THIS DAY IN HISTORY – President Donald Trump impeached – 2019


After weeks of discussions among legislators, the House of Representatives voted to impeach the 45th President, Donald Trump, for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress on December 18, 2019. The vote fell largely along party lines: 230 in favor, 197 against and 1 present. Trump became only the third president ever to be impeached, joining Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, after Democrats raised concerns about his alleged attempts to seek foreign interference in the 2020 election and to hamper their investigation.

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Lift Up Your Eyes

Guest Post by The Zman

It is hard to believe, but the British government is now into the fifth year of negotiations with the EU over withdrawing from the union. The Brexit referendum passed in June of 2016 and since then there have been two new Prime Ministers and one national election, all driven by the issue. Of course, there have been lots of promises to get the deal done, but it has been one delay after another. They have just announced another delay in order to keep negotiating a deal that will never come.

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Fauci Wants Christmas Canceled: “Just One Of The Things You’re Going To Have To Accept”

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Dr. Anthony Fauci declared this week that he believes Christmas celebrations between family members should be canceled, warning that it’s “just one of the things you’re going to have to accept as we go through this unprecedented challenging time.”

Fauci made the comments in an interview with the Washington Post, noting that over the holidays “I’m going to be with my wife — period.”

“The Christmas holiday is a special holiday for us because Christmas Eve is my birthday. And Christmas Day is Christmas Day.” Fauci said, adding “And [my daughters] are not going to come home … That’s painful.”

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Politics – It’s Over – Finally?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Can Trump still win with lawsuits or invoking the fraud provisions of the Executive Order of 2018? I am not trying to give anyone false hope. Many people have written in because they do not understand the system. The overseas readers seem to be upset the most for they were hoping for Trump to stand up to the real tyranny they have suffered under the direction of Klaus Schwab and his modern version of Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

The Electoral College vote on December 14th was actually not the end. The counting of the Electoral Votes actually takes place on January 6, 2021, when Congress meets in a joint session to count the electoral votes and announce the results of the Electoral College vote.

The Constitution’s text requires that a group of electors, commonly called the Electoral College, chooses the next president. If a majority of electors fails to agree on a winner, Congress picks the winner in continent elections held within Congress under the terms of the 12th Amendment.

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Does the West Any Longer Have a Left?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

There is no sign of one in the traditional meaning of leftwing.

In former times, the left stood for the working class. Leftist literature was about class antagonisms. The left attacked the capitalists. Today the left is funded by them. The words–reform, justice, progressive–all meant different things in the 20th century than they mean today.

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The Single Wisest Thing You Can Do with Your Money

Guest Post by Doug Casey via International Man


There’s a great deal more to becoming rich than buying the right investments and hoping for the best. The most important element in your strategy to win the battle for investment survival is your own psychology. You’ve heard that your attitude helps your health and your golf score; it’ll also improve your earning power.

It’s not enough to liquidate your past financial mistakes. It’s more important to liquidate counterproductive attitudes, approaches, and methods of dealing with problems. The results that someone gets in life are an indication of how sound his approach toward life is. A sound philosophy of life gives good results. People with chaotic, unproductive, unhappy lives usually don’t have anyone to blame but themselves. They rarely have a strategy for living and thus have no foundation on which to build a strategy for investing.

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Chinese Spy Assigned To Date Eric Swalwell Begs To Be Sent To Labor Camp Instead

Via The Babylon Bee

BEIJING—Sources within the Chinese government confirmed today that the spy who was assigned to date Rep. Eric Swalwell and get information from him abruptly returned to China and begged to be sent to a labor camp instead.

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Breonna Taylor: The True Story of a BLM Hero

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Breonna Taylor: The True Story of a BLM Hero

Hey, guys, I found out the true facts in the Breonna Taylor case!

Remember the “botched raid” (New York Times) on Breonna’s apartment in Louisville, Kentucky, last March, when police officers killed this innocent black woman as she slept peacefully in her bed?

Yes, apparently, without announcing themselves, the police smashed in the front door of the WRONG APARTMENT. Their warrant was for a man Breonna had dated eons ago and barely knew anymore, and whom they already had in custody! Assuming the police were home invaders, Breonna’s boyfriend pulled out a gun — again, police were at the WRONG APARTMENT — whereupon the officers opened fire, killing Breonna and wounding one of their own in friendly fire.

You probably won’t believe this, but it turns out, none of that is true.

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Pardon Everyone

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Pardon Everyone

Power is wasted if you don’t use it, especially when exercising your power will protect your friends and hamstring your enemies. The Democrats get that. The last four years have demonstrated that they get how to use power via their obnoxious and evil witch hunts targeting the associates of the president, not least of all General Mike Flynn. Trump used his power and pardoned Flynn. That’s a good start. Trump should now pardon everybody.

By which I mean everybody.

People who are accused of something right now.

People who aren’t accused of anything yet.

People who worked for Trump.

People who didn’t.

Even his opponents.

Pardon everybody.

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