone in killing the American Dream. Politicians since 1913 have done their part in suffocating the dream. The tax code consisted of 400 pages in 1913 and tax rates ranged from 1% to 7%. In less than a century politicians of both parties have carved out 70,000 pages of payoffs, entitlements, and bribes for their contributors and constituents. Tax rates now range from 10% to 35%. Those 70,000 pages of rules, regulations and tax breaks do not benefit the average middle class American. They benefit those who had the money and power to buy off a Congressman.

The Federal Reserve and the US Tax Code bastardized the American Dream, created barriers to economic advancement, and supported the accumulation of wealth and power by a select few. The ruling elite have used their power and control over the media to convince the majority of Americans that the American Dream is about accumulating material possessions with debt. The American Dream no longer meant attaining the fullest measure of your capabilities, but living in the biggest McMansion, driving the nicest BMW, watching the biggest TV and wearing the latest fashions, all acquired with debt. America is dying. 

Mass Hysteria

Red alert is the color of panic
Elevated to the point of static
Beating into the hearts of the fanatics
And the neighborhood’s a loaded gun
Idle thought lead to full-throttle screaming
And the welfare is asphyxiating
Mass confusion is all the new age and it’s creating a feeding ground for the bottom feeders of hysteria

Hysteria, mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria!
Mass hysteria! –  American Eulogy – Green Day


Green Day captures the essence of America since the turn of the century. The country has been in the throes of mass hysteria since 9/11. The once independent, self sufficient individualists that populated this country have become dependent, government reliant, quivering shadows of the frontiersmen that created this country. In the name of safety and security, the American people have allowed their government to accumulate complete control over every aspect of our lives. Only a country in the grip of mass hysteria would allow their leaders to run the National Debt from $5.8 trillion to $14.1 trillion in less than 10 years. Only a country in the clutches of mass hysteria could believe they could get rich by trading internet stocks and houses to a greater fool. Only a country seized by mass hysteria would allow its leaders to promote democracy at the point of a cruise missile as we continue to fight $3 trillion wars in the Middle East, while nearly tripling the amount spent on Defense to more than $1 trillion per year.

 Defense Budget Breakdown for 2011

Defense-related expenditure 2011 Budget request & Mandatory spending Calculation
DOD spending $721.3 billion Base budget + “Overseas Contingency Operations”
FBI counter-terrorism $2.7 billion At least one-third FBI budget.
International Affairs $10.1–$54.2 billion At minimum, foreign arms sales. At most, entire State budget
Energy Department, defense-related $20.9 billion  
Veterans Affairs $66.2 billion  
Homeland Security $54.7 billion  
NASA, satellites $3.4–$8.5 billion Between 20% and 50% of NASA’s total budget
Veterans pensions $58.4 billion  
Other defense-related mandatory spending $7.5 billion  
Interest on debt incurred in past wars $114.8–$454.2 billion Between 23% and 91% of total interest
Total Spending $1.060–$1.449 trillion  


If you had told someone on September 10, 2001 that ten years later America would be running $1.5 trillion annual deficits, fighting two wars of choice in countries that despise our presence, and had not only not addressed the $100 billion of unfunded welfare liabilities but added billions more with Medicare D and Obamacare, they would have thought you were a crazy doomster predicting the end of the world. They would have put you away in a padded cell if you had further predicted that politicians would cut taxes three separate times, that the Wall Street banks that leveraged themselves 40 to 1 and destroyed the financial system were handed $2 trillion of taxpayer funds so they could pay themselves multi-million dollar bonuses, and that the Federal Reserve would triple its balance sheet to $2.45 trillion by running its printing presses at hyper-speed and handing the money to those same Wall Street Mega-Banks. 

What caused the mass hysteria that has destroyed the soul of America? Was it just the madness of crowds? Or was it something more sinister? 

True sounds of maniacal laughter
And the deaf-mute is misleading the choir
The punch-line is a natural disaster
And it’s sung by the unemployed
Fight fire with a riot
The class war is hanging on a wire because the martyr is a compulsive liar
When he said “it’s just a bunch of niggers throwing gas into the ….” – American Eulogy – Green Day

Whenever an act doesn’t make sense and seems irrational, you need to ask yourself, “who benefits?” Who has benefitted from the hysteria? The answer is in plain sight. The moneyed interests benefitted. The military industrial complex benefitted. The Federal Government bureaucracy benefitted. Wall Street bankers benefitted. Mega-corporations and their CEOs benefitted. The top 1% ruling elite gained more wealth and more power. They created the mass hysteria with the assistance of their corporate owned mainstream media and completed their pillaging of the middle class with the cooperation of regulators, rating agencies and their ultimate weapon, the privately owned Federal Reserve bank, that has enriched its owners while impoverishing those whose only aspiration was to do an honest day’s work, raise their families, and live in relative comfort, safety, and happiness.

