
Who Turned Off the Gaslight?

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine. The president was fine. The election would be fine.” —Olivia Nuzzi, NY Magazine

There’s a reason that the fable of The Emperor’s New Clothes is so potent: it describes a mentally ill society that retreats into abject unreality, to avoid contending with truth. Alas, this archetypal human quandary shoves such a society towards nemesis: downfall and punishment. And that is exactly the consequence of our news media’s craven, dishonorable, degenerate behavior the past decade.

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Biden says he’s ‘running the world’

Via RT

The US president insists he needs no cognitive tests, given his leadership of the “essential nation”

US President Joe Biden says he has been “running the world” and therefore does not actually need any cognitive tests to prove his fitness for office.

The president made the remarks in an interview with ABC News on Friday, when the 81-year-old was repeatedly pressed by George Stephanopoulos about the growing concerns surrounding his mental and physical condition.

Asked whether he has “had a full neurological and cognitive evaluation,” Biden provided a rather incoherent response.

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America doesn’t have a president – Musk

Via RT

The US does not have an actual president and has not had one “for a while,” Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has suggested.

Musk took to his X (formerly Twitter) social media network to dip into the ongoing political debacle in the aftermath of the debates between US President Joe Biden and former leader Donald Trump. He reposted a message by another user, with a screenshot of an opinion piece run by the New York Times, titled “Does America need a president?”

“Real question … since we obviously haven’t had one for a while lmao,” Musk wrote.

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Via Dr. Robert Malone

A reminder that you just can’t cure stupid. Some things just cannot be fixed and have to be lived with. So don’t take it all too seriously.

As Candide went back to his farm, he reflected deeply on the Turk’s remarks.

He said to Pangloss and Martin: “That good old man seems to me to have made himself a life far preferable to that of the six Kings with whom we had the honor of having supper.”



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Neocons should be Tried for Treason

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

My sources have confirmed that not only did Russia make a stop in Cuba, but China is also present, and they are constructing spy installations to watch what is going to take place, especially with our elections. They are well aware that Biden is NOT running the country. This is in the hands of the Neocons, and both Garland and Blinken just so happen to be Ukrainian Jews with family histories that insist they were persecuted by Russians. Garland has abused the power of the Department of Justice to prosecute Trump because he would fire them all desperately.

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Documentary: Unsustainable ‘The U.N. Agenda For World Domination’

Multiple US Presidents Have Admitted the US “Government” Is Run By Inter-Generational Organized Crime

Submitted by mark

Guest Post by Etienne de la Boetie2

I make the case in “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! that the “Government” is run by inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking. This organized crime cartel has been using fractional reserve banking to create money out of thin air, and they have bought up and monopolized the media to deceive and distract the public away from what is really going on. One of the frequent objections that I receive is:

“Surely, if there was a criminal conspiracy this vast, then someone would have talked.”

The facts are that American history is replete with whistleblowers who have courageously risked their lives to bring organized crime’s activities to the public’s attention but whose testimony has been buried by the “propaganda matrix” of the organized crime’s monopoly media’s “news” and 24 x7 distractions of weaponized media and children’s games played by adults. Here are some verifiable quotes from those who have tried to warn us, including multiple US Presidents, confessions from the criminals themselves, including some mind-blowing confessions on video.

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The British Government?

Guest Post by Iain Davis

Well, here in the UK we have a new Trilaterist….er, sorry, I meant Labour government, led by the charismatic Keir Starmer.

Likened to a dish rag, and not without good reason, Keir Starmer now commands the government with a whopping 170+ seat majority after nearly 80% of the British electorate didn’t vote for either him or the Labour party.

This all makes sense because people imagine that representative democracy has something to do with democracy, which it doesn’t. Still, who cares!

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President Biden Must Resign, Or Be Impeached

Authored by Stephen B. Young via RealClearPolitics,


President Biden’s duty to the American people is to “faithfully execute” his office. As a public trustee, Biden took an oath to do what is right. He is a trustee of powers bestowed upon him by the Constitution in return for his promise to be dutiful.

Like every agent and trustee, Biden owes fiduciary duties to those who are served by his decisions. He owes them two duties: the duty of always acting with due care; and the duty of giving them his absolute loyalty, always putting their interests above his own.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Preliminary work begins on the Hoover Dam – 1930

Via History.com

On July 7, 1930, building begins on the future site of the Hoover Dam. Over the next five years, a total of 21,000 men would work ceaselessly to produce what would be the largest dam of its time, as well as one of the largest manmade structures in the world.

Although the dam would take only five years to build, its construction was nearly 30 years in the making. Arthur Powell Davis, an engineer from the Bureau of Reclamation, originally had his vision for the Hoover Dam back in 1902, and his engineering report on the topic became the guiding document when plans were finally made to begin the dam in 1922.

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Here’s Where American Troops Are Stationed Overseas?

Via ZeroHedge

With a military budget bigger than most countries’ GDPs, the U.S. military manages to station troops in nearly 170 territories, on every continent in the world.

But which countries host the most troops? In the chart below, Visual Capitalist’s Pallavi Rao maps the territories where active duty American military personnel are stationed, according to March 2024 figures from the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).

ℹ️ Reserve troops and civilian personnel are also stationed overseas for support activities. They are not included on this map.

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US Mainstream Media Await New Orders Now Their Big Lie About Biden Is Rumbled

Authored by Tony Morrison via DailySceptic.org,

The debacle that was President Biden’s performance at last Thursday’s Presidential debate divided America. Half were astonished to see someone with a crypt-keeper vibe who was obviously dazed and confused and whose language consisted mainly of mumbling nonsense that often trailed off into sheer incomprehensibility. The other half merely saw business as usual from Biden. Political pundits refer to this phenomenon as, in the words of Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams, “one screen, two movies”.

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VERY URGENT: A Parkinson’s disease specialist has visited the White House residence medical clinic at least nine times since July 2023

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The President’s personal physician and a nurse who coordinates his care scheduled the meetings with Dr. Kevin R. Cannard. Before last July, he had come only once during Joe Biden’s administration.

The logs show Dr. Cannard traveled to the White House residence medical clinic each time. He met either with the president’s personal physician or the naval nurse who coordinates care for the president and other top officials, the logs show.

Dr. Cannard’s spate of visits began on July 28, 2023 and continued at least through March 28, 2024. The most recently released logs end on April 1, so it is not clear if Dr. Cannard has been to the White House more recently.

The logs do not note the purpose of Dr. Cannard’s visits.

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