Obituary of Juan Jose Santos

It’s with a heavy heart that I have to tell the TBP community about the death of one of our most beloved commenters – EC. His real name was Juan Santos and he lived in Palmdale, CA. He was only 65 years old, so gone far to soon. Whenever a regular commenter abruptly stops commenting I always worry. I found his obituary last night. We’ve lost Smokey, Kill Bill, AWD, BB, and now EC.

His commentary was always witty and humorous. He knew how to push buttons, but his jabs were always good hearted. He was highly intelligent and a tremendous contributor to TBP. I’m going to miss his wit and wisdom.

You can go to the link below to see more pictures, tributes and a movie of his life. His family and friends clearly loved him. And so did his TBP family.

Godspeed EC.

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The Price of Freedom Comes Down

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas via International Man

In 1984, St. Kitts & Nevis offered, for the first time, Citizenship by Investment, or CBI.

The idea was that, through an on-island real estate investment of $400,000, or a one-time “donation” of $250,000 to the government, a non-Kittitian could receive citizenship within a few short months. To gain citizenship, he would not be required to live in the islands, nor even to visit them. But his new citizenship would allow him to live there if he chose to do so, without obligation to pay any income or capital gains taxes locally. In addition, his new passport would be honoured in 132 countries, providing him with tremendous freedom.

Not surprisingly, the programme was inspired by the knowledge that many countries in the former “Free World” have become increasingly rapacious as regards their citizenries.

As is always the case historically, when once-powerful nations find themselves in a state of decline, rather than correct the problems they have created, governments tend to squeeze their people even harder. Many of those people then seek a means by which they can exit the clutches of their governments, but the lack of a second passport often enslaves them to the country of their birth.

Not surprisingly, the Kittitian CBIs were frowned upon by those countries that people hoped to be freed from. Canada and the US in particular sought means to claim that the programme was somehow illegal under international law or that it violated humanitarian principles.

Interestingly, although there have been repeated attempts to stop the islands from providing CBIs, they have repeatedly failed. Although St Kitts & Nevis is a small nation, its powerful neighbours to the north were unable to defeat the programme. The only success they achieved was to demand that, after 2012, the Kittitian passports contain the birthplace of the holder so that, should he return to his native country, Immigration would be alerted to the possibility that he might still retain his first citizenship.

This fact is important, as it informs us that the great countries to the north accept that to attempt to freeze out the little island country or come down heavily upon it would be a non-starter internationally. Therefore, the programme has been and remains a valid national policy in diplomatic terms and the possession of a Kittitian passport is likely to continue to provide a layer of freedom to those who possess it.

From my own experience in St. Kitts & Nevis, my advice to their government has been that they consider awarding a variety of citizenships – voting and non-voting – with a different cost associated with each. Those citizenships that carried fewer rights would cost less.

The reasoning for this is that very few potential takers will be able to plunk down the $400,000, but many more could afford $100,000 and great numbers of people could manage $50,000.

Although the Kittitian government has been reluctant to follow this path, for fear of having large numbers of foreigners gain the vote in a country of only 52,000 people, my belief was that the CBI concept would catch on elsewhere. Other islands would offer CBIs and, as is always the case when several entities offer a similar product, prices will come down.

We have now reached that juncture. Some twenty countries offer some form of CBI, including some of the powerful nations that once objected to it. (If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.)

In particular, four additional Caribbean nations now offer CBIs.

And that’s what has triggered the drop in price.

Dominica – a country with a minimalist economy, became the first country to offer citizenship for $100,000. After all, they really had very little to offer as a place of residence, so they compensated for that fact by offering a bargain price on their CBI.

This has changed the rules dramatically. Prices have dropped in the other islands.

Today, a quick look at five Caribbean citizenships reveals the following:


CBIs are available in some European countries but tend to be pricier. For those who are not seeking to become a part of the EU, the Caribbean countries tend to offer greater independence from political turmoil.

