soon to be plastered i had monkeypox vaccine

woods just want to be left alone fbi another extremist

biden sick tired blame things i did



Via ZeroHedge

Law-Abiding West Virginian Woman With Concealed Firearm Stops A Mass Shooting

Instead of waiting for the police to arrive, a woman with a concealed carry license in West Virginia acted fast to stop a crazed man with an AR-15-style rifle who was about to kill dozens of people at a graduation party.

“Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night,” Charleston Police Department Chief of Detectives Tony Hazelett told local news WCHSTV

The incident occurred Wednesday when Dennis Butler,37, was angered by a group of people hosting a graduation party who told him to slow down through an apartment complex in Charleston. He returned 30 minutes later, parked his vehicle, jumped in the backseat, and discharged his weapon toward the group of 30-40 people.

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OPERATION MASS SHOOTING At Full Throttle Between Now And Election Day

Via State of the Nation

Why does no other country on Earth have mass shootings like the USA?!

Because every violent mass casualty event
is carried out as a US government-directed
false flag operation and national psyop
designed to ultimately strip the American
people of their right to to “to keep and
bear Arms”

It’s of paramount importance to understand that the U.S. Federal Government under Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama approved legislation that granted the power to the Department of Defense to conduct black operations against the American people, and then disseminate the wholly fabricated propaganda associated with those false flag attacks.

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Russia Controls Almost All of Luhansk as It Makes Gains in Eastern Ukraine

Guest Post by Dave DeCamp

Russia controls 95% of Luhansk, which makes up the northern half of the Donbas region

Russia winning Ukraine war is 'realistic possibility': U.K.'s Johnson -  Nikkei Asia

Russia continues to make territorial gains in eastern Ukraine and now controls 95% of Ukraine’s Luhansk oblast, which makes up the northern half of the Donbas region.

The pro-Kyiv governor of Luhansk said Friday that Ukrainian forces might be forced to retreat from the near-surrounded cities of Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk, the last hold-outs in the region.

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What COVID Jabs Are Doing to the Immune System and How the Injured Can Heal

Guest Post by Beth Giuffre and Dr. Yuhong Dong


  • Jab-induced spike injuries are on the rise, but in order to heal, the injuries must first be recognized

  • Del Bigtree’s Football Analogy simplifies how spike protein reprograms the body’s immune system to attack itself

  • The latest science explains the mechanism of jab-induced spike injuries, and spike’s affinity for certain organs

  • Understanding the mechanisms of injury can help people heal: energy-boosting exercises reinvigorate the immune system and compounds like N-acetyl-L-cysteine can neutralize the toxic effects of the spike protein

With the majority of the worldwide population now “fully” vaccinated, people are facing the unprecedented challenge of coping with jab-induced spike injuries. The world has never seen a virus with a spike protein that is so toxic to the system, nor has the world’s population seen a vaccine with so many firsts—such as being the first to use mRNA technology against an infectious virus.

It is the first injection of genetically modified polynucleotides to be used on a large population. It is the first to use the laxative polyethylene glycol in an injection. It’s also the first coronavirus vaccine to be attempted in human beings, while also being the first vaccine to be administered on greater than 66 percent of the world population.

On top of these firsts, this is the first product for Moderna to bring to market and the first vaccine to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in such an expedient manner—in less than ten months.

With such a novel technology, the chance of success is predicted to be no more than 2 percent, which is consistent with virologists’ warning that it’s theoretically unfeasible to make a vaccine for an RNA virus like SARS-CoV-2 because the virus mutates so fast. This is precisely the reason an RNA virus vaccine has never been accomplished for HIV, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, Hepatitis C, and so on.

With such an unprecedented, risky vaccine, it is not surprising to see so many unexpected serious adverse events since the launch of the first COVID-19 vaccine in early 2021.

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Disease-Carrying Monkeys Used in Taxpayer-Funded Medical Experiments Threaten Public Health

Via Children’s Health Defense

Thousands of potentially disease-ridden monkeys crisscross the U.S., often without legally required inspections, according to primate researcher Lisa Jones-Engel, Ph.D. The monkeys are destined for labs where they’re used for medical research that most often produces little in the way of meaningful results.

monkeys medical experiments threat feature

The transportation of potentially disease-ridden monkeys used for medical research is a $1.25 billion international business.

In the U.S., much of that research — largely funded by U.S. taxpayers — is “irrelevant,” “misleading” and poses a serious public health threat, according to a senior research scientist at the Washington National Primate Research Center.

In an article she authored for the Independent Media Institute, Lisa Jones-Engel, Ph.D., who has studied primates for nearly 40 years, wrote:

“Despite decades of promises and hundreds of thousands of dead monkeys, experiments using monkeys have not resulted in effective vaccines for HIV, tuberculosis, malaria or other dreaded human diseases.

COVID-19 experiments have shown the scientific community how irrelevant and often misleading monkey studies are.”

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Have Authoritarians Used ‘1984’ as a Handbook?

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • “Science” has been used to strip us of medical rights and personal freedoms for the last two years. Now, “science” is touted as the justification for not eating real beef and getting used to insects and lab-grown protein alternatives instead. “Science” is also being weaponized to cajole us into accepting rolling blackouts and energy deprivation
  • Mirroring George Orwell’s dystopian novel, “1984,” the Biden administration has been telling us the economy is good, the GDP is strong and inflation is transitory, even though data clearly tell a different story
  • Biden has even insisted that borrowing (read: printing) more money will reduce prices while not affecting the value of the dollar. It’s basic economics that increasing money supply results in inflation, but even inflation is being redefined at whim
  • At the end of April 2022, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security even created an actual “ministry of truth,” the Disinformation Governance Board, in blatant violation of the First Amendment. Government has basically “memory-holed” the Constitution and pretends it doesn’t exist, hoping you’ll pretend along with them
  • Is government gaslighting the public? Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation and abuse where the abuser creates a false narrative and makes the victim question their sanity. Rewriting history is a key hallmark, as is refuting what is obvious fact

“Is it just me, or does it feel like someone out there is using Orwell’s work, not as a warning, but as an owner’s manual?” GBNews host Neil Oliver asked in a May 7, 2022 monologue. He summarized a scene from George Orwell’s book, “Animal Farm,” in which the farm animals discover that the pigs are taking all the apples and milk for themselves.

