
Surprise, Surprise!

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Joe Biden is the walking embodiment of the exhausted American Establishment. More and more people have simply lost their faith in our Ruling Class. You could scarcely have a more potent symbol of its impotence.” Rod Dreher

Just before the weekend, a political prairie fire raced across a nation buffaloed, blind-sided, and buried deeply in bullshit, and the little critters who inhabit the landscape are still running around with their fur smoldering. What a surprise that “Joe Biden,” the mentally-disabled pretend-president, fell apart in the debate spotlight for all to see, like Captain Queeg in his fateful witness chair, or William Jennings Bryan at the Scopes trial (1925), or the Wizard of Oz when little Toto drew the curtain back — a brutal revelation of stark truth about how things actually are.

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Yellen Denies Food Inflation

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Biden YellenTreasury Secretary Janet Yellen once again is once again gas lighting the public to believe that the Biden Administration has inflation under control. When questioned about the rising prices at grocery stores, Yellen denied that prices have soared astronomically.

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What if They are Wrong?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

2024_06_29_15_31_38_Opinion_On_Ukraine_Biden_is_taking_Putin_s_threats_too_seriously_CNN_and_2_mNATO_Defeat Russia_in_3_Days Adam KinzingerYour future will be utterly destroyed because of these Neocons who are consumed with personal hatred of Russians. They are pushing American policymakers, arguing that Putin is bluffing and we can, therefore, destroy Russia, and he will never fire a shot. They insist that Putin won’t put his money where his mouth is regarding escalation. Adam Kinzinger, who is the classic Neocon – a Republican congressman from Illinois who jumped ship and ran to CNN so he could preach World War III after losing the election because of his views. He is now CNN’s senior political commentator. This is the same Adam Kinzinger who insanely claimed that we could “TAKE OUT” Russia in three days! I guess we could wipe out China in 4.5 days and then rule the world so nobody will retaliate. I have NEVER heard such reckless commentary in my entire life. And he is joined by another Neocon, Ben Hodges, a retired United States Army officer who served as commanding general of United States Army Europe.

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Bird Flu — Another Attempt to Control the Food System and Make a Profit

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Fearmongering around bird flu mirrors COVID-19 responses, with calls for testing, social distancing, and vaccination in the agricultural sector. New RFID tagging requirements for dairy cows represent potential government overreach, aimed at increased animal tracking and control
  • Development of mRNA vaccines for bird flu in both humans and animals raises concerns about potential mandatory vaccinations and their impact on the food supply
  • FDA warnings against raw milk consumption lack evidence of foodborne transmission of bird flu to humans and may serve to protect industrial dairy interests. The centralization of the food system has led to a 72% decrease in small farms over the last 90 years, emphasizing the need to support small-scale farmers directly
  • The H5N1 virus may have origins in gain-of-function research, potentially emerging from a lab rather than occurring naturally in wild birds
  • Mass culling of poultry in response to outbreaks has led to over 92 million chickens being slaughtered since 2022, often using inhumane methods

Let the fearmongering begin (again)! Propaganda efforts are making people believe humans can die from the bird flu and that we must “do our part” in preventing the next global pandemic. Wear masks, social distance, sanitize everything, get tested, get vaccinated … It’s kind of like “COVID-19,” but now in dairy cows!


Image from imgflip.com


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That’s All Folks (Redux)

Guest Post by C.J. Hopkins

Well, what do you know, it looks like we’ve got another “CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY” on our hands. Yes, that’s right, folks, THE VERY FABRIC OF DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE … again! Which means (surprise!) that it’s probably time to declare another STATE OF EMERGENCY and take some sort of EMERGENCY MEASURES to protect humanity from LITERAL FASCISM, or RUSSIA, or CHEAP FAKES, or a VIRUS … or whatever.

I didn’t watch the presidential debate — it took place at 2AM here in Germany — but I watched as much as I could stand the following morning, and I read a few headlines in the corporate press, and … well, it appears that’s it for Biden.

