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Schneerson’s Chabad Vision, “Accelerated Eschatology” & Netanyahu’s End-Time Madness: MOST IMPORTANT STORY THIS YEAR!

Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: SOTN posted the following exposé on October 8th, the day after the 10/7 false flag terrorist attacks were carried out by the Netanyahu’s Zionist State of Israel.

Here’s why Netanyahu staged the false flag invasion by
MOSSAD-controlled Hamas exactly when he did.

It’s nearly impossible to comprehend what’s going on in Israel today unless the back story told in the preceding link is properly understood.  Yes, all developments are directly related to entirely bogus Hebrew prophecies, which were either never uttered or were quite cynically misinterpreted to advance the Zionist imperial agenda of the Third Millennium.

So, what’s basically unfolding in Israel is the manifestation of the satanic vision (being executed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who could be described as the 20th century’s chief rabbi of the Synagogue of Satan. As follows:

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Doug Casey on How Milei Could Make Argentina a Beacon of Freedom and Prosperity

Via International Man

International Man: Javier Milei made history by becoming the world’s first anarcho-capitalist president.

What is the historical significance of his victory? Are you optimistic?

Doug Casey: Milei’s election is a big deal—potentially a very, very big deal. He’s the first declared anarcho-capitalist in history to head any country. And not by stealth. He, all the while, said that the State is the enemy and should be abolished. Anarcho-capitalists believe that society can run itself without a State, which is a formalized instrument of coercion.

It’s unprecedented for somebody to be elected to run a State that he wants to abolish. And propose that if it continues to exist, it should only have the police, military, and the courts. And even those should be privatized.

Am I optimistic?

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Ron Paul Explains Malinvestment, Inflation and Economic Crashes

By Ron Paul, for Birch Gold Group

During my recent webinar for Birch Gold Group, I briefly mentioned the topic of malinvestment. Today I want to take a moment and explain what malinvestment is, and how it can disrupt and even destroy the economy.

Malinvestment explained

Let’s start with a simple definition: combine the prefix “mal-” (from the Latin malus, “bad”) and “investment” and it’s pretty straightforward! A bad investment. We’ve all made them.

However, malinvestment has a specific economic definition. In the Austrian school of economics, a malinvestment is a badly allocated business investment. But it’s not just a bad decision! Malinvestment results from artificially low interest rates for credit, which causes an unsustainable increase in money supply.

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L’etat, c’est Pfizer

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

After making tens of billions of dollars on its mRNA jab, the drug giant is happy to sue Poland and demand even MORE money; but its chairman feels different about lawsuits when he’s the defendant.

Tick, tick, tick…

At 3 p.m. Thursday, in a downtown Manhattan courtroom, federal Judge Jessica G.L. Clarke will hold the first hearing in Berenson v Biden, my lawsuit against the White House and Pfizer’s top officials for their efforts to censor me in 2021.

The hearing will be largely procedural. Judge Clarke will set a calendar for future filings and discovery, the process by which we and the defendants trade information and interview each other under oath. (This assumes the suit survives defense motions to dismiss it. Judge Clarke will decide on those later.)

The defendants want a short discovery schedule, because a quick clock is easier to run out with objections before they answer our questions. They’ve tried other big-firm defense tactics too. I don’t like what they’re doing, but I don’t take it personally.

(Just when I thought I was out…)

Continue reading “L’etat, c’est Pfizer”

Zelensky Lives in Luxury – Top Aides Acquire $75 Million Yachts

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

As the people of Ukraine continue to suffer under his rule, Zelensky is living a lavish lifestyle. The former comedian is said to have properties around the world. So while he is begging the world to “do their part” and fund his war, he is using much of the funds for his own pleasure. Two of his associates, Boris and Serhiy Shefir, are taking the fall after it was discovered that people acting on behalf of Zelensky purchased two yachts worth $75 million.

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Iran Attacks Pennsylvania

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

An Iranian hacker group, Cyber AV3ngers, had the ability to break into a water municipality station in Pennsylvania. The system operated on Unitronics, owned by Israeli entities. The alarms immediately sounded, but the authorities are claiming the water is still safe to drink. Iran and the US have secretly been at war since this Israel-Palestine situation began, and now, Iran is targeting US infrastructure.

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Christianity, Another Failed Western Institution

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Little Town of Bethlehem- by Francis A. Boyle, Professor of International Law


Every Western institution has failed.  Governments represent powerful material interests, not citizens. Universities and public schools are indoctrination centers against Western civilization and white people.

Continue reading “Christianity, Another Failed Western Institution”


“It’s going down. The prices are going down. If you look at where — example — for a perfect example — I mean, I just talked about, last week, how turkey prices — the cost for turkeys is going down. The cost for eggs is going down, because of the actions that were taken. I just talked about supply chain and how that affects the economy, and that’s because of the president’s action that he’s taken.”  – KARINE JEAN-PIERRE (aka brainless black lesbian diversity hire)

I often wonder how stupid you would have to be in order to believe the senile child sniffer or his brainless black lesbian diversity hire PR nitwit when they blather about inflation falling. Inflation isn’t f*cking falling. The rate of increase may be slowing, but inflation is not falling. Inflation is additive, as it relentlessly moves higher. Deflation is when prices are falling.

Continue reading “IT’S ONLY 34%”

Mini-Me Soros Gets ‘Community Noted’ Into Oblivion Over Crime Stats

Via ZeroHedge

Elon Musk showcased the power of Community Notes on social media platform X to tackle disinformation by fact-checking Alex Soros, George Soros’ 30-something-year-old ‘woke’ son, who re-posted a progressive media outlet’s report titled “Where Are Murder Rates Actually Higher? Not in progressive cities.”

Elon Musk stated that those who can’t handle reality will leave the platform because of Community Notes. He said, “The public will increasingly come to realize that X is the best source of truth, causing our user numbers to rise as they abandon the less accurate sources of information.”

Musk quoted a post from X user The Rabbit Hole, which shared two images:

First Picture: Soros getting hit by Community Notes for misrepresenting the reality of crime in America.

Second Picture: Soros getting ratio’d by a random bunny account under the same post.

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Fentanyl Letters Show How Partisan Journalists Operate

Submitted by Philip B.

Guest Post by by Hayden Ludwig

The true danger to American democracy comes from the radical left. Just don’t expect to hear it from the mainstream media.

On Nov. 9, Americans learned that law enforcement intercepted a handful of fentanyl-laced letters intended for election offices across at least five states, including Georgia’s Fulton County. While alarming, fentanyl isn’t like anthrax – briefly touching it isn’t deadly. But ingesting it is – just ask the families of the 74,000 Americans who died from fentanyl in 2022 alone, much of it produced in China and smuggled in through President Biden’s wide-open southern border.

But dozens of media outlets used the poison letters to peddle the left’s favorite new “crisis”: Death threats to election workers from angry Republican voters.

Continue reading “Fentanyl Letters Show How Partisan Journalists Operate”

Less Than One Week To Go

Submitted by SteveZ

Guest Post by James Roguski

Many thanks to Kerry Lambert and Chris Scott for giving me the opportunity to explain what is really going on with the World Health Organization. If you have any questions, contact me at +1 310-619-3055
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