I Don’t Wanna Live In The Modern World

I don’t wanna live in the modern world!
I don’t wanna live in the modern world!
I don’t wanna live in the modern world!
I don’t wanna live in the modern world!

I am a nation without bureaucratic lies
Deny the allegation as it’s written (fucking lies!)

I want to take a ride to the great divide
Beyond the “up to date” and the neo-gentrified
The high definition for the low resident
Where the value of your mind is not held in contempt
I can hear the sound of a beating heart
That bleeds beyond a system that’s falling apart
With money to burn on a minimum wage
I don’t give a shit about the modern age – American Eulogy – Green Day


The modern world in no way resembles the world  James Truslow Adams wrote so passionately about in 1931. Green Day’s version of bureaucratic lies, high definition TVs for the poor, contempt for those who use their minds, and a debt flooded system that is falling apart is an accurate assessment of America today. The modern world is ruled by the few with wealth and power, sustained by government. The misinformation and propaganda dished out by the mainstream media creates a smokescreen that obscures who wields the true power in this country. The corporate mainstream media has done such a good job spreading the Big Lie that a vast number of Americans actually admire and worship the ultra-rich.

Most Americans still believe the fairy tale of the American Dream, that no matter how humble your beginnings, everyone has a fair chance to become rich in America. The truth is that the wealthy ruling class owns the country. The top 1% control 43% of the financial wealth of the nation. The top 10% control 83% of the financial wealth of the nation. There is a  misperception that the ultra-rich earn their wealth. The facts show otherwise. In 2008, only 19% of the income reported by the 13,480 individuals or families making over $10 million came from wages and salaries. Remember the financial crisis of 2008-2009 that wiped out 7 million jobs, cut the value of many homes in half, and required a taxpayer bailout of Wall Street? According to research done by economist Edward Wolff, “there has been an “astounding” 36.1% drop in the wealth (marketable assets) of the median household since the peak of the housing bubble in 2007. By contrast, the wealth of the top 1% of households dropped by far less: just 11.1%. So as of April 2010, it looks like the wealth distribution is even more unequal than it was in 2007.”

Source: William Domhoff

The bottom 90% own less than 19% of stocks and mutual funds in the country. Reality is that the 10% richest Americans own the country. The top 1% control 50% of the investment assets and only 5% of the total debt in the country. The bottom 90% control 12% of the investment assets and are burdened with 73% of the total debt. You can clearly see that the Wall Street bailout and the current Federal Reserve QE2 plan to boost stock prices have only benefitted the top 10% richest Americans. What is good for Wall Street is  not good for Main Street. The American middle class has been lured into debt by the purveyors of debt, the ultra-rich elite who control the financial industry. The further into debt the bottom 90% descend, the greater the enrichment of the ruling class. This is why Wall Street shysters, political hacks and the corporate mainstream media have urged Americans to whip out those credit cards and “Save America” by spending money they don’t have, again. It is reminiscent of President Bush’s heartfelt plea to the American public to defeat terrorism by buying a GM car with 0% down.

The propaganda that is constantly pounded into the brains of Americans about “death taxes” and the rich paying more than their fair share of taxes is part of the Big Lie perpetrated by the powerful ruling class. The “huge” issue of estate tax impacts only the few thousand richest Americans.  According to a study published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, only 1.6% of Americans receive $100,000 or more in inheritance. Another 1.1% receive $50,000 to $100,000. On the other hand, 91.9% receive nothing (Kotlikoff & Gokhale, 2000). The richest families in the country provide the funding for the mainstream media propaganda needed to eliminate estate taxes.

 The lies about the ultra-rich paying more than their fair share of taxes are refuted in the graph above. The top 1% actually pays a lower percentage of their income than the next 9%. The tax code isn’t 70,000 pages for nothing. The ultra-rich have used their wealth to great advantage by having loopholes and tax dodges inserted into the tax code by their bought off congressmen. The average American can’t afford high powered tax specialists and lawyers to help them stash their wealth in off-shore tax havens in the Caribbean and Switzerland. The consistent theme in America today is that the middle class gets screwed and the ultra-rich ruling class accumulates more wealth and power.

The Death of America

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” – John Adams

Two hundred and thirty five years ago, our Founding Fathers declared that we all had the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These rights have been restricted and bastardized over two centuries. Liberties have been severely restricted as your government tracks you through your social security number, is able to monitor your phone and internet communications, and regulates your education, healthcare, business, and a thousand other daily activities. The right to happiness was based upon James Treslow Adams’ view that we were free to attain “the fullest stature of which they are innately capable”. The happiness of becoming a success through your individual exertion, intelligence and efforts has been subverted by the happiness of material goods acquired through the use of debt, peddled by the ruling class.

