“We’re At The Edge Of A Terrible Period” – Chicago Cops Condemn “Sickening” Social Media Video Of Teen Kidnap, Attack

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Following the disgusting images broadcast live on Facebook of a teen white male being kidnapped, cut, and abused by several African-American youths yelling “F*** Donald Trump,” Chicago Police confirm the four people, who are all 18, were taken into custody but have not been formally charged.

The video has since been removed from YouTube but this is a clip:


As Reuters reports, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson told reporters the video that surfaced on Tuesday showing the attack was “sickening.”

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A hispanic man, 50 years old, being restrained by 3 police officers while being punched repeatedly in the head. The man was snatched out of his car while on his way to visit his mother at the hospital who was having an emergency surgery. You can even hear the man screaming for help while on the ground.

Occurs on 149th Street between Cauldwell and Trinity Avenue in Mott Haven just before 10 a.m in New York City. The officers are from the 40th precinct. Take note of how the officer stops punching the man once he realizes someone else is recording.


Kill People, No Problem… Just Don’t “Cheat” Uncle

Guest Post by Eric Peters

A VW engineer may be going to prison – and has already been professionally (and probably personally) ruined… for having “cheated” the EPA. Which is like expelling a picked-on kid who outsmarted the playground bully.

Which, of course, is what often happens now.

Whether it’s the schoolyard bully – or the EPA (or other “agencies” of Uncle) – we are supposed to take it, never resist it – and may the motor gods have mercy upon you if you ever “cheat” it.

The engineer’s name is James R. Liang. He’s worked for VW since 1983, but not anymore. Bye-bye career (and pension) and hello Federal prison. Which he’s facing on account of having been a member of the engineering team that developed “defeat” software for VW’s TDI diesel engines. The software made the engines “compliant” when emissions tested by Uncle but less-than-compliant when driven by customers.

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Threats to Assassinate Trump

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong


Schools such as Marshall High School in San Antonio are allowing skits portraying the assassination of President-elect Donald Trump. Meanwhile, Twitter has revealed the so-called Democratic left hates Trump, calling him a racist and intolerant, but they themselves are far worse for they are intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. The riots in California had “Kill Trump” graffiti in many cities including Oakland. I have never seen such hatred and violence coming from people who claim to reject violence and racism. Even I have received hate mail from the left, claiming I am advising Trump when I am not.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Golden Gate Bridge is born -1933

Via History.com

On January 5, 1933, construction begins on the Golden Gate Bridge, as workers began excavating 3.25 million cubic feet of dirt for the structure’s huge anchorages.

Following the Gold Rush boom that began in 1849, speculators realized the land north of San Francisco Bay would increase in value in direct proportion to its accessibility to the city. Soon, a plan was hatched to build a bridge that would span the Golden Gate, a narrow, 400-foot deep strait that serves as the mouth of the San Francisco Bay, connecting the San Francisco Peninsula with the southern end of Marin County.

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Macy’s, Kohl’s Crash After Reporting Abysmal Holiday Sales; Cut Guidance; Announce Mass Layoffs, Store Closures

One of my 2017 forecast predictions didn’t take long to be right. Shitty Christmas sales, retail implosion, store closings, and in a couple weeks a Sears bankruptcy announcement. Reality bites. Time to short mall developers as ghost malls are the wave of the future. Can Trump tweet that Macy’s can’t close the 68 stores and must continue to employ those 10,000 workers? 

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Remember when market cheerleaders said that holiday sales were expected to be far stronger than usual, if only as a result of the newly-discovered optimism from the Trump election? Well, at least when it comes to conventional retailers like Kohl’s and Macy’s… not so much.

First, it was Kohl’s, which announced it was slashing its full year forecast, and now sees FY2017 adjusted EPS of $3.60-$3.65, down from $3.80-$4.00 less than two months ago, in the day after the election (ronically). It wasn’t just the future: the company revealed that comp sales were also down 2.1% y/y in fiscal months November and December combined.

As Kohl’s CEO Kevin Mansell said, “sales were volatile throughout the holiday season. Strong sales on Black Friday and during the week before Christmas were offset by softness in early November and December.”  

But an even greater surprise was revealed moments later by retail belwether Macy’s, which not only reported a drop in same store sales, not only slashed guidance, but also announced it would close 68 stores and lay off over 10,000 workers.

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Rand Paul Reintroduces Legislation To “Audit The Fed”

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Having been pursued, unsuccessfully, many times by his father in previous years, today Senator Rand Paul, together with Rep. Thomas Massie re-introduced legislation to “Audit the Fed”, after a similar effort stalled in the last Congress.

