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“The Cost Of Sanity, In This Society, Is A Certain Level Of Alienation”

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

The late psychonaut/philosopher Terence McKenna once said “The cost of sanity, in this society, is a certain level of alienation,” and I think my regular readers will immediately and experientially understand exactly what he was talking about.

It’s not always easy to be on the outside of consensus reality. Our entire society, after all, has been built upon consensus — upon a shared agreement about what specific mouth sounds mean, on what money is and how it works, on how we should all behave toward each other in public spaces, and on what normal human behavior in general looks like.

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The War of the Narratives

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Note:  I will add an update on all this later today.

Fighting for its very life, the Resistance rolls out a last-ditch flanking maneuver today in its three-year war against reality as Rep. Adam Schiff’s House Intel Committee presents findings to Rep. Nadler’s Judiciary Committee for crimes as yet unspecified against Mr. Trump, possibly as grave as treason. Buyer beware. The Resistance always accuses its enemy of the very acts it commits — for instance, colluding with Russia, the primal deed that the guiding spirit of the Resistance, Mrs. Clinton, perpetrated in hiring Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS outfit and its star front-man, Christopher Steele, to consort with Russian disinformation agents injecting some helpful fantasy into the 2016 election.

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Paul Volcker, Central Banker Who Defeated Inflation, Dead At 92

Via ZeroHedge

Image result for paul volcker

Paul A. Volcker, who helped shape American economic policy for more than six decades, and who will forever be etched in the history books for leading the Federal Reserve’s brute-force campaign to subdue inflation in the late 1970s and early ’80s, has died on Sunday in New York, the NYT reported. He was 92.

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Congress is Trump’s Co-Conspirator Against Liberty

Guest Post by Ron Paul

Imagine that President Trump spent his phone call with the Ukrainian president threatening to withhold military aid unless the Ukrainian government agreed to use the money to purchase weapons from a US manufacturer. Does anyone seriously think that foreign service professionals and deep state operatives would be so shocked and offended by Trump’s request that they would launch efforts to impeach him? Would Congress view this as “high crimes and misdemeanors” or applaud Trump for carrying out one of modern presidents’ supposedly most important jobs — acting as salesmen for the American military-industrial complex?

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Pearl Harbor & The Campaign To Lie America Into World War II

Authored by Hunter Derensis via,

Before Pearl Harbor, there was an elaborate British influence operation of forged documents, fake news, and manipulation.

A World War II era poster showing portraits of Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill with the title “Liberators of The World”. The poster also shows the flags of the Allies, and the sinking of the Japanese battleship Haruna. (Photo by David J. & Janice L. Frent/Corbis via Getty Images)

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Notorious Duct-Taped Banana Exhibit Vandalized With “Epstien Didn’t Kill Himself” Sign

Via ZeroHedge

The story of the $120,000 (eaten) banana just won’t end, and tonight it took another, even more surreal turn.

The now-iconic white wall that as recently as Saturday held a duct-taped banana – arguably the world’s most expensive – at Art Basel Miami Beach was “vandalized” on Sunday afternoon, forcing exhibitors to cover up the writing in red lipstick with a white cardboard. The banana, which attracted hundreds after it sold to an art collector for $120,000, was replaced with the phrase “Epstien (sic) didn’t kill himself,” written with red lipstick.

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A Safe Space Society Is A Totalitarian Nightmare

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

A Safe Space Society Is A Totalitarian Nightmare

As the undisputed star of the new film No Safe Spaces – the hit documentary on academia’s descent into Orwellian tyranny features a quick shot of a lawyer letter I wrote to some collegiate gulag apparatchiks – I wholeheartedly recommend that you go see it. Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager take you on a guided tour of the insanity and evil that has gripped academia, and it’s utterly terrifying. You need to see it not merely to gape at the freak show but to learn what’s coming for society as a whole. The dreary conformity factories that pretend to be providing our next generation of leaders with a higher education have instead embarked on a campaign of indoctrination designed to manufacture a generation of goose-stepping creeps who use their bizarre collection of buzzwords and fetishes as weapons to suppress any kind of dissent.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – John Birch Society founded – 1958


In Indianapolis, retired Boston candy manufacturer Robert H.W. Welch, Jr., establishes the John Birch Society, a right-wing organization dedicated to fighting what it perceives to be the extensive infiltration of communism into American society. Welch named the society in honor of John Birch, considered by many to be the first American casualty in the struggle against communism. In 1945, Birch, a Baptist missionary and U.S. Army intelligence specialist, was killed by Chinese communists in the northern province of Anhwei.

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“Speak up, speak often and don’t worry about those that at this point cannot understand as they can never un-hear what we tell them.”

Ron Paul

“I have often wondered why the sounds of the beating drums do not make the marching soldiers shoot their officers and go home.”

Albert J. Nock

“Laws do not persuade just because they threaten.”

Seneca the Younger

“The truth is that the government cannot give if it does not take from somebody… It is not in the power of the government to make everybody more prosperous.”

Ludwig von Mises

Never Forget

Guest Post by The Zman

One of the odd results of the mass media culture is a sort of collective amnesia in which we forget things almost as fast as they happen. The Jeffrey Epstein murder was a big deal and then it was forgotten. The fake investigation was forgotten while it was happening, as by now everyone knows the drill. The result of the communications revolution is that the public lives in a permanent state of now. Yesterday and tomorrow no longer exist, as they are not in the frame of the permanent now.

The phrase “conspiracy theory” now applied to anyone dredging up old scandals or old controversies. You can be sure that next year, anyone mentioning the FBI spying scandal will be called a conspiracy theorist. This happened with the white wash of the Clinton e-mail scandal. Within the frame of the present, the event happened, the good guys won and the event was moved out of the frame. Anyone bringing it back up is treated like a lunatic talking about how they saw Big Foot.

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Attorney General Barr Indicts Eight Individuals for Illegally Funneling Millions In Foreign Money To Clinton’s Campaign in 2016

Submitted by Les P.

Via The Geller Report

Big news (deliberately) overshadowed shadowed by the impeachment hoax.

One of the men arrested was a star witness for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia hoax….

Obama got away with taking illegal contributions form jihad nations (no less), so why wouldn’t the criminal Clintons think they could get away with it?

Related: Obama’s Illegal Contributions

Barr Indicts Eight Individuals for Illegally Funneling Millions In Foreign Money To Clinton’s Campaign in 2016

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Revenue Collection and Something Else

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It used to be that roadside mulctings were primarily, even exclusively, motivated by simple money-lust. Traffic enforcement as a kind of random tax-raising effort.

Many towns and even cities in the United States are extremely dependent on the “revenue” – as it is styled – which is generated by the fleecing of motorists. This is why there are so many “infractions” – and it is why many of them are deliberately contrived so as to assure almost every motorist will be “guilty” of at least one “violation” every time he drives.

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