

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
Metallica – Nothing Else Matters

I was driving to work the other day, when the song Nothing Else Matters by Metallica began emanating from my radio. It is a haunting tune and far different then their normal heavy metal repertoire. Depending on my current state of mind, certain songs trigger thoughts about the state of affairs in this increasingly warped world and my place in this chaotic spiraling civilization. This song meant one thing to their lead singer and songwriter James Hetfield, but everyone who hears the song relates to its lyrics in a way personal to them.

He essentially wrote the song about being on the road and away from his  girlfriend. But, as he explained in later interviews, the song’s meaning grew to encompass much more for others:

“It’s about being on the road, missing someone at home, but it was written in such a way, it connected with so many people, that it wasn’t just about two people, it was about a connection with your higher power, lots of different things. I remember going to the Hells Angels Clubhouse in New York, and they showed me a film that they’d put together of one of the fallen brothers, and they were playing ‘Nothing Else Matters.’ Wow. This means a lot more than me missing my chick, right? This is brotherhood. It’s pretty powerful.”

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The ATF Has Resumed Openly Murdering Americans

Guest Post by Frank Lee


Many people who know anything about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE, or ATF for short) will know they started off as a “harmless” tax collecting agency that eventually turned into a law enforcement agency in its own right. In other words, they evolved from a bunch of glorified robbers with mechanical calculators and spreadsheets into a gang of violent thugs with guns and badges. This transformation became obvious to the world in the famous Ruby Ridge (1992) and Waco (1993) incidents, both having had heavy ATF involvement and with the latter event culminating in an open massacre of the Branch Davidians that included women and children.

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Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It has been announced that Doug Emhoff, the second gentleman – a title fit for our times – has come down with “COVID.” This is interesting given that the man has been “vaccinated” three times against “COVID.”

The foregoing words bracketed within air-fingers-quote marks to highlight absurdity of the usage.

“COVID” being just another cold – and maybe the flu, which miraculously disappeared during the “COVID” event that we were expected to pretend was a “pandemic.” That word also bracketed within air-fingers quote marks to highlight the vicious absurdity of using that word to describe the spread of a cold/flu that didn’t cull almost everyone who caught it except for the elderly, frail and chronically sick already – who have always been at-risk of becoming sicker than the rest of us when they catch a cold or the flu.

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Excitement Builds For First Olympic Games Held In Muslim Country

Via The Babylon Bee

PARIS — With the world’s top athletes gathering in Paris in the coming weeks, excitement among media and spectators alike continued to build around the globe for the first Olympic Games to be held in a Muslim country.

While the city of Paris had previously hosted the Olympic Games in 1900 and 1924, this year’s Games of the XXXIII Olympiad will mark the historic first time that the storied athletic contests took place in an Islamic nation.

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‘Barbaric’: Russia Accused Of Attacking Kiev Children’s Hospital On Eve Of NATO Summit In D.C.

Via ZeroHedge

The war in Ukraine continues on a downward spiral, taking another grim and tragic turn, amid widespread allegations that Russian forces destroyed a children’s hospital in Kiev amid a bigger barrage of missiles which hit several sites on Monday.

UN officials and Ukraine authorities say at least 31 people were killed Monday after some 40 missiles were launched across the country. There are reports that people are still buried under the rubble of Okhmatdyt children’s hospital. Local officials say at least seven have been killed in these specific strikes on the Ukrainian capital.

Okhmatdyt has a children’s cancer ward, and images have been widely circulating of children receiving IV treatments on a nearby sidewalk after the hospital was reduced to ruins. Britain’s Foreign Minister David Lammy blasted the hospital strike as “an appalling attack on Ukrainian civilians.”

Kyiv’s main children’s hospital, via Reuters

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In It to Spin It

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“… [W]e’re done accommodating you lunatics. it’s time for actual adults to return to the room and supplant the squalling squalor you have inflicted upon us, our economies, our cultures, and our institutions.”El Gato Malo on Substack

Imagine: President “Joe Biden,” on the deck behind his Rehoboth Beach house Sunday evening before a most consequential week. He just declared to the nation that only an “act of God” will prevent him from running for re-election. Dr. Jill has gone inside for another martini, extra-dry, no vermouth, no ice, no olive. . . no glass. Chief advisor, Hunter Biden, just drove into Wilmington “to pick something up,” he said. Chocolate chip ice cream melts in the bowl on “JB’s” lap as he endures another Parkinsonian frozen rapture. His gaze is fixed on the gray-green Atlantic, a blank horizon, much like his current career prospects.

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The Most Melodramatic Kabuki Theater and Staged Super Psyop in U.S. Political History—But WHY?

Via State of the Nation


Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst

Isn’t that exactly what the American body politic has been witnessing for the past three and a half years?

The primary reason why POTUS imposter Joe Biden was criminally installed in the White House was to turn the United State of America into the laughingstock of the world.  And so it has become.

And now for the Grand Finale of the greatest clusterf*ck and biggest dumpster fire in modern history.

We have a certified Parkinson’s patient with Dementia occupying the Oval Office, against the wishes of even many of the chief Democrat operatives, and he really won’t leave without a fight.  Absolutely hysterical—YES?!?!

Top Neurosurgeon:
‘Biden Definitely Has
Parkinson’s Disease Dementia’

But this is how the Higher Power is both exposing and destroying the Democrat Party in real time … during prime time … and in glowing color.  You really gotta luv it!

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Xi Jinping meets Hungarian PM

Via RT

Chinese President Xi Jinping has held a meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is in Beijing on what he has dubbed a “peacekeeping mission,” Xinhua reported on Monday morning.

