DEMOCRAT PARTY IN FREE-FALL COLLAPSE AFTER BIDEN DEBATE DISASTER: But who’s really behind the perfectly controlled demolition?

Via State of the Nation

No one anywhere in the American political commentariat has even come close to understanding or describing just how highly consequential the first 2024 POTUS election debate really is.

First of all, nothing like that “Daffy Debate Debacle” has ever occurred before in U.S. political history—ANYWHERE IN THE 50 STATES.  This totally crazy stuff just doesn’t happen … … … until now.

Which ought to tell every voter in the electorate that things are about to be very, VERY, interesting indeed.  As in totally out-of-control and chaotic in the political space because of the many powerful forces and overwhelming influences at work, many of them furiously working at cross purposes to each other especially on the Left.

In other words, the Democrat Party — right now — is undergoing an unparalleled [CONTROLLED] demolition, the likes of which this nation has never witnessed before.  For example:

Kamala Harris Has Very Tense Post-Debate
Interview With CNN’s Anderson Cooper

Historically, across all nations and societies, left-wing political parties are always well known for eating their own when the going gets rough.  Well guess what?  The going is about to get very rough for the DEMs the longer the Biden Crime family clings to power.

Now there are several key factors which are not well known except by Democrat insiders.  The first is that Biden owns and operates the DNC.  And that’s a very bad thing because the whole family is certifiably insane and unabashedly criminal. See: Members of Biden Crime Family Now Circling the Wagons & WON’T GIVE UP!!!

The major issue regarding the DNC is that they are mostly Biden appointees who are blindly loyal to the drug-addled, dementia-ridden, extremely dotty POTUS Imposter and Election Thief-in-Chief.  Hence, the current locus of DNC power is such that only a very bad decision is guaranteed to be made about keeping “Lyin Joe Biden” on the ill-fated ticket.  As follows:

The roughly 30 members of the Rules and Bylaws Committee are far from famous. You’ve heard of Ilhan Omar, AOC, and Gretchen Whitmer, but have you heard of… Frank Leone? Ken Martin? David McDonald? But anonymous or not, this is the body with the power to change how the Democrats pick their nominee.

And this body, as it happens, is stacked in Biden’s favor. Membership in this critical committee is controlled by the chairman of the DNC, Jaime Harrison, formerly chair of the South Carolina Democrats. Harrison owes his position to being chosen by Joe Biden, and as expected of him, he’s filled Rules and Bylaws with reliable Biden backers. A year ago, over loud protests from some sections of the party, the Rules and Bylaws Committee executed Biden’s request to reshuffle the Democratic primary calendar to reduce the prominence of states that are “too white.” They demoted Iowa and New Hampshire (the states where Biden bombed) and elevated South Carolina (the state that rocketed him to the nomination in 2020).

The presence of so many Biden political allies implies, on the flip side, a lack of allies for anyone else. If there really were a viable plot to install Gavin Newsom specifically, it would help to have Newsom political allies somewhere high up in the Democrat Party apparatus. But instead, such allies are missing. That’s no surprise, because he’s not the one who controls the Rules Committee.

In short, the DNC is not some independent actor on the left. It is a body substantially controlled by Joe Biden. Expecting it to change course in order to save the Democrats is like expecting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign to be derailed by the membership of Mar-a-Lago.
(Source: Why The Democrats Can’t And Won’t Ditch Biden)

So, you can clearly see that we, or rather the Democrats, have a HUGE problem here.

Especially when major Democrat donors will not give another penny to Biden or the party-at-large if Biden remains on the ticket.

Not only that, but we have major factions throughout the Democrat Party who are irrationally loyal to the ultimate Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama and who are known as Obamabots. See: Tucker Carlson: “Obama Is Telling People Biden Can’t Win and He’s in Favor of Open Convention”

Plus there are the Clinton loyalists known as the Clintonistas, but it’s Hillary herself who recently said this: Hillary Clinton after debate: ‘I’ll be voting Biden’.

But what many of the best political analysts are missing is the fierce competition that really does exist among the frontrunners to replace Biden, as most of them always wanted to be “president when they grew up”.  And each of these stone-cold megalomaniacs is as dangerous to the Republic as Biden is.

The Scariest Democrat FREAK SHOW In History Begins In Earnest
With A Hideous Lineup Of Dangerous Villains and
Assorted Career Political Criminals

Dimwitted Democrat base

Then there are the Democrat voters who now fall into rather disparate groupings.

