President LARP

Guest Post by The Zman

After close to a week of dithering, Jared Kushner allowed Trump to stage a publicity stunt, where he waddled out of the White House down to the church the looters had burned the other night. In front of the cameras, Trump held up a Bible and said some things. They said it symbolized national resilience to the mob violence that is engulfing the nation’s cities. In reality, it was the perfect image for a presidency that is nothing more than live action role playing.

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Guest Post by Realestatepup

When I was young, my father delivered potato chips for a living. He worked for a small, regional chip-maker (long gone, I believe bought out by a larger company). When he took the job, he did so with one thought in mind: expand his route by his own initiative in order to make more money on commissions for new routes.

He did exactly that. We were not poor nor rich, but we lived in a modest 2-unit house bought for $21,000 via a Yankee Mac loan, the precursor to today’s VA loan. Interest rates at that time were high, and I believe my parents were thrilled they were paying something like 12% on that loan.

My dad drove an old, used Chevy Vega. I don’t remember my mother having a car, she worked close to home and walked to work, but didn’t even work when my brother and I were little.

We at good meals three times a day cooked by my mother, and eating out was a rarity.

We went to the drive-in, camping, swimming. Friends came over to our house and we rode bikes and played outside. Parents played cards.

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Poll Finds Clear Majority Of Americans Want Military To Help Police Deal With Riots

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

The silent majority has spoken. A new Morning Consult Poll finds that 58% of Americans want the military brought in to help police deal with riots, with 30% opposing the measure.

Asked if they supported “Calling in the U.S. military to supplement city police forces,” 33% said they strongly support the measure and 25% somewhat support it for a total support of 58%, while 19% strongly oppose and 11% somewhat oppose the measure.

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Race and Riots

Guest Post by John Stossel

Race and Riots

“No justice, no peace!” they shout. Then they break windows.

It makes me furious.

But then I watch the video of the Minneapolis cop kneeling on George Floyd’s neck, while Floyd repeatedly says, “I can’t breathe,” and three other officers just watch.

Then I see the video of the woman in Central Park calling 911, claiming, “An African-American man is threatening me!” But that was a racist lie.

Christian Cooper just asked her to leash her dog. We’re supposed to leash our dogs in that section of Central Park.

Continue reading “Race and Riots”

Some Facts Worth Knowing

Guest Post by Walter E. Williams

Some Facts Worth Knowing

Imagine that you are an unborn spirit in heaven. God condemns you to a life of poverty but will permit you to choose the country in which you will spend your life. Which country would you choose? I would choose the United States of America.

A recent study by Just Facts, an excellent source of factual information, shows that after accounting for income, charity and noncash welfare benefits such as subsidized health care, housing, food stamps and other assistance programs, “the poorest 20% of Americans consume more goods and services than the national averages for all people in the world’s most affluent countries.” This includes the majority of countries that are members of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, including its European members. The Just Facts study concludes that if the U.S. “poor” were a nation, then it would be one of the world’s richest.

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This Time, the Fed Can’t Avoid Inflation, Says Expert

From Birch Gold Group


This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving gold and the overall economy. Stories include: Is the latest QE program finally going to spike prices, gold cannot be printed by central banks, and virus intensifies the flow of gold to U.S. vaults.

Can the Federal Reserve avoid inflation once again?

As the dust around the 2008 financial crisis settled, some may have been surprised that the eagerness of the Federal Reserve to print money did not cause inflation, or even hyperinflation. Yet those who are expecting the same turnout this time around should look at the underlying nature of both crises.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signs National Defense Act – 1916


On June 3, 1916, United States President Woodrow Wilson signs into law the National Defense Act, which expanded the size and scope of the National Guard—the network of states’ militias that had been developing steadily since colonial times—and guaranteed its status as the nation’s permanent reserve force.

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“Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the hidden confiscation of wealth.”

Alan Greenspan

“Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.”

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

“An armed society is a polite society.”

Robert A. Heinlein

“It is not in the nature of politics that the best men should be elected. The best men do not want to govern their fellowmen.”

George MacDonald

That Would Be Called An “Indicator”

Guest Post by WRSA

One of the early goals of all Red revolutions is the seizure or destruction of all information distribution outlets.

There is only one truth to the Communist: that day’s party line.

Woe unto those who do not adhere.

The second iteration of the Western Rifle Shooters Association (WRSA) blog, hosted by WordPress, was nuked today.

While it is a loss, it was a deliberate sacrifice of a player to increase situational awareness.

The Reds are on the move.

Continue reading “That Would Be Called An “Indicator””


UPDATE: email from WRSA – I asked him if had any warning. Good news. He is up on Gab

None. Saw a refund for my service from them, then went to the site.

Pass this along to your followers; plan in progress; Gab will serve as rally point and/or host.


It’s getting serious now. Western Rifle Shooters is very much a like minded site to TBP. They post almost all of our main articles. I have a regular email dialogue with guy who runs it. I had never heard of WordPress pulling the plug before. It looks like big tech is going to try and crush all dissenting opinion by censoring and de-platforming. TBP runs on WordPress. It’s just a matter of time until they come for us. is no longer available.

This blog has been archived or suspended in accordance with our Terms of Service.
For more information and to contact us please read this support document.

Shocking Evidence Suggests Coordinated Effort To Orchestrate An Uprising Inside The United States

Authored by Michael Snyder via,

Violence has erupted in major cities all over America yet again today, and we are being told to brace ourselves for more rioting, looting and civil unrest in the days ahead.  The death of George Floyd was a great tragedy, and the vast majority of Americans agree that we do not want to see that sort of police brutality in our nation, and so this should actually be a moment that brings our country together.  But instead, America is being torn apart.  The protests against police brutality have been hijacked by sinister forces, and they are attempting to channel the outrage over George Floyd’s death in a very violent direction.  As you will see below, law enforcement authorities all over the U.S. are telling us that they have identified a highly organized effort to orchestrate violence, and this appears to be happening on a nationwide basis.

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The George Floyd Protests

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

As my readers know, I am a critic of police brutality and regard George Floyd’s murder as being as unacceptable as every other outrage committed by police.  I am encouraged that this time the officer has been arrested, instead of protected,  and that the arrest came early as soon as the investigation was complete.  Yet white Antifa members have turned a peaceful black protest into  violent multi-city riots  that are ongoing despite the arrest of the police officer.

Continue reading “The George Floyd Protests”