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Food Shortages, Economic Collapse, the Failing Great Reset & How to Prepare

Click here to listen to Maria Zeee’s insightful interview with Martin Armstrong: “Food Shortages, Economic Collapse, the Failing Great Reset & How to Prepare.”

Click to visit the TBP Store for Great TBP Merchandise

Fraudulent Trial On Ivermectin Published By The World’s Top Medical Journal. Big Pharma Reigns – Part 2

Guest Post by Dr. Pierre Kory

The New England Journal of Medicine published the fraudulent TOGETHER trial, designed and conducted to launch anti-ivermectin headlines across every major media outlet across the world.

In part I of my post on the TOGETHER trial of ivermectin, I presented the context of this trial within Big Pharma’s decades-long Disinformation campaign against “science inconvenient to their interests.” I argued that no science has ever been a greater threat to Pharma than the massive efficacy data of the generic drug ivermectin in COVID-19. I detailed how they have long deployed “studies designed or conducted to fail” and/or “studies manipulated to show positive results.” They do both. Repeatedly. They then publish these studies in a small number of captured high-impact scientific journals which influence the captured media and then are recommended for or against by captured health agencies.

Note that the importance of the wording of the conclusion in a trial’s abstract, published in a high-impact journal, cannot be overstated. Only a small minority of physicians read and think critically about the full study manuscript. Even less read the full study abstract. Sadly, the overwhelming majority simply read the abstract’s conclusion. In this manner, and particularly in the case of the TOGETHER trial, they can baselessly and erroneously convince the vast majority of doctors and citizens that ivermectin is ineffective. In the case of ivermectin, they did this via less than a handful of severely flawed “Big RCT’s” despite the overwhelming mountain of valid OCT’s and RCT’s and the success of health ministry program success in COVID. The TOGETHER trial on ivermectin was never going to be a positive trial. Ever. That was a foregone conclusion.

Continue reading “Fraudulent Trial On Ivermectin Published By The World’s Top Medical Journal. Big Pharma Reigns – Part 2”

Technology, Big Tech Tyranny, And Its Influence On Society

Via The Blue State Conservative

by Jennifer Mitchell Towner

Looking back, I came of age in 1977-79 when terminals connected to a Digital Equipment VAX 2020 were used to program in Basic and Pascal at U.C. Berkeley.  At this juncture, computers were used to do exactly that…compute.  My first job was for a firm that had a contract with the U.S. Air Force to write software to control satellites and keep tabs on what was happening around the world.

Then in the first half of the 1980’s, we began using desktop computers to replace typewriters in business communications.  Desktop publishing came along and made these communications look spiffy, destroying the typesetting equipment industry.  The office applications that became ubiquitous at this point were for word processing, creation of presentations, spreadsheets, and data base building.

Because Microsoft developed or obtained all four programs and “bundled” them into a “suite” of applications, the other players in office software fell by the wayside.

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Ron Paul: Here’s Why the Official Inflation Reports Don’t Ring True

Via Birch Gold Group

Ron Paul: Here is why the official inflation reports do not ring true

By Ron Paul

Hello, friends.

Birch Gold Group asked me to talk a little bit about inflation today.

Now, if you’re like me, you don’t pay too much attention to the monthly CPI, Consumer Price Inflation reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes. They say inflation was +8.3% in April, down just a bit from the +8.5% reported in March. To be honest, that one number just doesn’t have much of an impact on my daily life.

For example, I haven’t really been following the crazy surges in used vehicle prices (in January, they were up 67%!) On the other hand, every time I put gas in my car, I notice the price per gallon. Nationwide, it’s about $4.40/gallon (unless you’re unfortunate enough to have a diesel, then it’s closer to $5.50).

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FDA Authorizes Pfizer Booster for Kids 5 to 11, Bypasses Advisory Panel

Via The Defender

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today granted Emergency Use Authorization for Pfizer’s COVID-19 booster for children ages 5 to 11, without convening its vaccine advisory panel and despite the latest data showing higher case rates in vaccinated children compared with those not vaccinated.

By Megan Redshaw

FDA booster kids third dose feature

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today authorized a booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11, without convening its vaccine advisory panel of independent experts to discuss Pfizer’s data on 5- to 11-year-olds — and based on a study subset of only 67 children, CNBC reported.

The FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the boosters despite data showing higher infection rates among fully vaccinated children in the 5 to 11 age group compared to unvaccinated children, no studies testing the efficacy of the vaccine against the current dominant BA.2 COVID-19 variant and two new studies showing that for vaccinated people who get Omicron, the infection provides better protection against future infections than a second booster dose.

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Pumping Up Prices

Via TownHall

by John Stossel

Pumping Up Prices

The price of gas keeps rising.

“The reason for that is because of Putin’s war,” said President Joe Biden.

But that’s impossible. Most of the price rise came before Putin attacked Ukraine.

So some politicians simply blame “corporate greed.”

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse accuses the oil industry of collecting “excess profit.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren even introduced a bill to ban “price gouging.”

This is just economic ignorance, as my new video explains.

“If big oil could raise prices anytime they wanted and get away with it, then why were they so cheap in 2020, 2019, 2018?” asks the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Ben Lieberman.

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