Triple-Vaxed Israel Is Breaking COVID Case Records

Submitted by Thaisleeze

Via Anti-Empire

Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash said Tuesday that the current wave of coronavirus infections is surpassing anything seen in previous outbreaks and that he is disappointed that a recent downward trend appeared to be reversing.

Ash’s remarks via video call to the Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee came as Health Ministry figures showed that over 10,000 new COVID-19 cases were diagnosed the day before and that the positive test rate was climbing.

Pointing out that there is an average of 8,000 new infections each day, with occasional peaks over 10,000, he said, “That is a record that did not exist in the previous waves,” including the massive third wave at the end of last year.

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Look Ye, Shipmates — He Breaches!

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Where is John Durham? Who is John Durham? – Military Veterans and Patriots

Like the white whale of legend surfacing close to the mainland, special counsel John Durham popped up this week with one Michael Sussman in his jaws, a smallish fish among the squamous and tentacled monsters hiding in the depths of the Deep State below the raging political seas. Who is he, anyway?

Among the now well-known cast of creatures involved in the panoramic episode of perfidious sedition known as RussiaGate, Mr. Sussman was a bit-player, an errand boy for the Perkins Coie law firm that did much of Hillary Clinton’s dirty work in the 2016 campaign and for the Democratic Party beyond. Mr. Sussman is charged with lying to the FBI in conveying campaign dirt paid-for by Mrs. Clinton to the FBI’s general counsel, James Baker, Mr. Sussman’s old colleague from the days when he worked as a cyber-security expert at the bureau. He also peddled-around the same material, cooked up by Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS company and man-of-mystery Christopher Steele, to The New York Times and other news media, who ran with it like kids with a kite.

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How Politicians Make Millions Off Our Corrupt Political System

Via Children’s Health Defense

Big Tech and Big Pharma give campaign money to politicians who in turn receive non-public information about the corporations which they use to enrich their personal stock portfolios. The lawmakers then have influence over legislation that affects the companies in which they’re personally invested.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s wealth has increased from $41 million to nearly $115 million since 2004.

Story at-a-glance:

  • Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s wealth has increased from $41 million to nearly $115 million since 2004.
  • At issue isn’t the fact that politicians are multimillionaires — rather, as noted on a recent Twitter thread by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, it’s how they made their millions.
  • In the last two years, nearly 75% of Pelosi’s stock trades have involved Big Tech stocks, totaling over $33 million in trading.
  • The trading has occurred as major legislation was proposed, controlled by the Committees Pelosi oversees, that could reshape the future of the industry.
  • Pelosi’s five most-traded stocks in the last two years — Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and Google — were those that stood to be most affected by pending legislation.
  • The system is corrupt, with most politicians not fighting for the public but, rather, looking out for their own self-interest and wealth accumulation.

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At least 39% of Australians were left unable to perform daily activities after having the Covid-19 Vaccine according to official Government data

Via The Expose

Fortress of fear: how long can Australia keep shutting out the world?

Australian’s have currently got it hard. Swathes of the country are living under strict lockdown conditions in response to an insanely low number of alleged Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths.

But it would seem those who have decided to get the Covid-19 vaccine either through their own free will or because of the coercive tactics of the authorities have had it the hardest, as official Government data shows 39% of Australians were left unable to perform daily activities after having the Covid-19 vaccine.

The National Centre for Immunisation and Research (NCIRS) in Australia are currently leading a collaboration with the Australia’s Government known as AusVaxSafety. The group has been conducting active vaccine surveillance of the Covid-19 vaccines in use in Australia to “ensure their ongoing safety”.

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Have Central Banks Crossed the Line into Tyranny?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

With all the conspiracy theories that somehow the bankers are the real culprits in creating excess money supply, there has been an evolution in central banks that has finally crossed the line since 2019. The Federal Reserve was, once upon a time, responsible. The Fed was originally designed as an authority to create money, which was an elastic money supply. That made perfect sense when the Fed was designed in 1913.

Yes, the bankers owned the shares BECAUSE the Fed was actually designed to do what JP Morgan did in herding the bankers together to save the day during the Panic of 1907. Morgan convinced the bankers that if they did not chip in money to bail out the troubled banks, panic would unfold, and ALL the banks would be hit as a contagion. They listened and joined his effort to stem the Panic of 1907. The design of the Fed was to recreate what JP Morgan put together. The shareholders were the bankers because it was a bail-out fund for the bankers, and TAXPAYER money should not be used to bail out the bankers.

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Americans Souring on Biden — and Washington

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Americans Souring on Biden -- and Washington

The California recall election turned out well for the Democrats.

