Doug Casey on Revisionist History and How the Good Guys Don’t Always Win

Via International Man

International Man: Revisionist history refers to the re-examination and reinterpretation of historical events, which can be done to correct inaccuracies, update understanding, or challenge prevailing narratives.

This just sounds like applying critical thinking to history.

What’s your take?

Doug Casey: The essence of critical thinking is to question every proposition and then investigating the answers for accuracy and logic. It’s important to pursue answers to their root causes and never accept things at face value.

The problem with history, certainly as it’s taught in schools, is that its many versions are presented as fact with no nuance. Looking at history is very much like examining an elephant, where one person feels a leg and thinks it’s a tree trunk, and another feels the elephant’s trunk and thinks it’s a snake.

It’s said that the CIA made up the term “revisionist history” during the 60s as an aid to debunking interpretations they didn’t like. The powers that be, the establishment, don’t like revisionism for at least two reasons.

Number one, a thorough investigation of history requires detailed and well-explained answers. That might uncover crimes involving powerful people. They might be imprisoned, bankrupted, or seriously embarrassed. Revisionist history can overthrow the ruling order, therefore rulers always oppose it.

Number two, it can overturn myth. Myth is a double-edged sword. It’s often a good thing because it can be a tie that binds a people together, even if it’s not true. However, reality and truth are usually better than myth in the long run. So, we shouldn’t be afraid of overturning myths, even if they’re useful.

In any event, much of standard history contains crimes that should be recognized. As Gibbon said, “History is indeed little more than a catalog of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.”

International Man: Why is there so much controversy and negative stigma associated with challenging widely accepted contemporary or historical events?

In a free society, shouldn’t that be considered healthy and necessary?

Doug Casey: Yes. But it’s never in the interests of the Establishment to uncover crimes or overturn favorable myths. Every country romances its history to present itself in the best light possible. The average guy just accepts what he’s told. As Sam Cooke’s song, “Wonderful World”, says: “Don’ know much about the Middle Ages, jus’ look at the pictures, and turn the pages.”

For instance, take the Revolutionary War. It wasn’t just a revolutionary war. It could be described as a war of secession, but people don’t like to describe it that way because that makes it comparable to the War Between the States, which was another war of secession.

Revisionist history shows that the Revolutionary War was also a civil war in which perhaps a third of the country’s population was on the side of the Crown. Only a third were rebels, and the other third were neutral. The Indians and many black slaves fought for the British. But that revelation compromises the nature of our national myth, and some people who hate the idea of America like to emphasize the negatives. I, for one, like our founding myths. But I also like truth and accuracy.

The same kind of problems arise to an even greater extent in the War Between the States—which itself is a Revisionist name for the Civil War. The myth is that it was fought to free the slaves. But that’s totally untrue. The slaves weren’t freed until the middle of the war, and then only in the southern states, not in the northern states. The main basis of the war was about taxation. And secondarily, about whether new territories could be admitted to the union as slave states.

The US government’s main source of income was import duties. But the South was paying the lion’s share of those import duties, which were raised significantly to protect northern manufacturers.

That was the major reason for the South seceding, not slavery. Slavery was highly controversial in both the North and South, but it wasn’t the reason for the war itself. Few talk about that because it seems more noble to have the victor be the good guy fighting to free slaves, as opposed to maintaining economic advantage.

You can’t maintain a free society unless you can debate about factual matters and what’s right and what’s wrong. However, teachers just repeat what the government says. And the narrative can change radically. Even as we speak, historic myths are being replaced by recently minted propaganda. We’re on the edge of seeing the statues of Washington and Jefferson replaced by those of George Floyd.

We’re not as bad by any means as China or the USSR, where the whole society was based on a lie, and it couldn’t even be questioned. But we’re moving in that direction with current views of political correctness and wokism.

International Man: The comedian Norm Macdonald once joked:

“It says here in this history book that, luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?”

What are some historical examples of when the so-called “good guys” didn’t win?

Doug Casey: We all know the old aphorism, “I’m a freedom fighter. You are a rebel. He’s a terrorist.” It’s often a matter of perception. And the fact is that everyone thinks he’s a good guy.

Even the worst mass murderers like Alexander, Genghis Kahn, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao—all thought what they were doing was both good and necessary.

It’s a question of deciding who the good guys really are. Look at the battles between the Hatfields and the McCoys. They both thought they were on the right side of the issue. Or the wars between the Europeans and the Native Americans. Both sides had excellent arguments for killing each other.

It’s like the battle of the Alamo. Yes, the Americans were brave and fighting for something they believed in. But at the same time, the Mexican army was quite correct in trying to kick out invaders that were violating their territorial rights.