The American Dream where every person had the opportunity to live a richer and fuller life began to die in 1913. Every generation born in this country had an excellent chance to live a better life than their parents. Relentless progress was the American way. I have three teenage sons. Based on the actions of this country’s ruling oligarchy, I doubt that my sons will live a richer and fuller life than myself. The debts are too extreme, the military overreach too excessive, the looting by the financial class too great, the political corruption too extensive, and the opportunities too few. The dream of a social order where everyone could rise to the highest level of their capabilities regardless of their birth has been systematically squashed. With 66% of households making less than $65,000 and college costs out of reach for 80% of Americans without incurring crushing levels of debt, the chances for most Americans to climb the social ladder through educational advancement are nil. Even if they do graduate from college, the CEOs in corporate America, who “earn” 300 times the average worker, have outsourced their jobs to China and India.

 The ruling class provides their children with private schooling and necessary preparation to keep their place in the social order. Wealth begets wealth. The elite send their kids to the elite Ivy League schools and use their connections with their fellow ruling elite to get them jobs on Wall Street, the prestigious connected corporations or government jobs in Washington DC. The wealth of the few has erected barriers to advancement of the many. America has progressively become a stratified class oriented society that has begun to spiral downward as the ruling class has gone too far. The revolutions flaring across the globe are occurring because the ruling class went too far and took too much. The ruling class in America should take note. They have shattered the American Dream and the retribution from those who have been swindled will be unexpected and violent.

ALL YOU ZOMBIES (Oldie but Goodie)

With the events of the last week pushing the world further into Crisis, I thought this November 2009 article would be appropriate to rerun. I’m finalizing an article that I hope will be a bookend to this piece.


The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.  The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.  So the LORD said, “I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.”  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. – Genesis 6

Everyone is familiar with the story of Noah. God was angry at the evil and wickedness of mankind. God instructed Noah to build an ark in order to save his family and two of each animal on earth from the coming flood. Noah could have ignored God’s warning and continued to live his life as before. By heeding God’s warning and building the ark, Noah was able to save himself, his family, and two of every animal from death and destruction. The warning signs regarding the current American Crisis have been discernible since the 1990’s. The un-sustainability of the government’s fiscal social guarantees, the inevitability of peak cheap oil, and the policing of a far flung empire with troops in 130 countries, were all known during the 1990’s. Americans had swelled their use of debt since 1980 and had not saved enough for their looming retirement years. The culture wars fractured the country. Just like a squirrel prepares for winter by collecting acorns and storing them in his nest, Americans had an opportunity to prepare for the coming winter. Instead we squandered the remaining days of autumn, ignoring our monetary problems, buying $45,000 SUVs, borrowing at 125% of the value of overpriced McMansions, initiating wars of choice, expanding our empire and enlarging our police state.

We had the power to influence history in a positive manner. Appropriate preparation could have lessened the impact of the long cold hard days ahead. Some winters are bitter and deadly. Others are mild and harmless. Since most Americans, including our leaders, think linearly they never see the turning of the seasons of history until it is too late. We are currently in the midst of a Fourth Turning, and most people have no clue. With winter approaching, it is always wise to get the heater checked, buy some firewood, make sure the snow plow has gas, store some food and water in case of a blizzard, buy some salt in case of ice, and tune up the car.  

Instead of having their heater tuned up, Americans decided a new kitchen with granite counters and stainless steel appliances paid for with a home equity loan was a better idea. Instead of buying firewood, Americans bought a 52 inch HDTV using their platinum credit card. Instead of making sure the snow plow had gas, Americans outsourced their lawn care and snow removal to illegal immigrants. Instead of storing food and water, Americans decided to spend their money eating out four times per week. Instead of buying salt for an icy winter, Americans bought salt for the rims of their margarita glasses. Instead of tuning up their cars, they leased a new BMW every two years. Bitter winds have begun to blow, dark clouds are on the horizon, and winter has arrived. The country is completely and utterly unprepared.

Only Noah Saw It Coming

All you zombies hide your faces
All you people in the street
All you sittin’ in high places
The pieces gonna fall on you
No one ever spoke to Noah
They all laughed at him instead
Working on his ark, working all by himself
Only Noah saw it coming
Forty days and forty nights
Took his sons and daughters with him
Yeah they were the Israelites –
Hooters – All You Zombies

The Hooters were a Philadelphia rock group from the 1980’s. The first concert I attended was a Hooters performance at the Spectrum. Their music still rings true today. The American zombies had a chance to prepare for the coming Crisis. They instead laughed at Noah. Now the pieces will fall on them. The pieces will fall on the average American and the elitist rulers in Washington and on Wall Street. When Strauss and Howe wrote their book The Fourth Turning in 1997 there was approximately a decade to prepare for the coming Crisis. They warned that the two parties needed to change their messages to prepare the country for the coming winter:

