Is Trump Draining the Swamp or Filling It?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

trump-cohenTrump has broken his word and is by no means draining the swamp — he is filling it. He has really betrayed a lot of people by his nomination of Gary D. Cohn as Director of the National Economic Council, which is a policy-making position for domestic and international economic issues.

The one legal firm in New York that defends the bankers is Sullivan & Cromwell. Trump has named a lawyer from that firm, Jay Clayton, to serve as Wall Street’s top cop as Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. There is absolutely no possible way Clayton will call the bankers to account for anything. In fact, it would probably be a huge conflict of interest to bring charges against any bankers in New York when Sullivan & Cromwell will most likely represent them (including Goldman Sachs).

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Christmas in a Vietnamese Jungle

Guest Post by Hardscrabble Farmer

My Uncle has always been a role model for me. He was only 13 years old the year I was born so he seemed more like a brother to me than anything else. He volunteered to serve in the Army when he was 18 years old and became a paratrooper that same year. He was sent to Viet Nam in the early part of the war and I remember well how much my grandparents looked forward to each letter that he would send and how they would read them aloud at the kitchen table.

The stories he told about his friends and what they were doing always excited something in me and it was no surprise that when I was old enough I also joined the Army and became a paratrooper as well, emulating a man I looked up to my entire life. He has served as an inspiration to me, his honesty, loyalty, work ethic and character were unsurpassed and in the years since his retirement as a Federal agent he bought a ranch and has lived a lifestyle I admire and respect. He reads everything I write and always has kind words for my work.

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Don’t Count On Trump Being Inaugurated

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Ruling Establishment Does Not Intend For Trump To Become President.

The latest “explosive” fake news is that “multiple US officials with direct knowledge” told CNN that they have “classified documents” that Russia has compromising documents on Trump that would allow them to blackmail the US President. The documents consist of memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative “whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible.”

According to “the dossier claimed several figures in the Trump campaign were in league with the Russian government during the campaign, and that Russia had been conspiring with them to groom Trump as an ally for ‘at least five years.’ It also claims exchanges of information between Trump and the Kremlin for ‘at least eight years,’ . . . The dossier names former Trump adviser Carter Page, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, as well as incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as having personally and repeatedly met with Kremlin officials on anti-Clinton leaks.”

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Theodore Roosevelt makes Grand Canyon a national monument – 1908


On January 11, 1908, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt declares the massive Grand Canyon in northwestern Arizona a national monument.

Though Native Americans lived in the area as early as the 13th century, the first European sighting of the canyon wasn’t until 1540, by members of an expedition headed by the Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado. Because of its remote and inaccessible location, several centuries passed before North American settlers really explored the canyon. In 1869, geologist John Wesley Powell led a group of 10 men in the first difficult journey down the rapids of the Colorado River and along the length of the 277-mile gorge in four rowboats.

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“The business interests of the US-companies that dominate the global IT business and payment systems are an important reason for the zeal of the US-government in its push to reduce cash use worldwide, but it is not the only one and might not be the most important one.

Another motive is surveillance power that goes with increased use of digital payment. US-intelligence organizations and IT-companies together can survey all international payments done through banks and can monitor most of the general stream of digital data. Financial data tends to be the most important and valuable.

Even more importantly, the status of the dollar as the worlds currency of reference and the dominance of US companies in international finance provide the US government with tremendous power over all participants in the formal non-cash financial system. It can make everybody conform to American law rather than to their local or international rules.”

Norbert Haering, A Well Kept Open Secret

“…and where they make a desert, they call it peace.”


Here Is The Full 35-Page Report Alleging Trump Was “Cultivated, Supported And Assisted” By Russia

Tyler Durden's picture

As reported moments ago, CNN is leading with a story about a 35-page dossier compiled by a former member of British intelligence, which had been distilled into a 2-page appendix presented to Trump last Friday by the US intel community, and which contains “explosive, but unverified, allegations” that the Russian government has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” President-elect Donald Trump for at least 5 years and “endorsed by Putin” gained compromising information about him, with the aim of “encouraging splits and divisions in the western alliance.”

The memo has allegedly been circulating among elected officials, intelligence agents, and journalists for weeks.

The dossier, which is a collection of memos written over a period of months, “includes specific, unverified and potentially unverifiable allegations of contact between Trump aides and Russian operatives, and graphic claims of sexual acts documented by the Russians” according to Buzzfeed.

