The Resurrection of French Nationalism?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

France was the last European nation to lose its sovereignty, and France might be the first to recover its sovereignty. In the 1960s France was still a nation of ethnic French as contrasted with the tower of babel and a geographical entity that it is today.

During the ten-year presidency of Charles De Gaulle (1959-69) France’s policy was one of national independence. DeGaulle refused to join NATO, and he opposed a supranational Europe in which nations would subordinate themselves to a European Union.

French independence could be on the point of return judging from the success of Marine Le Pen’s party yesterday in the current French elections. Her nationalist party has in the first round of the parliamentary elections taken 34% of the votes with President Macron’s centrist coalition receiving only 21% support. If the second round produces similar results, a restoration of French independence is possible.

For many years European governments have worked consistently to overwhelm their ethnic populations with third world immigrant-invaders. It has reached the point where ethnic European women raped by immigrant-invaders fear to report the crime as it can result in a charge of racism or worse against the victim. For example, in response to a gang-rape of an ethnic German female, a 20-year old ethnic German female citizen called one of the gang rapists a “disgraceful rapist pig.” The German citizen was sentenced to jail for defaming an immigrant-invader, a protected species under German law, while the rapist was given a suspended sentence and served no jail time.

For many years the European working class has experienced their living standards reduced in the name of economy. Not long ago the French were protesting the rise in the retirement age, which forces them to work longer for their pension. The French have noticed that economy measures only apply to their living standards and not to the vast sums that Macron pours into the West’s war against Russia in Ukraine. Now all of Europe hears continually that they must prepare, and cough up money for, war with Russia.

The French don’t want war with Russia. Nor do the Germans, or the Italians. Only “their” governments do, and war is what Washington’s puppets have put on the agenda.

Europeans don’t want the high energy cost and lost profit and employment opportunities imposed on them by Washington’s “Russian sanctions.” It seems to Europeans that the purpose of Washington’s sanctions is to make Europe more dependent on Washington, essentially reducing them to serfs.

Finally, after suffering decades of abuse, insult, and total disregard by their leaders, Europeans protested in the recent European Union parliamentary elections. The ruling parties were repudiated across the board. The Belgian prime minister had to resign. The French president had to call national elections. I wrote that if the repudiation carries over into the national elections, we could see the unravelling of NATO, the European Union, and a return of sovereign European nations.

World War II gave control of Europe to the US instead of to Germany. The Soviet collapse gave Washington control over the Warsaw Pact, placing NATO on Russia’s border. Washington’s policy was to de-Germanize Germany and to destroy a national awareness. Washington controlled German education and indoctrinated Germans that nationalism was racist, produced Hitler and the Holocaust. Legislation was passed essentially criminalizing a positive attitude toward German nationalism. It meant that you were a Nazi. It still does. It is unclear if a German state can ever be resurrected.

Rid of the Germans, Washington turned its efforts on France. De Gaulle’s departure weakened France. It took time, but eventually Washington controlled who the French president would be. With France, Germany, and the British in Washington’s pocket, the rest of Europe went along.

Today European nations that shared the rule of the world are puppets of a criminal regime in Washington. The notion that there is any military power in these puppet states is laughable.

The self-confidence that made the British the ruler of the world has long departed. It was destroyed at Oxford and Cambridge. No Western country has a positive opinion of itself. All are being keyed for war with Russia, China, Iran, while they themselves are being overrun by immigrant-invaders who are paid tribute for their support and permitted to rape European women as a form of restitution.

The Kremlin does not understand the hollowed out, empty, West where there is no support for any government. Western peoples are brainwashed into impotence and cannot even protect their constitutional rights. Why would anyone fight for these governments, and if forced, with what spirit?

Putin sits there in his legalistic way accepting insult after insult, provocation after provocation, as his way of avoiding war with the West. It is not only Western provocations that are widening the Ukraine conflict into World War III. Putin has permitted the conflict to go on and on and on, and this has enabled Washington to get more and more and more involved, thus widening the conflict.

If Putin does not immediately use sufficient force to terminate the conflict, World War Three seems certain.

There is hope that if Le Pen wins France and does not sell out to Washington, the unravelling of NATO and resurrection of European independence will begin. But this can be a slow process, while the developments in Ukraine toward wider war are accelerating. The time is rapidly ending during which Putin can use sufficient force to end the conflict before it results in World War Three.

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July 2, 2024 6:59 am

I am waiting for the resurrection of German nationalism. The Germans better do something soon or they will be minority in their own country, Germany. Yet imagine the worlds reaction to a new German nationalism after that last German nationalism.

