Authoritarians Drunk on Power: It Is Time to Recalibrate the Government

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

“The executive power in our government is not the only, perhaps not even the principal, object of my solicitude. The tyranny of the legislature is really the danger most to be feared, and will continue to be so for many years to come. The tyranny of the executive power will come in its turn, but at a more distant period.”― Thomas Jefferson, Democracy in America

It is time to recalibrate the government.

For years now, we have suffered the injustices, cruelties, corruption and abuse of an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry.

By “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.

We are overdue for a systemic check on the government’s overreaches and power grabs.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – “Animal House” released in theaters – 1978


On July 28, 1978, National Lampoon’s Animal House, a movie spoof about 1960s college fraternities starring John Belushi, opens in U.S. theaters. Produced with an estimated budget of $3 million, Animal House became a huge, multi-million-dollar box-office hit, spawned a slew of cinematic imitations and became part of pop-culture history with such memorable lines as “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”

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“Arms are the only true badge of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave.”

Andrew Fletcher

“The sheer number of government employees and welfare recipients effectively transforms the purpose of government from maintaining order to confiscating as much as possible from vulnerable taxpayers.”

James Bovard

“Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”

Mark Twain

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.”

Thomas Jefferson

A Tale Of Two COVID Narratives

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

This is a double list from longtime Automatic Earth regular commenter ‘TAE Summary’, posted in yesterday’s Debt Rattle thread. It’s too useful, and nice, and well-done, to leave it there, it should -and deserves to- be seen by more people…

The Mainstream Narrative

– It is not known where Covid 19 originated but the most likely origin is the transmission from an animal to humans

– Covid 19 has killed 600K people in the US

– Trump botched the Covid 19 response costing many lives

– Many deaths were preventable if we’d tested, masked, tracked and locked down better

– Vaccines are good and have eradicated polio, measles, whooping cough and other diseases

Continue reading “A Tale Of Two COVID Narratives”

Confederate Statue Removers Are Contemptible Hypocrites by Leaving Senator Byrd Alone!

Via Gen Z Conservative

confederate statues

Wise men have said if we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it; however, if history is twisted like a pretzel by progressives, a confused generation will accept fables as facts. That is not accidental but planned and pernicious.

George Orwell warned, “The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of history.”

That has been happening since the zealots, pretending to be sensitive about imperfect people, started removing portraits and statues of historical persons. The anti-historical fanatics are tearing out the guts of this nation.

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“The Bank Was Saved, and the People Were Ruined.”

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas via International Man

The Bank Was Saved

The above quote is from William Gouge, commenting on the Panic of 1819. The panic had been caused when the First Bank of the United States had first expanded the money supply dramatically by offering loans, then contracted the money supply by tightening its requirements for new loans, causing a crash.

This is a useful quote, as, in its simplicity, it states the very nature of crashes brought on by irresponsible banking practices. In every case in which this occurs, it is possible through the complicity of the government of the day.

The origin of this syndrome goes back to Mayer Rothschild, a very clever fellow who, in the late 18th century, offered financial benefits to politicians in Germany in trade for political support for whatever activities his bank might practice. Rothschild was a long-term thinker; his method involved the offering of regular emoluments to politicians without their having to provide him with anything immediately. Then, when he needed a large favour, he would call it in.

Movie buffs may see a similarity between Rothschild’s method and the deals made by Don Corleone in The Godfather. “Some day – and that day may never come – I’ll call upon you to do a service for me.”

Rothschild created boom-and-bust cycles which were highly profitable for his bank, but depended upon the support of the government when the “bust” part came along.

As described above, the bank would offer loans to the public on generous terms, then suddenly rein in those terms on all future loans. The claim the bank would make would be that inflation was taking place and the bank was taking action to control that inflation. (Of course, Rothschild did not bother to mention that it was the bank itself that had caused the inflation.)

The net result would be a “panic,” or, in today’s terms a “depression.” Everyone involved would be harmed by the event except the politicians and the bank.

This scheme was accurately and succinctly described by G. Edward Griffin in 1994:

“It is widely believed that panics, boom-and-bust cycles, and depressions are caused by unbridled competition between banks; thus the need for government regulation. The truth is just the opposite. These disruptions in the free market are the result of government prevention of competition by the granting of monopolistic power to the central bank.”

Mayer Rothschild’s five sons followed in his footsteps and would go on to control much of the banking in Europe. The Rothschilds are perhaps best known for the Bank of England, which is still in operation today as one of the world’s most powerful banks.

So, let’s have a brief look at central banking in America.

In 1782, the Bank of North America was opened in America during the infancy of the United States. It was modelled after Rothschild’s Bank of England. It operated as a central bank and, as it was organised by Congressman Robert Morris, it was intended from the start to serve both its directors and the politicians of the day.