The Squad lefties now detest “Genocide Joe” because of the ongoing Palestinian Holocaust.  The urban ultra-liberals feel that “Mr. LGBTQAI+” and “President Climate Change” can do no wrong.  The much older Kennedy Democrats only vote for him because he’s not a Republican.  The illegal aliens, economic immigrants, war refugees and amnesty seekers only vote for him because they get everything for free including citizenship.  The practical progressives know that he’s an incorrigible and hopeless incompetent who only makes everything worse, particularly their pet projects and causes so they won’t show up.

The bottom line here is that many of those voters will simply not vote this year because of the unrelenting inflation rates across the board is killing them, no matter what their socioeconomic bracket is.  Now they won’t say this to their political compatriots, but they will either not vote or they will vote for Trump, the first Republican in their entire lives.

But there’s more … … … much more to this rapidly evolving “DEBATE CLUSTERF*CK”.

There’s a full-blown civil war brewing in the Democrat Party and there’s no easy way out of it.  And when the Democrat faithful understand that their countless mainstream media collaborators have colluded with each other to sabotage Biden re-election prospects, they will totally lose it.

For example, who did not see the obvious signaling to Biden by CNN debate moderator Dana Bash. (See: Rep. Matt Gaetz Points Out CNN’s Dana Bash Used Hand Signals During Debate — video).  While that transparent move to unfairly assist Biden may be considered helpful, it was so obvious that it made him look like the Memory Care Unit patient that he actually is.

But this internecine war is only going to heat up by the week as we get closer to Election Day.  It’s as though this whole drama is being perfectly choreographed to intensify all the rivalries and inflame all the petty disagreements among the donkey Democrats.  And, of course, the Donkey-in-Chief with Parkinson’s Disease just doesn’t get that he’s the cause of it all.  Really, you can’t make this stuff up!

[And probably dementia, too.]

In light of  Sleepy Joe’s stark physical and mental health reality, there are many old-fashioned Democrats—you know the real anti-war demonstrators and peace protestors, environmental activists and health advocates, cultural empaths and compassionate souls who really understand that Joe Biden has been the victim of some serious elder abuse over the past 3.5 years. See: Attorney General of Delaware Beau Biden posthumously indicts his own family for crimes of SENIOR ABUSE.

These same caring folks also understand that this shameful elder abuse crime wave against a sitting POTUS is actually a highly organized conspiratorial plot being perpetrated by the entire Democrat leadership.


So we know how they will vote in 2024.

Inevitable Platform Collapse

When the central pillar of the political platform of any party is based on ostentatious and empty identity politics, as well as the galvanizing collective fake feelings of tens of millions of self-anointed victims play acting as social justice warriors as they implement their devastating agenda of Cultural Marxism, what can possible go wrong? (See: MUST VIEW!!! The Extremely Hostile LGBTQIA+ Cultural War Against The American People Is Now Beyond Containment)

Just watch what happens between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024 to see what will go very wrong for this hoard of incredibly lost libtard souls.

KEY POINT: For both the initiated and uninitiated, there is no
question whatsoever that the Democrat Party is now undergoing
a full-blown controlled demolition of truly epic proportions, as it
fully deserves.  Therefore, the $64,000 question is: Exactly who
is it that is pushing the buttons and pulling the levers?
The obvious answer to that question will be posted this week as
the hard evidence is emerge in the aftermath of the debate debacle.

To Be Continued —

In the meantime, watch this:

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July 2, 2024 8:40 am

The Uniparty did this and it’s all fake and gay. This slow motion train wreck is still in motion, but for how much longer?

comment image

Remember when the narrative was that it was Russia totally reliant on Western-supplied parts in its weaponry? Here an American general literally admits the entire U.S. military structure would collapse in a day if China issued an embargo against them:

‘If we were in a war with China and it stopped providing parts, we wouldn’t be able to build the planes and weapons we needed,’ he said.

A startling report released earlier this year revealed Chinese firms have a stranglehold across 12 critical technologies that are vital to US national security, including nuclear modernization, hypersonic and space technologies.

The study, which was carried out by defense software firm Govini, delivered a damning indictment on the American armaments industry.

‘U.S. domestic production capacity is a shriveled shadow of its former self,’ the report said. ‘Crucial categories of industry for U.S. national defense are no longer built in any of the 50 states.’

Remember when it was Russia using Western chips in all of its missiles?

Perhaps most worryingly, Govini found that more than 40 per cent of the semiconductors that sustain Department of Defense (DoD) weapons systems are now sourced from China.

How the tides have turned.

It seems the West is slowly coming to its awakening moment: it stands no chance in a long term conflict against the manufacturing powerhouse of the Russia-China-North Korea-Iran bloc.