In addition to reviewing the above, those who seek the freedom provided by a second passport would be advised to research each of the above nations (and others who provide CBIs) to examine social climate, stability of government, taxation, crime level and amenities available. If possible, a bit of island-hopping would provide a fuller grasp of local pros and cons.

Whether or not you wish to live in your new country, the livability of it may determine whether it has a promising future in a world that’s presently undergoing great upheaval. This is particularly relevant for those considering the real estate option.

The decision to shell out $100,000 or more for a second passport may, at present, seem to be rather extravagant, but considering the increasingly totalitarian direction that many of the former Free World countries have been taking as their economic structures unravel, a CBI may one day soon prove to be essential if an exit from your birth country becomes advisable.

Editor’s Note: The political and economic climate is constantly changing… and not always for the better. Obtaining the political diversification benefits of a second passport is crucial to ensuring you won’t fall victim to a desperate government.

That’s why Doug Casey and his team just released a new complementary report, “The Easiest Way to a Second Passport.” It contains all the details about one of the easiest countries to obtain a second passport from. Click here to download it now.

Hotels Consider Requiring All Guests To Have COVID Vaccination

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Hotels have now joined airlines in considering whether or not to mandate that all guests have proof of COVID vaccination before being allowed to stay.

Several airlines have already announced plans to make the shot a compulsory condition of flying. According to anecdotal evidence, hotels and other forms of accommodation could follow suit.

Continue reading “Hotels Consider Requiring All Guests To Have COVID Vaccination”

Has America’s Suez Moment Come?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Has America's Suez Moment Come?

Can a nation so distracted, so divided, so at war with itself continue to meet all of the duties, obligations and commitments that are ours as the self-proclaimed “leader of the free world”?

2020 will surely qualify as an “annus horribilis” in the history of the Republic.

By New Year’s, one in every 1,000 Americans, 330,000, will be dead from the worst pandemic in 100 years. The U.S. economy will have sustained a blow to rival the worst year of the Great Depression.

And by the end of December, much of the nation will be back in lockdown, with Joe Biden repeatedly predicting a “dark winter” ahead.

Only at the apex of World War II has the U.S. deficit and debt been so large a share of our economy.

Continue reading “Has America’s Suez Moment Come?”

Talk to your Twitter Mob to find out if the Covid vaccine is right for you…

Guest Post by Simon Black

Before committing heresy today and subjecting myself to the unforgiving courts of cancel culture, I’m compelled to state that I am not an ‘anti-vaxxer’.

Now, we live in a world where when you say you’re NOT something, you’re immediately guilty of being exactly that thing.

But the facts speak for themselves; even in my early 40s I still occasionally get vaccinated. Last year I tried a flu shot (though I still got the flu).

And since I spend a lot of time on a farm where rusty metals seem to grow out of the dirt, one of my physicians advised me to get a tetanus shot, which I did.

Continue reading “Talk to your Twitter Mob to find out if the Covid vaccine is right for you…”

Has New York Signed its Own Destruction?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

New York politicians have destroyed their economy and now are looking at raising the taxes on the rich even more. Carl Icahn moves hedge fund from NYC to Miami. Even Goldman Sachs is looking at sending its most profitable division to Florida. This is how the cities have self-destructed. They think that businesses and “rich” individuals are simply there for exploitation. New York City is outrageous and the state is so aggressive in taxes it is unbelievable. One client left New York and moved to Florida. His wife would return to visit friends. The state checked her cellphone calls and said she was still in New York without a residence and went after her and her husband for state income taxes. BEWARE, you cannot even visit New York again or use a burner phone.

Continue reading “Has New York Signed its Own Destruction?”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – United States announces that it will recognize communist China – 1978


In one of the most dramatic announcements of the Cold War, President Jimmy Carter states that as of January 1, 1979, the United States will formally recognize the communist People’s Republic of China (PRC) and sever relations with Taiwan.

Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – United States announces that it will recognize communist China – 1978”


“That government is best which governs least.”

Henry David Thoreau

“Whoever wishes peace among peoples must fight statism.”