“China is a key power in creating the conditions for peace in the Russia-Ukraine war. This is why I came to meet with President Xi in Beijing, just two months after his official visit to Budapest,” Orban wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

Details of the meeting have yet to be revealed, but it follows Orban’s trips to Kiev and Moscow last week. The Hungarian prime minister called the Beijing trip a “peace mission 3.0” upon his arrival.

Orban embarked on an unannounced trip to Kiev last Tuesday, where he proposed a “quick ceasefire” to Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky. Orban then traveled to Moscow to discuss the “shortest way out” of the conflict with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Moscow’s and Kiev’s positions remain very “far apart,” according to the Hungarian leader, who noted that Zelensky “didn’t like” his proposals. Meanwhile, Putin reiterated Moscow’s readiness to resolve the hostilities through negotiations, but said the Ukrainian leadership appears committed to waging war “until the end.”

Orban’s meeting with Putin angered some fellow EU leaders, while Kiev expressed fury that the Hungarian leader had traveled to Russia “without approval or coordination with Ukraine.”

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Biden Will Stagger On All the Way To The Election

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Joe Biden’s Friday interview with dwarf propagandist George Stephanopoulos hit the sweet spot – our sweet spot, and Crusty’s. His bizarre performance was not so utterly terrible as to force the Democrat Party to act to get rid of him (to the extent it ever could), but it was still terrible enough for normal people to look at that grinning, dead-eyed golem and know that he’s a mere husk of what once passed for a man. The alleged president – or, rather, his Very Real Doctor wife and the various straphangers and courtiers who make up Biden, Inc., –  will not call off this fight. They will go the distance because they have no other choice. The next four months of humiliation is a small price to pay for the chance to hold on for another term of pulling the strings on the corrupt and perverted marionette masquerading as our chief executive.

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Elon Musk Partners with World Economic Forum

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

MuskESGI like Elon Musk for his innovative mind and willingness to speak out against the establishment. Is he part of the controlled opposition? I did not believe it to be true until his recent dealing with the World Economic Forum. Musk himself deemed the ESG policies of the WEF to be “satanic” only one year ago, but now, he has appointed a WEF board member to act as CEO of X.GARM

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Biden Ahead in Polls?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Biden 2024 Lets finish the jobJoe Biden is surpassing rival Donald Trump in the polls by 7x, but not in America. Ukraine is eager to see a Joe Biden re-election as he is the only candidate who wants to continue sending the country billions upon billions in funding.

The Counteroffensive/Kyiv International Institute of Sociology conducted the first poll questioning Ukrainians on their view of the next US election. Around half (46.7%) of respondents said they wanted Joe Biden to remain in the White House compared to only 6.5% who want to see Donald Trump reinstated. A bit over 20% said they had no opinion on a foreign election, while 17.6% neither candidate deserves to be president.

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Is Florida Headed Toward a Dengue Fever Outbreak?

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Dengue fever cases are surging globally, with 9.85 million suspected cases in the Americas from January to June 2024. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns of potential outbreaks in several states, particularly Florida
  • Dengue is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes and has four virus types. Symptoms include high fever, severe pain and rash. Secondary infections with a different strain can be more severe
  • There’s no specific treatment for dengue. Mild cases are managed with rest and hydration. Platelet transfusions for severe cases are controversial and potentially harmful
  • Natural remedies like papaya leaf extract, elderberry, and garlic may help recovery. Nutrients such as vitamins C, D and E, and zinc can also be beneficial for dengue patients
  • Prevention focuses on avoiding mosquito bites through protective clothing, natural repellents and eliminating standing water. A nutritious diet and sun exposure for vitamin D can support overall health

Cases of dengue fever, also known as “break-bone” fever1 due to extreme joint pain being one of its hallmark symptoms, are soaring worldwide, with many countries reporting higher than usual numbers. While a majority of the cases are seen in tropical and subtropical areas like South Asia, Africa and South America,2 U.S. health officials have recently sounded the alarm about a rise of cases in several states.

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What, Me Worry?

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

Is it over? Will people continue to die due to the Covid vaccines? Or have the excess deaths hit their peak? Or should I keep worrying about all of my friends and family who got jabbed?

A recent newspaper article (UK’s The Telegraph) boasted the headlines:

“Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths.”

This made a bit of a splash in social media because apparently it is the first (or at least one of the first) “mainstream media” admissions to the jab having any correlation at all to excess deaths.

Needless to say, the “Fact Checkers” all came out from under their assorted rocks to poo-poo such a thing, blabbing various incredulous “facts” such as, “not all scientists agree!” Oh my, that would stop me in my tracks, wouldn’t it you? The “fact” “not all scientists agree” makes the newspaper headline closer to believability than otherwise. Duh.

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The Role of Hatred in the Upcoming Election

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

James Howard Kunstler explains how Democrats and media avoid truth by creating a false reality and end up believing their own lies. The entire purpose of Democrats and media is to deceive and to intimidate Americans into living in unreality and aiding and abetting their own demise.
Now that some of the presstitutes are admitting that they covered up for Biden in order to avoid helping Trump by telling the truth, what are the Democrats going to do? So far Biden is resisting his party’s effort to move him aside. But they will rather than lose power.

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Ammo Vending Machines Arrive At Grocery Stores In Red States

Via ZeroHedge

Nothing says ‘Merica like supermarkets with automated vending machines stocked with ammunition. A select number of supermarkets across Alabama and Oklahoma have these new machines. This means you can leave the store with milk, eggs, and boxes of 9mm and .223 rounds.

American Rounds installed AI-powered ammunition vending machines in several Alabama and Oklahoma supermarket stores. These vending machines are said to feature built-in AI technology, card scanning capability, and facial recognition software to verify that buyers are 21 or older and match the identity on the license.

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