Normally, at this point, I would pen a column full of colorful adjectives and gratuitous adverbials skewering the entire spectacle, but (a) lots of others are doing that — albeit sans the gratuitous adverbials — and (b) I’m still on medical leave, and under doctor’s orders not to do that, i.e., sit at my desk for numerous hours, chain smoking, drinking pots of espresso, and launching my blood pressure into the stratosphere.

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The Resurrection of French Nationalism?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

France was the last European nation to lose its sovereignty, and France might be the first to recover its sovereignty. In the 1960s France was still a nation of ethnic French as contrasted with the tower of babel and a geographical entity that it is today.

During the ten-year presidency of Charles De Gaulle (1959-69) France’s policy was one of national independence. DeGaulle refused to join NATO, and he opposed a supranational Europe in which nations would subordinate themselves to a European Union.

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Democrats Hint At Assassination In Response To Supreme Court Immunity Decision

Via ZeroHedge

Nobody likes to lose but leftists take indignant defeat to a whole new level.  Though they claim to “defend democracy” in their spare time, Democrats also have a tendency to abandon the democratic process when that process interferes with their intentions to remain in power.

Case in point: The Supreme Court’s recent decision to give immunity from prosecution to Donald Trump in the case of “some official acts” taken during his tenure in office.  Leftists have responded with outrage at the 6-3 decision with much of their political hopes resting on the strategy of burying Trump in as many legal battles as possible to keep him from running for president again.  Democrats are now flooding social media and the news feeds with suggestions that the SC decision makes it possible for Joe Biden as president to eliminate the conservative competition “as a part of his official duties.”

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Fighting continues at the Battle of Gettysburg – 1863

Via History.com

On July 2, 1863, during the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia attacks General George G. Meade’s Army of the Potomac at both Culp’s Hill and Little Round Top, but fails to move the Yankees from their positions.

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Gold Predicted To Soar – World Central Banks Expect This Shocking Price

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group

BofA’s Michael Widmer recently spoke to CNBC about where he sees gold going in the next 18 months, and it is an optimistic view. The bank’s Head of Commodities Research said that the obvious driver of gold prices is going to be continued central bank buying. And, based on what we’ve seen, with new entrants likely joining the market.

A World Gold Council survey found that 88% of the participants from the official sector consider gold a “long-term store of value and inflation hedge”. That might sound like your usual praise if it came from a portfolio manager, but central banks themselves?

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A neurosurgeon diagnoses Joe Biden

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Mid-stage Parkinson’s, with dementia

Following my post today, a neurosurgeon and Unreported Truths reader (yes, some of you are actually brain surgeons) wrote in.

For obvious reasons, he did not1 want his name used, but his email and answers to my follow-up question speak for itself. I’d urge you to read to the end, for the prediction he makes.

I simply wanted to give you a thumbs up on your diagnosis of POTUS.

He undoubtedly has Parkinson’s disease, and is increasingly suffering from Parkinson’s dementia.  The signs are unmistakable:

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Visualizing US Wealth By Generation

Via ZeroHedge

In 2023, American Baby Boomers owned 52% of the country’s net wealth despite comprising only 20% of the population.

Based on Federal Reserve data, this graphic, via Visual Capitalist’s Bruno Venditti, illustrates the distribution of wealth in the United States from 1990 to 2023 by generation.

Generations are defined by birth year:

  • Silent Generation (born before 1946)
  • Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964)
  • Gen Xers (born 1965-1980)
  • Millennials (born 1981-1996)

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Media Apologizes For Briefly Reporting The Truth About Biden Last Week

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S. — In the wake of the uproar following the president’s disappointing debate performance and subsequent rumors that he was insistent on staying in the race, the media apologized for briefly reporting the truth about Biden last week.

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An Important Public Service Announcement About Senior Abuse . . .

Submitted by SpaceCommando

When is “Dr. Jill” going to be indicted for this?

To say that the person doing the original PSA is ‘ironic’ doesn’t even cover it . . .