While in the past such a proposal, which has been vocally opposed by Janet Yellen and Wall Street for obvious reasons, was quietly shut down it may face its best odds ever of becoming law in the current Congress according to the Hill. With both chambers controlled by Republicans long critical of Fed’s policies, the legislation could end up being a test of Donald Trump stated resolve to putting the Fed to heel. In the past, the president elect has heaped scorn on the central bank, and demanded accountability from the “independent” Fed.

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The End of Anti-Racism

Guest Post by The Zman

I don’t remember when it was, but I have a recollection of John Derbyshire wondering when racism would become fashionable for young people. It may have been a podcast or a column, but it was long enough ago that I don’t recall much about it, other than the question itself. Everyone is required to think of racism in the same way that people used to think of devil worship or communism. It is, and always will be, the worst form of evil so it can never be normalized. Even thinking about it could be enough to get you in trouble.

I’m not much of a racist myself, but I don’t think about it very much either. Still, I remember Deb’s query because it was so provocative. We live in an age where nothing is sacred, so we are told. Being subversive and outrageous is the highest virtue. Our celebrities exist almost exclusively on  their ability to outrage. Logically, if racism is the great taboo, someone will try to make bank on being racist. Young people with their desire to reject their parent’s morals, would be prime candidates for this sort of thing.

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Check out this receipt and you realize why the country just elected Donald Trump. Liberal Democrat scumbag mayor Jim Kenney and his entirely Democrat city council thought it was a brilliant idea to ram a beverage tax down the throats of Philadelphians last year. They were doing it for the chilruns. It’s always for the chilrun. The ignorant masses bought the load of bullshit because they don’t understand maff. They understand it now. The tax went into effect on January 1 and the sticker shock is infuriating the ignorant masses.

This receipt for a 10 pack of flavored water shows a 51% beverage tax. It gets even better. PA has a sales tax of 6%. Philly already charges another 2% (for the chilruns) to make the sales tax 8%. These bastards now charge the 8% on the original price plus the beverage tax. Last week this purchase came to $6.47. Today it is $9.75.

Now ask yourself, who drinks the most sugary drinks? That’s right. Obese uneducated poor people who are likely to be scraping by on food stamps or very low incomes. Kenney and his liberal minions have fucked over their main voters. This tax is going to drive grocery purchases outside the city and hurt small restaurant owners. It isn’t benefiting kids. It’s funding the bloated pensions of teachers and government employees. Overall tax revenue will decline. Democrats are complete idiots when it comes to economics. Taxing their people to death is destroying Philly.

As a side note, PA, which already had the highest gas tax in the country, increased it by another 8 cents per gallon on January 1. I’m sure the corrupt PA Dept of Transportation will spend the millions wisely on bloated union construction contracts for sub-par work that is only two years late getting completed. Happy New Year from Taxylvania!!!!


Ted Cruz introduces term limits amendment

Via The Washington Examiner

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas Texas introduced a constitutional amendment on Tuesday that would impose term limits on members of Congress. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis introduced a constitutional amendment on Tuesday that would impose term limits on members of Congress, following through on their December announcement about the proposal.

“D.C. is broken,” Cruz said in a statement Tuesday evening. “The American people resoundingly agreed on Election Day, and President-elect Donald Trump has committed to putting government back to work for the American people. It is well past time to put an end to the cronyism and deceit that has transformed Washington into a graveyard of good intentions.”

The proposal would limit senators to two terms (12 years total) and representatives to three terms (six years total). President-elect Trump campaigned on reining in Congress by implementing term limits, though it is unclear if the incoming administration has been involved in the proposal, which comes during Congress’ first week in session this year.

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The Titanic Sails at Dawn: Warning Signs Point to Danger Ahead in 2017

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

Despite our best efforts, we in the American police state seem to be stuck on repeat, reliving the same set of circumstances over and over and over again: egregious surveillance, strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, government spying, censorship, retaliatory arrests, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, indefinite detentions, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, etc.

Unfortunately, few seem to pay heed to the warning signs blaring out the message: Danger Ahead.

Much like the Titanic, we’re plowing full steam ahead into a future riddled with hidden and not-so-hidden dangers, all the while ignoring the many warnings being issued about threats to our freedoms. However, as long as a permanent, unelected bureaucracy—a.k.a. the shadow government— continues to call the shots in the halls of power and the reach of the police state continues to expand, the crisis has not been averted.

Here’s a glimpse of some of the nefarious government programs we’ll be encountering on our journey through 2017.

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