I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again

Unless you are one of a tiny handful of businesses who know exactly what they’re going to use AI for, you do not need AI for anything – or rather, you do not need to do anything to reap the benefits. Artificial intelligence, as it exists and is useful now, is probably already baked into your businesses software supply chain. Your managed security provider is probably using some algorithms baked up in a lab software to detect anomalous traffic, and here’s a secret, they didn’t do much AI work either, they bought software from the tiny sector of the market that actually does need to do employ data scientists. I know you want to be the next Steve Jobs, and this requires you to get on stages and talk about your innovative prowess, but none of this will allow you to pull off a turtle neck, and even if it did, you would need to replace your sweaters with fullplate to survive my onslaught.

Consider the fact that most companies are unable to successfully develop and deploy the simplest of CRUD applications on time and under budget. This is a solved problem – with smart people who can collaborate and provide reasonable requirements, a competent team will knock this out of the park every single time, admittedly with some amount of frustration. The clients I work with now are all like this – even if they are totally non-technical, we have a mutual respect for the other party’s intelligence, and then we do this crazy thing where we solve problems together. I may not know anything about the nuance of building analytics systems for drug rehabilitation research, but through the power of talking to each other like adults, we somehow solve problems.

But most companies can’t do this, because they are operationally and culturally crippled. The median stay for an engineer will be something between one to two years, so the organization suffers from institutional retrograde amnesia. Every so often, some dickhead says something like “Maybe we should revoke the engineering team’s remote work privile – whoa, wait, why did all the best engineers leave?”. Whenever there is a ransomware attack, it is revealed with clockwork precision that no one has tested the backups for six months and half the legacy systems cannot be resuscitated – something that I have personally seen twice in four fucking years. Do you know how insane that is?

Most organizations cannot ship the most basic applications imaginable with any consistency, and you’re out here saying that the best way to remain competitive is to roll out experimental technology that is an order of magnitude more sophisticated than anything else your I.T department runs, which you have no experience hiring for, when the organization has never used a GPU for anything other than junior engineers playing video games with their camera off during standup, and even if you do that all right there is a chance that the problem is simply unsolvable due to the characteristics of your data and business? This isn’t a recipe for disaster, it’s a cookbook for someone looking to prepare a twelve course fucking catastrophe.

How about you remain competitive by fixing your shit? I’ve met a lead data scientist with access to hundreds of thousands of sensitive customer records who is allowed to keep their password in a text file on their desktop, and you’re worried that customers are best served by using AI to improve security through some mechanism that you haven’t even come up with yet?

A friend of mine was invited by a FAANG organization to visit the U.S a few years ago. Many of the talks were technical demos of impressive artificial intelligence products. Being a software engineer, he got to spend a little bit of time backstage with the developers, whereupon they revealed that most of the demos were faked. The products didn’t work. They just hadn’t solved some minor issues, such as actually predicting the thing that they’re supposed to predict.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
July 2, 2024 10:24 am

Another example of how f’d up our military is and dependent on China. Counterfeit Motorola surveillance systems were sold and used all over US military installations which of course allows them 24/7 surveillance unless you believe they did not program that in knowing who the end user was.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist

Not just our military.
Our debt, medicines, and tech hardware, for starters.
We are well and truly fucked.
Ammo up.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Colorado Artist
July 2, 2024 10:57 pm

The traitors who did this to us did it on purpose.

Mark Sivad
Mark Sivad
July 2, 2024 10:31 am

dude, get your own webpage

  Mark Sivad
July 2, 2024 10:44 am

Can you tell me where the comment hurt you, soyjak?

July 3, 2024 3:15 am

Speaking of soy- wanted to make burgers the other day and the meat counter in my local shop did not have them nor mince. So they directed me to the frozen section, plenty of choice there. As I have become paranoid about food in the last 3-4 years, I read the ingredients list. And every single one of the ready made burger patties had soy powder as the 3rd ingredient. A quick internet search indicates soy is not so good for testosterone, combine that with plastics everywhere, estrogen in water supply etc etc and it is no surprise that soyjackerie is on the rise. And it is not their fault- they get it from everything from formula onwards and by the time they reach puberty, that high-t exotic c*ck looks mighty tasty.
That is how we are being destroyed

  Mark Sivad
July 2, 2024 8:09 pm

Leave ‘ole Flash alone, he gets posting diarrhea every once in a while. Show the geezer some respect.

July 3, 2024 7:18 am

It takes a special level of evil or stupid to allow a potential enemy control over the manufacture of anything militarily related. In fact not even a nation considered friendly should be allowed to make anything for the country’s military.

