
Who Turned Off the Gaslight?

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine. The president was fine. The election would be fine.” —Olivia Nuzzi, NY Magazine

There’s a reason that the fable of The Emperor’s New Clothes is so potent: it describes a mentally ill society that retreats into abject unreality, to avoid contending with truth. Alas, this archetypal human quandary shoves such a society towards nemesis: downfall and punishment. And that is exactly the consequence of our news media’s craven, dishonorable, degenerate behavior the past decade.

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Via State of the Nation

HARD PROOF! Biden Administration Guilty
of Treason, DHS Secretary Mayorkas Leads
Traitorous Plot To Perpetrate Illegal Alien
Invasion Of America

Volumes of testimony and hard evidence have been presented during various congressional hearings which have confirmed that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is the point man for a highly organized and complex treasonous conspiratorial plot to overrun the 50 states with illegal aliens.


Fixing the Military Requires a Dying Art Called ‘Leadership’

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

On this Independence Day, we all know our military has been shattered into fragments of what it was back in the early 1990s, when it was the undisputed most lethal force on earth and certainly one of the greatest armies in human history. America’s victory in Desert Storm, nearly forgotten by a force now more concerned with the strategic threat allegedly posed by warm weather and with catering to the gender-delusional, was on par with the victories of Hannibal, Alexander, and Caesar. That’s no exaggeration.

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Michelle Obama Hears the Calls and Sees the Polls. Will She Boot Biden From Presidential Race?

Via PJ Media



The latest stories are that Joe Biden has been given only a few more days to prove he should be the Democrat nominee for president after his disastrous debate performance. If he leaves the race, the thinking is that the only person who could swoop in at this late stage and defeat Donald Trump in November is Michelle Obama, not Kamala Harris. 

The speculation is not without merit according to a new poll. 

Kamala Harris is a better-known quantity. She’s held political office. She’s one of the least respected and worst vice presidents America has ever seen. 

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Another of our best commenters – anon a moos – has passed away. He provided the site with daily doses of wisdom and humor. We’ve lost too many TBP family members over the years. My prayers are with Brian, his wife Laurel, and his family. Below is Brian’s obituary, sent by Laurel.

Tribute for Brian Pinske

We rejoice with great sorrow and grieve with great rejoicing to announce that on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, our husband, father, Papa, son, brother, and uncle, Brian Duane Pinske, quietly left this life and went to be with Jesus Christ his Lord. He was pre-deceased by his three pre-born children, his maternal grandmother Lillian Willis, his father John Pinske, and his baby sister Tracy Thompson.

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Why 2032 is so Necessary

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

With every day that passes, we are edging closer and closer to 2032, where our Computer is forecasting the collapse of our present form of Republican government, and the light at the end of the tunnel is that we get to hold another Constitutional Convention. This time, we get to correct all the mistakes of our Founding Fathers. ONE major reform must be TERM LIMITS, but another should be abolishing POLITICAL PARTIES. You may think you are voting for whatever that person promises. They then go to Washington and are told, that was great; now, here is what you will vote for. The policies are set behind closed doors, and if you look at the voting, you will notice that it typically goes down party lines. That alone proves that the form of government we live in is just so corrupt that it is not worth saving.

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Drafting Males & Females for the Neocon’s War to Conquer Russia

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Involuntary Draft for Males and Females Ages 18-26

  2024_06_30_14_56_36_voluntarily_enrollment_for_military_June_25_2024_Read_Only_WordThe National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year 2025, authorized a Mandatory Military Selective Service Act for American women. The selective service program is a way to implement a military draft for women in the USA. There have been some lawmakers who oppose this measure.  Some key highlights in the NDAA are included at this link.


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U.S. Government Awards Moderna $176 Million Bird Flu Vaccine Contract

Via ZeroHedge

Despite what can only be described as a host of looming unanswered questions about its mRNA technology and its Covid vaccines, the U.S has awarded Moderna a new $176 million contract to advance development of its bird flu vaccine.

Stop us if you feel like you’ve seen this movie before…

The U.S. government has granted Moderna $176 million to develop its bird flu vaccine amid rising concerns over the H5N1 virus outbreak in dairy cows and infections among dairy workers.

The funds, provided by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, will support the late-stage development and testing of an mRNA-based vaccine for H5N1 avian influenza, according to The Globe and Mail/Reuters.

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Autopsies Link 73.9% of Post-Jab Deaths to the Shot

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • A peer-reviewed study in Forensic Science International found that 73.9% of post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths were directly caused by or significantly contributed to by the injections
  • The study, initially censored by The Lancet, analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found cardiovascular issues were the most common cause of death, followed by blood and respiratory problems
  • Researchers suggest the spike protein in COVID-19 vaccines may be responsible for side effects, potentially causing inflammation and clotting in various tissues and organs
  • Another study in South Korea found increased incidences of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease within three months of COVID-19 vaccination, particularly with mRNA vaccines
  • The article mentions censorship of research critical of COVID-19 vaccines and suggests seeking help from organizations like FLCCC for those experiencing post-vaccination injuries

A bombshell study that The Lancet1 pulled within 24 hours is finally seeing the light of day. Now published in the peer-reviewed Forensic Science International journal, the systematic review of autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 shots revealed 73.9% “were directly due to or significantly contributed to” by the injections.2 Canadian oncologist and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis posted on X:3

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Russia Finally Acknowledges that She Is at War with Washington

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Yesterday was July 4 when we get our annual dose of patriotic propaganda that serves to wrap us in self-righteousness which enables Washington to conduct its wars. Washington has got away with it for a long time, but now has created and brought us into conflict with a powerful adversary.

According to reports, Russia responded to Washington’s cluster bomb attack on civilians in Crimea by informing Washington that the two countries are now at war. What it means, if anything, remains to be seen. It does not seem to have caused any consternation in Washington.

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BRITAIN IN DECLINE – PRE-ELECTION SPECIAL – Elite – Digital ID – Assange – Homeless – London – Services Inflation – Nil Growth – MSM Demise – Fake Meat – Sewage – Letter from Great Britain [06-29-24]

“If liberty means anything, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” [George Orwell]. Attacks on our freedoms fail any political candidate’s solution

Yet another extended (sorry) Letter from Great Britain this week for tonight’s ELECTION SPECIAL with the latest from GB News at midnight in SA GMT+1.  Exit polls indicate a massive Labour win with big heads falling – as one commenter noted: it’s a massive political earthquake

Run away from the problem and hope it never catches up (Theresa May)

  • Magnify with the illusion of being bigger than you actually are (Boris Johnson)
  • Scream and shout to scare it off (Liz Truss)
  • Roll over and play dead (Rishi Sunak)

This election will be one for the history books with so many contentitous issues and the two major parties addressing them in similar ways.  There is little differentiation between them thus Britain could be described as embodying a ‘Uniparty’ ruling elite.

Earlier this year, the Guardian quoted Conservative MP, Danny Kruger saying the country was in a worse state than it was in 2010 when the party first came to power.  Rishi Sunak’s re-election chances are dim-to-none, with only five days to go.

A YouGov survey one month ago found that 73% of Brits believed that the country was much worse now than 14 years ago when David Cameron became PM.  Almost half of the public (46%) said that most things in Britain are now “much worse”, only 11% considered them to be about the same and a paltry 8% believed the country was better off.

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