With Gov. Gavin Newsom sinking in the summer polls, the party had been staring starkly at the prospect of losing the nation’s largest state and seeing its governor replaced by talk-show host Larry Elder, who had vaulted into the lead among the 46 candidates seeking to replace Newsom.

Elder had rallied Republicans and started to surge, which terrified the Democrats. Not only might they lose Newsom, but they could get in the governor’s mansion in Sacramento what leftists took to calling “the black face of white supremacy.”

Result: A panicked Democratic Party defeated the recall by nearly 2-1, with Californians voting to retain Newsom in roughly the same percentages as they had voted to elect Joe Biden president almost a year ago.

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Gray Lives Matter

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Gray Lives Matter

My ancestors were Presbyterian abolitionists who fought on the Union side, but I get really ticked off when imbeciles take a sledgehammer to my country’s history.

Last week, with self-satisfied glee, savages tore down the 14-foot statue of Robert E. Lee designed by the French sculptor Antonin Mercie and installed in 1890 on land deeded to the state — in return for a promise that the Commonwealth of Virginia “will hold said Statue and pedestal and Circle of ground perpetually sacred to the Monumental purpose to which they have been devoted and that she will faithfully guard it and affectionately protect it.”

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Why Does No One Ever Talk About Sweden Anymore?

Via ‘Unmasked” substack,

One of the most consistently repeated trends of COVID has been the premature declarations of victory from areas with a perceived level of “success” in “controlling” the pandemic.

It’s happened in countries all over the world — Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Mongolia — just to name a few examples. They all have been praised for their ability to “control” the virus with masks and public health measures, only to then see cases invariably skyrocket.

Incompetent media reporting and dangerously ignorant “expert” pontifications have been an infuriatingly persistent aspect of COVID messaging, with their incoherent ravings becoming increasingly desperate as time wears on.

On the flip side to inaccurate praise, the incomprehensible inability of experts to get anything right is perhaps best exemplified by Sweden.

“Experts” and the media declared Sweden was the world’s cautionary tale, a dangerous outlier who shunned The New Science™ of masks and lockdowns and stuck to established public health principles and pre-pandemic planning.

Over much of 2020 and into 2021, Sweden was persistently criticized by the media and on Twitter arguments due to comparisons to their neighbors, a standard curiously not applicable to most other countries around the world. Yet as we’ve progressed further into 2021, those same media outlets have suddenly gone quiet as their chosen victors have flailed unsuccessfully against ever increasing outbreaks.

So let’s see what’s transpired recently which resulted in the deafening silence, and examine what that means for The Science™, shall we?

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Occupy Wall Street begins – 2011


Timeline of Occupy Wall Street - Wikipedia

On September 17, 2011, hundreds of activists gather around Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan for the first day of the Occupy Wall Street Movement—a weeks-long sit-in in New York City’s Financial District protesting income inequality and corporate corruption. While the movement failed to see any of its goals or policy proposals come to fruition, years later, Occupy Wall Street is still considered a blueprint for decentralized activism.

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“Liberty is not collective, it is personal. All liberty is individual liberty.”

Calvin Coolidge

“This whole pre-criminal investigation, where we watch everybody, all the time, just in case, is really an extraordinary departure from the Western liberal tradition.”

Edward Snowden

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

Winston Churchill

“Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.”

I.F. Stone

Shocker(Not!): Milley Committed Treason

Via Gen Z Conservative

milley committted treason

Two phone calls by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to his Chinese counterpart, promising a U.S. military standdown in event of war, constitute the treasonous behavior

America’s Conservative Voice has learned that a new book shows General Mark Milley reassured China’s People’s Liberal Army General Li Zuocheng that he would give the communist country a heads up if President Donald Trump launched an attack in the final months of his presidency. He did so in a series of reported phone calls and reassured Li he would stand between Trump and an attack on Chinese assets.

In a pair of secret phone calls, Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assured his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army, that the United States would not strike. The information is detailed in the book by The Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward and national political reporters Robert Costa. Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker.

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Biden: “This Is Not About Freedom”… And Here Come Vaccine Passports To Prove It

Via Blue State Conservative

Passports instead of freedom

If the flu prevention injection program is about health, why are the illegal immigrants not being given the injection when they cross the border?

This crisis in our way of life has shown a true spotlight on our different perceptions and personal inadequacies.  The differing levels of intellectual acuity are magnified by true insecurities of the beholder.  It has shown how easily the simple people can be duped by those in control of the repetitious media mouthpiece.  They believe the government can save us from an attack on our republic.

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