Woke Language

Guest Post by John Stossel

Woke Language

Have you noticed how our language is changing?

At a congressional hearing on “Birthing While Black,” nearly every politician used the words “birthing people” instead of “women” or “mothers.” Asked why, Shalanda Young, President Joe Biden’s budget director, said, “Our language needs to be more inclusive.”

Activists have also changed “equality” to “equity” and “affirmative action” to “diversity.”

The Associated Press no longer uses “mistress.” It tells reporters to use “companion, friend or lover.”

Worse, certain speech is now labeled “violence.”

Calling a transgender woman a man is “an act of violence,” says transgender actress Laverne Cox.

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Vaccine Expert Says What’s Happening With The Covid-19 Vax is ‘Fundamentally Different’

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What’s Dumber Than CRT? CNN

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

What's Dumber Than CRT? CNN

As we discussed last week, “critical race theory” is a subtle philosophical construct where the answer to everything is: THAT’S RACIST! Teachers hawking this glop are being defended by their journalist allies, who sneer that CRT critics are too stupid to understand the nuances of the theory.

The Aristotelian ideal of this sneer was Elle Reeve‘s “special report” for CNN — pre-taped to eliminate any danger of Elle being contradicted by someone smarter, such as a 10-year-old.

CNN’s Brianna Keilar introduced the segment by asking her: “Do these vocal opponents of critical race theory actually understand fully what it is?”

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Top 20 Quotes From Thomas Sowell About Race

Via Blue State Conservative

If Thomas Sowell quotes were a wall and this article were a dart, it would be impossible to randomly throw toward a target and not come away with moral sagacity in the form of a poignant statement. Even the horrid display of athleticism from Scottie Smalls would result in being close enough to the clarion wisdom that emanates from Sowell.

The Blue State Conservative regularly produces its Top Lists of some sort. They are never scientific and rarely produce consensus. Such is the nature of these lists. Nevertheless, they still communicate important ideas and also serve as a vehicle for starting a bigger conversation. I missed a quote? The reader knows a better one? Comments below eventually achieve a fuller picture.

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Migration Expands Beyond Northern Triangle

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

One of the 21st century’s biggest stories is slowly fading from the headlines.

Effective with President Joe Biden’s inauguration, the U.S. opened its doors to anyone who reaches the Southwest border. The thousands of illegal aliens that teemed over the border since January 20 negate the need for a formal announcement – the proof is on the nightly news as viewers watch hundreds who have illegally entered surrender to Customs and Border Patrol.

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Big Fail

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Is it still lying if you’re senile? Ethics experts and other viziers of morality might puzzle that out now that something-like-truth is emerging about Covid-19 and the vaccines that have set-up about 150-million Americans — and many more folks in other countries — for a premature exit from this world by way of thrombotic organ failure.

Hence: did the blunt tip of the “Joe Biden” regime’s spear, Ol’ White “Joe Biden” himself, actually lie Wednesday when he told American’s (and the world) that the Covid-19 vaccines are safe? And to “stay calm and get vaccinated?”

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The Propaganda War (And How to Fight It)

Guest Post by CJ Hopkins

Every totalitarian system in history has used the power of visual propaganda to generate a new “reality,” one that reifies its official ideology, remaking the world in its own paranoid image.

New Normal totalitarianism is no exception.

For example, take a look at this panel copied from the landing page of The Guardian — one of the global-capitalist ruling classes’ primary propaganda organs — on July 17, 2021…

This isn’t just “biased” or “sensationalist” journalism. It is systematic official propaganda, no different than that disseminated by every other totalitarian system throughout history. Here’s the one from the following day…

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Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID Vaccines Producing Symptoms of Parkinson’s, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders

Via Children’s Health Defense

AstraZeneca vaccine is already producing a safety signal for Parkinson’s disease.