“Yet both parties are also harmfully post-seasonal. In their quest for an ever bigger harvest, Democrats want to remove sacrifice ever further from the public lexicon. They seek entitlements for every victim, including the entire middle class, without caring whether all this guaranteed consumption is sustainable. If Democrats get their way, they would impose huge debts and future taxes on Millennial children. In their quest for ever more individualism, Republicans want to make public authority ever more dysfunctional. They seek to starve all government of revenue and are willing to shut down whole federal agencies to make their point. If Republicans get their way, they would prevent Millennials from forging a positive bond with government and limit the public resources directed toward the care and schooling of the neediest children.”

The Fourth Turning requires personal sacrifice by all Americans and the government must be seen as a high functioning authority that protects its citizens and successfully accomplishes big missions. In the last twelve years, we have done the exact opposite of what was needed to prepare for the Crisis. The two Parties reached a consensus by increasing entitlements for everyone with passage of Medicare Part D, creating a new $15 trillion unfunded liability. George Bush provided rich people with entitlements of lower taxes and middle class entitlements with rebate checks. The banking industry was given free rein to rape the American public and the rest of the world with the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act. Rather than killing or reducing governmental agencies, George Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to greatly expand government by creating the Department of Homeland Security and increasing Defense Spending by 200%. Democratic politicians, with the wholehearted support of George Bush, used their authority over Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and threats against banks to open the mortgage market to people who had no means to actually make a mortgage payment. The two wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost $934 billion since 2003.


In 1997, the United States spent approximately $300 billion annually on Defense related areas. Today, we are spending in excess of $900 billion in those same areas. At the end of 1997, the National Debt was $5.4 trillion. If Congress and the Presidents had chosen to prepare the country for the unavoidable Crisis period of twenty years, they would have scaled back government spending, tackled the Social Security and Medicare train wreck, developed a multi-pronged energy plan, and asked Americans to save. Instead, they pressed their foot to the accelerator as they approached a curve on a mountain road.

Today, the National Debt stands at $12.1 trillion. Our politicians proceeded to saddle us with an additional $6.7 trillion of debt in the space of 12 years, after taking 208 years to accumulate $5.4 trillion of debt. Based on current projections, the National Debt will exceed $25 trillion by 2019. These reckless actions were akin to entering winter by not paying your utility bill for a year, having your windows wide open, not having the oil changed in your car for 10,000 miles, and being two quarts low with your anti-freeze.

Strauss & Howe recommended that the country prepare in the following ways:

  • Prepare values: Forge the consensus and uplift the culture, but don’t expect near-term results.
  • Prepare institutions: Clear the debris and find out what works, but don’t try building anything big.
  • Prepare politics: Define challenges bluntly and stress duties over rights, but don’t attempt reforms that can’t now be accomplished.
  • Prepare society: Require community teamwork to solve local problems, but don’t try this on a national scale.
  • Prepare youth: Treat children as the nation’s highest priority, but don’t do their work for them.
  • Prepare elders: Tell future elders they will need to be more self-sufficient, but don’t attempt deep cuts in benefits to current elders.
  • Prepare the economy: Correct fundamentals, but don’t try to fine tune current performance.
  • Prepare the defense: Expect the worst and prepare to mobilize, but don’t pre-commit to any one response.

Rather than finding common ground and forging alliances, Baby boomer culture warriors upped the ante. The extreme wings of the Democratic and Republican parties gained control of the dialogue. Neo-conservatism has dominated the thinking in the Republican Party while ultra-liberals have dominated the Democratic Party. The culture has deteriorated, with the media perpetuating a nihilistic, selfish, materialistic attitude among the citizens. TV and movies have portrayed lives of the dregs and lowlifes of society as desirable and normal. The lives of washed up rock stars, drugged out TV personalities, vapid housewives, and brainless house flippers passes for entertainment in today’s society. Getting rich by any means necessary has been glorified.

The best and brightest MBA students graduated and trooped off to Wall Street. Working at real companies that produced something became passé. The degeneration of moral, ethical, and cultural standards has made it more likely that a fascist government could gain control during the Crisis. The dysfunction of both the Federal government and state and local governments have dramatically reduced the trust level of the American public in these institutions. During a Crisis, public faith in government is necessary for swift decisive action. With an approval rating of 26%, Congress is more despised than Osama bin Laden.

The politicians who have chosen to lie to the American people and not face up to the national problems of deficits, unfunded promises, and peak oil, have set the country up for a cataclysmic Crisis. The only statesmen who have spoken candidly about the coming Crisis have been David Walker and Ron Paul.

