

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
Metallica – Nothing Else Matters

I was driving to work the other day, when the song Nothing Else Matters by Metallica began emanating from my radio. It is a haunting tune and far different then their normal heavy metal repertoire. Depending on my current state of mind, certain songs trigger thoughts about the state of affairs in this increasingly warped world and my place in this chaotic spiraling civilization. This song meant one thing to their lead singer and songwriter James Hetfield, but everyone who hears the song relates to its lyrics in a way personal to them.

He essentially wrote the song about being on the road and away from his  girlfriend. But, as he explained in later interviews, the song’s meaning grew to encompass much more for others:

“It’s about being on the road, missing someone at home, but it was written in such a way, it connected with so many people, that it wasn’t just about two people, it was about a connection with your higher power, lots of different things. I remember going to the Hells Angels Clubhouse in New York, and they showed me a film that they’d put together of one of the fallen brothers, and they were playing ‘Nothing Else Matters.’ Wow. This means a lot more than me missing my chick, right? This is brotherhood. It’s pretty powerful.”

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Dems Outraged Over Vice President Chosen For Her Race And Gender Being Labeled ‘DEI Hire’

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S. — Democrats have responded in outrage as the Vice President chosen solely because of her race and gender has been labeled a “diversity hire”.

“How dare they!” decried Democratic Senator Chris Murphy. “To say that a woman we publicly chose because of her race was chosen because of her race is an absolute disgrace.”

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Submitted by JN

Guest Post by Sundance

Someone noted last year that after my research trip my tone changed. Perhaps becoming a little more deliberate, perhaps becoming a little more stern. It is an accurate sense, and there is a very good reason for this. I will explain.

I have noted several times in the past few years that the nature of our relationship with government seems to have shifted. Specifically, We The People now appear to be in an abusive relationship with government. In all abusive relationships there is a common set of behaviors; the DC control system is following a familiar pattern. My recent research trips helped me to understand exactly how severe and deep this shift has become.

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Mega-Donors Cut Off Biden, Prepare PACs To Fund ‘Mini-Primary’ And New Candidate

Via ZeroHedge

On Saturday, a fifth Democratic member of Congress called for embattled, enfeebled President Biden to quit the 2024 presidential race. Minnesota Rep. Angie Craig also became the first incumbent in a tight race to do so, saying, “I do not believe that the President can effectively campaign and win against Donald Trump.”

Coupled with reports that Senate intelligence committee chair Mark Warner is point man in a drive to organize Senate Democrats into a united front urging Biden to quit, the political pressure is clearly mounting. However, Biden is also under rapidly-rising pressure along a second front, as major Democratic donors are not only telling him to quit, but are closing their checkbooks — or creatively using them to pave the way for a new candidate. 

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Bombshell NYT Expose Details War Crimes By American-Led Volunteer Force In Ukraine

Via ZeroHedge

The last many weeks (or even months) of Ukraine coverage by mainstream media has seen a major shift. One might observe that Western reporters are actually starting to do their jobs for a change, and digging into to ‘inconvenient’ truths and stories which a year ago no outlet would have touched amid the general pro-Kyiv euphoria.

A military correspondent with The New York Times has issued the newest bombshell report this weekend which shines a spotlight on not just Ukrainian troops but American and foreign fighters who’ve volunteered with pro-Kyiv forces and have committed potential war crimes. The report, titled Killings of Surrendering Russians Divide an American-Led Unit, reveals how US troops are participating in units which conduct extra-judicial killings of Russians who have legitimately surrendered.

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Pandemics, Financial Collapse, War & Terrorism Designed to Overwhelm

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle describes the evil demons of the Bible we are up against.  He lays it out in a mind-blowing new DVD called “Earth in the Crosshairs.”  Quayle contends, “The interdimensional Gates of Hell have opened, and the world is under attack by Satan and his demons.”  How else could everything in the world go terribly wrong all at once?

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“It’s not the end of the world, it’s the end of their world … and they know it.”

Via State of the Nation

Editor’s Note: This Alt Media platform has operated from its inception on the premise that the Internet was the single biggest mundane game-changer in world history.  There’s not even a close second on the purely mundane level, although there are plenty of bigger spiritual change agents.

But why?

Because it allowed a little WordPress blog like State of the Nation to start each and every day releasing a thousand flaming arrows into the Deep State castle—THAT’S WHY!!!