July 2, 2024 8:52 am

Why must there always be someone pulling levers and pushing buttons. Sometimes shit just falls apart?

July 2, 2024 9:51 am

More often there’s Jew behind it. Even the Old Testament demonstrates the pattern of what happens to nations that make the mistake of allowing these hostile people to infiltrate and control the narratives. The rest of the good book doesn’t exactly make rosey forecasts for the future. Let’s not get started on the silly notion that the God of the Jews will fix the mess his chosen people have been making for over 4000 years, after he has brought Armageddon and one world government. Armageddon and one world government which just happen to be the plan of the self appointed chosen ones anyway. If your code of ethics and pseudo religion allows you to just sit by and watch this happen just because the Bible says so, you need to reexamine the state of your mind and soul.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 2, 2024 2:01 pm

Yet their hands remain firmly wrapped around every lever of power.

Sometimes we’d like to see that shit just fall apart.

But we never do.

July 2, 2024 8:53 am

I don’t know who is doing it but please don’t tell us it’s the “white” hats in the government! That old chestnut sailed a long time ago.

July 2, 2024 10:07 am

The apparatus exists solely because the great masses of people insist on it.

“When enough people understand reality, tyrants can literally be ignored out of existence. They can’t ever be voted out of existence.” ― Larken Rose

“The truth is, one who seeks to achieve freedom by petitioning those in power to give it to him has already failed, regardless of the response. To beg for the blessing of “authority” is to accept that the choice is the master’s alone to make, which means that the person is already, by definition, a slave.” ― Larken Rose


The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude is lucidly and coherently structured around a single axiom, a single percipient insight into the nature not only of tyranny, but implicitly of the State apparatus itself. Many medieval writers had attacked tyranny, but La Boétie delves especially deeply into its nature, and into the nature of State rule itself. This fundamental insight was that every tyranny must necessarily be grounded upon general popular acceptance. In short, the bulk of the people themselves, for whatever reason, acquiesce in their own subjection. If this were not the case, no tyranny, indeed no governmental rule, could long endure. Hence, a government does not have to be popularly elected to enjoy general public support; for general public support is in the very nature of all governments that endure, including the most oppressive of tyrannies. The tyrant is but one person, and could scarcely command the obedience of another person, much less of an entire country, if most of the subjects did not grant their obedience by their own consent.
Read rest:
Overthrowing the State – LewRockwell

July 2, 2024 12:36 pm

Pelosi Incoherently Defends Biden’s ‘Mental Fitness,’ Ends Up Looking More Mentally Challenged Than Biden

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
July 2, 2024 12:53 pm

Anybody else notice the democrats have befallen a lot of bad luck since they let Obama into their inner circle? It’s almost as if they’re getting bit by their own snake.

  Stephanie Shepard
July 3, 2024 11:21 pm

No, but I have noticed that bad luck has befallen the democrats since they sneaked Obama in the back door.

July 2, 2024 1:00 pm


July 2, 2024 1:06 pm

Not sure what thread to post this so I’ll settle for this one.

This just popped-up 🤔

Prosecutor won’t oppose Trump sentencing delay in hush money case after high court immunity ruling

July 2, 2024 1:36 pm
July 2, 2024 1:46 pm

Who was the person that convinced Joe to do the debate (and convince him to agree to the debate schedule and rules). Clearly the timing and the rules were in Trump’s favor….or more specifically, not in Joe’s favor. When have you ever heard of a CNN debate not being rigged in some way to favor the democrat? Whoever convinced Joe to do the debate must be a traitor in his camp. They would have had to sell the idea somehow to Joe and his family and his closest most trusted advisors. Who did it?? Who made this happen. Once you figure that out you may be able to back engineer who is behind the controlled demolition of the Bidens. Off the top of my head, who is someone that would be able to convince Joe the debate was good idea…Obama. He finally stuck that knife deep deep in his Joe’s back while hugging him and kissing him goodnight. Oneway to tell if it was Obama…you won’t see the Bidens and Obamas high fiving and hanging out ever again. If anything the bitter remnants of the Bidens may make some moves to fuck the Obamas over in the near future. Then again I could be off and it was someone else.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
July 2, 2024 2:57 pm

That Kristin Tate is pretty!

George Wickham
George Wickham
  Svarga Loka
July 2, 2024 4:35 pm

Undoubtedly so.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 2, 2024 3:59 pm

We’ll see how ‘perfect’ it is at the Convention, won’t we? Hope it’s better than ’68!