Biden Campaign Unveils New Slogan ‘Only Senile Some Of The Time’

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a hotly anticipated announcement, the Biden 2024 Presidential Campaign has just unveiled its exciting new campaign slogan: “Only Senile Some Of The Time.”

Staffers say that the motto is meant to help redirect growing distrust of the president’s failing mental capacities by reminding Americans that Biden is only senile some of the time, rather than suffering from dementia all of the time.

“Joe’s been catching a bad rap lately, and we just think that people don’t realize that he’s actually fairly lucid for about three to four hours each day, depending on medications,” said Curt Kristoferson, a senior Biden campaign staffer and slogan designer. “He doesn’t really even start showing his age until about 4:00 in the afternoon — he’s sharp and energetic for a good couple of hours before that. We just want to remind voters that he’s not as far gone as he always looks in debates, press conferences, campaign speeches, global summits, and other public appearances.”

President Biden was available for comment, as it was only 3:30 when he was asked. “That’s right, Jack! No more of this dementia malarkey — just good old thrubmelisbtieusty…uh, campaigning! I’m not sen…senate…senectile! That’s a lie straight outta old Corn Pop! We’re gonna…guh…that’s right! Just you watch, Jack!”

At publishing time, staffers in an unmarked warehouse with a “Kamala 2024” sign carelessly propped against the door had been heard pitching the slogan “Only Gauge-Your-Eyes-Out Irritating Most Of The Time.”

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July 4, 2024 5:08 pm

TBP sure highlights alot of bullshit write ups about our obvious puppet presidents. We all know they’re irrelevant I am surprised TBP keeps pushing the bullshit distractions.

  Never Forget?
July 4, 2024 8:20 pm

It makes sence if he agreed to be the patsy, and believed they would send him to hide in Israel with a lot of money, and did it in an agreement to cover his huge gambling debts and he had no idea they would actually kill him.
They call them confidence men; they get your trust and confidence and then they destroy your life secretly while you think they are your best friend who is going out on a limb to save your life. They are of the dark side, the antichrist powers that be run con games, all the time, to get what they want. They pay actors to play parts to makke their cons look real, sometimes they have to kill those actors to get waht they want from that con, if it saves them time money or being detected and exposed, killing is no problem for them.
The con game is how they live, it is better than eany other weapon to use to make huge profits in money and power. They live for their biggest high=they get a high when they beleive they have total control over other (gentile) people. It is like a drug to them.
They are dispicable and everything that happens in this world is a con, because they get off on it, from 9-11, to Gaza genocide, all a big con game. It gives them PRIDE when they do it. makes them feel superior. They are psychopaths=all ego=no soul.

Can't find any issue with You opinion...
Can't find any issue with You opinion...
July 4, 2024 9:05 pm

…@ ALL.

July 5, 2024 6:53 am

Want some cheese with your whine? You don’t understand parody, that is for sure.

George Wickham
George Wickham
July 5, 2024 9:42 am

Keep in mind that every post and article that bothers you gives you an opportunity to tangentially discuss whatever issue you want. A commenter with proper skills can move the discussion like a border collie herding farm animals. Perhaps up your game and use this forum to its fullest potential. No one enjoys hearing complaints; everyone enjoys a pithy response or clever riposte.

Just a thought.

July 4, 2024 7:39 pm
Jake Legg
Jake Legg
July 5, 2024 1:23 am

And gays are having “sex” at Mar-a-Lago. ALL is definitely messed up.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Jake Legg
July 5, 2024 9:34 am

I have only one question: Where are the heteros having sex? I’m gonna need an address!

  The Central Scrutinizer
July 5, 2024 1:09 pm

No heteros want you

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 5, 2024 9:33 am

Anyone who would attempt french kissing the Pope really has no boundaries, do they?

Just sayin…you black boys had better watch out. This dude backed off Corn Pop!

July 4, 2024 7:53 pm

Listen to Joe Bribem describing himself as a black women, then continue
to mumble about the “Nited States of America.”

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 5, 2024 9:36 am

Momma! Come quick! Grandpa got in the molasses jar again!

July 4, 2024 8:05 pm

It just gets worse. Biden refers to Trump as a “colleague,” flubs the teleprompter,
realizes he’s fucking up, then lapses into some rambling, incoherent, rah-rah applause-line “patriotism” nonsense to bail him out of the quicksand. SMH…

July 5, 2024 6:59 am

Yeah Biden also solved traffic congestion. When he was a Senator the streets where congested with traffic. Now that he is president the streets are open. Joe isn’t sure if it the EV mandate and higher gas prices, or the Secret Service clears the roads ahead of time for the Presidential limo!

Joe Biden Goes Rogue at 4th of July BBQ, Grabs the Mic and Starts Rambling About Traffic Congestion and ‘Losing All the Votes’ (VIDEO)

Joe Biden Goes Rogue at 4th of July BBQ, Grabs the Mic and Starts Rambling About Traffic Congestion and ‘Losing All the Votes’ (VIDEO)

“You got me, man! I’m not going anywhere!” Biden shouted. “You know, I used to think, when I was a Senator, there was always congestion on the highways. There’s no congestion anymore! We go out on the highway and there’s no congestion!”

July 4, 2024 8:15 pm

The knives are out, he’ll be gone in a week or so, maybe Monday.

July 5, 2024 4:43 am

They have the bus schedule and map, but can’t decide which one to throw him under.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 5, 2024 10:37 am

It’s too soon, but getting closer by the day.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 5, 2024 9:30 am

I’m right as the mail, if slow as a snail, I’m Poopeye the POTUS man!

From 10 until 5 I do look alive, just don’t come round the crypt at nite!