The Supreme Court Makes the President a Dictator for Life

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

“The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.”—Justice Sonia Sotomayor dissenting in Trump v. United States

The U.S. Supreme Court has made it official: the president of the United States can now literally get away with murder.

In a devastating 6-3 ruling in Trump v. United States that is equal parts politically short-sighted, self-servingly partisan, and utterly devoid of any pretense that the president is anything other than a dictator, the Supreme Court has validated what Richard Nixon once claimed: “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.”

As Justice Sotomayor concluded in her powerful dissent:

“The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune. Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today. Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done.”

The damage has indeed been done. Indubitably. Irrevocably. Unarguably.

Every American should be outraged, offended and afraid of what this ruling means for the future of our nation.

There can be no more pretending that we live in a constitutional republic. It’s all out in the open now. This is a dictatorship: Hitler has finally stepped out of the shadows.

The rule of law may have been on life support for a long time, but this ruling pulls the plug.

The facts of the case itself, which asks whether former president Donald Trump is immune from prosecution on charges that he attempted to overturn the 2020 presidential election, are less important than the ramifications of this ruling, which go so far as to dramatically expand the power of the presidency, rendering whoever occupies the Oval Office lawless and unaccountable.

This is exactly how tyranny rises and freedom falls.

In a textbook example of doublespeak, Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the Supreme Court’s six-person conservative majority, essentially declared that presidents are not above the law and then turned right around and ensured that presidents can do whatever they want in their official capacity without being held accountable or criminally liable.

As Roberts noted, “We conclude that under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of presidential power requires that a former president have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office. At least with respect to the President’s exercise of his core constitutional powers, this immunity must be absolute.”

Here’s the thing, however: this isn’t anything new. Not really.

Although the Constitution invests the President with very specific, limited powers, in recent years, American presidents have claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally alter the landscape of this country for good or for ill. The powers amassed by each successive president through the negligence of Congress and the courts—powers which add up to a toolbox of terror for an imperial ruler—empower whoever occupies the Oval Office to act as a dictator, above the law and beyond any real accountability.

As law professor William P. Marshall explains, “every extraordinary use of power by one President expands the availability of executive branch power for use by future Presidents.”

Moreover, it doesn’t even matter whether other presidents have chosen not to take advantage of any particular power, because “it is a President’s action in using power, rather than forsaking its use, that has the precedential significance.”

In other words, each successive president continues to add to his office’s list of extraordinary orders and directives, expanding the reach and power of the presidency and granting him- or herself near dictatorial powers.

All of the imperial powers amassed by past presidents—to kill American citizens without due process, to detain suspects indefinitely, to strip Americans of their citizenship rights, to carry out mass surveillance on Americans without probable cause, to suspend laws during wartime, to disregard laws with which he might disagree, to conduct secret wars and convene secret courts, to sanction torture, to sidestep the legislatures and courts with executive orders and signing statements, to direct the military to operate beyond the reach of the law, to operate a shadow government, and to act as a dictator and a tyrant, above the law and beyond any real accountability—were passed from Clinton to Bush to Obama to Trump to Biden and will be passed along to the next president.

These presidential powers—acquired through the use of executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements and which can be activated by any sitting president—enable past, president and future presidents to operate above the law and beyond the reach of the Constitution.

These are the powers that continue to be passed along to each successive heir to the Oval Office, the Constitution be damned.

So you see, the Supreme Court didn’t make the president a dictator. It merely confirmed what we’ve been warning about all along: the president is already an imperial, unaccountable and unconstitutional dictator with permanent powers.

Absolute power absolutely corrupted the presidency.

As for Trump, his concept of power, immunity and the presidency has always been troubling, self-serving and corrupt.

For instance, in 2016, Trump bragged, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?”

In 2019, Trump declared, “I have to the right to do whatever I want as president.

And in 2023, Trump promised if he were reelected to only be a dictator on “day one.”

Any presidential candidate who promises to be a dictator on day one will be a dictator-in-chief for life. The government does not voluntarily relinquish those powers once it acquires, uses and inevitably abuses them.

As political science professor Gene Sharp warned, “Dictators are not in the business of allowing elections that could remove them from their thrones.”

Which brings me back to the Supreme Court’s ruling on July 1, 2024, which was handed down mere days before the nation celebrates the anniversary of its declaration of independence from the heavy-handed tyranny of King George.