“Washington has charged everything to the nation’s credit card – engaging in tax cuts and spending increases without paying for them. Washington’s imprudent, unethical and even immoral behavior is facilitated by a lack of transparency.  While the US government is too big to fail, continuing on our current path will have adverse implications for our economy and international standing. The sooner Washington acts, the better. Our country, children and grandchildren deserve no less.”    David Walker – 9/2008

“We’re indeed stuck between a rock and a hard place, and we don’t talk about how we got here; we talk about how we are going to patch it up. The solutions proposed so far – stimulus packages, bailouts and interest rate cuts – just amount to printing more money, which will lead to greater currency devaluation, contribute to the rising cost of living, and further squeeze the middle class and our senior citizens.”  Ron Paul – 8/2008

A candid discussion of these issues has been avoided at all costs by the cowards who crawl around the halls of Congress. Politicians had a chance to stem the downward slide of cynicism, apathy, and disgust with government. They failed miserably. As the Crisis deepens, Americans will turn to those who told the truth. It is a small list.

Society needed to prepare our youth for the test that awaited them during the Crisis. Civic duty, teamwork, and a sense of community needed to be encouraged by adults in our youth. The Millenials (Hero generation) will be the generation on the front lines during this Crisis. The youth of today have been coddled, protected, and have not been required to participate in community efforts. Government efforts such as No Child Left Behind have been failures, as school districts concern themselves with bureaucratic test results and bringing the poor students up to average rather than giving added support to the truly outstanding students. Overall performance of students has continued to decline. Selfish narcissistic Boomer parents have concerned themselves with materialistic trinkets and their own self actualization rather than sacrifice for their children’s future. Our youth are entering the Crisis unprepared for the harsh winter.

The youngest Boomers reached the 50’s in 1997. Government leaders needed to prepare the Boomers for less benefits in the future, which would have pushed Boomers to save more for their retirement. The 50 year average national savings rate has been 6.5%. In 1997, the national savings rate was already below average at 4%. Government leaders urged Americans to buy houses, buy cars, and spend, spend, spend. The American zombies heeded the call and drove down the savings rate to below 0% in 2005. It has subsequently risen to 3% as the Crisis has unfolded. The Baby Boomers are completely unprepared for their old age and will fight all efforts to cut their benefits. Rather than accepting cuts in benefits to secure the future well being of their children and grandchildren, Boomers continue to push for more healthcare benefits. A bitter generational war is now a certainty.


“During the Crisis, the American economy will experience the most extreme shocks to asset values, production, employment, price levels, and industrial structure in living memory. The economy may also, at some point be pushed to the breaking point in order to produce the tools necessary to save the nation and, later the infrastructure that will underlie the next saeculum.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

What was required was a build out of our energy infrastructure, with natural gas, nuclear, geothermal, wind, and solar all playing a part in weaning us off Middle Eastern oil. Instead, the myopic government bureaucrats, NIMBY crowd and green extremists have succeeded in driving our usage of Middle Eastern oil to new heights as we now import 67% of all our needs. Peak oil will hit the United States like a sledgehammer. Americans needed to increase the national savings rate so we would have the ability to invest in new dynamic technologies. Instead we chose a debt fueled frat party, driving the national savings rate below 0%. The government needed to run budget surpluses as we entered the Crisis period. Accepting a recession during the Third Turning would have mitigated the chances of a Depression in the Fourth Turning. A recession was unacceptable to George Bush and Alan Greenspan. Tax rebate checks and 1% interest rates, along with Bush urging Americans to defeat terrorism by shopping, buying cars and buying houses, resulted in immense deficits. Obama has since added $1.8 trillion to the national debt in one year. Tax policy should have shifted toward taxing consumption and not taxing investment. The economic path chosen by our politician leaders has ensured a 2nd Great Depression.

 From a foreign policy and military preparation standpoint, our leaders have squandered an opportunity to strengthen alliances and form new alliances in advance of the coming battles. Every prior Fourth Turning has resulted in all-out war for survival. Strauss & Howe provided the roadmap to our future:

“But before the Fourth Turning catalyzes, America should gird for something else: a possible war whose scale, cost, manpower, armaments, casualties, and home-front sacrifices far exceed anything the nation would tolerate now.”

Instead of conserving our strength for the coming epic challenges, our leaders have engaged in two wars which have depleted our Treasury, stretched our manpower beyond the breaking point, used up valuable military equipment, strained our alliances, and diminished our moral standing in the world. These wars have revealed our weakness and have made it more likely that potential foreign adversaries will contest our super power status. These foreign ventures have failed to secure democracy in the Middle East or secure future supplies of oil. They have succeeded in inflaming the Muslim world and creating more terrorists than existed on September 10, 2001. The loss of credibility and moral high ground will make it more difficult for Crisis Saeculum leaders to rally the American people to a higher cause.