The bank did indeed serve the bankers and politicians – at the expense of the depositors. Although the bank lost its charter in 1783, an effort was soon afoot to create a virtually identical bank, called, “The Bank of the United States.” The proposal was backed by the Rothschilds, who intended to control it.

Having just seen, first hand, how much damage a central bank, with a fascist relationship to the government could do, a terrible (and ongoing) row took place within the Cabinet of President George Washington as to whether another potentially disastrous bank should be allowed. The main protagonist was good Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, who said,

“The system of banking [is] a blot left in all constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction… I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity…is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”

On the other side, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton led the argument in favour of the creation of a second central bank. Incredibly, even though Congress had just seen what a disaster this could be, they approved the charter for the new bank in 1791. It opened with less than nine percent of the private funds required by its charter.

A primary object of the bank was to provide fiat currency for the government, whilst collecting deposits from the public. Immediately, the new bank began to print money and to lend it, with predictable results. By 1811, it had closed its doors, having rewarded only its directors and some politicians, whilst the depositors lost their money.

This, surely, would be the end of the failed concept of a central bank, a fascist partnership between financiers and politicians. However, in 1816, Congress granted a charter to the second “Bank of the United States.” Within three years, the bank had caused the Panic of 1819, as stated in the opening paragraph of this article and, again, as Gouge said, “the bank was saved and the people were ruined.”

In 1832, President Andrew Jackson was up for re-election and he risked his success on a campaign to stop the renewal of the charter of the Bank of the United States. Although he won both his re-election and his bid to stop the renewal of the charter, both the Rothschild family and their American counterparts continued their efforts to create a central bank that would provide both bankers and politicians with wealth whilst using depositors as cash cows.

They succeeded marvelously in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve, a more sophisticated relationship between bank and State that has operated ever since. In the boom-and-bust cycles it has created, the US dollar has been devalued by over 96% and, in 1999, the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act allowed bankers to create the Mother of All Loaning Sprees, resulting directly in the collapse of the real estate bubble in 2007 and the crash of the stock market in 2008.

But the system today is far more advanced than in the eighteenth century. It is no longer necessary to fold the banks involved, or at least not immediately. In the aftermath of the 2007/2008 crashes, Government has declared that the closing of the central banks would be the worst catastrophe that could befall the country and therefore, the country must borrow heavily to re-fund them. No requirement was made of the banks to actually offer these funds on loan, let alone to bail out the debtors. The banks have instead been able to absorb the funds, continuing the massive bonuses to the very directors who caused the disaster in the first instance.

The above history is a brief, thumbnail sketch of events relative to central banking in the US since the formation of the country. It is not meant to be all-encompassing and the reader is encouraged to study the subject further. But the sketch does have a purpose.

Today, most of the First World is in the midst of an economic crisis that has been caused by debt. That debt has been the product of bankers and governments working together.

History shows us that the present situation is not an accident. It is the repetition of a very successful method by which bankers, with the complicity of governments, create boom-and-bust cycles; cycles that, whilst damaging for nearly all citizens of a country, are very profitable for those who create the cycles.

If we are to watch the evening news, there are, daily, politicians and pundits offering “solutions” – “Provide quantitative easing,” “tax the one percent,” or simply, “kick the can down the road.” Through endless debate, viewers are encouraged to believe that somehow, the government and the directors of the banks and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve will come up with a solution to the problem.

However, a brief read of the history above suggests that there will be no “solution,” as no solution is intended by those who have created the problem. The entire concept is to periodically hang the depositor out to dry. (It’s not done to be purposely unkind; it’s done because it’s so very profitable.)

If the reader has not yet been squeezed to the point that his net worth (value of assets, minus debt) is under water, he would be well advised to consider means by which his liquid assets can be removed from the banking system, a system that, if history repeats, may soon take those remaining assets, as the second half of the Great Unravelling unfolds.

Does this mean that the reader should run right down to the bank and withdraw his assets? Not necessarily. What it does mean is that it would be best to recognise that a clear pattern has existed for hundreds of years regarding boom-and-bust banking and the reader would be well-advised to ask himself some unpleasant questions. Here are a few:

  • Will my bank be one of those that crashes?
  • Will my savings be lost partially or entirely?
  • How much time do I have before I should remove my deposits?
  • Will my bank honour the agreement of the paper gold that they have sold me?
  • Will I be able to take delivery of allocated gold that they “hold” for me?
  • What do I do with my assets if I withdraw them from the bank?
  • Will there be banks that will remain in business? Which ones?