A document seething with outrage over a government which had betrayed its citizens, the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, by 56 men who laid everything on the line, pledged it all—“our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor”—because they sought to free the American people from the reign of a dictatorial British emperor and believed in a radical idea: that all people are created to be free.

Labeled traitors, these men were charged with treason, a crime punishable by death. For some, their acts of rebellion would cost them their homes and their fortunes. For others, it would be the ultimate price—their lives.

Yet even knowing the heavy price they might have to pay, these men dared to speak up when silence could not be tolerated. Even after they had won their independence from Great Britain, these new Americans worked to ensure that the rights they had risked their lives to secure would remain secure for future generations.

The result: our Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

Imagine the shock and outrage these 56 men would feel were they to discover that 248 years later, the government they had risked their lives to create has been transformed into a militaristic police state in which exercising one’s freedoms—at a minimum, merely questioning a government agent—is often viewed as a flagrant act of defiance.

In fact, had the Declaration of Independence been written today, it would have rendered its signers extremists or terrorists, resulting in them being placed on a government watch list, targeted for surveillance of their activities and correspondence, and potentially arrested, held indefinitely, stripped of their rights and labeled enemy combatants.

Read the Declaration of Independence again, and ask yourself if the list of complaints tallied by Jefferson don’t bear a startling resemblance to the abuses “we the people” are suffering at the hands of the American police state.

In the 248 years since early Americans first declared and eventually won their independence from Great Britain, “we the people” have managed to work ourselves right back under the tyrant’s thumb.

Only this time, the tyrant is one of our own making. The abuses meted out by an imperial government and endured by the American people have not ended. They have merely evolved.

Given the fact that America is a relatively young nation, it hasn’t taken very long for an authoritarian regime to creep into power.

Unfortunately, the bipartisan coup that laid siege to our nation did not happen overnight.

It snuck in under our radar, hiding behind the guise of national security, the war on drugs, the war on terror, the war on immigration, political correctness, hate crimes and a host of other official-sounding programs aimed at expanding the government’s power at the expense of individual freedoms.

The building blocks for the bleak future we’re just now getting a foretaste of—police shootings of unarmed citizens, profit-driven prisons, weapons of compliance, a wall-to-wall surveillance state, pre-crime programs, a suspect society, school-to-prison pipelines, militarized police, overcriminalization, SWAT team raids, endless wars, etc.—were put in place by government officials we trusted to look out for our best interests.

Yet as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, that does not mean we should give up or give in or tune out.

Folks, if ever there were a time to declare our independence from tyranny, it’s now.

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Southern Sage
Southern Sage
July 3, 2024 9:49 am

Pure b.s. from Whitehead. The president can’t commit personal crimes. This is for affairs of state and to prevent endless lawfare against former presidents. Further, impeachment and trial by the Senate is the way to deal with presidential misconduct, and punishment. Would you have wanted Lincoln or FDR hounded for their crimes? What a dolt.

  Southern Sage
July 3, 2024 11:41 am

John Wilkes Booth did.

  Southern Sage
July 3, 2024 1:04 pm

At the end of the day, it’s still just a bunch of children trapped in adult bodies playing make-believe…literally. Nobody has ‘authority’ over anyone else, and no piece of ‘paper’ grants magical powers to anyone. The whole fucking thing is a complete illusion.

July 5, 2024 11:53 am

Wow some one with a well thought out remark ! Excellent ! I agree with you. This group of assholes that we call the elect would do what ever we wanted if people would grow some balls and just say enough is enough !! Lincoln was a worthless president and FDR needs to be dug up and dumped in the ocean and his name erased from all law and history. He was the biggest power abuser in American history. Another worthless Demoncrat liar, that was not crippled. That was all a lie. There are many pictures out there that show him walking and standing with out the wheel chair ! Just another worthless asshole that was a power grabber !

  Southern Sage
July 3, 2024 2:54 pm

Yes, Lincoln and even more so FDR, should have been made to answer for their hateful policies towards the Western world. Could you be unaware FDR armed Stalin during the depression? Which is why the Soviet Union had more war planes and battle tanks than the rest of the world combined in WWII. Also why on June 21, 1941, a hopelessly outnumbered Wehrmacht met with over 40,000 Soviet war planes and over 40,000 battle tanks of American design. Along with over 2,000,000 Soviet soldiers, poised to invade not just National Socialist Germany, but all of war weary Western Europe.
Today Zio-Communist interests on both sides, work to feed the remnants of Western Europe to Putin and the East.
It’s getting a little late to be just waking up. Best to start today.

