
It’s Damned Hard to Be Proud of America

Americans probably still have many good reasons to be proud of America, but as I sat thinking about what I would write to commemorate our Independence Day, they all seemed to evade me at the moment, given where we find our country today. And even tho’ we have seen some recent gains moving the country away from the Marxist-Maoist Democrat Party’s communist agenda and the plan to fundamentally transform America into something despicable, foreign and conquered, it will be for naught so long as the American people keep embracing corrupt politicians and act as tho’ the Bill of Rights are unimportant footnotes in Mad Magazine, written by President Alfred E. Newman, trudging into the years ahead unprincipled and immoral as ever.

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Kids Will Say The Darnedest Things . . .

Submitted by SpaceCommando

While I tend to agree with the kid’s sentiments in his comment to “Dr. Jill” let’s just say when I was in grade school nobody would EVER even think about saying something like that to anyone in class, let alone to an adult guest . . .

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Another of our best commenters – anon a moos – has passed away. He provided the site with daily doses of wisdom and humor. We’ve lost too many TBP family members over the years. My prayers are with Brian, his wife Laurel, and his family. Below is Brian’s obituary, sent by Laurel.

Tribute for Brian Pinske

We rejoice with great sorrow and grieve with great rejoicing to announce that on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, our husband, father, Papa, son, brother, and uncle, Brian Duane Pinske, quietly left this life and went to be with Jesus Christ his Lord. He was pre-deceased by his three pre-born children, his maternal grandmother Lillian Willis, his father John Pinske, and his baby sister Tracy Thompson.

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Constructing the Terminator: A Top-Down Approach

Guest Post by Fred Reed

(these are deranged ramblings, perhaps of psychiatric interest. If pressed, Fred will deny authorship and possibly bring an action for defamation.) beware.

These days, not unreasonably I think, people wonder whether artificial intelligence will produce an electronic being superior to, well, us. Others of darker immaaginings ask whether we don’t face the arrival of a real-life Terminator. Science fiction? These days, it has a short shelf life.

Actually, the superior being  has probably already happened, if so far in bits and pieces. Let us consider what these bits are, and their assembly into a Terminator, whom we will affectionately call Arnold.

First,Arnold’s mental capacities. Then, is robotic physicality.

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Our Independence

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Today is the 4th of July, the day Americans traditionally celebrate the independence of the American colonies that became states (plural) from Great Britain, which was not accomplished by asking for it.

The American colonists – some of them, a determined minority of them – took their independence.

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GEOENGINEERED CARIBBEAN CATASTROPHE: When will the world community of nations outlaw weather weaponry?

Via State of the Nation

When will governments at every level ban the use of chemical geoengineering via poisonous chemtrails over the skies of their jurisdictions as the state of Tennessee just did?
Tennessee ‘Chemtrail’ Ban Goes Into Effect Today

Yes, hurricane season always brings its fair share of superstorms into existence, but what we have all witnessed over the past 30 years is NOT NORMAL.

In point of fact, with each passing year these patently fabricated frankestorms have not only been methodically intensified, but they have also been deliberately aimed at targeted coastlines and cities and states with highly purposeful design.

All any weather warfare investigator has to do is take a close look at the exact locations where these superstorms make landfall, especially over the past two decades, and they will quickly identify a highly disturbing pattern.  The mega-hurricanes in particular are being directed at dense population centers, and frequently in the most rebellious conservative states such as Florida and Texas.

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If You Can’t Dazzle Them With Your Brilliance Baffle Them With Your BS…

If You Can’t Dazzle Them With Your Brilliance Baffle Them With Your BS…

Concept of the businessman liar with his shadow - If You Can’t Dazzle Them With Your Brilliance Baffle Them With Your BS… - Miller on the MoneyGuest Post by Dennis Miller at Miller On The Money

Readers often ask for investment advice. When I began writing for Casey Research, I was warned by the legal team to begin any response with, “I am not licensed or qualified to give individual, personal investment advice. Please be sure to consult with your personal financial advisor.”

While I may not be duly licensed and trained, I’ve seen investment advisors, with lots of fancy plaques and designations, giving clients what I consider bad advice, while raking in lots of profit for themselves.

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E Pluribus Airhead

Submitted by QTR’s Fringe Finance

It was only a couple of days ago that I reminded my readers that, if it was necessary to replace Joe Biden, the DNC would do what both politically parties consistently do: make the worst decision possible.

And now it looks like that’s exactly what’s happening.

On Wednesday the New York Times reported that President Biden was reconsidering his options for running, stating that he admitted to a key ally that salvaging his candidacy hinges on convincing the public he’s fit for the job after last week’s poor debate performance. Good luck with that…

He is still committed to re-election, the Times wrote, but recognizes that upcoming appearances—including an interview with George Stephanopoulos and campaign stops in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—are crucial.

“He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place,” said the ally, speaking anonymously about the sensitive matter.