There are many examples like that. My own view is that the “good guys” are on the side of individual liberty and have a preference for non-violence.

International Man: Most people would agree with the phrase “the winners write the history books.”

However, when it comes to certain historical events, the same people would likely accuse you of being a dangerous extremist promoting hate crimes.

What do you make of this amazing display of cognitive dissonance?

Doug Casey: Well, it’s part and parcel of the study of history. Emotions get higher the closer we are to events. Especially where those who were involved are still alive. Major players in history are rarely saints; they usually have Machiavellian or Kissingerian morals. They’re inclined to cover up crimes or bad intentions. You’re not allowed to hold some views. If you do, you’re a heretic. And heretics are often burned at the stake.

Pearl Harbor is a good example. It’s now obvious that Roosevelt provoked the Japanese and was looking to force their hand and get them to attack. He was aware the attack was coming but was willing to sacrifice Pearl in order to make Americans righteously angry.

Yes, the Japanese were the aggressors. But at that point, they were being backed into a corner as the US cut off their oil and steel. People don’t want to believe that because they want to believe that the US is always in the right—we’re always the good guys. I’m sympathetic to that view, if only because the US is unique in having been founded on overtly libertarian principles. But that doesn’t mean its government always, or even usually, acts according to its principles.

The Kennedy assassination in 1963 is another example. I have no doubt that Oswald was a patsy. Who did it? I don’t know, but I suspect it was the CIA that Kennedy wanted to disband. It amounted to a coup d’etat. But, whatever the real facts are, they’ll never come out because it would make the US look like a banana republic, reveal criminals, and destroy more of our founding myth.

We really don’t know exactly who’s responsible for 9/11. All we know is the accepted narrative. There are all kinds of unanswered but obvious questions, like what actually happened to building number 7. Looking for the truth, even in the most intellectually honest matter, will get you accused of being a conspiracy theorist.

International Man: Given everything we’ve discussed today, what are the implications as the world is headed for its most chaotic period since WW2? What can the average person do to protect himself and even profit?

Doug Casey: There are at least three major disasters unfolding before our very eyes: the Ukraine, Gaza, and potentially Taiwan. And I’m afraid that the US government is on the wrong side of all of them.

The Russians were pushed into attacking the Ukraine much the way the Japanese were pushed into attacking Pearl Harbor. It’s a border war between Kiev and Moscow that has been blown way out of proportion. The US thinks it’s clever to sacrifice Ukrainian manpower to hurt Russia.

Gaza amounts to another type of border war, albeit one that’s been going on for about 3000 years. Who really owns Palestine, the Jews or the Arabs? Why is that a concern of the US?

As for Taiwan, I suspect historians will see a lot of similarities to what happened in Vietnam and Korea. In all three, the US gets involved in a conflict on the other side of the world in completely alien cultures, millions die, and there’s a huge amount of destruction.

In all these cases, Americans are writing history at the moment. But the US, which has transformed into a degenerate empire, is now on the wrong side of history. A hundred years from now, other powers will be writing the standard version of history—not us. But that doesn’t augur well for Americans in the here and now, that’s for sure.

So, what can the average person do to protect himself or even profit?

Plan your life around it being an unstable world. And in that kind of world, you want stable investments that won’t dry up and blow away.

I am a fan of two approaches. One includes owning gold and real estate—physical things. The second would be adopting the stance of a speculator to capitalize on the chaos that is definitely going to wash over the world in the near future.

Editor’s Note: The amount of money the US government spends on foreign aid, wars, the so-called intelligence community, and other aspects of foreign policy is enormous and ever-growing.

It’s an established trend in motion that is accelerating, and now approaching a breaking point. It could cause the most significant disaster since the 1930s.

Most people won’t be prepared for what’s coming. That’s precisely why bestselling author Doug Casey and his team just released an urgent video with all the details. Click here to watch it now.

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July 3, 2024 8:14 am

Be advised…..that little democrat piece of shit ken burns loves revising our history.
Everything he spouts is nigger/faggot centric bullshit.

July 3, 2024 11:20 am

You left out the 6 gorillion

July 3, 2024 8:50 am

Who really owns Palestine, the Jews or the Arabs?