July 5, 2024 12:05 am

comment image

  Southern Sage
July 3, 2024 2:58 pm

Yes both of those shitheads, Lincoln and FDR should have been tried and hung, granted dead is dead but they deserved to be hounded for eternity for what they did

Capt Barty
Capt Barty
July 4, 2024 10:25 am

I’d like to believe they are hounded for eternity, but I wonder how much of a pacifier that belief system is.

July 3, 2024 9:50 am

By design. We are so being played, by our political and judicial systems. Even the God most among us pray to is contrived by the tribe. Which has infiltrated our schools, media, academia, political, jewdicial and pseudo religious institutions. We need better scripts to believe and live by than cherry picking from mainstream narratives. Live and think beyond the box or find yourself locked within the ever narrowing and shallower box.

mickey d
mickey d
July 4, 2024 8:30 pm

No the tribe (Khazarin Mafia) hijacked a religion and used it for their purposes, God is still on the throne and his plan proceeds.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 3, 2024 9:51 am

We can sit around discussing why this sky high tower of shit we built is about to fall on us…or we can get the hell out of the way before we’re buried under an avalanche of said shit.

All in favor of discussion, raise your hand.

All I know for sure is that in over 250 years no POTUS has ever been sued. How necessary is that legislation? Well, after 250 years, people are finally stupid enough to try it, so i guess what we need are a few “MORE LAWS” !

Professor G
Professor G
July 3, 2024 10:06 am

I don’t agree with your assessment of the SCOTUS ruling, but you make some good points in your article. The following quote got my attention. “Read the Declaration of Independence again, and ask yourself if the list of complaints tallied by Jefferson don’t bear a startling resemblance to the abuses we the people are suffering at the hands of the American police state.” OK, I agree with your assertion. Totalitarianism has well-defined characteristics. But, what is your punchline? What is your recommendation for restoring our Republic and our Christian Civilization?

  Professor G
July 3, 2024 11:46 am

It’s what the people want, nay, demand.
Always was.

“Give us a king to judge us!”

Got what they asked for. Good & Hard
Got what they asked for. Good & Hard
July 3, 2024 12:19 pm

1 Samuel 8:6 “But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD.”

1 Samuel 8:7 “And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.”

1 Samuel Chapter 8

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer

And even way back THEN, God was giving Samuel a history lesson! We rejected God so long ago that our species no longer even remembers it!

Jesus is our FINAL Reminder!

  Professor G
July 3, 2024 2:53 pm

End the privately owned federal reserve and our corrupted system would collapse. It will hurt badly but it must be done to ensure personal freedom for us and our posterity. Warfare, welfare, police state must be stopped!

  Professor G
July 3, 2024 3:37 pm

maybe it’s in the book that he’s selling

July 3, 2024 10:19 pm

Yep, exactly. This line: “as I make clear in my book” appears in every single one of the asshole’s articles. His articles are just lead-ins to that line.

July 3, 2024 10:14 am

The U.S. Supreme Court has made it official: the president of the United States can now literally get away with murder.

Stupid comment from a person too stupid to read.

The decision said the president had immunity “…for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority.”
Murder is not within the presidents constitutional authority.

July 3, 2024 10:52 am


July 3, 2024 11:48 am

Unless it’s via drone; then it is.

July 3, 2024 2:57 pm

Well then we are saved because the president is only commander and chief and he runs our foreign policy. IF anyone EVER actually read and understood the so called constitution that NO ONE ever violates!

July 3, 2024 6:01 pm

Obama murdered (ordered) a US citizen with no charges or trial, although he was outside the US at the time.

July 3, 2024 10:17 am

This “tome” is complete garbage. It is typical of why the world hates us ….. we lie. We lie to such an extant that it becomes comical. And the world laughs …………………..

Justin Merriman
Justin Merriman
July 4, 2024 1:51 pm

I think that the writer of this ridiculously stupid article is the one down voting all criticism of said article.

July 3, 2024 10:23 am

There can be no more pretending that we live in a constitutional republic. It’s all out in the open now. This is a dictatorship: Hitler has finally stepped out of the shadows.

No, President Biden, the Supreme Court Did Not Remove All Limits on the Presidency

One of the most glaring moments in the address came when President Biden declared that “for all…for all practical purposes, today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do.”

That is not true.