Of course, the question on everyone’s lips is what are these “unverified and potentially unverifiable allegations” contained in the memo. We now know the answer, courtesy of Buzzfeed which fill published the full document “so that Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government.”

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Living Wage Idiocy and Free Money Experiments

Guest Post by Mike Shedlock

“Free Money” experiments are underway in several places: Canada, California, and Finland.

“Living wage” advocates are elated.

Ongoing Free Money Experiments

The alleged studies are all fatally flawed because they do not scale. It’s one thing to give a few hundred people or a few thousand people free money, but it’s another thing to scale the experiment across an entire nation.

Free Money – Dauphin, Canada Experiment

Huffington Post author Zi-Ann Lum proclaims A Canadian City Once Eliminated Poverty And Nearly Everyone Forgot About It.

The problem with superficial analysis by Lum and others is they only focus on half the equation. Yes, citizens of Dauphin benefited, but it was at the direct expense of everyone in all of Manitoba that had to contribute “free money” to the residents of Dauphin.

Were the same scheme available to everyone in Manitoba, the money would have had to come from all of Canada.

And for all Canadians, the money would have had to come from Martians.

Nonetheless, in spite of such obvious flaws, economic illiterates have latched on to the free money scheme.

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OCD and Creativity

Guest Post by Scott Adams

The other day I was wondering about the relationship between OCD and creativity. People with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) have thoughts that they can’t get out of their heads. But creativity is the opposite of obsessing over a single idea, at least the way I experience it.

For me, creativity is a process by which I rapidly FORGET the thought that is currently in my head so a new one will fill the space. Your brain isn’t good at thinking of nothing, so when you eject your current thought, another rushes in to take its place. If you flush-and-replace enough thoughts in a row, you have experienced creativity. And if any of those new thoughts made your body respond with a laugh, a sigh, or chills, or anything else physical – you might have created art. I think of creativity as a system of cycling through ideas until one of them “moves” me, literally. If an idea doesn’t create some sort of physical change in my body, I rapidly reject it and move to the next thought.

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The Future Stinks

Guest Post by The Zman

Try to imagine living as a hunter-gatherer 25 thousand years ago. Naturally, you’ll think about the cavemen you recall seeing on TV or in movies. Museums used to have life sized figures of early humans in their exhibits to give visitors an idea of what it was like to be a person in the Stone Age. Maybe it sounds appealing, maybe not, but most people focus on the material differences. Living in a cave, wearing a loincloth or bearskin, depending upon your locale, would not be fun after a few days. Modern man likes his modern things.

If you think not having cell service would be terrible, imagine a total lack of privacy. Humans in that period did everything in full view of everyone else. They ate together, slept together and did all the other things together. Of course, the lack of complicated shelters made this necessary. It’s hard to have privacy when you don’t have walls. But, there was also the fact that people had no concept of privacy. They did not think of it because it had never existed.

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Georgetown Professor Calls For Whites To Have An I.R.A. – “Individual Reparations Account”

Submitted by Joseph Jankowski via,

Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson is proposing the idea that white people should have an ‘Individual Reparations Account’ to make donations to black institutions and individuals.

The idea is part of his forthcoming book, “Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America.”

Dyson made the argument during an interview with Ana Marie Cox in the January 8 edition of the New York Times Magazine.

From the interview:

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We All Lose: Obama’s Legacy and What It Means for a Trump Presidency

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

Let’s talk about President Obama’s legacy, shall we?

This was a candidate who was ushered into office promising hope and change, pledging to put an end to the endless wars that were bankrupting the country (he was actually awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in anticipation of his efforts to bring about world peace), and vowing to put an end of the corporate revolving door that had turned our republic into an oligarchy.

After eight years in office, Barack Obama leaves our nation with a weakened Constitution that has been dealt one crippling blow after another by court rulings and government overreach, with militarized police empowered to shoot first and ask questions later, with SWAT team raids, with government corruption, with more debt than ever before ($19 trillion and rising), with racial tensions bubbling over into confrontations, with even greater surveillance intruding into the privacy of the citizenry, with less tolerance for free speech and thought, with taxpayers groaning under the weight of even more taxes disguised as fines and fees, with a more “imperial” president empowered to act unilaterally through the use of signing statements and executive orders, with a greater risk of blowback from military occupations, drone strikes and endless wars abroad, and with a citizenry more broken and oppressed than ever.

In other words, Obama leaves our nation worse off than when he took office.

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