“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.”

George Orwell

“Avoid compulsion and let early education be a matter of amusement. Young children learn by games; compulsory education cannot remain in the soul.”


“The chances of your being harmed by terrorists are minute. The chance of your being robbed by your own government? 100%.”

Joseph Sobran

“To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms.”

Richard Henry Lee

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Jen Psaki Banned From Social Media For Spreading Misinformation

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Biden administration has decided to crack down hard on those who spread covid misinformation on social media. Because of this, Press Secretary Jen Psaki has been promptly and permanently removed from all social media platforms.

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Highest Inflation in Thirty Years Vs. Denial, Hand-Waving and Excuses

From Birch Gold Group

Highest Inflation in Thirty Years Vs. Denial, Hand-Waving and Excuses

Stepping on a Lego in bare feet hurts. Once you know the Lego is there, and it hurts when you step on it, you can’t ignore it. That Lego is right out in the open, after all.

High inflation feels very similar. At first it’s a shock, then it hurts, then you just can’t pretend it’s not there. Unlike a stray Lego brick, though, you can’t just tidy inflation away. (That’s the Fed’s job.)

Inflation robs you in the subtlest possible way. And once you know high inflation is there, and it bleeds your buying power month after month, it’s hard to downplay or ignore. At least for you and me.

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80 fully vaccinated Mass. residents have died from COVID-19 as breakthrough cases surpass 5,000

By my calculation, if 80 fully vaxxed people died out of 5,166 full vaxxed cases, that’s a death rate of 1.55%. The death rate from Covid since last March has been .3%. I’m not good at maff, but something seems amiss.


Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

BOSTON (WHDH) – Eighty fully vaccinated Massachusetts residents have died from COVID-19 and the number of breakthrough cases reported across the state has surpassed 5,000, new public health data shows.

As of July 17, 716 more fully vaccinated residents had tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the number of breakthrough cases statewide to 5,166, numbers released by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health indicate. There were 4,450 breakthrough cases reported last week.

Fifty-seven fully vaccinated residents were hospitalized and later died from the virus, while 23 others who were vaccinated died without going to the hospital.

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Today, Private Pensions and Savers Face the Same Challenge

Via Birch Gold

Today, Private Pensions and Savers Face the Same Challenge

Bad news… Retirement savers with some (or all) of their assets tied up in a private pension could be facing a nightmare scenario sooner than expected.

Both public and private pensions have been in trouble for quite some time. But it appears private pensions are in the hot seat again. But this time, it’s not a self-inflicted problem…

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Straight From The Marxist Playbook: Evidence Of Election Manipulation Mounts

Via Blue State Conservative

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Marxist community organizer Saul Alinsky taught Democrats that the path to political power is not to solve society’s problems, but to exacerbate them, to use them to create an atmosphere of perpetual crisis. As Obama’s former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, put it: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Democrats did not let the COVID-19 pandemic go to waste. Instead, they used the national health emergency as an excuse to implement unprecedented changes in America’s long-standing election process. One of those changes was sending millions of unrequested mail-in ballots to every dead or alive person on voter rolls, a change that opened the door to virtually unlimited opportunities for massive election fraud.

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Rand Paul Asks DoJ To Investigate Fauci For Lying To Congress

Via ZeroHedge

During an otherwise routine hearing before the Senate, Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci clashed once again over whether President Biden’s top COVID advisor had lied to Congress when he insisted back in May that the NIH hadn’t finance gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (Dr. Fauci also furiously pushed back on the assertion that COVID-19 may have leaked from the lab, before suddenly changing his tune).

A clearly frazzled Dr. Fauci hurled insults at Sen. Rand Paul (a medical doctor) – “you don’t know what you’re talking about”, he shouted. However, after the dust settled, several reporters, including a reporter for the Washington Post, stepped up to point out that Dr. Fauci was, in fact, wrong. As we reported as far back as March, the NIH – which Dr. Fauci has been in charge of for decades – helped finance ‘gain-of-function’ research involving bat coronaviruses (research overseen by Dr. Shi ‘Batwoman’ Zhengli) via a third-party: EcoHealth Alliance.

This organization took grant money from the NIH and funneled to the WIV. And the leader of this organization? Dr. Peter Daszak, the same man tasked with investigating the origins of the virus by the WHO.

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America’s Frontline Doctors File Federal Lawsuit to Curtail Emergency Use of Covid Vaccines

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

It appears that my reading of the Covid information is correct.  The official reported cases and deaths are a scam, and the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus.

America’s Frontline Doctors have filed a federal lawsuit to stop the emergency use of untested and unapproved vaccines on three groups of people.


We will see if Big Pharma owns the courts too.

We have been lied to by medical bureaucrats such as Fauci at NIH and Rochelle Walensky at CDC, by the medical establishment, by ignorant politicians, and of course by the scum presstitutes and social media.  The question is: did they lie out of ignorance or on purpose?  Are they concerned with our health or with Big Pharma’s profits, government control over people, and perhaps darker agendas such as population reduction and the WEF’s “Great Reset”?

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Ernest Hemingway is born – 1899

Via History.com

On July 21, 1899, Ernest Miller Hemingway, author of such novels as “For Whom the Bell Tolls” and “The Old Man and the Sea,” is born in Oak Park, Illinois. The influential American literary icon became known for his straightforward prose and use of understatement. Hemingway, who tackled topics such as bullfighting and war in his work, also became famous for his own macho, hard-drinking persona.

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