The Court found that there was absolute immunity for actions that fall within their “exclusive sphere of constitutional authority” while they enjoy presumptive immunity for other official acts. They do not enjoy immunity for unofficial, or private, actions…

It is certainly true that the case affords considerable immunity, including for conversations with subordinates. However, this did not spring suddenly from the head Zeus. As Chief Justice John Roberts lays out in the majority opinion, there has long been robust protections afforded to presidents.

There are also a host of checks and balances on executive authority in our constitutional system. This includes judicial intervention to prevent violations of the law as well as impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors.

President Biden’s hyper-ventilated response is crushingly ironic. He was vice president when President Barack Obama killed an American citizen without a trial or a charge. When former Attorney General Eric Holder announced the “kill list” policy (that included the right to kill any American citizen), he was met with applause, not condemnation.

No, President Biden, the Supreme Court Did Not Remove All Limits on the Presidency

JARHEAD Mike-Foxtrot
JARHEAD Mike-Foxtrot
July 3, 2024 10:28 am

What drama-Queen nonsense. The SCOTUS decision applies to the OFFICE of the PRESIDENT of these united States in his official capacity as President. For his protection and the protection of the Republic so he may carry out his duly sworn duty to protect and defend these united States and we the people. No more Marxist-Stalinist Soviet show trials that are clearly outside the scope of the law. There has been no special office established by Congress for Mr. Smith to be delegated authority. Do you understand that? None.

July 3, 2024 10:35 am

I seem to remember Obama having authorized the killing of a US citizen without a trial. Presidents routinely order troops to their deaths without war being declared. Etc.

in other words, this article is a load of shit. The Supreme Court just ruled on what we have always known. They were forced to rule as never before Trump has a president been pursued for actions taken as president. What they ruled has always been the case, but never needed to be ruled on before now.

Framer ridiculouso
Framer ridiculouso
July 3, 2024 2:50 pm

Technically they aren’t supposed to issue “rulings ” but opinions , opinions on what the proper interpretation of an existing law is . That’s why they are not part of the legislative branch, but rather the judiciary branch who’s responsibility it is to see that the laws are upheld . Simple shit bruh. Reeeeeeeee!!!

  Framer ridiculouso
July 3, 2024 9:12 pm

Technically, you are a moron. No one gives a shit. Call it what you will. It has the force of law. The “opinions” are in fact judgements, which are in fact rulings. For, oh feeble minded one, a definition of ruling: “an authoritative decision or pronouncement, especially one made by a judge.
“the ruling was reversed in the appeal court”. Here is a link, go try to educate yourself:

July 3, 2024 10:50 am


July 3, 2024 11:16 am

It seems like Whitehead and literally every other American wants to ignore the elephant in the room which is a Congress too corrupt to serve its most basic functions. The congress is supposed to be the law with regard to the office of the Presidency.

They are too corrupt to hold even themselves accountable, never mind the other two corrupt branches of the federal government. The will not remove judges, they will not remove lawless executive agencies and officials, and they only remove fellow members for absolutely corrupt reasons and purposes.

Federalism is the massive failure that patriots predicted before the Constitution was even ratified. It is a failed form of government. I don’t think Americans will admit that while there is even a memory of this country which is going to die soon enough.

July 3, 2024 11:23 am

, Another Liberal wetting the bed. It’s all about Trump. Get over yourself. They always twist what was said. As long as the Presidents acts are Constitutional at there core he can do it. He does NOT have the power or right to go out and assassinate Americans at will, AKA Obama, the Drone Ranger. Now lets look at someone other than Trump bed wetter, did Obama have to legal right to kill/drone Americans ? Does Joebama have the right to open our southern border ? How about Joe sticking Americans with someone else’s college debt ? Did Bush have the right to lie about weapons of mass destruction ? It goes on and on with these people, and your wetting the bed about Trump. TDS is real and it’s strong.

Justin Merriman
Justin Merriman
July 4, 2024 1:58 pm

You only got one thing wrong. They did have those weapons, and had used them. They took all of the seats out of commercial aircraft to ship them out of the country. We know that they had them, because we sold them to them. We gave them over a year’s notice to get them out.

July 3, 2024 11:45 am

Every now and then,Whitehead shows his leftard colors.This article is one of those in which you see where he actually stands. I got bored with his articles a few years ago, noticing that they were simply listings of shit that any aware human being already knew, but closing with a sales pitch for his old, out of date book.

