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Biden Has No Good Options

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Biden Has No Good Options

This riot crisis will pass, and then it’s nothing but bad choices ahead for Badfinger Biden, not that he realizes it. He’s too far gone and far too busy watching his stories on the tee-vee to negotiate the crucial strategic decisions he faces if he wants to win. Even if not he has not already disembarked the short bus in Seniletown, he’s at least wandering aimlessly through its suburbs. The calls he has to make – about reacting to the failing Antifa/Democrat insurrection, about picking a veep, and about how to handle the only guy who seemed to grow younger, healthier and sharper in the Oval Office – would not be easy one for someone on the ball, much less someone giggling as he chases a ball around his backyard.

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The Fed Just Got the Perfect Cover for the Collapse of the U.S. Economy

From Brandon Smith


The scapegoating has already started. In almost every sector of the economy that is collapsing, the claim is that “everything was fine until the pandemic happened”. From tumbling web news platforms to small businesses to major corporations, the coronavirus outbreak and the subsequent national riots will become the excuse for failure. The establishment will try to rewrite history and many people will go along with it because the truth makes them look bad.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Chinese crackdown on protests leads to Tiananmen Square Massacre – 1989


Chinese troops storm through Tiananmen Square in the center of Beijing, killing and arresting thousands of pro-democracy protesters. The brutal Chinese government assault on the protesters shocked the West and brought denunciations and sanctions from the United States.

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“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.”

George Orwell

“The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.”

H. L. Mencken

“The notion of a world government to defend our rights would have sent the founding fathers running for their muskets.”

Pat Buchanan

“To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.”


The Russians Did It

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The Obama regime’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, the most unqualified person ever to have had that job, told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the organized  burning and looting violence of the George Floyd protests “is right out of the Russian playbook” —

Other nutcases are blaming “foreign adversaries” such as China.  Susan is not going to waste a case on “white racism” that can be blamed on Russia.  It wasn’t Antifa that provided the bricks, it was Putin.

As a person outed by the troll website PropOrNot as a “Russian agent,” I am surprised that I haven’t been  blamed.

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Governor Cuomo Orders Nursing Homes To Admit Rioters

Via The Babylon Bee

ALBANY, NY—New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has ordered nursing homes to admit violent rioters and protesters throughout the state.

“If we are going to be compassionate, caring, and pro-science, we need to admit these oppressed individuals into every care facility available,” he said at a press conference this morning. “I don’t want to hear any talk of how this might hurt old people. This isn’t the Dark Ages — we listen to SCIENCE in this state!”

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Doug Casey on the Coming Bond and Real Estate Collapse and Where the Next Bubble Will Be

Via International Man

Bond and Real Estate Collapse

International Man: The bond super bubble continues to get bigger. Interest rates seem to be headed even lower from here. Is this the blow-off top in the bond market?

What do you think will cause central banks to lose control and for interest rates to head higher?

Doug Casey: Even with the Fed bailing out major institutions—which it will continue to do, just like back in 2008–2009—the fundamentals underlying many businesses are so bad that a lot of them are going to collapse. I’m not just talking about the obvious candidates—retail, restaurants, airlines—but across the board.

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The Virtue of the Fear Mask

Guest Post by Eric Peters

There is one upside to the sickening spectacle of half or more the population pretending to be Michael Jackson – that is to say, pretending to be sick.

It is that the rest of us know who we’re up against. Who exactly. On a person to person basis.

It’s as though we now have open rather than secret ballots. Pre-Corona, it was hard to know for sure whether your neighbor just voted to have the government steal more of your money on his behalf – for “the schools” or whatever need he felt you ought to pay for.

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US adults will spend approximately 44 years of their life staring at screens

Via The NY Post

Female staring directly at her smartphone.

The average US adult will spend the equivalent of 44 years of their life staring at screens.

Research polling 2,000 adults in the US found more than 6,259 hours a year are spent glued to gadgets such as phones, laptops and televisions.

That equates to an astonishing 382,652 hours and 48 minutes over the average adult lifetime of 60.7 years.

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Criminal Gangs Who Ransacked NYC Arrived In Chauffeured Cars, Used Power Tools, Witnesses Say

Via ZeroHedge

Mayor de Blasio and several high-ranking NYPD officials have already spoken out about the organized gangs of criminals who appear to be responsible for most of the looting in NYC. Now, a group of cops investigating the highly-coordinated crimes are telling local TV stations that they have evidence many of the looters were chauffeured to the “jobs” and brought large arsenals of power tools to help them break in.

Witnesses who spoke to these officers claimed they saw looters who showed up in separate vehicles work together in large groups to facilitate the looting that broke out in retail areas in Soho, Fifth Ave. and elsewhere.

According to ABC 6, one of the numerous eyewitness reports received by police came from Carla Murphy, who lives in Chelsea.

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