The Reason Biden Was Permitted to Debate Trump

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Biden Secon TermThe first presidential debate of the year was a humiliating moment for our nation. Does one even need to bother discussing the questions mentioned when the public was in utter shock at the current president’s physical and mental state?

Joe Biden was sent to the podium as the sacrificial lamb of the DNC. His handlers knew his condition, and no amount of preparation, layup questions, or alterations from the liberal media could have improved his performance. Even Donald Trump seemed concerned that Joe Biden would keel over at any moment. There is a reason the Democrats agreed to this debate — they are setting up the stage for a candidate swap.

Biden was struggling to speak coherently and mumbled through most of his answers. As directed, he began EVERY answer by saying his candidate was a liar and anything Trump said was malarky. The world now knows that the emperor has no clothes. Public officials have long known Biden’s condition as we see a preview of it in the media, with Biden wandering on stage or struggling to communicate with other world leaders. The lie that Joe Biden is of good health has been exposed.

Trump.JoeDebateThe lamb has been sacrificed. The media would be cherry-picking words to praise Joe Biden, but they are in panic mode. Every channel is discussing Biden’s health, with some saying he simply had a cold. If a military member, pilot, doctor, or anyone in a position of power had a cold, would you expect them to act robotically and lifelessly? This man has arguably the most powerful job in the world, and tens of thousands of people believe it is OK for someone in his condition to have the nuclear codes. That 8% approval rating likely went down to next to nothing.

Trump strategically kept a cool head during the debate. He has long been accused of bullying Uncle Joe, as the media likes to call him, but Biden’s current state is too pathetic to mock. Every media consultant and journalist, even those on the furthest end of the spectrum, is taking to the airways today to say that there is still time before the convention to swap in another candidate.

Trump vs Hillary 2024Joe Biden is physically and mentally unfit to run the country – period. No one wants a Harris presidency. The Democrats will swap out Joe for someone whom the public is already familiar with and knows. They began the debate by discussing their favorite topic to sway one-issue voters of abortion. A female candidate with experience who the public already knows will be there solution. Hillary Clinton will have her day once again to face off against Donald Trump. She is practically the face of the establishment. People may not find Clinton relatable but those who dislike Trump will vote for her.

Trump skirted around the question of whether he would accept the election results before saying he would only accept the results if the election were fair. What measures are in place to ensure that the next election is fair? The host did not bother to ask Biden whether the Democrats would accept the results of the election, as they have been able to cry “interference” without rebuke. Neither side is going to accept the results this November. Socrates indicates a Trump win if all is fairly counted. I do not see how the establishment could permit that to occur.

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July 4, 2024 7:11 am

Biden has made one decision in his entire presidency without the consent of his handlers. To debate Trump. From the liberal propaganda Biden actually believed he won the last debates, that he actually got 81 million votes, and that the polls are showing him ahead. After trolling Trump on the debate they just couldn’t let him back out, that would have been just as telling. That one Biden decision, like all his previous decisions as a Senator and VP was destructive, brought down the Biden is healthy lie, and threw the Democratic party into chaos.
Do they keep Biden? Do they go with Harris? Is there another viable candidate? Can they get any other candidate on all fifty states ballots? Biden caused the ultimate disaster for the lying Democrats, who all support democracy, but neither candidate for president! LOL

July 4, 2024 12:35 pm

Biden can’t even decide what flavor pudding he wants much less anything else. He gets moved from place to place like the puppet he is. Jill is in charge of him and she gets her marching orders from whatever dark powers lurk behind the throne.

July 4, 2024 6:42 pm

My point exactly but they couldn’t walk that back so they tried everything they could to stop the debate by being unfair to Trump hoping Trump would call off the debate. Trump didn’t fall for it and exposed Joe.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
July 4, 2024 11:53 pm

The real Joey B has been dead since about 2020 or so.

Just look at the pictures of him from 10 years back to now.

Draw what conclusions you will from that…a fish rots from the head down…and the entire rotten edifice called the (((US FEDGOV))) is being dismantled before the eyes of the world, bit by bit, and exposure to the sun is the best disinfectant.

Do you believe your eyes, or (((their))) lies???


George Wickham
George Wickham
  Saxons Wrath
July 4, 2024 11:55 pm

I honestly admit I had not considered that Joe Biden has been dead since 2020. Perhaps. Anything is possible at this point. Thanks.

July 4, 2024 8:32 pm

You missed the WHOLE point of the article: his handlers decided FOR HIM
to attend a debate because they KNEW he’d embarrass himself, thus making the opportunity to get RID of him.

July 4, 2024 7:43 am

IMHO, this is likely to happen within the week.

->Biden will step down from the presidency due to health reasons.
->Harris will become president and will pick the nominee that the left now wants as POTUS
->At the convention, all the top democratic talking heads will rally behind the new VP for the election. (Michelle Obama, or Hillary Clinton)

Harris will be promised something to quell her anger over not being the new candidate for president. Or, she’s made an offer she can’t refuse!

Whatever takes place, it has to happen before August 7th (I believe) to get the name on all the state ballots.

Lastly, the election fraud will once again take place making whoever (Trump or the new pick) POTUS through selection, not election.

The fact is, now that we are a country without rule of law, but rule of men, all bets are off and anything can happen. So, get your popcorn popped, watch, and stay frosty.