Sotomayer is an unqualified communist activist who doesn’t belong on any bench, let alone the SC. If Whitehead wasn’t such an asshat, he would never have quoted anything that fat, dimwitted cow has ever said. Her retarded observation shows that she doesn’t even understand the ruling that the rest of the court made, and that even if she understood the principles involved, she wouldn’t have concurred.

July 3, 2024 12:06 pm

No need for me to comment further. You said it all very well.

July 3, 2024 3:05 pm


Mark Sivad
Mark Sivad
July 3, 2024 11:56 am

Ignorant article, mic drop

July 3, 2024 12:00 pm

Total nonsense…Does he not understand “official duties”? He has to be immune for those decisions or one side or another will hound him for life, as we see with Trump, who’s even being tried for non-crimes barred by the statute of limitations…
How did this idiotic article get into TBP?

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
July 3, 2024 12:17 pm

Call me naive, but I thought that the president was always immune to prosecution regarding his official business. How else do you explain the last, ugh, I dunno, hundreds of years? Now, it is being sold as some sort of new development or the end of the free world.

I also found out about the astonishing number of presidential executive orders in the past. I thought that that was a new thing since 9/11. Nope, with Roosevelt leading the pack at THOUSANDS of executive orders, and all the other one after that in the hundreds. How is that constitutional?

Just because I fell asleep last night, I said to my husband that he should not fret, that after this is all over, we will have to draft a whole new system.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Svarga Loka
July 3, 2024 12:18 pm


(anyone else hates that the edit function is disabled now?)

  Svarga Loka
July 3, 2024 1:35 pm

Edit is available for a short time (about an hour, if I recall correctly). After you post the comment, run the pointer over the comment and a gear icon should appear to the bottom right, in the same area where the “hide replies” shows up. Click the gear and you should see an edit option.

In android, I believe a long press on the reply line will show the gear for editing.

July 3, 2024 1:40 pm

Android test….

Edit – A long press on the comment will reveal the gear icon.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
July 3, 2024 4:12 pm

I figured out how to edit now. If you click on the icon that looks like “settings”. Thanks guys!

  Svarga Loka
July 3, 2024 4:29 pm

What if you aren’t on a android device?

July 3, 2024 10:24 pm

It shows up on the Firefox esr version that I use. Hover the pointer around the bottom right of your comment box.

  Svarga Loka
July 3, 2024 5:59 pm

Rail Road Lawyer Removed Too Late

History of Executive Orders – JURIST – Archives – Legal …

“All but one of the US presidents, beginning with George Washington, have issued orders which can be equated with the modern-day executive order. The sole exception was William Henry Harrison, who died in office after having held the presidency for less than a month. Before 20th century, executive orders were not documented and catalogued according to a uniform scheme; they were seen only by the agencies to which they were directed. Then, in 1907, the Department of State instituted a numbering scheme, starting retroactively with an order dated October 20, 1862, issued by President Abraham Lincoln.”

Tom MacGyver
Tom MacGyver
July 3, 2024 12:49 pm

Oh, BROTHER… ‘Lost me at sentence #1…

Biden and Obama should be dancing in the streets after this ruling, as it protects THEM from all the nefarious, criminal, treasonous acts THEY’VE committed…

Framer ridiculouso
Framer ridiculouso
July 3, 2024 2:39 pm

Oh my gosh, breath into a paper bag you’re hyperventilating . Yes , the office of the presidency assigns significant executive powers to who.ever holds it . This is why we must choose our leaders wisely or face the consequences that manifest themselves as a byproduct of our poor judgement and foolish priorities . As a small fish in a small pond even I posses significantl sway over the people that are technically underneath me, precisely for the reason that I am the kind of man that exersizes that power not for light and transient reasons . The constitutional remedy for a rogue preezy is impeachment , we cant have , in this increasingly litigious and politically motivated environment an effective chief executive if he has to worry that everything he does might be cause for h8m to end up in a criminal courtroom. Populated by his political adversaries .At some point if we cannot vest some level of trust in someone than we are a broken union ( which I know we already are ) there is no fruitful relationship between human beings where there is no trust . Blame the lawyers Like Billy Shakespeare if you must, ” First thing we do , let’s kill all the lawyers ” they are after all the instigators of all the litigious licntioutiosness.

  Framer ridiculouso
July 3, 2024 3:49 pm

This is why we must choose our leaders wisely”

I stopped reading right there.
As if we are allowed to choose our leaders. I am not your dv.

