Hero Cops Set the Bar — Disarm Mentally Ill Marine Vet WITHOUT Killing Him

Via Free Thought Project

There are at least a half-dozen ways for a police officer to stop a knife-wielding subject, rather than employing lethal force with a firearm. All too often, however, as The Free Thought Project has faithfully reported, officers choose the latter, rather than attempt to resolve a knife encounter peacefully. That’s because they know all they have to say is “I was in fear for my life” and they will likely be exonerated for killing a knife-wielding suspect. Fortunately, the following story has a happy ending.

Miami-Dade police officers responded to a 911 call on November 15th. The mentally disturbed man was the one who actually called the emergency line and promised he would “hurt officers” upon their arrival. But fortunately, the two officers who arrived on the scene were not cowards, neither were they uneducated or untrained. The police officers pleaded with the man to put down the knife, even though he again threatened them if they tased him he would hurt them.

“Come on, buddy. Come on, don’t do this. I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t want to hurt you, put it down,” the officer said. The other officer on scene also warned the bystanders to clear out of the way just in case they were forced to shoot the man. “Cross fire! Get out of the way!” he yelled. “Listen dude, relax, relax, just come on, drop it,” the other patrolman said. “Listen to me. Come on, talk to me brother. Look at me,” he continued trying to make a connection with the man, who at one point identified himself as a “father.”

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A brutal brawl captured on security cameras has left five inmates seriously injured at Cook County Jail, the largest jail in the US. The vicious melee broke out in a common room at the Chicago state correctional facility.

Larry Summers – Who Admits He Cannot Forecast – Forecasts Trump

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Larry Summers is a classic example of how a PHD means absolutely nothing compared to real life experience. He had the audacity to say, “The vast majority of the companies who have large overseas cash also have substantial amounts of domestic cash.” Obviously, Summers has never advised a real company. If Trump makes it a 10% tax, any company who does not bring their cash home would be a short. EBay had two companies it wanted to buy domestically. It backed out of the deal because it would have to bring in cash from overseas and pay too much tax to make it worthwhile. That’s how much Larry Summers knows about the world.

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U.S. Treasury Lets Private Pensions Slash Benefits for the First Time In History

From Birch Gold Group

Public pensions are falling apart around the country, but now the security of private pensions is being threatened as well. Based on a new Federal law passed in 2014, the U.S. Department of the Treasury just made a shocking decision to allow a Cleveland-based ironworker pension to start slashing member benefits as early as next month. Now, experts fear other struggling private pensions could quickly follow.

Opening Pandora’s Box on Pensions

It’s always been assumed that both public and private pensions will find a way to fix their shortfalls and pay out their obligated benefits – with public pensions using government cash (from budget cuts and tax hikes), and private pensions relying on corporate profits and cash reserves.

But today’s economy is making those old pension safety nets unfeasible; governments are running out of money, and private sector performance is plummeting.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Crazy Horse fights last battle – 1877

Via History.com

On this day in 1877, Crazy Horse and his warriors–outnumbered, low on ammunition and forced to use outdated weapons to defend themselves–fight their final losing battle against the U.S. Cavalry in Montana.

Six months earlier, in the Battle of Little Bighorn, Crazy Horse and his ally, Chief Sitting Bull, led their combined forces of Sioux and Cheyenne to a stunning victory over Lieutenant Colonel George Custer (1839-76) and his men. The Indians were resisting the U.S. government’s efforts to force them back to their reservations. After Custer and over 200 of his soldiers were killed in the conflict, later dubbed “Custer’s Last Stand,” the American public wanted revenge. As a result, the U.S. Army launched a winter campaign in 1876-77, led by General Nelson Miles (1839-1925), against the remaining hostile Indians on the Northern Plains.

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“These are the times that try men’s souls.”

Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.”

Thomas Paine

“A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.”

Thomas Paine, Common Sense

“If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.”

Thomas Paine

“Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”

Thomas Paine

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Confessions Of A Fake News Reporter

Submitted by Douglas Herman via Strike-The-Root.com,

“A lie can travel half way around the world while truth is still putting on its shoes.”  ~ Mark Twain

I write for those so-called “fake news” websites. You know the ones: the 200 odd deplorable websites, the ones Hillary, the Pope and Michael Moore have attacked as threatening to destroy World Peace, Democracy, Facebook and the Mainstream Media (MSM).

I only write for a handful of them, sad to say, although I’ve been linked to scores more. One of my recent columns went viral and it probably swayed the entire election – for better or worse: Before Trump, Sen Bulworth Spoke Truth To Power .  Seriously, the blatant corruption of the losing team, from Super Delegates to Podesta and PizzaGate to hidden Hillary health issues and secret sums of money funneling through the Clinton Foundation in “Pay to Play” accusations cost them the election, despite the best efforts and endorsements of the entire American media.

