Empire of Hypocrisy

Via Off-Guardian

In the middle of the 19th century, the British Empire ran into what what would today be termed a “public relations crisis”.

Influential domestic voices were starting to criticise its industrial system and worldwide domination on ethical grounds, not least the art critic John Ruskin.

He wrote that all he had found at the heart of what was supposedly a great civilization was “insane religion, degraded art, merciless war, sullen toil, detestable pleasure, and vain or vile hope”.[1]

Lack of public support for the empire at home from the wave of “Little Englander” sentiment also risked affecting the way Britain’s activities were viewed abroad.

As Carroll Quigley writes, its success was partly due to “its ability to present itself to the world as the defender of the freedoms and rights of small nations and of diverse social and religious groups”.[2]

It was therefore decided, by a powerful group based around Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner, along with aristocrats such as Lord Esher, Lord Rothschild and Lord Balfour[3], to rethink the form and appearance of Britain’s economic sphere of influence.

Gradually, the Crown’s possessions were encouraged to become supposedly independent nations, though very much remaining under Britain’s wing, and eventually, after the Second World War, The Empire was rebranded “The Commonwealth”, whose current flag features at the top of this page.

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About that coming “food crisis”

Via Sovereign Man

On Wednesday July 3rd in the year 1315, King Louis X of France– also know as “Louis the Headstrong”– issued a groundbreaking edict.

“Whereas, according to natural right, everyone should be born free. . .” he began. “Many persons amongst our common people have fallen into the bonds of slavery, which much displeaseth us.”

“Our Kingdom is called and named the Kingdom of the Franks [which means ‘free’ in old French]. . . therefore I do decree that such serfdom be redeemed to freedom.”

And like that, with the stroke of a quill, Louis X abolished slavery and serfdom in France.

Unfortunately for the serfs, the King’s emancipation didn’t last very long; Louis died less than a year later following a particularly grueling tennis match (true story), and his successors weren’t so liberal.

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Biden Plans To Cancel $10,000 In Student Debt Per Borrower Ahead Of Midterms

Via ZeroHedge

As soon as this weekend, President Biden could announce a plan to cancel $10k in student debt per borrower, according to WaPo, citing three people with knowledge of the matter.

Biden could make the announcement at the University of Delaware’s commencement ceremony on Saturday. The plan would apply to Americans who earned less than $150k in the previous year or less than 300k for married couples filing jointly.

On April 6, the White House announced it would extend the pause of federal student loan repayments through August 31. It wasn’t clear if the administration would extend the moratorium beyond this.

The decision to wipe out $10k of student debt per borrow who meets requirements comes as President Biden’s approval ratings collapse. 

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The Ukraine Aid Bill Is a Massive Windfall for US Military Contractors

Guest Post by Stephen Semler

Joe Biden has signed a $40 billion aid bill to Ukraine. But the biggest beneficiary isn’t ordinary Ukrainians — it’s the US military contractors set to receive at least $17 billion in additional revenue.

Last Saturday, Joe Biden signed a bill that provides $40.1 billion in emergency funding for Ukraine, including $24.6 billion for military programs and $15.5 billion for nonmilitary ones. By Washington’s standards, the legislation moved through Congress in the blink of an eye. Congress received the funding request from the White House on April 28, and just three weeks later — after easily passing the House (368 to 57) and the Senate (86 to 11) — the bill was ready for Biden’s signature.

But what’s in the bill? Who is the main beneficiary? And will it bring the conflict closer to an end?

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Childhood’s End

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The phoniest trope in American life goes like this: We must find the cause of X so that it never happens again. Of course, it will happen again. We only pretend that the cause is a mystery. Let’s count the ways that school massacres happen.

American schools are fantastically depressing places. They are designed to look like medium security prisons and insecticide factories. They send the message: Enter here and be psychologically brutalized. They are too big, overwhelmingly alienating, ugly, devoid of visible symbolism signaling the value of being human. The interiors of the schools are designed for the convenience of janitors, hard surfaces of tile and linoleum that can be hosed down easily like the quarters of zoo animals. Children act accordingly.

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In Stunning Shift, WaPo Admits Catastrophic-Conditions, Collapsing-Morale Of Ukraine Front-Line Forces

Via ZeroHedge

With Russia’s war in Ukraine now in its fourth month, mainstream media consumers have been treated to seemingly endless headlines and analysis of Russia’s extensive military losses. At the same time Ukrainian forces have tended to be lionized and their battlefield prowess romanticized, with essentially zero public information so far being given which details up-to-date Ukrainian force casualties, set-backs, and equipment losses.

But for the first time The Washington Post is out with a surprisingly dire and negative assessment of how US-backed and equipped Ukrainian forces are actually fairing. Gone is the rosy idealizing lens through which each and every encounter with the Russians is typically portrayed. WaPo correspondent and author of the new report Sudarsan Raghavan underscores of the true situation that “Ukrainian leaders project an image of military invulnerability against Russia. But commanders offer a more realistic portrait of the war, where outgunned volunteers describe being abandoned by their military brass and facing certain death at the front.”