Framius Ridiculousus
Framius Ridiculousus
July 3, 2024 6:16 pm

The reason we aren’t allowed to choose our leaders is because of the bad leaders we chose at some point .

  Framius Ridiculousus
July 3, 2024 10:29 pm

Sometimes you sound as fucked in the squash as old herbert over there.

July 5, 2024 12:49 am

You see the power of the Big Lies here.

  Framer ridiculouso
July 3, 2024 10:27 pm

You have leaders? Why would anyone want a leader? Why would anyone want to choose a leader? Why would anyone want to choose a leader from a short list of control freak mongoloids?

July 3, 2024 2:48 pm

President Washington in his farewell address advised we the people not to ever allow political parties to rule! We have done exactly what he warned against. We have allowed political parties to divide us and rule us! Good job democrats’ and republicans. Thanks for destroying our country!

July 3, 2024 10:30 pm

Here, herbert. You can have some of my exclamation points: !!!!!! Reload, son.

July 5, 2024 12:52 am

It is amazing how all these Free Masons knew the vulnerabilities of the text, yet did nothing to fix the text while it could be done.

July 3, 2024 2:57 pm

Here is a news flash John, the President has been able to get away with murder for a while now. All they need to do is label an American citizen as a “terrorist” and send in the drones. It has already happened. Our overlords allow certain people to break the law and others not so much. What next an article on how the DOJ dispenses selective justice?

July 3, 2024 2:58 pm

Libs seem to have forgotten all about Obozo killing Americans with predator drone strikes…

July 3, 2024 3:09 pm

HITLER has stepped out of the shadows? GMAFB! STALIN has stepped out. This dude needs to read what actually happened.

July 3, 2024 3:33 pm


July 3, 2024 4:42 pm

You have no nation. Your government is a sham.

Daily reminder.

George Wickham
George Wickham
July 3, 2024 5:40 pm

Hitler has finally stepped out of the shadows.”

From your lips to God’s ears. Would that it were.

July 3, 2024 5:43 pm

This is a BS article. As so said in the Constitution. It is the responsibility of Congress to impeach a president for unlawful acts as the Chief executive. If the President is impeached by the congress and codified by the senate, he looses all protection as President of the USA. So like Chevron, the Congress would need to do their job. Make laws based on a Republic type of Government. Regulation by Bureaucrats is Un-Constitutional. Rejoice in this ruling, it’s what the founders intended.

July 3, 2024 5:52 pm


July 3, 2024 6:53 pm

I think SCOTUS needs to fine tune that decision and put some curbs on POTUS…it’s one thing to give immunity for a rational decision it’s another to permit a Bathhouse Barry to carry out endless drone attacks against civilians…or the Clinton Crime Family to kill staffers…or the Deep Shit Bush family to carry out a 9/11 attack.

July 3, 2024 7:55 pm

Justice Sotomayor should be flipping tortillas in a Mexican restaurant on Olvera St. She has no business to be on that court.

Millennial Rabble
Millennial Rabble
July 3, 2024 8:25 pm

Yeah, I’m with those saying this is nonsense.

It’s an interesting read but mostly in that it presumes a country that doesn’t exist and doesn’t address the actual federal government that does exist. Nothing about the justice system is being done in good faith. The author simply assumes that to be true, as if everything else about our system is operating as it should be.

the negligence of Congress and the courts

That’s particularly absurd BS. All parts of the system work together to centralize power while maintaining the facade of the will of the people.

  Millennial Rabble
July 5, 2024 10:37 am

Lots of people making lots of assumptions about what really is and what they think might still be. So many are so detached from reality. People assuming a justice system that works. Women assuming that they will always be able to take advantage of men with a marriage certificate from the government. And men walk right into it believing this woman is different than all my friends who have been robbed and subdued for life with a marriage certificate from a government that licenses homosexuality, demotes the man as head of the household and considers his children to be the property of the state. Most people assume that there will always be food available at the grocery store. Soldiers believe that they are fighting for their country. Church members assume that their pastor will tell them the truth. Helpless people assume that the police will always be there to protect them from crime. And even assuming that the police themselves are not on the payroll of criminals in public office. Most assume that their child is getting an education when they drop them at the door of the school. And many even believe that their own government loves them and will protect them. What could be further from the truth?