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Compliments of the Wayback Machine, here is a 30 Blocks article written in July 2012. Happy 4th of July from the 30 Blocks of Squalor.


Well it’s been many months since my last 30 Blocks of Squalor article. The last article detailing my commute through the beautiful streets of West Philly was Mantua Square – Your Own Block of Squalor. The Schuykill Expressway has been good to me, until last Wednesday. A three car accident forced me to deviate my trek to my old friend, the 30 Blocks of Squalor. My normal route still takes me through the bleakest parts of West Philly, but I go through at such an early time the thugs and murderers are still asleep after a hard night of killing, raping and pillaging.


The Empire’s New Clothes

Guest Post by Visays Outpost

“But he’s not wearing any clothes!” – a kid in the crowd

July 4, 2024

Good Morning Occupation Government, just add this to my dossier.

Bemusement was the only emotion that clicked for me in the buzz of the Great Debate Aftermath.  It reminded me of friends who used to banter over professional wrestling in the ‘80s.  Even though they *knew* the WWF matches were scripted, that didn’t stop the arguments or emotional involvement.  The whole Kabuki show was obviously fake, but they just couldn’t suspend the illusion, and I suppose neither can today’s personalities.

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Will Putin Attack Poland & the Baltics?

Guest Post by Ray McGovern

At Thursday’s debate with Donald Trump, President Joe Biden, calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal,” claimed that he “wants all of Ukraine. … Do you think he’ll stop? … What do you think happens to Poland and other places?”

Spoiler Alert: Official Ukrainian sources confirm that Putin did stop in March 2022, after Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky agreed to forswear membership in NATO. This was the key provision in the Ukraine-Russia deal initialed by Davyd Arakhamia, who at the time was Zelensky’s chief negotiator (and his party’s faction leader in the Rada) at the talks in Istanbul at the end of March, hardly a month into the war.

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Only Michelle Obama can beat Donald Trump

Via RT

Michelle Obama, the wife of former US President Barack Obama, is the only potential Democratic candidate who could beat Republican frontrunner Donald Trump in November’s election, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll.

There is growing concern among Democratic voters over President Joe Biden’s ability to secure a second term in office this year, particularly after his debate with Trump, in which the 81-year-old incumbent appeared frail and confused, and struggled to finish his sentences.

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What Would The Founders Say About Our Multi-Trillion Dollar Debt?

From Peter Reagan at Birch Gold Group


“No pecuniary consideration is more urgent, than the regular redemption and discharge of the public debt: on none can delay be more injurious, or an economy of time more valuable.”

George Washington, 1793

The total national debt was a little less than $5 trillion at the beginning of Bill Clinton’s first term as President (January 1993).

That was exactly 200 years after Washington issued his warning about public debt, quoted above. Unfortunately, his warning was ignored.

Since 1993, through entire presidencies on both sides of the aisle, the debt has grown nonstop almost seven times over (600%). The most current official figure is $34.6 trillion as of the end of the first quarter of 2024.

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Russell Brand Slams Media for Normalizing Heart Attacks in Young, Healthy People

Guest Post by

Comedian and political commentator Russell Brand accused the mainstream media of making a concerted effort to normalize the recent surge in cardiac injuries, including heart attacks, in previously healthy people — while ignoring any possible connection to COVID-19 vaccines.

“On legacy media, it’s quite possible to watch a kind of bright breezy, cheerful news item about heart attacks as if it’s like some new trend, as if it’s Pogs or Pokemon Go or something,” Brand said Tuesday on an episode of his “Stay Free” podcast. “It’s a new sensation, heart disease in young people.”

Brand cited a May 30 segment on NBC’s “Today” show — “A new way of thinking about heart attacks” — which reported, “Doctors say they’re seeing an alarming number of seemingly healthy patients having heart attacks and those patients are getting younger and younger.”

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From the depths of hell they come for vengeance*

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

(*An old computer game reference, apologies.) But after Joe Biden’s debate debacle, the reporters who’ve licked his boots for four years are suddenly in truth-telling mode. Here’s why.

Even if you don’t like Joe Biden, the headlines and articles are almost painful.

In the aftermath of last week’s Presidential debate, the elite media has gone from carrying water for Biden to turning the firehose on him.

The New York Times: Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome

Politico: ‘We’ve all enabled the situation’: Dems turn on Biden’s inner sanctum post debate

Reuters: Joe Biden’s disastrous debate blamed on bad preparation, exhaustion

What is so striking about these articles is that only days ago – not months, but days – the same outlets insisted questions about Biden’s cognitive fitness were not merely unfair but “misinformation.” (A word and concept that must be retired immediately. Facts that one side or the other do not like are not “misinformation.”)

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The Reason Biden Was Permitted to Debate Trump

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Biden Secon TermThe first presidential debate of the year was a humiliating moment for our nation. Does one even need to bother discussing the questions mentioned when the public was in utter shock at the current president’s physical and mental state?

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