Ludwig von Mises

“Democracy allows for A and B to band together to rip off C. This is not justice, but a moral outrage.”

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

“No man’s life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session.”

Gideon J. Tucker

The Case For Pardoning Edward Snowden By President Trump: Greenwald

Authored by Glenn Greenwald via,

A U.S. appellate court in September unanimously ruled that the NSA’s program of mass domestic surveillance was illegal, as well as likely a violation of the Fourth Amendment’s guarantee against “unreasonable searches and seizures.” The court, and the broader public, knew about this illegal mass surveillance program created by the NSA only because Edward Snowden, while working inside that agency, discovered its existence and concluded in 2012 that the American public has the right know about what was being secretly done to them and their privacy by their own government.

Upon making the decision to blow the whistle on this security state illegality, Snowden delivered the documents relating to that program and other then-unknown systems of mass online surveillance not by dumping them indiscriminately on the internet or selling them or passing them to foreign governments, but by providing them to journalists (including myself) with The Guardian, The Washington Post and other news outlets. The documents Snowden provided were accompanied by requests to report them responsibly. He thus relinquished the power entirely to make decisions about which documents would and would not be published, leaving those decisions exclusively to news outlets.

Continue reading “The Case For Pardoning Edward Snowden By President Trump: Greenwald”


Submitted by Mark M.

Ok, this is almost an hour. It is a long time but the ground covered is worth the time.

It is not Pro-Trump or Anti-Trump…because Civil War 2 is not about Trump…it is about U.S.!

The interviewer is an interesting Alt-Right Renaissance Man and the individual being interviewed is a Constitutional Scholar.

I cannot see how anyone who is not propagandized, brainwashed or dumbed down does not realize this obvious stolen election was a blitzkrieg by the enemies of our *Constitutional Republic.

I sent this to Trump on his White House e-mail with this comment:

Continue reading “MT. RUSHMORE OR JUDAS GOAT?”


In Part 1 of this article I discussed how our country has devolved from Huxley’s Brave New World of distraction and irrelevancy into Orwell’s world of Big Brother surveillance and Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago. Now I will make the case for joining the fight against the Great Reset.

Now is the time for a 'great reset' of capitalism | World Economic Forum

As more than half the country sleep-walks into the clutches of Marxism and tyranny, they fail to heed the wisdom of those who experienced the cruelty, oppression, and degradation after a similar revolution in the last century.

“A revolution never brings prosperity to a nation, but benefits only a few shameless opportunists, while to the country as a whole it heralds countless deaths, widespread impoverishment, and, in the gravest cases, a long-lasting degeneration of the people.”Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Dangerous Chuck Schumer: Now We Take Georgia then We Change the World! – Shore News Network

Schumer’s slip of the tongue about changing the world and then putting on his mask (to push the masks work narrative) and declaring he will change the country when they win the two Georgia Senate seats reveals the global nature of this ongoing coup attempt by the global elites and the Deep State. I was highly suspicious of the engineered hysteria for this China flu back in March when I wrote P for Pandemic and stand by my conclusions reached nine months ago:

“As this incomprehensible national shutdown extends into April, tens of thousands of small businesses will be forced to close their doors for good. Local restaurants, hair salons, delis, hardware stores, and thousands of other small businesses will be involuntarily shuttered for good.

The national chains will collect their government largess, produce PR campaigns to pat themselves on the back, and abscond with the profits of the now deceased small businesses. The corporate fascists will become ever more powerful. Why are we letting this happen?”

Continue reading “TIME TO HEEL – OR FIGHT”

Old, Failed Idea Repackaged As New, Progressive Idea

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S.—An old, failed idea — one that spread countless misery long ago when people were ignorant enough to implement it — has once again been repackaged as a new, progressive idea.

“Wow! This will solve everything!” said an enthusiastic young liberal about an idea proven by history to make everything worse.

Continue reading “Old, Failed Idea Repackaged As New, Progressive Idea”