July 4, 2024 1:21 am

Did nobody else catch the hilariousness of Justice Sotomayor writing a scathing dissent from the position of judge for life with no legal recourse against a judge for even the most Orwellian reinterpretations, of the constitution and historical understandings of the law?

And then retard Whitehead jumps on to that bandwagon. 🤦 ‍

(And as the cherry on top, access to from Russia is blocked, I had to use a VPN. Surely only to protect them from the ebil russki hackors!!1!)

July 4, 2024 2:47 am

Delusional poppycock! The Constitution separates the branches of power and edicts differences in officials’ capacity and acts inferring different levels of immunity. This did not just happen last week related to a SCOTUS ruling. All Presidents before this ruling and afterwards have had broad immunity for official acts. SCOTUS gave no additional powers in their ruling.

Furthermore the US Constitution provides remedy for any president who under official acts umbrellas commits an unconstitutional action – IMPEACHMENT! Why have that clause at all unless there is a distinct immunity applied to the office.

All this ruling did was clarify the existing reality and end lawfare.

July 4, 2024 10:33 am

Federalist Papers, Part 70..
NO PRESIDENT can outwardly commit a crime!
Like Obozo, Bush, Obiden and so many others, they ‘delegate’
Obozo ‘I have Predator Drones’
Bush ‘I will take out Hussein’
Klinton ‘We came, we saw, we killed him’……hahahaha
Obiden ‘pull the troops from Afghanistan, leave the weapons and civilians’….etc

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
July 4, 2024 11:21 am

You have to define the term “in their official capacity”. Official capacity does not include murder, bribery, theft, etc. etc. Official capacity means doing their job as President, in good faith, not knowingly stepping over sometimes obscure or ill defined boundaries. In other words, a President should not be prosecuted for carrying out their duties in what they see is a lawful manner. If there’s a question about if the action is lawful, then of course they should not do it without consulting with legal counsel. Let’s not make too much of this ruling.

July 4, 2024 11:50 am

All the things happening in the American political, economic and legal systems appear to be intentional as a means of forcing the appearance that the entire system has little or no validity so the people will eventually demand a new system that they already have on the back burner waiting for the moment to roll out to the public that will give them more power and you less freedom.

Backwoods Squirrel
Backwoods Squirrel
July 4, 2024 12:05 pm

Okay, arrest Obama for having a 16 year old American Citizen killed by drone strike without due process. Arrest Joe Biden for blackmailing a foreign leader into firing the prosecutor who was going after his son. Pull all the diplomatic immunities from all foreign diplomats. When are we going after all the Congress critters who come in broke and leave multi-millionaires from insider trading, bribes and ‘gratuities’ from lobbyists and foreign dignitaries? HUH? Arrest Joe for opening the border and allowing an invasion force to flood in unvetted! Arrest the DA’s for allowing criminals to walk free because of their race or illegal immigration status. It’s called ‘aiding and abetting.’ COME ON NOW! What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

NO system is perfect, just look at our Congress and Senate. The President doesn’t need to be worrying about whether or not he will be charged with some ‘crime’ while in office if he makes a move the opposition doesn’t agree with, especially in war time. The Constitution DOES give remedy for an out of control POTUS. Impeachment and then trial by Senate. If he is found guilty he’s out and the charges can go on to a jail sentence if egregious enough. OR, if it’s treason, the death penalty.

Opposition spin doctors are going to spin everything to look like they broke the law. Case in point, trying to overthrow the 2020 election while in office. That’s their charge when Trump met with the VP and told him that he didn’t have to count the electors in States where the EV’s were contested at the State level. That’s NOT trying to ‘overthrow’ an election. That’s trying to stop a COUP. But again, spin doctors are going to spin. So, THROW HIM IN JAIL for explaining the Constitutional abilities and responsibilities to the VP. Of course NOW the Congress has passed a bill divesting the VP of such powers. Good call there useful idiots.

You DO realize that there are lawyers (White House Counsel) that advise the President of legalities within his scope of power as POTUS right? What’s their job if, by this rule’s dissenting opinion, he can do anything he wants? THROW THE BUMS OUT then. What are we paying them for?

July 4, 2024 12:12 pm

They have been getting a way with murder for hundreds of years
Where the fuck have you been dip shit

July 4, 2024 12:55 pm

claptrap. someone didnt read it. i think i am done with tbp.