As I watch ancient doddering Congressmen parade and bluster while debating the Obama healthcare bill, I can’t help but think that these are the wrong people, at the wrong time, fighting the wrong war, for the wrong cause. The country is in the midst of a Crisis and our leaders have decided to expand the welfare state, bailout failures with our grandchildren’s money, expand our wars of choice, and stifle the ingenuity of the American people. This will surely not end well. 

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

We know with certainty that our leaders have not prepared the country for this Crisis. As individuals, we also had the opportunity to prepare. Did you harvest the crops, fatten the livestock, cut the firewood, stockpile the propane, hoard ammunition and batten down your farmstead? Did you deepen your relationships with family and neighbors who would support you during a Crisis? With a potentially devastating howling blizzard forecast in the near future, delay could be fatal. What if the blizzard lasted five years? There is no way to avoid this blizzard. The snow has begun to fall and Americans are concerned with Michael Jackson’s corpse, the breakup of Jon and Kate, Oprah’s future plans, Britney Spears’ weight, and whether President Obama should be bowing to the Japanese emperor. Talking heads on the Sunday morning talk shows distract the public with meaningless drivel regarding polls and minor differences between the corrupt political parties. The bitter winds have begun to howl.

During a Crisis the virtues of faith, trust, reliability, endurance, perseverance, frugality and self-sacrifice are essential. These virtues were indispensible during the Great Depression and World War Two. Strauss and Howe recommended preparation by individuals in the following areas:

  • Rectify: Return to the classic virtues.
  • Converge: Heed emerging community norms.
  • Bond: Build personal relationships of all kinds.
  • Gather: Prepare yourself (and your children) for teamwork.
  • Root: Look to your family for support.
  • Brace: Gird for the weakening or collapse of public support mechanisms.
  • Hedge: Diversify everything you do.

Your reputation will be crucial during the Crisis. Are you a man or woman of your word? Can your family and neighbors count on you? Your honor and word will be judged by others during the Crisis. If you are seen as an outcast, loner, or opponent of the majority, you risk personal harm. The materialistic investment banker swine who have feasted off the carcasses of the American middle class and senior citizens are at extreme risk. Their gated McMansion communities and their BMW getaway cars will not save them from the angry lynch mobs. The community will require your acquiescence to their norms. A more authoritarian government will punish those who do not fall into line. It will be important that your personal relationships with authority figures be in good order. The lone wolf will not survive the deep snows of a Crisis.

The final resolution of this Crisis will depend upon the youth of today. Their ability to function in teams and use technology to overcome their opponents will be critical. Boomer parents who have smothered their children, fought their battles, did their class projects for them, and generally coddled them, have not done them any favors. If they are unprepared or unwilling to take the mantle of the GI Generation, our society may be in its final stages. Social outcasts will not fare well during the Crisis. Strong families will be essential to survival, with multigenerational households providing support and safety in dangerous times. The continued disintegration of the family unit, especially in the inner cities, will make it more difficult for many in the Crisis. Divorce rates have declined to 40% of all marriages, but marriage rates have declined to a greater degree. Children living in one parent households have increased, as millions of men have shirked their fatherhood duties.

The un-sustainability of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and government employee pension plans was clear in 1997 and it is clearer today. Americans with half a brain should have seen that the government could never deliver on the social fiscal pledges they’ve made. The $100 trillion unfunded liability will never be paid. The government is going to stiff the elderly. Americans should have increased their personal economic security by saving for emergencies, saving for retirement, cutting back on their excessive lifestyle choices, distinguishing between needs and wants and ratcheting their lifestyles down to a sustainable level in an effort to prepare for hard times. Instead, millions or morons proved that stupid is as stupid does.

The average 401k balance for those over 60 years old is only $93,000. This is skewed higher by a few high savers. The median balance is in the range of $60,000. The Boomer generation has proven to be the most spendthrift, irrational, delusional generation in history. The life expectancy of a 60 year old is twenty years. How do these people expect to live twenty years on $60,000 to $100,000? A rational human being approaching 50 years old in 1997 with $50,000 in retirement savings should have realized their dire predicament and maxed out their savings for the next fifteen years.

Average 401(k) Balance by Age Group

Age         2007 Balance        2008 Balance
20s          $9,190                 $6,690
30s          $40,990                $27,360
40s          $93,350                $62,580
50s          $138,660              $99,420
60+          $115,700              $93,470

Source: Hewitt Associates

Instead of acting rationally, the Boomers went on a glutton-like spending spree, buying McMansions, beach houses, Mercedes, 60 inch HDTVs, electronic gadgets, and taking exotic vacations to the Far East. Household debt as a percentage of GDP soared from 90% in 1997 to over 135% today. Over this same time, personal savings plummeted. The delusional Boomers convinced themselves that 10% annual gains in the value of their houses for eternity would fund their every material desire and pay for their comfortable retirement. 


