Private sector workers came in at 136K, well below the 160K expected and down from a downward revised 193K (was 229K). The gap was filled by – what else- deep stater and other government workers, as government payrolls jumped from 25K to 70K!

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July 5, 2024 2:23 pm

Not a pretty picture at all.

July 5, 2024 2:42 pm

Here’s someone who sees it in action….

“I’ve lived in a nice suburb of Columbus for about 5 years now in the same apartment complex.

Since moving in…all of my neighbors have become foreigners.

I’m one of the only Americans in my complex now…almost nobody speaks English.”

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 5, 2024 7:10 pm

Today on NPR they had a story about the heat wave that is apparently going on in California. Supposedly the temp has gotten up to 123 F on the border with Mexico. Of course, what was of interest to NPR was how it was impacting …wait for it … “migrants”. You could not make this shit up. They were interviewing some American guy with a Jewish last name who was using Google Translate on his phone to communicate in Arabic with a guy from – I think – Mali. Apparently, the Malian had blisters on his feet from walking across the desert. ? A guy flies from Africa to somewhere in the Americas and walks into California. What the actual fuck?

And NPR – which is rabidly anti-Trump – doesn’t even see anything about their story that might increase Trump’s chances of winning? Plus, how stupid does this Jewish aid volunteer have to be to be helping import MORE Muslims? BTW, if global warming makes it harder for invaders to walk across the desert from Mexico, I might have to go start a forest fire or two.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Iska Waran
July 5, 2024 10:44 pm

I wonder if you can sue people for violating immigration laws and aiding illegal entry?

charles zilich
charles zilich
July 5, 2024 10:19 pm

look at it this way: every new adult fave you see these days is receiving at least 2350 dollars a month. and you are not. that’s roughly 2.5 times more than my monthly social security after working 32-33 years on my feet. never a loan or credit card.

Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
Jill Biden is a Yeast Infection
July 5, 2024 2:54 pm

I hope they work hard I’m gonna need someone to foot the bill for me.

July 5, 2024 2:57 pm

Huffington Post Calls on Biden Campaign to Use AI to Make President Appear Less Senile

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 5, 2024 7:11 pm

I think the debate last week featured A.I. Biden. Real Biden is much worse.

John Willoughby
John Willoughby
July 5, 2024 3:22 pm

Nothing a small group of dedicated WWI veterans couldn’t solve.

Gog n Magog fuggoff
Gog n Magog fuggoff
July 5, 2024 4:16 pm

The immis are the “birds of heaven” called to feast on the “dead bodies” of Americans. [the wealth left behind by the poked, dying Americans]

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
July 5, 2024 8:54 pm

And those are the fake numbers!

charles zilich
charles zilich
July 5, 2024 10:09 pm

full time jobs down and more working two full time jobs. can’t be good.