July 4, 2024 1:14 pm

The founding fathers wouldn’t be at all shocked by where America is today. In fact, they gave warning after warning about this very situation and even told us how it would happen. James Madison warned, “Our form of Government was made only for a moral and religious people and it is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.” The founders told us “We have staked the whole future, not on the power of government, far from it, but on the ability of each and every one of us to conduct himself according to the the 10 Commandments of the Bible.” George Washington said, “The people know that the Bible is the foundation on which our Republic rests.”

Women love to be ruled over with rigor and authority, and many women believe that we should have a King or a Dictator. The more a sex crazed society worships and follows the whims and leadership of women, the less that society obeys God and consequently, the faster it loses its freedom. It started in the Garden of Eden. God made Adam and then He made Eve and the very next thing that happened in the very next verse was that the serpent lied to Eve and got her to disobey God. Adam followed her lead and disobeyed God as well. And men just never seem to recognize the pattern and change their course.

July 4, 2024 1:27 pm

I’ve seen some sketchy opinions on this blog before but this post proves to me that burning platform has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is just controlled opposition playing for the WEF. At least there is one more site I no longer have to skim anymore.

July 4, 2024 2:06 pm

Not sure how you came to that conclusion. I have seen a fair amount of anti-Israel and anti-Jew articles, but I’m not seeing this forum support the Globalists directly. It’s still one of the few places where freedom of speech is still allowed.

Having said that, it could be used as a tool to round up dissenters who uphold the truth in a time where no one else is allowed to say it.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 5, 2024 11:45 am

Honey pots work both ways, friend. I think you might have overlooked that possibility. Maybe I WANT those fuckers knocking on muh door? Either way, they’ll come for us first, or last, or eventually. I think we’re all in agreement they WILL come at some point. Better to have your mind made up as to your course of action when that moment arrives.

richard s
richard s
July 4, 2024 1:28 pm

on this 4th of July, part of a poem from British LAURENCE BINYON,
“For the Fallen.”
“They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; 
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England’s foam.

July 4, 2024 2:03 pm

You have not been in a constitutional republic since the South walked out of Congress in 1861 that was the government of, for, and by the people and it has been waiting for reconstruction ever since it was replaced by two Vatican-owned and operated service corporations which is NOT your government but only impersonating your government.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 5, 2024 11:48 am

It was actually circling the toilet earlier than that. This has been the world’s 2nd longest flush in history. I think Rome took the gold.

July 4, 2024 2:19 pm

When Trump ran for president the first time, I thought it was just a joke, that he really wasn’t serious, his time spent in the WWF World wrestling federation as it used to be called made it look so.

But today, I can not help to think “Anti-Christ” like America and the world is being setup.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 5, 2024 11:50 am

“Luke. I am your father!”

The devil is in the details.

July 4, 2024 3:23 pm

Trump was President for 4 years if he was going to be a dictator why isn’t he still in office? I think the left has Trump confused with Putin. Now there’s a man who can be called a dictator and God help these brainless Leftists if they lived in Russia. Who knows if mindless Biden and the left get in they may have the chance to find out what a dictator like Putin will do to a conquered people.

July 5, 2024 1:55 pm

Trump is the only President in my lifetime that managed to lock down the whole world based on a fake virus and a clot shot that he took credit for fast tracking.

July 4, 2024 4:17 pm

Are You nuts???

July 4, 2024 4:53 pm

Wait, who said political rival? That is not what this ruling is about.

July 4, 2024 4:59 pm

The USA is formed by (probably at the time not recognised as psychopathic) usurpers, as is GB.
Also mainland Europe/the Holy Roman Empire (also attacked from within) succumbed to (the most brutal, 100% greed driven and insane energetic) psychopathic robber barons.
Only Love is *rightfully* above the law: God and His Lords (enlightened by the Holy Spirit).

July 4, 2024 6:45 pm

Mr. Whitehead has written many truthful, documented pieces about police brutality and the overreach of the Leviathan. I think this time, however, he is mistaken. This decision is a direct result of the lawfare against the Golden Golem by the forces of darkness. And, come to think of it, the decision will probably save Pedo Joe from an orange jumpsuit. Blieb ubrig.

July 5, 2024 12:01 am

This is stupid. We give blanket immunity to foreigners but not our own president?

July 5, 2024 7:21 am

The decision postponed the next Civil War for a few months.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 5, 2024 11:53 am

That is the primary function of the SCOTUS…to keep the wheels from flying off the Republic.

They failed. Badly.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 5, 2024 11:37 am

All our Presidents have either been dicks or taters. It’s about time we got our shit together!