Those lands belong to the Canaanites

July 3, 2024 10:01 am

Those people and their kingdom were destroyed by the same tribe destroying us through open borders, multiculturalism, and White shaming. Justifying the genocide in the same language the Talmud justifies killing, deceiving, and fleecing Goyim to this day. Still most subscribe to cherry picking from the tribe’s weak minded and poorly conceived narratives. From Communism to Christianity, Islam, and Satanism. As though nothing better could be hoped for, or realized then the God of Israel, the devil of Israel, or the Communism of Israel. We need better ideas and scripts. The earth and life upon it is worth seeing and working beyond the pigeonhole to Armageddon/one world government.

relentless acrimony towards God much?
relentless acrimony towards God much?
July 3, 2024 6:12 pm

“In Deuteronomy 20:16–17, God commanded the Israelites, “In the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.” A similar command is given concerning the Amalekites in 1 Samuel 15:2–3. Why would God have the Israelites exterminate entire groups of people, women and children included?”

Why did God command the genocide of the Canaanites?


The Israelites first infiltrated and corrupted the canaanites, and then destroyed them via traitors.

If Israel was the party who corrupts [see Tel Aviv] they can not be Gods chosenites unless the jew god is satan.

However, Tel Aviv has become a haven for LGBTQ people from around the Middle East, and hosts one of the world’s largest pride parades every year. The Tel Aviv pride parade is also one of the first in the world to celebrate bisexuality awareness, reflecting the city’s incredibly open-minded nature. Over the past few decades, hundreds of businesses have opened up that are specifically targeted toward the gay community…

Where Is The Gay Capital of the World? Ten Fabulous Contenders… 🌈

This seals the fact that modern Israel has absolutely nothing clean or holy about it.
It’s a cesspool of faggotry and perversions, supported entirely by uSA tax dollars and graft from Germany over the millions of Europeans killed by Jews in the labor camps.

July 4, 2024 5:49 am

We should know by now, they are doing it to us, the people of the Western world. The tribe owns mainstream publishing, mainstream media, infiltrated and perverted mainstream academia, and created the Abrahamic scriptures. Each promising one world government and Armageddon. Telegraphing to the world what genocidal intentions Judea/Israel has for the world at large.

You are talkin' about Revelation 2:9 &3:9
You are talkin' about Revelation 2:9 &3:9
July 4, 2024 3:56 pm

“1. To judge the Canaanites for their abominations. The Canaanites were a brutal and wicked culture that frequently engaged in incredibly decadent behavior. Leviticus 18 provides a list of sins that Israel was to avoid at all costs: incest, child sacrifice, homosexuality, and bestiality. All these sins were practiced by the people of Canaan: “This is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled. Even the land was defiled; so I punished it for its sin, and the land vomited out its inhabitants. . . . All these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you, and the land became defiled” (Leviticus 18:24–27).

Why did God command the genocide of the Canaanites?


These are the same things the Talmud says about Goyim today. We know these things are not true of most of us. Though these accusations would fit the tribe that created them neatly. The tribe of Abraham has been in the nation destroying, genocide business over 4000 years and you’re still following their script to doomsday as holy writ, just because you never bother to look to think beyond mainstream indoctrination. Thinking your Jewish indoctrination to be superior to the Jewish indoctrination of others.


Do you think excusing away a 4000 year history of genocide by the God of Abrahams chosen people makes you pious or just indoctrinated?

Try reading. It's fundamental
Try reading. It's fundamental
July 4, 2024 4:00 pm

Why did God command the genocide of the Canaanites?

Did NOT, by and large, Do WHAT they were ‘Chosen’ to do.

  Try reading. It's fundamental
July 5, 2024 6:50 am

The Talmud is a continuation of that narrative. Justifying the genocide of non-Jews. Try reading that scripture too moron. The scriptures make more sense when all put together in context and not just cherry picking what little you’re read and even less you’ve understood.

  Try reading. It's fundamental
July 5, 2024 6:51 am

Hateful bastard.

Free Will. U do U.
Free Will. U do U.
July 5, 2024 7:52 am

👁️’m prolly wrong, but You do NOT seem to be a ‘Believer”.

After i finished reading Job several times, (1st anything i actually read in The KJV Bible, Looong Story) stumbled across…

Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”

Isaiah 55:9 “For [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Epiphany, to say the least.

Another closely held ‘Belief’, if one is “For real/sincere”?

NEVER too late to repent…

Psalm 44:21 “Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.”

Good Luck, Will Pray You find Peace, sure others are too.

  Free Will. U do U.
July 5, 2024 9:41 am

Hoping for end times prophecies doesn’t exactly sound like you’re at peace or full of love.

  Free Will. U do U.
July 5, 2024 9:41 am

You really are this stupid aren’t you, copy and paste, person.

Sorry. Really.
Sorry. Really.
July 5, 2024 10:26 am

Don’t wanna add to Your distress, not that the onus is on You.