July 4, 2024 8:35 pm

No, if Harris isn’t the presidential candidate in that scenario, black voters will revolt,
Big Mike as VP or not.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 4, 2024 9:55 pm

They will make a deal with Harris to not seek the full term. Her name will go in the record books, denying the Queen B of being the first woman potus, even if she is selected.

Someone suggested she would be offered the next Associate Justice seat and I’m sure a small fortune through speaking engagements, book deals and movie rights

  TN Patriot
July 5, 2024 6:42 am

Clarence Thomas will suddenly go the way of Antoine Scalia, just in time for Kamel Toe to get the nod for her black robe.

July 4, 2024 8:35 am

Jim Jordan and all the R boys in the House of Representative love holding their useless, mean hearings and here is a great opportunity to hold hearings on why the liberal media and the DNC lied for 4 years about the condition of the Stooge in Chief and who or whom has been REALLY running things behind the scenes. It obvious that some unelected person or cabal has been in charge contrary to the workings of the Constitution and you would think Jim-boy and company would make big show of finding out especially this close to an election. But that is probably asking too much of the spineless asshole Republicans.

July 4, 2024 2:51 pm

Another opportunity for Gym to send some strongly-worded letters.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 4, 2024 9:57 pm

No letters, he will jump in front of the nearest camera to tell the world how bad the situation is and what he is going to do about it.

July 4, 2024 9:37 am

The reason Biden was permitted to debate is because the top people want Donald Trump to win. They know that within the next 4 years the US will undergo a catastrophic financial panic, and that no one can prevent this. So they prefer that Trump and the Republicans be in power during this, and thus get blamed for it.

dave in pa.
dave in pa.
July 4, 2024 10:24 am

yeah. kind of figured the same thing. let Trump “win” and then crash the dollar.
or worse, start WW3. although a civil (?) war would tear the country apart faster.
thin out the people a bit more. either way, it not going to be a “fun time”
stock up whatever you need/want as it going to get really bad here soon enough.
and if you anywhere near a large town/city, get out now while you still can.
most cities will end up burning when this goes down.
36 trillion in debit ? yeah. only way to get rid of it is to burn down the whole system.
stuff will be worth more than paper money, even gold or silver. would you sell your last can of baked beans for a coin you can not eat ?

  dave in pa.
July 5, 2024 6:45 am

But Jared will be our ace in the hole.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 4, 2024 9:59 pm

I doubt that it matters who is in charge when the country implodes. There will be no country left for them to take over.

July 4, 2024 11:37 am

This disgusting PEDOPHILE piece of SHIT has been slurring his speech and falling up and down stairs for 2 years at least.
This PARASITE MSM narrative that the people just noticed the maggots ( pretend) dementia must be rejected for what it is……….another democrat lie !

July 4, 2024 1:23 pm

Pathetic Joe has been incompetent for decades with the last 5 years being especially egregious. He had the Alzheimer’s walk back in 2019 at least and it’s a given that he was “put” in the Whitehouse. He’s clearly incapable of critical thought or evaluating any document they put in front of him. He probably would have signed his own execution order if they put it in front of him.

That begs the question:

“Are his executive orders legal since he’s clearly not qualified to be able to evaluate them?”

It also begs the larger question, and I think a lot of people are getting there: “Do I have to obey a government that clearly doesn’t have the country’s or the peoples best interests in mind?”

Get ready for the Michelle Obama onslaught. I’m not sure what makes it any more qualified than Shit-for-Brains Joe but here we are. I think Martin’s assessment that people who hate Trump will vote for hillary is incorrect, she is universally hated. She was the reason he won in 2016. Just put the deplorables video on loop. I also don’t think people will make the same obozo mistake twice.

I’m in agreement with Richo and others that say TPTB want Trump to win this time because the unstoppable financial crisis coming needs a scapegoat but also to silence/control the right. I don’t think that will work. If his nationalist policies don’t start being implemented there will be problems. America is tired of inflation, tired of over-regulation, tired of unnecessary wars and really, really tired of uncontrolled immigration and welfare abuse.

July 4, 2024 1:58 pm

I could be wrong, and fuck right off if I am, but wasn’t moochelle dis-barred as a lawyer for some scumbaggery?

July 4, 2024 2:25 pm

Does anyone that might ‘vote’ for Big Mike care?? And, do the votes matter, anyway, as all that matters is how many ‘ballots’ get ‘counted’?

All that is wanted is some placeholder, who would be the next front sock-puppet, as Biden has been the last 4 years.

July 4, 2024 8:42 pm

No, the Illinois the bar record says that she is “Voluntarily inactive.” This is even more common for lawyers who don’t need a bar card, such as many lawyers who don’t appear in court or counsel clients other than employer. Being an active status lawyer costs more money (see Rule 756) than being inactive, and it requires one to do Continuing Legal Education classes (Rule 790), unless one is in certain jobs for which the CLE requirements are waived). The difference in bar fees, for instance, is why I myself was inactive in 2001. Moreover, it’s pretty easy to switch back to active status should one need to do that (as I did in early 2002); again, in Illinois, see Rule 756.

July 5, 2024 6:48 am

But aren’t rules only for Little People?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 5, 2024 10:54 am

They had to have a reason to replace him. This was it.

No peeking behind the curtain! That’s as far as you’re allowed to think it through.