The 15 years That Destroyed America

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The United States Government today bears little resemblance to the government created by the Founding Fathers.  Many “reforms” contributed to the transformation of an accountable government to an unaccountable one.  For example, the direct election of US senators and the expansion of the franchise from male property owners adversely affected the security of private property. Others point to the effects of wars. All of these played a role in America’s destruction.  However, in my opinion the transformation of American government can be explained by events in three short periods of our history.

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Henry Kissinger Dead At 100

Via ZeroHedge

Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has reportedly died, according to The Washington Post.

The statesman passed away at the age of 100 at his Connecticut home, according to a statement from his consulting firm, which did not give a cause of death..

Kissinger was the only person ever to be White House national security adviser and secretary of state at the same time, exercising a control over U.S. foreign policy that has rarely been equaled by anyone who was not president.

He notably helped create the “post-World War II world order,” leading the United States through significant foreign policy challenges, according to Kissinger’s website.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Female serial killer strikes in Florida – 1989


Richard Mallory, a storeowner in Palm Harbor, Florida, is last seen taking a ride with Aileen Wuornos. The following day, his car—containing his wallet, some condoms, and an empty vodka bottle—was found abandoned in a remote area of Ormond Beach. Nearly two weeks later, his body turned up in a Daytona Beach junkyard with three bullets in his chest. Mallory’s murder was the first of seven committed by Aileen Wuornos over the next year. Perhaps because she was one of the few women killers to gain widespread fame and notoriety, she was inaccurately dubbed “America’s first female serial killer.” Her case was heavily publicized through television talk show appearances and a documentary, The Selling of a Serial Killer. Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Female serial killer strikes in Florida – 1989”

Ireland Declares Asking An Immigrant To Stop Stabbing You A Hate Crime

Via The Babylon Bee

DUBLIN — Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar announced that under the nation’s new hate speech laws, asking an immigrant to stop stabbing you will now be considered a hate crime.

“We will not tolerate racist slurs such as, ‘Please, stop stabbing me, I’m dying’. That sort of hate has no home here in Ireland,” said Varadkar. “The vile, xenophobic backlash against people stabbing people ends today.”

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A Conversation With a Friend

Guest Post by Eric Peters

When you’re in a foxhole facing enemy fire, it’s probably sound policy to not badmouth the guy who’s fighting the same enemy alongside you.

The National Motorists Association – which has been fighting for motorists for decades and won the fight to repeal the 55 MPH National Maximum Speed Limit that made highway driving torturous and expensive for twenty long years, until this Nixon-era edict was finally repealed in the mid-1990s, after a dogged lobbying and public relations campaign led by NMA – recently published an article that some consider soft on EVs.

More precisely, soft on the pushing of them – by not firmly stating this fact and (thereby) conveying the impression that the “transition” – to use the popular term as well as the one used to headline the article – is just another one of those things; i.e., an inevitable, natural change, like the transition from horses and buggies to horseless carriages.

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The competency crisis is upon us

Submitted by Dirtperson Steve

Guest Post by

The competency crisis is upon us

Our current managerial elite predicates its rule on the notion of expertise. Americans once believed that “popular will” granted a ruling class legitimacy, but that story has been replaced with one of scientific knowledge and credentials.

The modern political formula frames the world as a complex series of interconnected scientific disciplines that, if managed with a high degree of proficiency, can yield incredible material abundance and miraculous technological innovations. Competency is the key to utopia. Those who are able to obtain prestigious credentials gain the right to rule due to their unparalleled ability to manage complex systems.

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The White House Goes Rogue: Secret Surveillance Program Breaks All the Laws

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

“We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government.” — William O. Douglas, dissenting in Osborn v. United States (1966)

The government wants us to believe that we have nothing to fear from its mass spying programs as long as we’ve done nothing wrong.

Don’t believe it.

It doesn’t matter whether you obey every law. The government’s definition of a “bad” guy is extraordinarily broad, and it results in the warrantless surveillance of innocent, law-abiding Americans on a staggering scale.

For instance, it was recently revealed that the White House, relying on a set of privacy loopholes, has been sidestepping the Fourth Amendment by paying AT&T to allow federal, state, and local law enforcement to access—without a warrant—the phone records of Americans who are not suspected of a crime.

This goes way beyond the NSA’s metadata collection program.

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U.S. Suicides Reached Record High Last Year

Well, based on the data, TBP should be experiencing mass suicides, since 80% of our readers are old angry men. Personally, I think TBP keeps old men from committing suicide because it gives them a place to bitch and complain, and realize there are thousands more just like them, so they stop being depressed. I’m a lifesaver. I also noticed 80% of all suicides are men. That clearly proves that women are the reason men kill themselves. Is it really suicide? Or just being nagged to death?

Via The National Review

More Americans committed suicide in 2022 than in any other year on record, according to data released by the CDC on Wednesday.

The National Center for Health Statistics recorded nearly 50,000 suicides last year, up 2.6 percent increase from the prior year. The 2022 suicide rate of 14.3 per 100,000 Americans is the highest since 1941.

The increase in suicides was largely driven by older Americans taking their own lives. Suicide rates for young people returned to pre-pandemic levels in 2022 after soaring in 2021 amid the social isolation and financial stress caused by the pandemic and resulting lockdowns. Suicide rates for children aged 10-14 declined by 18 percent in 2022, and rates for young people aged 15-24 declined by 9 percent.

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Data Analytical Services (DAS) – Hemisphere Project Expanded – Government Surveillance

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Snowden and others warned us. The US government has been spying on citizens at the federal, state, and local levels. Telecommunications company AT&T partnered with Data Analytical Services (DAS) to provide them with our digital footprints. The government is targeting everyone under the assumption that every American is a criminal.

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Sure would be ironic if this vaccine pushing douchebag died suddenly. That would be a damn shame, but it would be another example of the vaccines working.

Continue reading “WHAT A SHAME”

NATO ‘slaughtering’ Ukrainians to fight Russia

Via RT

The US-led military bloc was initially conceived as an instrument to confront the country, spokesman Dmitry Peskov said

NATO is sticking to its plan to contain Russia by sacrificing countless Ukrainian lives, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. His comments came after the bloc’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg argued that the alliance was trying to prevent further escalation of tensions with Russia.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Peskov pointed out that, no matter what statements come out of NATO, the bloc was originally conceived and structured in a way that “essentially make it an instrument of confrontation with Russia and a means of containing it.”

“So far, the alliance has not abandoned its plans to contain Russia and slaughter the Ukrainian people as ritual victims in the fight against Russia,” Peskov said, noting that Moscow was planning its course of action taking these realities into account.

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This is the movie we wish we didn’t have to make. But this is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children.

Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children. Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet. We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots. But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children…and so this doesn’t happen to one more child.