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July 2, 2024 7:53 am

Trump and his lovely vaccines…
He was either in on it or he’s an idiot….

July 2, 2024 11:25 am

Correction: He was in on it AND he’s an idiot

July 2, 2024 11:43 am

Orange man entertainer.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
July 2, 2024 8:33 pm

This is about Steve Bannon’s incarceration for refusing to knuckle under about
The Big Steal of the election of 2020. He is being made an example for those telling the truth about the greatest crime in our history. Wake the fuck up. And ammo up after you wake up.

  Colorado Artist
July 3, 2024 6:07 am

How can an election be stolen from someone that was in on it…..
Your going to have to used to the idea, these are all actors and the people paying them are not on our side.

George Wickham
George Wickham
July 2, 2024 8:07 am

Agreed. In the last days of the Western Roman Empire, the citizens had so tired of the empire that they embraced the Goths and other tribes who came to take it over (or so my rusty grasp of history recalls). The Goths and Visigoths are represented by young men like Daniel Concannon, Thomas Sewell, Mark Collet, Raw Egg Nationalist, and Ian Smith.

Steve Bannon is still part of the old dying empire, urging us to vote harder for the lesser of two evils. I don’t know whether his motives are pure or good, but he is still part of the old system.

Younger men are coming. They are fit, hard, based, and once they go mainstream, will be as eagerly embraced as the Goths, with new vision, energy, masculinity, ideas, and potential.

  George Wickham
July 2, 2024 10:31 am

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Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
July 2, 2024 8:36 pm

“I’ll have those niggers voting democrat for 200 years.”

JFK’s CIA replacement.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 2, 2024 8:42 am

Why is Bannon so loyal to Trump when Trump dumped him shortly after getting into the Whitehouse last time?

George Wickham
George Wickham
  Mary Christine
July 2, 2024 8:58 am

Most stage actors on stab each other in the back with stage props; the audience, however, reacts as though it were real. All stage actors want to continue their performance on stage – it fulfills them, pays them, and is thrilling when you have an audience.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
  Mary Christine
July 2, 2024 12:20 pm

But Trump didn’t dump Bannon. He only agreed to serve one year in Trump’s administration. After that year was up he left on his own. BTW, I highly recommend watching the full Frontline interview from the tweet. Very insightful into how Bannon strategized Trump’s 2016 campaign and how his mind works. I don’t think a lot of people recognize Bannon’s brilliance. All of his documentaries and long form interviews are full of a free education you couldn’t pay for in a college class.

Bad Moon Rising
Bad Moon Rising
  Stephanie Shepard
July 2, 2024 6:28 pm

Just think what he could accomplish if he wasn’t a raging alcoholic.

July 2, 2024 10:26 am

The Republic died in 1865 when the Uniparty pledged service to Empire above loyalty to nation and God.

Since then, America has become one massive open sewer of debt slaves in service to Mammon, all bent on getting them shekels faster.

Muh capitalism weeds out the weak. We’re all CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP, now.

Chief Red-Ass approves this message.

Remember when the narrative was that it was Russia totally reliant on Western-supplied parts in its weaponry? Here an American general literally admits the entire U.S. military structure would collapse in a day if China issued an embargo against them:
‘If we were in a war with China and it stopped providing parts, we wouldn’t be able to build the planes and weapons we needed,’ he said.
A startling report released earlier this year revealed Chinese firms have a stranglehold across 12 critical technologies that are vital to US national security, including nuclear modernization, hypersonic and space technologies.
The study, which was carried out by defense software firm Govini, delivered a damning indictment on the American armaments industry.
‘U.S. domestic production capacity is a shriveled shadow of its former self,’ the report said. ‘Crucial categories of industry for U.S. national defense are no longer built in any of the 50 states.’
Remember when it was Russia using Western chips in all of its missiles?
Perhaps most worryingly, Govini found that more than 40 per cent of the semiconductors that sustain Department of Defense (DoD) weapons systems are now sourced from China.
How the tides have turned.
It seems the West is slowly coming to its awakening moment: it stands no chance in a long term conflict against the manufacturing powerhouse of the Russia-China-North Korea-Iran bloc.

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July 2, 2024 3:20 pm


July 2, 2024 11:00 am

Those speeches were inspiring. I agree in principle with his sentiments. Trust Trump or Bannon?? I am skeptical. My suspicion is that it is all a show.

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
July 2, 2024 11:51 pm

Sick of the whole show.

July 2, 2024 11:42 am

Guy getting led away in handcuffs “I have not yet begun to fight”

Correct. That’s why you’re in handcuffs.

Yeah, speaking alleged patriotic platitudes while being led away in chains [Biden put you all back in chains] seems counter-climactic.

He is an actor.
Playing a part.
His jail time will be as real as Charley Manson’s fake imprisonment

July 2, 2024 12:33 pm

Venezuela’s Murder Rate Falls to 22-Year-Low after Biden Imports Criminals to U.S.

July 2, 2024 3:21 pm

Isn’t that the fat drunk who waddles into the AIPAC conference every year and squeals “I’m a proud Zionist”?

July 2, 2024 9:54 pm

Erik Prince stood outside the prison and let it be known that if any harm came to Bannon, that Prince would hold the prison guards accountable.