Similarly, there are now tens of thousands of websites doing the exact same thing, some of those much larger platforms inflicting a LOT more damage daily on the once hidden Global Power Structure than SOTN.  Here are just 7 examples:

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A collaboration of: “The Classic Music Mafia”
Anthony Aaron, and Steve C.

Steve C / Classic Music Mafia: Here is the image depicting “The Classic Music Gangsters,” a whimsical and imaginative group of classical musicians with a playful gangster twist. The scene is set in an old-world music hall with rich, vintage decor, where the musicians are performing in stylish 1920s-era gangster attire. The atmosphere is mysterious yet sophisticated, capturing the unique blend of classical music and a lighthearted gangster theme. – aka.attrition

Every Sunday morning we present selections for our TBP family to enjoy.

We present symphonies, ensembles, quartets, octets, etc.

Not all of our music is strictly ‘classical’. We may stray a little, but we strive to make all of our selections ‘classy’.

We offer tips on proper ‘symphony etiquette’ and even some selections that are a bit light-hearted and fun aimed at a younger audience. Those pieces will be so designated, and might be a good way to introduce kids to a world of music that they might not have been exposed to or think of as old and ‘stuffy’.

A full symphony will run as long as it will. We don’t want to cut a symphony short. However, we also include some shorter pieces that we try to keep under fifteen minutes in length. You can sample each and hopefully find one or more that pleases you.

We hope that you enjoy our Sunday selections.


Biden says he’s ‘running the world’

Via RT

The US president insists he needs no cognitive tests, given his leadership of the “essential nation”

US President Joe Biden says he has been “running the world” and therefore does not actually need any cognitive tests to prove his fitness for office.

The president made the remarks in an interview with ABC News on Friday, when the 81-year-old was repeatedly pressed by George Stephanopoulos about the growing concerns surrounding his mental and physical condition.

Asked whether he has “had a full neurological and cognitive evaluation,” Biden provided a rather incoherent response.

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America doesn’t have a president – Musk

Via RT

The US does not have an actual president and has not had one “for a while,” Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has suggested.

Musk took to his X (formerly Twitter) social media network to dip into the ongoing political debacle in the aftermath of the debates between US President Joe Biden and former leader Donald Trump. He reposted a message by another user, with a screenshot of an opinion piece run by the New York Times, titled “Does America need a president?”

“Real question … since we obviously haven’t had one for a while lmao,” Musk wrote.

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Via Dr. Robert Malone

A reminder that you just can’t cure stupid. Some things just cannot be fixed and have to be lived with. So don’t take it all too seriously.

As Candide went back to his farm, he reflected deeply on the Turk’s remarks.

He said to Pangloss and Martin: “That good old man seems to me to have made himself a life far preferable to that of the six Kings with whom we had the honor of having supper.”



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Neocons should be Tried for Treason

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

My sources have confirmed that not only did Russia make a stop in Cuba, but China is also present, and they are constructing spy installations to watch what is going to take place, especially with our elections. They are well aware that Biden is NOT running the country. This is in the hands of the Neocons, and both Garland and Blinken just so happen to be Ukrainian Jews with family histories that insist they were persecuted by Russians. Garland has abused the power of the Department of Justice to prosecute Trump because he would fire them all desperately.

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Documentary: Unsustainable ‘The U.N. Agenda For World Domination’

Multiple US Presidents Have Admitted the US “Government” Is Run By Inter-Generational Organized Crime

Submitted by mark

Guest Post by Etienne de la Boetie2

I make the case in “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! that the “Government” is run by inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking. This organized crime cartel has been using fractional reserve banking to create money out of thin air, and they have bought up and monopolized the media to deceive and distract the public away from what is really going on. One of the frequent objections that I receive is:

“Surely, if there was a criminal conspiracy this vast, then someone would have talked.”

The facts are that American history is replete with whistleblowers who have courageously risked their lives to bring organized crime’s activities to the public’s attention but whose testimony has been buried by the “propaganda matrix” of the organized crime’s monopoly media’s “news” and 24 x7 distractions of weaponized media and children’s games played by adults. Here are some verifiable quotes from those who have tried to warn us, including multiple US Presidents, confessions from the criminals themselves, including some mind-blowing confessions on video.

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