
The Best And Funniest Debate Post You’ll Read Today: Read It For The Salty Tears

Guest Post From John Wilder

“I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay.” – Monty Python’s Flying Circus

Whelp!  All memes from X, and I didn’t even have to scroll more than three times.  This is an implosion.

I had very different plans today for this post.  During the debate, I had no fewer than 1200 words worth of notes, and had penciled in no fewer than nine really funny jokes on the first pass.  It would have been hilarious.  I guess that’s just me, pining for the humor of the situation.

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We Are NOT All Americans

I get so tired of hearing all the do-gooders in the country trying to tell me and everyone else that “we’re all still Americans” and that we should “be civil” to those rat bastard communists who are never civil and are in the process of driving our republic into the ash heap of history.

I’m sick to death of trying to interact with the idiots of this current Marxist-Maoist movement who will hear absolutely nothing of reason, but instead shout and scream people down whenever they propose conservative common-sense ideas. I never had much patience with this sort of behavior to begin with and I sure as hell will not be tolerant of the intolerant now.

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Putin: The Protector of Ukraine

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Has anyone noticed that Putin is conducting his “limited military operation,” by which he means limited to Donbas and the former Russian territories that are again part of Russia, as a response to US/NATO/Ukrainian initiatives? When the Russian military strikes outside the limited combat zone, it is usually a response to a Ukrainian strike into Russia out of the combat zone. After 2.5 years of conflict, Putin has made no effort to win the war. He doesn’t even seem to understand that Russia is at war, not engaged in a limited police action.

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HUGE DEBATE TAKEAWAY: Biden came off as a pathological liar, a mean-spirited politico, a drug-addled and dementia-ridden incompetent, and a vengeful POTUS imposter…..

Via State of the Nation

…who, as the worst president in U.S. history,
is an extremely dangerous menace to society
and extraordinary threat to the global order. 

Where exactly is the proof?

WATCH THIS: (Scroll to the 4 hour mark where the debate begins)

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“My Retribution Is Going To Be Success” – ‘Presidential’ Trump Dominates Stuttering Biden In Debate

Via ZeroHedge

Well that backfired on the Democrats…

You know it’s bad when you lose Brian Stelter:

And others…

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Austria’s Archduke Ferdinand assassinated – 1914

Via History.com

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are shot to death by a Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. The killings sparked a chain of events that led to the outbreak of World War I by early August.

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Guest Post by Eric Peters

All of a sudden (or so it seems) there are “presidents” everywhere – as if all of them were elected administrators subject to regular popular referendums – i.e., elections. Like the “president” of Ukraine, for instance. He is in fact an autocrat, a jefe – as they call them in Latin America – who has selected himself to remain “president” of a country that he rules over by decree.

Probably eternally.

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Fox News Declares Biden Winner Of Tonight’s Debate

Via The Babylon Bee

NEW YORK, NY — In an earlier-than-expected announcement, Fox News declared Joe Biden the winner of tonight’s presidential debate.

The call was immediately criticized by several prominent conservatives as “premature” and “partisan,” but Fox News announced its intention to stand by its assessment.

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4 Things You Must Do Before Deciding How Much to Save for Retirement

From Peter Reagan for Birch Gold Group | Reading time: 6 minutes

It’s the eternal question for Americans who hope to stop working one day: “How much should I save before I retire?”

The problem with the question, there are so many different answers it’ll make your head spin.

Let’s take three (of many) examples to illustrate this:

First, you might consider the popular “4% rule,” which was summarized on Investopedia along standard assumptions:

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Russia strikes Ukrainian airfields set to house Western-supplied jets

Via RT

Kiev’s backers have promised to provide as many as 60 US-designed F-16 fighters, but none have been delivered yet

Russian forces have struck Ukrainian airbases that were set to house Western-supplied fighter jets, including US-designed F-16s, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has reported.

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McDonald’s Admits Customers Reject Fake Meat Burgers

Via ZeroHedge

Americans are rejecting a plant-based future full of disgusting and possibly even toxic fake burgers and sausages. Folks simply want organic grass-fed beef (like how some small farmers and the Amish do) and are quickly realizing to stay as far away as possible from factory-farmed-vaccinated cows.

