No 911?

via Lionel Mandrake @

What would you do …

Q.  If you knew someone was going to kill you.

A.  I would report it to the Police.

Q.  And what if the Police don’t respond?

A.  Well, since I don’t want to die, I would have to take matters into my own hands, of course.

There you are.  Whether its people using Global Warming,  Bioweapons/Cures for Bioweapons or WW3 as their preferred method of depopulation, they are all of one mindset.   If you are not part of that mindset, they will in fact kill you if you speak out against them. 


Europe may be beginning to get fed up with open borders and Climate nonsense, but if anyone thinks TPTB will go down easy, think again. 

If garroting someone whose wife, a member of EU Parliment, merely questioned mortality rates in the EU relating to the Bioweapon cure for the Bioweapon infection isn’t enough to get your attention, then you are truly a sleepyhead.   

According to the Italian MSM, this is how they framed the story about the victims “Right Wing” wife Francesca Donato:

She has also spread various conspiracy theories on COVID-19 and vaccines, such as accusing drug maker Pfizer of producing products “extremely harmful to health” and claiming that the death of Leonardo Ditta, an Italian doctor, was linked to his COVID vaccination. She was forced to apologise to Ditta’s family following the fallout over her words. 

Andrea Barolini, Euronews

Everything the Italian Press said above is a provable lie.  Except the forced mea culpa, a tool of the MSM that can be quite effective.

This follows the near assassination of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico on May 15, 2024 who also had the nerve to be “Right Wing” and question genocide by Bioweapons because he also didn’t care for depopulation.

What gall these people have to not want to commit suicide for the greater good of the AI powers that be so they can keep their islands, 200 foot yacht dinghy’s and Gulfstream V’s.

Of course, we cannot say for sure why these people were targeted but you can’t ignore the obvious connections given the absolute visciousness of the Globalists and their MSM puppets as they go after “misinformers”, now the #1 stated goal of the WEF.

Fico, just 5 days before his assassination attempt, refused the WHO Pandemic treaty and IHR Amendments.  He is one of the most vocal Anti-Globalists in the EU and also opposes the War in Ukraine.   And Climate Change nonsense.  Those are Cardinal sins to the EU. 

Now, maybe these two “shots over the bow” were just unrelated coincidences?   If you believe that, you might believe that mankind has just changed human biology from two sexes to 229.  

Lockdown.  The Genocidal Globalists have locked down the Internet so well that its nearly impossible to get any objective information on these critical worldwide events.  Amazingly, even their most trusted information source, Wikipedia (placing first in search hits above all), has somehow managed to become our goto place for news, ranking even above the Legacy Media.   Quite a feat.   Don’t click on Wikipedia search hits ever, that is if you want to be pointed to truth. 

The reason why anti-monopolistic regulation developed was to protect people from tyrants that control vital commodities needed for life.  Like water and electricity, objective information from multiple sources is a vital commodity.   Our elected officials allow this sort of monopolistic information control by Google (a DARPA/CIA organisation) without oversight.  Multiple sources of news and information is a monopoly if all sources are exactly the same or alternatives are no longer as accessible.  

We are in a new world of information monopoly that mankind has never experienced, thanks in part to the WEF and its obedient followers. If only they would just listen to one of the greatest minds in human history:

“A dictatorship means muzzles all round and consequently stultification. Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech.“ Albert Einstein

The bad guys (and there are only a few at the very top) believe there are too many people in the world to make it economically viable to support them and themselves.  Human beings not yet evolved to transhuman status are simply useless eaters and must be genocided. 

They don’t even hide their intentions, which is a rather disconcerting thought. This would mean that they do not fear reprisals. I am not sure that speaks well of either their knowledge of History or their so-called super-intelligence.

Let’s hope whistleblowers inside Government, NGOs and in Big Pharma (beyond Michael Yeadon, sadly enough) step forward so that our Judiciary can bring trials for crimes against humanity and that we can deal with these people within a legal framework.   

You can only call 911 so many times.

Or, if we survive the genocidal attacks, we may be inside a massive and bloody Global Revolt against our own governments and the powers that be that control them.   Nobody wants that.

As far as you know.

Sic Semper Tyrannis


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Author: tr4head

Economy, Social Issues, Politics, History, Science NonFiction, Religion

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