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Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

An Urgent Message to The World

The interview YouTube doesn’t want you to see:

Dr. Mike Yeadon, formerly a Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer, believes the big experiment is well under way, and that the hypothesis it seeks to prove is as bold as it is terrible. A cogent and clear thinker who has been attacked in proportion to his qualifications, Dr. Yeadon, at great personal risk, issues a chilling warning, not just about the grave dangers surrounding the injections, but about the looming threat of digital health “passports” that will take inexorable control over every aspect of our lives.

If we allow them.

We have been warned.

Foo Fighters ‘Vaccinated Only’ Concert Canceled After Band Member Gets COVID as Breakthrough Cases on the Rise

Via Children’s Health Defense

As of July 12, the CDC reported 5,492 breakthrough COVID cases resulting in hospitalization or death. Meanwhile, states continue to report more breakthrough cases, and the New York Yankees cancel series opener after fully vaccinated players test positive.

Reports of COVID breakthrough cases continue to rise.

Reports of COVID breakthrough cases continue to rise — as of July 12, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 5,492 breakthrough cases resulting in death and hospitalization.

A breakthrough case refers to anyone who is diagnosed with COVID after being fully vaccinated. A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the second dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine, or two weeks after receiving the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine.

In May, the CDC revised its system for reporting breakthrough cases, stating it would count only those cases that result in hospitalization or death. Previously, the agency had included in its breakthrough count anyone who tested positive for COVID.

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Covid Cases are Surging in the Most-Vaxxed Countries, Not in the Least-Vaxxed

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Robert Malone, who pioneered the mRNA vaccine technology is concerned that the countries with the smallest percentage of their population vaccinated have the fewest number of new Covid cases.  Countries with the largest percentages of population vaccinated have surging numbers of new Covid cases.




Dr. Malone shares his calculations Based on CDC/VAERS data:

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Neil Armstrong walks on moon – 1969

Via History.com

At 10:56 p.m. EDT, American astronaut Neil Armstrong, 240,000 miles from Earth, speaks these words to more than a billion people listening at home: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Stepping off the lunar landing module Eagle, Armstrong became the first human to walk on the surface of the moon.

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Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Why Do Not Get Vaccinated or Booster

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Professor Bhakdi refers to new studies published by The Lancet which show that this is not such an unusual virus that the body does not recognize. It responds to the virus quickly showing vaccination is not necessary. Corona Viruses are different from Influenza and Bacteria or a Fungus. While I believe this virus was created in a lab, it is still a Coronavirus and it is not that dangerous to the majority of the population – the elderly yes, because their immune systems are starting to fail which eventually allows us to pass on to another dimension.

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Masculinity Isn’t Toxic. Ignore the Lies of the Tyranny-Minded Left

Via Gen Z Conservative

The greatest lie currently told by the modern left is that masculinity is toxic. That talking point, in various forms, has come from every segment of society. Teachers tell young boys not to fight, Gillette implies that flirting and grilling is toxic in its ads, school is designed to restrain energetic young men, and physical achievement is looked down upon by a sniveling, effeminate elite.

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The Counter-truths Unspin

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Back in the day, LSD trips were mostly a matter of personal choice. Today, though, all you have to do is wake up somewhere between Montauk and the Farallon Islands and your senses are overwhelmed with hallucinations. The public used to depend on newspapers and TV networks to suss out reality, but that filter is long gone, replaced by a relentless “narrative” machine, and all it does is spin out one technicolor whopper after another.

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Guest Post by Dr. Mike Yeadon

It is quite clear to me that, whatever the truth is about the origins of the virus or whether or not it actually exists in the precise form that we’re told, certain things have happened & continue to happen.

Very closely together in time, scores of countries simultaneously discarded their pandemic preparedness plans & instead adopted what I’ve dubbed the “Eight covid19 lies”.

Here’s a detailed example in an interview given to Highwire some weeks ago:

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