Just how badly did vaccine failure surprise Fauci?

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

This badly: on May 20 (May!) he said the US might be able to eliminate Sars-Cov-2 entirely. Three months later he was begging for boosters double-quick. True story.

Let’s go to the videotape!

On May 20, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci (People’s Sexiest Man Alive for 12 straight years) took time from his busy day for an interview with the Washington Post.

Beyond its cringe-inducing title – “Coronavirus: Leadership During Crisis” – the interview is noteworthy because it came at the moment of peak overconfidence in the mRNA vaccines.

Sars-Cov-2 had basically disappeared in Israel, which was the first country to begin a mass mRNA vaccination campaign. With about 80 percent of adults vaccinated, new cases were down 99.5 percent from their January peak and still falling. Deaths had dropped nearly as much.

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CDC Cautions Against Taking The Red Pill

Via The Babylon Bee

ATLANTA, GA—The CDC has cautioned Americans against taking the red pill, as it can lead to severe side effects such as “realizing the truth about the way our society is manipulated by the elites” and “spending all your time on YouTube watching Jordan Peterson videos.”

According to the CDC, many are overdosing on red pills, which are a black market drug that has never been approved by the American government.

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Idaho doctor reports a ‘20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients

Hat tip Flash

Via Life Site News

‘Post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells, in your CD8 cells,” said Dr. Ryan Cole.

Featured Image

BOISE, Idaho  (LifeSiteNews) — A doctor has found an increase in cancers since the COVID-19 inoculation rollout. 

On March 18, Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist and owner and operator of a diagnostics lab, reported to the public in a video produced by Idaho state government’s  “Capitol Clarity” project,  that he is seeing a massive ‘uptick’ in various autoimmune diseases and cancers in patients who have been vaccinated.  

“Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20 times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis,” reported Dr. Cole in the video clip shared on Twitter.  

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Somehow they STILL can’t understand why nobody trusts the system

Guest Post by Simon Black

If you’ve never heard of ‘Doug the Pug’, you’re apparently in the minority. Count me in that group too, because I had to Google him.

Unsurprisingly, I found out that Doug the Pug… is a dog. He also has a massive social media following with a total audience of more than 13 million, and more than 10 billion video views.

Most importantly, though, Doug the Pug is a member of an ultra-elite group that was exposed by the Wall Street Journal yesterday.

According to the Journal’s investigation, Facebook grants special privileges to a small percentage (roughly 0.01%) of its users– typically celebrities, politicians, athletes, and, yes, Doug the Pug.

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Leaked Zoom Video Exposes Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics

Authored by Matt McGregor via The Epoch Times,

A leaked Zoom conference reveals a doctor questioning how to increase the count of COVID-19 patient numbers on the hospital’s dashboard report.

The media outlet National File said it obtained the recording from an “internal source” at the Novant Health System that includes New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, North Carolina.

National File posted the video on its Twitter feed on Sept. 10.

National File and other local media outlets that reported on the leak identified the people in the video as Mary Kathryn Rudyk, a physician at the medical center, who is asking Carolyn Fisher, the hospital’s director of marketing, how to inflate the number of people classified as COVID-19 patients for the purpose of generating fear in the unvaccinated.

“I think we have to be more blunt, we have to be more forceful – we have to say something coming out – if you don’t get vaccinated, you know you are going to die,” Rudyk said in the video.

“Let’s just be really blunt to these people.”

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Doug Casey on the Next “Crisis” the Global Elite Have Planned

Via International Man


International Man: Every year, the international ruling class—the most influential world leaders, CEOs of big corporations, top academics, and even celebrities—come together at Davos. They discuss topics that interest them and prescribe their preferred policies.

What’s your take on the Davos crowd and what they are doing?

Doug Casey: The Davos crowd has become the most visible element of the ruling class. Although, they overlap with lots of other groups who are pushing the same agenda—Bilderberg, CFR, and Bohemian Grove among them.

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article after I attended the Concordia, which is very similar, with exactly the same people. I don’t plan on going back. It was disturbing and depressing listening to soulless bigshots natter about the best way to rule the plebs.

These people are all part of what you might call the “World Deep State.” They all know each other. They go to the same conferences, and more often than not, they’ve attended the same universities, belong to the same social clubs, and have kids in the same schools.

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COVID Propaganda Roundup: The ‘Safe and Effective’ Narrative Implodes

by Ben Bartee via The Daily Bell

The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.