July 2, 2024 12:44 pm

And elsewhere:

UK Teens Face Losing Drivers’ Licences, Bank Accounts If They Refuse National Service

Everyone’s being had by NWO.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
July 2, 2024 11:28 pm

Frenchman Charles Martel saved western Europe from evil Islamic invaders.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful that history repeats itself and France leads the charge
And repels the mohammadan scum again.
Fuck diversity in all it’s forms. It’s a cancer on civilization.

July 3, 2024 8:05 am

It will be more like a Muslim nationalism.

July 2, 2024 7:27 am

Seriously, PCR, STFU.

George Wickham
George Wickham
July 2, 2024 7:54 am

Let’s be honest here – PCR is an honorable man, although an old one nearing the end of his life. He continues to use an old, outdated model and narrative of world events that most Americans understand (because it is all they have been taught and presented), and PCR does his best to explain, describe, and predict world events using his old model. It’s a bit like using Hippocrates’ Four Humors Theory to explain health and disease instead of the more modern theories of physiognomy and Terrain Theory, which is to say, it has enormous faults. However, I believe he does it in good faith in an attempt to stave off WWIII, and is not that a honorable goal for an old man, to halt a war which he believes would use nuclear (sic) weapons?

I wonder about the value of using an old model to describe reality. On the one hand, people can understand it and he does not violate the System prohibitions on accurately describing reality which gets one de-platformed. On the other hand, it continues to misinform readers about reality. Kind of like using the term “racism” as a pejorative; it’s using false terminology.

It’s really a fascinating watershed period we are in, where the old model needs to be replaced with a new model, but the new model has not yet reached the tipping point of acceptance and most would not be able to understand it – their minds would reject it. Soon, however, reality will force it upon them.

Are we not all like that? Holding on to old models in our lives because they give us the feel of stability and habit, although in the back of our minds we know that they are becoming moth-eaten, frayed, and ill-fitting?

Let the man without any old models be the first to cast the stone at Paul Craig Roberts. He has nobly continued writing even though it does not benefit him, and he has taken slings and arrows that if he had not taken would be directed at younger men.

A shield wall is no place for an old man; PCR rightly advises from the rear, as best he can, with the best intents, and is sacrificing his legacy in the public eye for us. I wish him only the best.

July 2, 2024 10:28 am

When we see browns deported back to where they came from, I will believe this. Until then it’s just posturing.

July 2, 2024 11:12 am

The French love niggers and that will be their downfall.

July 2, 2024 12:27 pm

Macron sure does. That photo of him hugging the bare chested migrant, get a room.

July 2, 2024 5:17 pm

This cartoon was published a century ago:

comment image

And it’s not far off.

July 2, 2024 12:38 pm

Far-Left Protests Erupt in France after Le Pen Secures Massive Victory in Parliamentary Elections

July 2, 2024 5:20 pm

The **really** interesting stuff in France is that the fake-right and fake moderates and the fake centrists (all hard core communists in drag) are working hand in glove with the openly communist hard left in France, to try and keep the actual right wing people out of the government.

July 2, 2024 1:26 pm

We have been indoctrinated to lay blame on our governments. When in reality EVERYTHING has been and will continue to be the central bankers!

July 2, 2024 1:41 pm

After the collapse of the soviet union, all the young women were forced to become prostitutes to provide for their families. There were long lines for what little food was available. Bread an vodka became the standard meal.
When the US falls the same way, the powers that be arranging the world as they want it to be will make families sell theiir children as prostitutes to feed the family.
There will only be lab grown franken food.
Is that what you want.
That is what the elite=rolyal=bankers=Illuminati wants.
Putin is no better or worse than any other puppet the illuminati have placed for their benifit only as the heads of state of every important nation.
Putin is playing arole, so that when he destroyes the US and the west, Putin and Xi will be seen as heroes and savior the good guys.
Don’t buy that lie, they will use it to make you comply.
The poverty the elite plan to inflict has one purpose=to make you join the miltarry just for a job and a home. Then they will turn you into non human beings with technology against your will in order to get paid.
Do not comply with the devil.
Do not risk the most valubale thing you posess, your soul, for any crap they may dangle in front of your faces, they are liars ad theey are devils from Hell.
They have already lost their souls forever.
You don’t want to join them in hell=that is all they really do have to offer you, to join them in Hell, nothing more than that.

July 2, 2024 5:21 pm

Look into what happened in Weimar Germany.

July 3, 2024 3:05 am

I think the fall of France began with the French Revolution that gave citizenship to anyone in the French colonial empire which embraced North Africa, the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. What a dumb thing to have done! Their Utopian ideas have helped create the modern mess.