Option ARM loans, home equity withdrawals, auto loans, and credit card debt were the weapons of choice. In the last two years zombie Americans have learned a brutal lesson they should never forget. Home prices can drop 30%, but the debt remains like an anchor around their necks. Consumers increased their debt from $5 trillion in 1997 to over $13 trillion today. Most Americans are completely unprepared financially for a harsh winter.


The American financial system’s near disintegration in 2008, initiated by the housing crash, revealed who was swimming naked. If Americans had diversified their portfolios with foreign stocks, bonds, gold, and commodities they would have survived the stock market crash with minimal losses. We sit here late in 2009 with thousands of Boomers reaching the age of 60 every day. They are racked with immense debts, have saved little for their retirement, and have trillions of government IOUs in their pockets. The only way the government can pay these obligations is to double taxes on the children and grandchildren of Boomers. Will Boomers be selfish and egotistical enough to rob their kids because they chose not to prepare for winter?  

Ten Years Have Got Behind You

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine
Staying home to watch the rain
And you are young and life is long
And there is time to kill today
And then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun
And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun, but it’s sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you’re older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death –
Pink Floyd – Time

America has frittered away ten years. Americans missed the starting gun. If you had prepared for the Crisis and it hadn’t touched you personally, the loss of material satisfaction would have been a minor inconvenience. Strauss & Howe describe the implications of not preparing:

“If you haven’t prepared, you will have put much at risk. History warns that saecular winters can be searing times for everyone, especially for those who are caught entirely by surprise. No matter what your age, sex, income, race, family status, or line of work, sensible choices today could help you avoid truly desperate choices in the Fourth Turning.”

The sad truth is that the nation and most of its citizens did the exact opposite of what Strauss and Howe recommended in 1997. The nation and its people are now destined to experience a terrible winter on par with the Civil War and World War II, with no safety net. The politicians driving the country into this Crisis period continue to think linearly and will be blindsided as the Crisis deepens. Politicians in Washington continue to do business as usual, passing laws and programs that will only worsen the Crisis. Every prior Fourth Turning has seen a Grey Champion Prophet figure appear on the scene to lead the country through the storm. Washington, Lincoln, and FDR proved their mettle in times of extreme danger. Barack Obama is not today’s Grey Champion. He will be cast aside in 2012. A Boomer leader must arise to lead the country through the difficult days ahead.

With a National Debt projected to reach $25 trillion by 2019, a government that has promised Boomers $100 trillion more than it can deliver, the end of the cheap oil age, looming resource wars, and nuclear proliferation, it is hard to fathom a happy ending to this Crisis. We appear to be hurtling towards the abyss and no one in charge seems capable of averting disaster. Americans need to understand the danger that is approaching. The final outcomes of this Crisis range from Armageddon to a restoration of the American Republic. The final pages of the Fourth Turning are truly frightening. The possibilities according to Strauss & Howe are:

  • The next Fourth Turning could mark the end of man. It could be an omnicidal Armageddon, destroying everything, leaving nothing.
  • The Fourth Turning could mark the end of modernity.
  • The Fourth Turning could spare modernity but mark the end of our nation.
  • Or the Fourth Turning could simply mark the end of the Millennial Saeculum. Mankind, modernity, and America would all persevere. Afterward, there would be a new High.

Several months ago my University repaved the walkway leading to my building. Along with the new bricks they placed stones within the walkway with words of wisdom from Ben Franklin. Every morning I walk across the same words and ponder their significance.  “Lost Time, is never found again.”

The nation and its citizens have not made good use of our time. We have entered this Crisis severely weakened and vulnerable. Our appalling fiscal choices and failure to address the coming energy crisis have set us up for a calamity of epic proportions. The linear status quo statists argue that our ingenuity and technological prowess will save the day. They ignore the fact that our best and brightest have spent the last three decades focused on creating financial weapons of mass destruction, pilotless drones that make war as easy as playing on your PS3, improving the distribution chain for aerosol cheese, and inventing the drive thru fast food window. The corporate fascists who have Congress in their back pockets, supported by the Federal Reserve and the banking cartel, have raped and pillaged America to the point that there is nothing left for the middle class. The ruling elite have no intentions of relinquishing their wealth or control without a fight.

I’m just an average guy who has lived his whole life in suburban America. I’m the guy at the little league baseball field and the local ice hockey rink cheering my sons on. I shop at Wal-Mart and I take my family to the Jersey shore on vacation. I decorate my house with multitudes of Christmas lights every year after I untangle the ball from the previous year. I’m an average guy who is also a wide eyed realist. My heart and my mind tell me that our leaders have failed us mightily. The next 15 years will be full of pain, suffering and angst. In the previous two Crisis periods, America entered with the moral high ground. The Civil War was ultimately seen as a moral war to free the slaves. World War II was fought against evil Nazis and Fascists. I fear that America’s next Great War will be fought for oil. The shortsighted narrow-minded morons who have controlled our nation will try to cover-up their epic failures by falsifying the reasons for war. I have said this once in a previous article. I will not sacrifice my sons for oil. That is not a cause worth fighting for. Hell no, they won’t go.