The above questions should be asked periodically, as events unfold. Doing so may mean the difference between the retention or loss of assets that the reader now trusts his bank to hold for him.

Editor’s Note: A severe financial hurricane far greater than what we’ve seen is on the horizon. And most people won’t be prepared for what’s coming.

This is exactly why New York Times bestselling author Doug Casey and his team just released an urgent report showing you how to survive and thrive during an economic collapse. Click here to download the PDF now.

A Mainstream Academic Research Superstar Starts to Question Things

Via Trial Site News

A Mainstream Academic Research Superstar Starts to Question Things

Recently, Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Bloomberg School of Public Health and Carey Business School, and also Editor-in-Chief at MEDPAGETODAY®, wrote an editorial in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) calling out the society-wide push by the nation’s government agencies, academic medical centers, industry, and great majority of mass media to vaccinate all children as a concerted effort to save lives. It turns out, writes Makary, that based on data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the total number of children under 18 that have died with a COVID-19 diagnostic code associated with their record comes out to 335.

Makary shares that despite the fact that the CDC employs 21,000 people, no one there has systematically investigated the cause of each child’s death, in an effort to determine if COVID was actually involved or if the death was the result of a preexisting condition. But, the Johns Hopkins professor asks, how could the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices conclude back in May that “the benefits of two-dose vaccination outweigh the risks for all kids 12 to 15”? Unless they have come to a prerequisite solution that’s overwhelmingly detached from reality, what data drove their conclusion?

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MASK UP!!!!!!

The proof masking works is unequivocal. Mask up, or grandma will die!!!!!

U.S. on Course to Become ‘Digital Dictatorship’ Under Proposed Biomedical Research Agency

Guest Post by Whitney Webb

The Biden administration is calling for a “new biomedical research agency” which would operate under the guise of treatments for chronic diseases, but which would also merge national security with health security.

The Department of Defense wants everyone to have biometric wearables.

Story at-a-glance:

  • President Biden is calling for a “new biomedical research agency” that would operate under the guise of treatments for chronic diseases, but which, if implemented, would merge national security with health security.
  • The plan would suck up masses of private data from “Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo and Google Home” and other consumer electronic devices, as well as information from health care providers to determine if an individual might be likely to commit a crime.
  • The plan also would work toward merging “biology, engineering and computer science to harness the power of natural systems for national security” along with “advancements in biotechnology, supercomputing, big data and artificial intelligence” to accomplish its goals.
  • In the interests of national safety, the Department of Defense wants everyone to have biometric wearables that could monitor 165 different biomarkers using an algorithm that could “recognize an infection or virus around 48 hours before the onset of symptoms.”
  • Ultimately, promoters of the technology want to “develop tools to record, mark and manipulate precisely defined neurons in the living brain” that are determined to be linked to an “abnormal” function or a neurological disease.

A “new” proposal by the Biden administration to create a health-focused federal agency modeled after DARPA is not what it appears to be. Promoted as a way to “end cancer,” this resuscitated “health DARPA” conceals a dangerous agenda.

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How the Covid Scam Is Perpetrated

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I have provided numerous documented detailed accounts demonstrating the lack of evidence supporting the official Covid narrative.  The next time you hear Big Pharma’s propagandists say “believe the science,” ask them what science.

When believers in the official narrative and Covid vaccine are confronted with facts, they retreat to a second line of defense.  If the Covid threat is exaggerated and the vaccine unsafe, why did all the doctors and nurses get vaccinated? If the vaccines are unsafe, why haven’t the predicted deaths and injuries showed up?

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Why the Left Can’t Let Go of Jan. 6

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Why the Left Can't Let Go of Jan. 6

To understand what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s select committee investigation of the Capitol Hill events of Jan. 6 is all about, a good place to begin is with the sentencing hearing last week of Paul Hodgkins.

A crane operator from Tampa, Florida, Hodgkins, 38, pleaded guilty to a single count of obstructing a joint session of Congress called to confirm Joe Biden as the next president.

Hodgkins entered the Senate chamber carrying a Trump 2020 flag. He committed no assault, no act of destruction, no act of violence. Yet, he was sentenced to eight months in prison by U.S. Judge Randolph Moss.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Stalin issues Order No. 227—outlawing cowards – 1943


On July 27, 1943, Joseph Stalin, premier and dictator of the Soviet Union, issues Order No. 227, what came to be known as the “Not one step backward” order, in light of German advances into Russian territory. The order declared, “Panic makers and cowards must be liquidated on the spot. Not one step backward without orders from higher headquarters! Commanders…who abandon a position without an order from higher headquarters are traitors to the Motherland.”

Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Stalin issues Order No. 227—outlawing cowards – 1943”