Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

One good side effect of the “pandemic” is that skepticism is spreading. And it just may prove fatal . . . to authority.

“Most people have not gotten the latest vaccine and half say they are not taking precautions this holiday season,” wails the headline accompanying something called the KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor (see here).

As the public heads into the fourth holiday season with the virus, about half of adults say they do not plan to get the latest vaccine which became publicly available nearly two months ago. This includes three in ten of those who were previously vaccinated.”

Italics added.

Even the “vaccinated” are becoming . . . hesitant.

And at least half the population are more than that. They no longer trust “the science,” which (per The Princess Bride) does not mean what many used to think it meant; i.e., objective, tested and affirmed conclusions based upon facts.

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Consumers are facing ‘widespread’ rise in loan delinquencies

Via Marketwatch

More borrowers are falling behind on car loans, credit cards and other types of consumer debt

Credit-card delinquencies touched the highest level since early 2012, according to Ned Davis Research

Credit-card delinquencies are at the highest level since early 2012, according to Ned Davis Research.

Consumers have been facing a “widespread” rise in loan delinquencies since the Federal Reserve began jacking up interest rates last year, according to Ned Davis Research.

Credit-card delinquencies rose 21 basis points to almost 3% in the third quarter of this year, the highest level since the first quarter of 2012 (see chart), when looking at past due debt held by commercial banks.

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Gold Prices Over $2,000/oz May Be the New Normal

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: Gold’s downside doesn’t sound so bad these days, where we are on the 1970s track, and gold demand surging as Indian buying returns to pre-pandemic levels.

Gold holds $2,000 as analysts watch coming prices

Gold stayed above $2,000 for most of last week and closed Friday above it, which some attributed to worrying labor data. In reality, we appear to be on gold’s usual inching-upwards trajectory. Past relative dovishness from the Federal Reserve, little has really happened for gold to move from $1,800 then $1,900, and now above yet another resistance level.

A trader who ponders gold’s near-term bullish and bearish targets shows us why these are some exciting times to be a gold bull. Listed are $1,987, $1,954 and $1,932 as declining resistances, the latter being the most extreme. On the opposite side, $2,009, $2,032 and $2,049 are all upside points that rely on varying degrees of optimism.

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The Recipe For $150 Oil

Authored by James Rickards via DailyReckoning.com,

How do the wars in Ukraine and Gaza impact global economic growth and the U.S. economy in particular?

Both wars are ongoing and cataclysmic impacts may yet be felt. Here’s where events stand at the moment. Let’s start with the war in Ukraine…

From a strategic perspective, the situation in Ukraine resembles a smaller-scale version of the situation in Europe in late 1944. At that point, the Allies had successfully completed the D-Day invasion and liberated Paris.

On the Eastern Front, the Russians had annihilated the combined armies of the German Wehrmacht and were advancing through Poland toward Berlin.

Hard fighting remained. The Allies had to fight the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944, and the Russians encountered stiff German resistance in Poland even though they had superiority in numbers, supplies and weapons.

Still, no one doubted that the tide had turned, and Germany was on its way to defeat.

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Where’s America’s Conor McGregor?

Guest Post by T.L. Davis

Western governments around the globe, bastions of free speech and liberty, towers of diversity of thought and dedicated to truth have been compromised by a globalist sect determined to destroy the unification, the coalescing behind these values that has taken place over a couple of centuries. These governments that rose on the power of these simple principles have rejected the will of the people, first with their responses to the pandemic, which I contend were tests of how far they could go before encountering violence. Second, they allowed unrestricted immigration from third-world nations, mostly Islamic.

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One Step Away From the Biggest Oil Shock in History

Guest Post by Nick Giambruno

The Strait of Hormuz is a narrow strip of water that links the Persian Gulf to the rest of the world.

It’s the world’s single-most important energy corridor, and there’s no alternative route.

Five of the world’s top 10 oil-producing countries—Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait—border the Persian Gulf, as does Qatar, the world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter. The Strait of Hormuz is their only sea route to the open ocean… and world markets.

At its narrowest point, the space available for shipping lanes is just 3.2 kilometers wide.

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American Pravda: Gaza and the Anti-Semitism Hoax

Guest Post by Ron Unz

Over 14,000 Gazans have died from the relentless Israeli bombardment of the last few weeks, two-thirds of them women and children and almost none of them members of Hamas. That total represents the official figures of identified bodies, and with most of the local medical system destroyed and so many thousands more missing, buried under the rubble of the tens of thousands of demolished buildings, the true death toll probably already exceeds 20,000.

We are certainly witnessing the greatest televised slaughter of helpless civilians in the history of the world, with nothing even remotely comparable coming to mind. Over the last two years of the bitter war in Ukraine, a Russian missile fired at a military target occasionally caused twenty or forty civilian deaths as accidental collateral damage, and the resulting story spent days dominating the global headlines, then sometimes suddenly vanished once evidence appeared that an errant Ukrainian missile had actually been responsible.