Gaslighting 101: CDC, Merriam-Webster Quietly Changed Definition of ‘Vaccine’ Overnight in 2021

“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”


Just as the Animal Farm pigs repainted the 7 Animal Commandments on the barn wall in the dead of night to suit their interests, so the social engineers did in January 2021 with the official definition of “vaccine.”

CDC’s old “vaccine” definition:

“a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease”

CDC’s new “vaccine” defiinition:

“a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases”

Likewise, Merriam-Webster’s old “vaccine” definition:

“a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease”

Merriam-Webster’s new “vaccine” definition:

“a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious disease”

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Bush Completes His Scummy Betrayal

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Bush Completes His Scummy Betrayal

George W. Bush reaffirmed his status as garbage last week, for those few cons still in doubt.

Bush got up on the 9/11 anniversary and proceeded to demonstrate, again, the essentiality of class in American society. Not “class” in the sense that he is classy; Bush, though it was very important to him to front that he has such class, in fact, has none. No, the “class” that is important to W is social class. He once again chose his country club pals over you and compounded it by issuing a disgusting blood libel against you. That’s his “thank you” for the thankless job of defending his worthless rear-end we did for all those years back when he was too gentlemanly to do it himself.

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How States And Communities Can Fight Back Against Biden’s COVID Tyranny

Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us,

A war is coming. I have heard it argued that this war must be avoided; that it is “exactly what the establishment wants.” I disagree. I think globalists like those at the World Economic Forum certainly want enough chaos to provide cover for the implementation of their global “Reset” agenda, but they don’t want a full blown rebellion. They only want events in which the outcome is controllable or predictable – They do not want a massive organized resistance that might surprise them.

Ultimately it doesn’t matter because the war is already at our doorstep. A person has two choices: Fight or be enslaved. There is no third option. There is no walking away. There is no hiding from it and there is no passive solution to it.

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Pandemic Triggered ‘Avalanche’ of Kids and Teens With Mental Health Problems — But They Have Nowhere to Go

Via Children’s Health Defense

Medical experts across the country say the mental health of children deteriorated during the pandemic — with a large number of children taking up beds in emergency rooms due to a shortage of placements, providers and resources to combat the crisis.

Since the onset of the pandemic, Children's hospitals throughout the country have seen a “meteoric” rise in the number of children who need mental health help.

Since the onset of the pandemic, Children’s hospitals throughout the country have seen a “meteoric” rise in the number of children who need mental health help.

To make matters worse, hospitals that struggled to meet the demand for mental health services before the pandemic are now dealing with even fewer resources — like hospital beds, providers, therapists and counseling — thanks to COVID.

Mental health among young people deteriorated during the pandemic when cabin fever increased family conflicts and closed schools left children isolated from activities and their peers.

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Is the United States in Her Death Throes?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Something very unAmerican is afoot in the Biden regime and the entirety of the Western World.

In the interview with Vera Sharav, which I posted yesterday—https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/09/14/western-people-are-no-longer-free/ — the well known human rights activist pointed out the extraordinary fact that the elected presidents of Western governments are issuing Covid edicts as if they are dictators.

In other words, the elected leaders in democracies no longer understand their constitutional roles and are willing to attempt to use power that they do not legally or constitutionally have. This fact implies that the population in general, including the bar associations and law schools, are comfortable with the idea of a Fuhrer.  Klaus Schwab, the director of the globalist World Economic Forum and advocate of the “Great Reset” is using the orchestrated “Covid Pandemic” to alter the relationship between people and government to one of overlordship by the elite. Schwab has many allies, including the Democrat Party in the US and in the EU Commission.

The Nazi in the Oval Office expresses himself this way:

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Mayflower departs England – 1620

Via History.com

On September 16, 1620, the Mayflower sails from Plymouth, England, bound for the Americas with 102 passengers. The ship was headed for Virginia, where the colonists—half religious dissenters and half entrepreneurs—had been authorized to settle by the British crown. However, stormy weather and navigational errors forced the Mayflower off course, and on November 21 the “Pilgrims” reached Massachusetts, where they founded the first permanent European settlement in New England in late December.

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Corporate Welfare

Guest Post by John Stossel

Corporate Welfare

Today’s politicians want to spend more on EVERYTHING: Amtrak subsidies, sports stadium subsidies, green energy subsidies, even fossil fuel subsidies.

President Joe Biden says the handouts will “put more money in your pocket.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claims they will “protect the planet for the children.”

They might. But a disproportionate amount of the money will end up in the hands of big companies — the ones with the most lawyers and lobbyists.

A new documentary, “Corporate Welfare: Where’s the Outrage?” gives examples of this. This week, my new video covers two of the worst.

First, tax “breaks.”

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