The latest sign that the tide is shifting against billionaires like Bill Gates, who advocate for a reset of the food supply chain by ushering in ‘sustainable’ insect burgers and plant-based meat and also push to ban cow farts, comes from McDonald’s US President Joe Erlinger.

At the WSJ Global Food Forum in Chicago on Wednesday, Erlinger admitted the fast-food chain’s plant-based burger tests across San Francisco and Dallas markets ended in a major failure.

At the Four Seasons Hotel Chicago, he said McDonald’s customers aren’t looking for “McPlant or other plant-based proteins from McDonald’s.”

Beyond Meat, which partnered with McDonald’s to sell fake patties, saw its shares drop as much as 5% after the comments hit Bloomberg Terminal. The stock is trading near a record low on dismal fake meat demand.

Just weeks ago, new research was published in The Lancet from the University of São Paulo and Imperial College London that showed ultra-processed vegan food can increase the risk of heart disease and early death.

Meanwhile, USDA data shows that ground beef prices at supermarkets average $5.2 per pound. Prices are soaring in response to the nation’s herd size collapsing to multi-decade lows.

It’s refreshing to see McDonald’s customers push back against the plant-based agenda pushed by billionaires like Gates.

Some believe Americans should support their local food supply chains by ditching Walmart or big chain grocery stores and buying meat and produce from local farms.

RFK, Jr. Is Right: NATO Must Be Disbanded


Thanks to the recklessness of the Biden regime and its overseas catspaws, we are closer to nuclear war than we’ve been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Jacob Creech, who is behind the online alias known as “Clandestine”, an independent journalist on Substack and Twitter, writes):

WW3 Alert!

Russian MIL declare “terrorist” US responsible for deaths of Russian civilians in Crimea! Russian MIL report that US-made ATCAMS cluster missiles, assisted by US satellite reconnaissance, were fired by Ukraine into Sevastopol.

Russia claim they intercepted the missiles, but the fragments of one of them broke off, detonated, and the explosion killed 5 civilians, including 3 children, and injuring 124+ more.

Russian MIL claim that “such actions are not going to be left unanswered”.

Regardless of who or what you believe, the reality is, we are closer to nuclear war than we have been since 1962. The West, led by the corrupt and warmongering Biden regime (Obama), continue to provoke Putin, in the hopes that he will escalate. The Deep State are trying to initiate WW3, but need to make it look like Russia’s fault.”

-Jacob Creech.

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What Happened to Common Sense?

What Happened to Common Sense?

Wise quotation and a chalk drawing of a bulb on black chalkboard - What Happened to Common Sense? - Miller on the MoneyGuest Post by Dennis Miller at Miller On The Money

I got up early on Memorial Day. I was bummed out before breakfast. Why?

I was born just ahead of the Baby Boomers (1946-1964). My childhood was filled with parades, flags, cemetery visits and reverence for those who “protected our freedom”. I proudly joined the Marines at 17.

My children were raised accordingly, special holidays were spiced up with flags and John Phillips Sousa music.

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Economic Collapse May Be the Only Way to Prevent World War III

Guest Post by Antonius Aquinas

The tensions between the West and Russia over the Ukraine have escalated over the past few months with an almost daily occurrence of provocations and belligerent talk mostly from members of NATO.  In response, Russia sent a naval contingent to the Caribbean in a show of force.  Some of the Western provocations include:

  • Polish President Andrzej Duda’s willingness to place U.S. nuclear weapons on Polish soil;
  • German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius’ s call for reinstitution of a draft;
  • A hand-delivered check by Biden to Volodymyr Zelensky as part of the $95 billion U.S. “defense” package for Ukraine
  • A request by Zelensky for Westerners to train troops on Ukrainian soil; and
  • US and NATO okaying Ukraine to fire long-range American weapons as much as 12 miles into Russian territory

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This is totally insane!!!

Via State of the Nation

“It’s now verboten for Americans to criticize the
Zionist State of Israel, but Israelis can castigate
and condemn their own leaders all day long
without repercussions.”

Editor’s Note: It does not get any crazier than the relationship between the United States and Israel.

In light of the “new Anti-Semitism Awareness Act”, American elected representatives and government officials cannot criticize Israel or Jewish leaders, but Israeli politicians, military brass and intel officials can tear each other apart all day long…with legislated consequences.

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