By contrast, what we are now seeing is the deliberate massacre of civilians, aimed at driving out the Palestinians living in Gaza and rendering their enclave uninhabitable. Most of Gaza’s hospitals and medical facilities have been eliminated, and when the Jordanians established field hospitals in South Gaza, those too were bombarded. Schools, bakeries, and other facilities necessary for continued human existence have also been deliberately destroyed, along with the bulk of the housing stock, while the Israelis have blocked the inhabitants from any access to food, water, and fuel.

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The Hidden Agenda Behind the UK Government’s Very Real Chemtrail Operations

Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: What’s truly amazing is the extraordinary effectiveness of the government’s never-ending mind control program designed to convince the U.S. citizenry that chemtrails do not exist.  Even the US government has detailed many aspects of their ongoing geoengineering programs, and yet folks still cling for dear life to their “they’re all contrails, not chemtrails” foolishness.  Really, how can people still be so impervious to reason after viewing photos like this: Irrefutable Evidence of Chemical Geoengineering Plastered All Over Our Skies Like This!

Even after readers have read one exposé after another at our Chemtrail website, they continue to write us with great passion about our deceiving the masses, even after posting so much hard evidence like this: GEOENGINEERING BOMBSHELL: U.S. Air Force General Acknowledges Chemtrail Operations Are Now Routine (Video)

What follows is a link that contains several articles which provide an ironclad case against the current regime of chemtrail operations systematically conducted by the US military (Air Force & Navy) across the 50 states and beyond.

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The Israel/Hamas ceasefire: your thoughts

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Many of you agreed with my view that Israel should not have paused its attacks in return for the release of hostages. And many of you didn’t. Some of the most interesting views below.

Unsurprisingly, yesterday’s piece suggesting the Gaza ceasefire is a victory for Hamas and a defeat for Israel generated huge feedback – both in comments on the story and emails to me.

The responses came in four main buckets – I think they’re worth sharing.

(Italics are your words, with my comments are in parentheses.)

First, many of you agreed. And one pointed out another downside I had considered but for some reason did not explicitly include in my analysis:

You forgot the main thing. It rewards Hamas for taking hostages, and incentivizes them to do so again.

(This is the original and best reason not to negotiate with terrorists or hostage-takers. But when push comes to shove, most countries blink – France and Spain almost surely paid huge ransoms to the ISIS in return for journalists it had taken hostage.)

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Ukraine Cannot Win

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

When I said that Ukraine had lost 100,000 soldiers DEAD, I got a rash of emails claiming I was spreading Russian Propaganda. Then the head of the EU said that in a speech, and Zelensky said it was classified and she had to take that out. Of Ukraine’s 700,000 army, more than 150,000 are DEAD, and nearly 300,000 have been injured. This is why Zelensky has been conscripting 16-year-old boys and, behind the curtain, insisting that the EU forcibly return all able-bodied people to the front line. My same RELIABLE sources have the number of dead and injured Ukrainians approaching 500,000. The battle for Bakhmut was senseless. Zelensky ordered soldiers to their deaths, all to pretend he was winning for fear that the money would stop flowing.

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New York Loses $12 Million Per Day Due to Shoplifting

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Gov. Kathy Hochul is a menace who is setting fire to what remains of the once beloved state of New York. Hochul is responsible for rule 2.13 and is one of the most obnoxious vaccine supporters on the world stage. Hochul is supported by the same people who donated to Andrew Cuomo, and she is full support of the Build Back Better agenda.

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“It’s A Powder Keg”: Steve Bannon Warns Tucker Ireland’s Post-Stabbing Anti-Immigration Crisis Is “Coming Here, At Scale”

Via ZeroHedge

Tucker Carlson sat down with Steve Bannon to discuss last week’s terrorist incident in Ireland – where an Algerian immigrant went on a stabbing spree in downtown Dublin, attacking five people – including three children. Following the stabbing, anti-immigrant riots broke out across the country over the government’s general pro-immigrant policies.

“Several days ago, a man in his 50s for reasons that are still not clear stabbed five people outside a school in Dublin, Ireland, including three children, and then almost immediately after, parts of that City erupted into rioting,” said Carlson, adding “The Washington Post stepped in helpfully to explain, here’s the Tweet The Washington Post sent out quote ‘online rumors claimed the perpetrator of a stabbing attack was an immigrant’.”

“Actually, the man was an immigrant,” Carlson continued. “He was from Algeria and as it turns out he’s been living in Ireland for 23 years at public expense, he has never had a job.”

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Why the Fall COVID Shot Uptake Is an Abysmal 7%

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • In September 2023, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 shot
  • Only 7.1% of adults and 2.1% of children had received the updated COVID-19 shot as of October 14
  • A CDC survey found that 37.6% of adults said they “probably or definitely will not get vaccinated”
  • Among parents, 37.7% said they “probably or definitely will not get their child vaccinated”
  • The media have blamed the low uptake partly on the shots’ shift to the commercial market, but surveys suggest concerns about side effects and lack of effectiveness may be involved

In September 2023, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 shot “to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 illness this fall and winter.”1

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