Your beliefs, or lack thereof? Entirely up to You.

Hoping for end times prophecies doesn’t exactly sound like you’re at peace or full of love.”

Fairly obvious that EVIL is real and increasing.

The End Of the Book, fairly obvious. Too.

Can’t think of ANY way to convey sincerity, and i can ONLY speak for myself.

Bible says we are saved by grace through faith.

Ephesians 2:8, as i’m certain You are aware.

Another ‘belief’ of mine?

We might be related.

And TRULY? Thank You.

  Sorry. Really.
July 5, 2024 5:27 pm

Who said I have no beliefs? What was it you said about try reading? I know my posts are not copy and paste like yourself, but I’m pretty certain I express myself quite clearly. Apparently, you have issues with reading comprehension. Likely you would be incapable of summarizing your own literary regurgitations. Prove me wrong hooked on phonics boy.

Is there nobody to hug You?
Is there nobody to hug You?
July 5, 2024 6:53 pm

Personally? 👁️ Would Much rather talk about…
@#MeToo. Too.

However, (i’m NOT real perceptive, obviously) please refresh my memory on Your belief system.

Other than it appears you loathe the idea of ‘God’.

Your handle is not real distinctive…

Don’t be ashamed or feel compelled to hold back.

We can do this!

Speaking of reading comprehension?

Hateful bastard.”

Still can not figure that out.

1) directed @ me? Basis?

2) sometimes people go through the trouble of pointing out that the previous post was inadvertently ‘Handle-less’, and feel it is important to let everybody know just Who it be.

Can’t say i recall that one. Is it one You’ve chosen?

Took quite some effort to learn Copy/Paste…video especially.

Spent an inordinate amount of time/effort learning Strike Through as well.

imho? Very cool and added a certain indescribable flair. Tried to pass on the technique as well, several times/requests.

Guess patience IS a virtue…now there is a button!

Best, willy

July 3, 2024 7:54 pm

All lands belong to the earth.
Humans are merely mist in the wind.

July 3, 2024 9:31 am

Pearl Harbor is a good example. It’s now obvious that Roosevelt provoked the Japanese and was looking to force their hand and get them to attack.

The bankers infiltrated Jaoan at gunpoint in 1853.
They immediately set about bringing Japan into the modern age by selling them obsolete military technology and training their military.
They captured the emperor of Japan via inbreeding them royal famiky into King George level retardation.
The war was run by the bankers using USA and Japan as pawns in order to run up more MIC debt.
The attack on Pearl Harbor was a joint operation with the Japanese scrupulously avoiding bombing anything of value.

The Kennedy assassination?
Completely staged. Who they killed was either a Kennedy body double,.
There may have simply been some squibs to sell the nonsense.

July 3, 2024 11:04 am

The war between the states.

July 3, 2024 2:01 pm

War of Northern Aggression!…..

July 3, 2024 6:39 pm

War of northern democide.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
July 3, 2024 12:10 pm

My father died in 1959. I then received survivor benefits from the VA until I turned 18. I never knew what possible affliction he may have had or what role he played in the service.
My mother remarried and my stepfather, who served in the army air force on bombers, never spoke about his war experience. But he was always skeptical about any assesrtion. On literally any topic. Kinda like he knew everything was a lie unless you could verify it yourself.

July 3, 2024 2:04 pm

No war in Gaza….one side doesn’t have tanks,aircraft or bombs..
No war …….just death being meted out at a wholesale level…

July 3, 2024 6:42 pm

In the time since October 7th?

There has not been even one photo or video of any Hamas militants fighting back or carrying a firearm.

All that has occured has been Israel bombing a bunch of idiot muslims whose only crime is hating Israel for stealing the land of their ancestors while slaugterin the non chews.

mickey d
mickey d
July 3, 2024 3:47 pm

Good article as history as they say is written by the victors. Older historians have pointed out that while slavery was a horrible institution it was actually worse for the white share croppers, whereas a slave was an investment usually provided the best available health care and taken care of in old age the share cropper was left to die, can’t make the rent ? Get out was all a sharecropper would get.

July 3, 2024 4:00 pm

Come on, Doug, it really isn’t that difficult to discover that Israel and elements of the U.S. government did 9/11

July 3, 2024 5:29 pm

Quoting a bunch of revised history?

July 3, 2024 8:04 pm

I think TBPers might like this site: Messano News

July 3, 2024 11:30 pm

The U.S. had every right TO trade with Japan or NOT to trade with Japan. They Japs were doing some evil things. That’s not “backing them in a corner.” They were free to get their steel and oil from other sources. It’s a lame argument.