I do not believe Americans will fall into line behind a leader whose cause is fighting to secure some other country’s oil. I do believe that the credibility and honesty of our politician leaders has been destroyed through their own corrupt immoral actions. A splintering of the country into competing factions and/or regions is a distinct possibility. There is precious little time left, as the howling blizzard gains strength. You will need to hunker down for a long hard winter. Build close relationships, protect your family at all costs, don’t trust government officials, don’t expect the government to honor any fiscal promises, don’t trust the mainstream media, learn to live locally, buy a gun, buy some gold and silver, and be prepared to fight for the truth.


It took me 2 1/2 freaking hours to travel 30 miles to work because of 2 inches of snow. I listened to 3 fucking Green Day albums during one commute. I could be pushed over the edge by the slighest provocation. No one (Smokey) better push my buttons until I calm down. I will thrash them to within an inch of their life.

No one better ask me for any fucking money today at work. They will get their head bitten off.

I can’t wait for my 3 hour commute home tonight when it is really snowing.



Gotta love Marc Faber. Anyone who calls Obama a prostitute is OK in my book. Smokey should note Faber’s opinion about China.

Marc Faber’s Most Provocative Interview Ever: Compares Obama To A Prostitute, Goes Long Treasurys

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2011 19:58 -0500

Earlier, Marc Faber appeared on Bloomberg TV, in what may go down in history as his most scandalous interview ever. When asked, in advance of the SOTU address, what he thinks of the president, Faber, who appears to have had enough with all the bullshit, propaganda, and lies, replies: “I think he’s done a horrible job and I think that will continue, I think he is a dishonest person, and nothing has changed… Some politicians are more honest than others. I don’t think that I have a very high regard for politicians, I have a high regard for businessmen and for people who work, and not for people who abuse the system continuously. And in comparison to other politicians, I think he came in on a platform as a president that would want to change the government in Washington, and actually he’s made it worseWe foreigners, we just laugh at someone like Mr. Obama. I was very critical of Mr. Bush, but at least he had one line and he stuck to that line, and at least he set out to do a thing and he was relatively straight on the thing that he did. He may have been wrong, but at least he didn’t change his mind continuously, and didn’t prostitute himself.” If nothing else, how many other people do you know who will compare, in front of a live Bloomberg audience, the president of the formerly greatest country in the world to a whore?

As for what Faber thinks the real state of the union address should be, he says:

“I think what should happen in the US is for the president to tell the US, you have to tighten your belts. ‘We have to go through hard times for 5 years to repair the damage that was committed over 20-25 years by the Federal Reserve, by the Treasury, by the politicians, and somebody has to tell the truth. But the politicians keep on fueling the illusion that you can spend yourself out of the misery, and that by printing money you will improve the economy, which is not the case.”

On the topic of the Fed and relative performance:

You don’t know. Maybe [Bernanke] will resign. After he sees the disaster he has created he may resign. Or he may be disposed, who knows. But all i want to say is in terms of investments we have a very interesting situation, because from the March lows, the EM universe has performed fantastically well, and industrial commodities have done fantastically well, and the US has underperformed everything. And now we have a change: the US may outperform, it may not go up, but may go down less than emerging markets.

On his latest opinion on Treasurys

In the long-run, for sure US Treasurys and most government bonds are a suicidal investment. But as a shorter-term timeframe, and I think for the next three months or so, I think we have a situation where stock markets have become very overbought, and emerging markets in January, most of them failed to make new highs above the November, December highs, and recently some of them have sold off very considerably, plus the Chinese market is giving you a signal that something is not right in the Chinese economy, because it is going down. For the next three months you have to shift out of the Emerging Markets, they may correct 20-30%, out of industrial commodities, on a relative basis. And I think the sentiment, just recently, was overly optimistic on the reflation trade, and overly negative about treasury bonds, so treasury bonds right now are oversold, and as of tonight I got the buy signal on US Treasurys. I think Treasury are the best place for the next 3 months, as is the US dollar. I think a correction is coming in the range of 10% in the S&P and 20-30% in the emerging markets.

On all the current batch of Davos participants:

I dont think the ‘thinkers’ are in Davos. I think it’s a group of liars, and people that go along with the system, and perpetuate fraud and abuse, and dubious practices in the financial system.

As for what he thinks of Keynesianism, and gold, well, we’ll just let you hear that for yourselves.