I’ve written for Rense, Counterpunch, Antiwar and Zerohedge. Most of my best stuff appears here on Strike The Root first, or STR as we call it, a website where Henry David Thoreau rather than Mark Zuckerberg is our moderator.  Tragically, STR did not appear on ProporNot and we are devastated, absolutely devastated.  Not.

Sometimes I ask my friends: If knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss, which is preferable? I always hope someone will respond, as Socrates or Obi Wan would have: Knowledge of our ignorance is power; bliss in this age is unattainable

Continue reading “Confessions Of A Fake News Reporter”

How to Survive a Mass Shooting

Guest Post via Survival Sullivan

With the terror of the Orlando shooting, people all over the country are reevaluating survival tactics for mass shootings. The general consensus is that the decisions you make in that first few minutes will largely determine whether you live or die. It is easy to mourn the dead and tell yourself that victims were trapped and had no choices. While your choices are limited, you do still have them.

In this article I want to dispel some myths about survival. As an advocate of the 2nd amendment, it is easy to say that fewer people would have died if more of them were armed. That is not always the case. Even with a gun, fighting back should be a last resort. The order of actions for any mass shooting should be to flee, gain security, and fight back if absolutely needed.

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Will Automation Make Us Poor?

Submitted by Aaron Bailey via The Mises Institute,

Automation has become a huge concern in recent years. With computer algorithms getting more and more sophisticated, machines are becoming increasingly able to do jobs that are many people’s bread and butter.

Driverless cars have been tested on our roads for years. Although they aren’t commercially available yet, they eventually will be. Once that happens, they’ll replace cab drivers, as well as people currently contracted by rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft. After all, if employers can remove the expense of paying drivers, they can provide their services for much cheaper while still retaining a greater net profit. Automated vehicles will also replace commercial freight drivers.

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‘State of panic’ grips Northern California as atmospheric river moves in; widespread flooding, heavy snow expected

Via LA Times

The first band of what officials predict will be the most powerful storm in a decade moved into Northern California on Saturday, with officials warning of widespread flooding and epic snowfall.

“People are definitely in a state of panic right now,” said El Dorado County sheriff’s Sgt. Todd Hammitt. “We’re getting a lot of calls asking if we’re going to be able to deal with everything. It’s the general pandemonium of not knowing what’s coming.”

Up to 12 inches of rain is expected below 8,500 feet, and massive amounts of snow — up to 6 feet — above that elevation across the Sierra Nevada. A colder storm two days behind will drop yet more heavy snow. The rain moved in late Friday and continued into Saturday morning, with the most powerful punch expected later in the day.

“We’re expecting heavy, heavy rain. It starts out as snow then turns to rain then turns to snow again,” Hammitt said. “We’re concerned about the melt increasing waterways and all the lakes.”

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How are goats this popular of an animal to own? Seriously, I’ve seen like waaaaay too many people owning waaaay too many goats in Walmart!


I am idiot hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore!


Yaaaa so (1) super creepy & (2) I don’t think this guy really understands how sex or babies, or for that matter women, work. (3) I am surprised however that he was married. That part shocks me.

See the full story at: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/marietta-ohio-police-man-walmart-used-syringe-to-squirt-women-with-his-semen/

Continue reading “WAL-MART FREAKS OF THE WEEK”

Putin ordered hack during elections – US intelligence report

The ODNI devoted seven pages to RT and its influence on the election “by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences.” The report claimed “Russian media made increasingly favorable comments about President-elect Trump as the 2016 US general and primary election campaigns progressed while consistently offering negative coverage of Secretary Clinton.”

A Case Study in the Creation of False News

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

For many weeks we have witnessed the extraordinary attack by the CIA and its assets in Congress and the media on Donald Trump’s election. In an unprecedented effort to delegitimize Trump’s election as the product of Russian interference in the election, the CIA, media, senators and representatives have consistently made wild accusations for which they have no evidence. The CIA’s message to Trump is clear: Get in line with our agenda, or we are going to mess you over.

It is clear that the CIA is warring against Trump. But the CIA’s media assets have turned the facts on their head and are blaming Trump for having a negative view of the CIA.

Consider the January 4 Wall Street Journal article by Damian Paletta and Julian E. Barnes, which begins: “President-elect Donald Trump, a harsh critic of U.S. intelligence agencies . . .” The two presstitutes set up their false news story by putting the shoe on the other foot. It is Trump who is the harsh critic rather than the victim of the CIA’s harsh accusations. Set up this way, the story continues:

“White House officials have been increasingly frustrated by Mr. Trump’s confrontations with intelligence officials. ‘It’s appalling,” the official said. “No president has ever taken on the CIA and come out looking good.’”

Now that the story is Trump taking on the CIA and not the CIA taking on Trump, the case can be built against Trump:

Continue reading “A Case Study in the Creation of False News”