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A Cabinency of Dunces

Via TownHall

A Cabinency of Dunces

By Victor Davis Hanson

As the nation sinks inexplicably into self-created crisis after crisis, debate rages whether President Joe Biden is incompetent, mean-spirited, or an ideologue who feels the country’s mess is his success.

A second national discussion revolves around who actually is overseeing the current national catastrophe, given Biden’s frequent bewilderment and cognitive challenges.

But one area of agreement is the sheer craziness of Biden’s cabinet appointments, who have translated his incoherent ideology into catastrophic governance.

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Stop the presses! CARY GRANT “died suddenly,” of a STROKE (in 1986)!

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

More bio-fascist propaganda meant to NORMALIZE the current global plague of “sudden deaths” post-“vaccination”

As this unprecedented global spike in “sudden deaths” grows ever harder to conceal—with Ray Liotta, and TWO famous British drummers, Andy “Fletch” Fletcher of Depeche Mode, and Alan White of Yes, all having their untimely “unexpected deaths” reported just today—“our free press” struggles, ever more transparently, to make it seem as if this (real) pandemic isn’t happening.

They’ve been doing it for months, primarily by running scores of articles highlighting pseudo-scientific “findings” that all sorts of things can kill you and/or your children: SIDS, “SADS,” “generic heart problems,” hot weather, cold weather, fish oil, environmental noise, birth control, skipping breakfast, sadness (“Broken Heart Syndrome,” fatal to women!), referees’ whistles (which only now are killing soccer players worldwide!), pizza margherita (which only now is fatal to Italians!), etc., etc.—anything and everything except the “vaccines” that have obviously caused this freaky uptick in all-cause mortality on every continent.

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What do Oklahoma and Portugal have in common? Not much, besides mRNA vaccine failure

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Meanwhile, New Mexico makes bad numbers disappear the easy way, by ending reporting

Last year, Portugal was the boss of bosses when it came to mRNA vaccines.

Ask everyone’s favorite newspaper of record, The New York Times:


Given Portugal’s long history of fascism, keeping politics out of it was probably a good idea. But I digress. Virtually no one left to vaccinate. Wow. Portugal must be a Covid-free paradise these days!

Or maybe not:

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Yikes: The Brave New World of Genetically Modified People

Guest Post by Tessa Lena

new world of genetically modified people

Story at-a-glance

  • The World Economic Forum claims that genetic modification is the way of the future
  • In February 2022, Chile passed a law prohibiting employers from discriminating against genetically impaired employees
  • There are studies suggesting that in some cases, COVID injections might lead to changes in human DNA; more research is needed
  • Disabled rights attorney Todd Callender looked at a Supreme Court case from 2013, which led him to believe that using mRNA to modify genomes may turn people into legal property of the patent holders (unless this interpretation is explicitly ruled out)
  • Making us biologically dependent on the “artificial immunity service” is bad for the people but sadly good for business

This story is about the hubris of conquest and genetic modification. Let’s start with the ugly. The richest people of the world, as well as their loyal servants from the World Economic Forum, are on the Genetic Modification team. According to the World Economic Forum, “the evolution of gene testing and gene editing will drive the future of healthcare.”

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Imagine the Compliance – Microchips are Coming

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The self-proclaimed elites have gathered in Switzerland at the World Economic Forum (WEF). One of the newest ideas is a microchip in pill form. No, this is not a conspiracy theory. The president of Pfizer spoke publicly about a pill that would dissolve in the stomach and send an immediate signal to all storing your data that you complied and took the pill. “Imagine the implications of that – the compliance!” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla daydreamed.

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Soros Promoting World War III – Let’s Go!

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The pieces are starting to come together in this grand plot to fulfill George Soros’ dream – One World Government. After Soros’ speech at Davos, there are a lot of people of all faiths flocking to a Catholic Church to light a candle and pray for the rapid death of this cantankerous ‘old codger’ who seems to want to take the world into World War III and perhaps like some Egyptian Pharaoh, take as many people with him into the here-after. I wish I could say that Soros is just crazy. But I do not believe that is the case. He has harbored a dream of a One-World Government forever perhaps growing up in communism.

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Are All Men Created Equal?

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

Are All Men Created Equal? By Patrick Buchanan

Where is the historic, scientific or empirical proof of the defining dogma of American democracy that “all men are created equal”?

Ideology is political religion, said the conservative sage Russell Kirk.

And what is the defining dogma of the political religion, or ideology, of America in 2022?

Is it not that, “All men are created equal”?

Yet, as with every religion, a basic question needs first to be asked and answered about this defining dogma of liberal ideology.

Is it true? Are all men truly created equal? Are all races and ethnic groups equal? Are men and women equal? Are all religions equal? Or do we simply agree to accept that as true — and treat them all equally?

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