
Who Turned Off the Gaslight?

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine. The president was fine. The election would be fine.” —Olivia Nuzzi, NY Magazine

There’s a reason that the fable of The Emperor’s New Clothes is so potent: it describes a mentally ill society that retreats into abject unreality, to avoid contending with truth. Alas, this archetypal human quandary shoves such a society towards nemesis: downfall and punishment. And that is exactly the consequence of our news media’s craven, dishonorable, degenerate behavior the past decade.

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Orban’s surprise visit to Moscow sparks fury in Brussels: Key takeaways from Hungarian PM’s ‘peace mission’

Via RT

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban unexpectedly visited Russia on Friday and met with President Vladimir Putin to discuss ways to resolve the Ukraine conflict. The surprise trip caused major outrage among Orban’s fellow EU leaders, as it came only days after the Hungarian premier made a similar unannounced trip to Ukraine.

Hungary holds the rotating EU presidency for the remainder of this year. Orban, however, has claimed that he doesn’t require any sort of mandate from Brussels in order to promote peace, noting that his discussions cannot be considered official negotiations.

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HuffPo Encourages Biden Campaign To Openly Push Disinformation Using AI

Authored by Jacob Bruns via Headline USA,

In a bizarre op-ed, Huffington Post writer Kaivan Shroff suggested that the President Joe Biden and his campaign should consider using artificial intelligence to dupe the American people into voting for him.

Joe Biden does his daily workout. / IMAGE: Fotor AI (Editor’s note: this photo has been generated using artificial intelligence and is not actually Joe Biden.)


Shroff began by noting that “the stakes” of the election “cannot be overstated” because the future of democracy “hangs in the balance,” rhetoric which, he assured the reader, “is not hyperbolic.”

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What did reporters who cover the White House know, and when did they know it?

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

As President Biden lurches toward a withdrawal from the 2024 election that seems likelier by the hour, the question of the media’s role in hiding his mental decline is taking center stage.

The greatest loser from Joe Biden’s catastrophic meltdown during his debate last week with Donald Trump is not Biden himself.

Somewhere deep inside, Biden may actually be relieved for the chance to be free of the obligation to perform (or pretend to perform) the world’s most important job.

No, the greatest loser is the media, specifically elite news organizations like the New York Times that have teams of reporters covering the White House. These teams ether somehow missed Biden’s sharp cognitive decline – or, worse, actively covered it up.

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Study: Vaccines had “NO Beneficial Effects”

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

GermanyVaccineDeathsMortalityYouTube recently removed an interview I participated in with Palisades Radio for mentioning this study. I have posted the video on Rumble at the bottom of this article and it can also be found on X and Spotify. “Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic” conducted by Christof Kuhbandner, PhD, Professor of Psychology at the University of Regensburg in Bavaria Germany, and mathematician Prof. Matthias Reitzner at Osnabrück University, found that COVID-19 vaccines had “no beneficial effects” but did increase the mortality rate.

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Cars: I Remember when We had control of cars; today we obey software programs

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Recently I came across a November 2015 issue of Road & Track. It contains an article comparing the 1965 Ford Mustang Shelby GT 350, a muscle car of its time, with the 2016 Ford Mustang Shelby GT 350R, a muscle car of its time.

The 51 years difference allowed the 2016 version to reach 60 miles an hour from a standing start 3.1 seconds quicker and allowed a 51 mph higher top speed.

The 2016 version cost 14 times more and weighs 860 pounds more. In addition to inflation I suspect the additional weight accounts for a good share of the additional cost and that the weight is accounted for by safety regulations written by bureaucrats.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Congress issues a “Declaration on the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms” – 1775

Via History.com

On July 6, 1775, one day after restating their fidelity to King George III and wishing him “a long and prosperous reign” in the Olive Branch Petition, Congress sets “forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms” against British authority in the American colonies. The declaration also proclaimed their preference “to die free men rather than live as slaves.”

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David Stockman on Why the Federal Reserve is Running Out of Monetary Oxygen

Guest Post by David Stockman

What passes for central banking today is really a perverse form of Wall Street-pleasing monetary manipulation. It employs the vocabulary of central banking, but in practice it fundamentally undermines main street prosperity, even as it showers the 1% (the top wealthiest people) with unspeakable financial windfalls.

Stated differently, virtually everything the Fed does for the alleged benefit of the American economy is both unnecessary and a ruse. The Fed has actually become a captive of the Wall Street traders, gamblers and high rollers, and functions mainly at their behest.

The proof of this proposition starts with the startling historical fact that the post-war US economy did just fine without any interest rate targeting, heavy-duty bond-buying or general macroeconomic management help from the Fed at all. For all practical purposes today’s omnipresent Fed domination of the financial and economic system was non-existent at that point in time.

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Pope Excommunicates Bishop On Suspicion Of Being A Christian

Via The Babylon Bee

ROME — Shockwaves were felt throughout the religious world today, as churches around the globe received official word that the Pope had excommunicated a bishop on suspicion of being a Christian.

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Senilitygate and Mrs. Alito’s Flags

Guest Post by Ann Coulter

Can you imagine if The New York Times had covered the Biden White House as closely as it covered Justice Samuel Alito’s wife’s collection of novelty flags?

The media’s playing Praetorian Guard for one party isn’t good for democracy, but oddly, it’s not even good for the Democrats. Biden’s open-mouthed, faraway stare at a nationally televised debate isn’t the first shock revelation to rock a Democratic candidate in the middle of a presidential campaign.

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Private sector workers came in at 136K, well below the 160K expected and down from a downward revised 193K (was 229K). The gap was filled by – what else- deep stater and other government workers, as government payrolls jumped from 25K to 70K!