As cases pile up (445 as of July 9) of the reportedly “rare” neurological disorder Guillain-Barré syndrome in people who received a COVID vaccine — forcing the sluggish U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to add a warning label to the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) shot — scientists are issuing urgent warnings about a possible tsunami of other types of neurological injuries.

Immunologist J. Bart Classen, one-time National Institutes of Health (NIH) contract scientist and proprietor of Classen Immunotherapies, a Maryland biotechnology firm, published a paper in February outlining the potential for messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID vaccines to trigger development of prion diseases as well as other chronic diseases.

Prion or “prion-like” diseases include Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and others. A hallmark of these neurodegenerative diseases is the formation and clustering of misfolded proteins within the nervous system.

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Eric Clapton Says He Won’t Play At Shows Where COVID-19 Vaccination Proof Is Required

Submitted by Doctor de Vaca

Authored by Isabel van Brugen via The Epoch Times,

Eric Clapton said on Wednesday that he will refuse to perform at venues where proof of vaccination against COVID-19 is required, after British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the introduction of vaccine passports from September for certain events and venues.

“Following the PM’s announcement on Monday the 19th of July 2021, I feel honour bound to make an announcement of my own: I wish to say that I will not perform on any stage where there is a discriminated audience present. Unless there is provision made for all people to attend, I reserve the right to cancel the show,” the musician said in a statement shared on architect and film producer Robin Monotti Graziadei’s Telegram account.

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JFK — Accept Our Diverse World as It Is

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

JFK -- Accept Our Diverse World as It Is

Kennedy was asking us to recognize that the world consists not only of democrats but also of autocrats, dictatorships, military regimes, monarchs and politburos, and the goal of U.S. foreign policy was not to convert them into political replicas of the USA.    Kennedy was willing to put our political model on offer to the world, but not to impose it on anyone…

Seven months after the Cuban missile crisis, President John F. Kennedy, at American University, laid out his view on how the East-West struggle should be conducted to avoid a catastrophic war that could destroy us both.

Kennedy’s message to Moscow and his fellow Americans:

“If (the United States and the Soviet Union) cannot end now our differences, at least we can make the world safe for diversity.”

As George Beebe writes in his essay, “It’s a Big World: The Importance of Diversity in American Foreign Policy,” in the July National Interest, Kennedy later elaborated:

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Pegasus: The Malware that could Kill Democracy

Via Gen Z Conservative

You may not have heard of NSO Group, a Jerusalem-based tech company, but you may already be a victim of its Pegasus software.

Across the world, dissidents, activists, and those seeking freedom and liberty from tyranny have been targeted by the Pegasus malware that transforms their cell phone into a pocket spy that turns state’s evidence against them.

Forbidden Stories, a non-profit organization similar to WikiLeaks, obtained thousands of pages of records and shared them with multiple media outlets Monday. Those records indicate that several prominent dissidents around the world were targeted by NSO’s Pegasus software. Many of them were blackmailed, charged with crimes, or otherwise compromised by the evidence their own phones provided.

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Unsafe and Ineffective

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It’s turning out – at Warp Speed – that the “vaccine” isn’t even effective and forget safe.

People who’ve been Jabbed are getting sick – or at least, they are “testing positive” for the Epsilon Semi Moron or Plaid or Delta Blues “variant” of the sickness far too many people are obsessed with avoiding, even if the putative cure is worse than the possibility of sickness. In Israel, for instance, it has been reported that 40 percent of the new “cases” are among the Needled.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Detroit Riots of 1967 begin – 1967

Via History.com

The 1967 Detroit Riots were among the bloodiest in American history. The strife occurred during a period of Detroit’s history when the once-affluent city was struggling economically, and race relations nationwide were at an all-time low.

The Detroit Police Department’s vice squad often raided illegal drinking establishments in the city’s poorer neighborhoods, and at 3:35 a.m. on Sunday morning, July 23, they moved against a club that was hosting a party for returning Vietnam War veterans. The early-morning police activity drew a crowd of onlookers, and the situation rapidly deteriorated.

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