Precautions Are Needed Against the Propagandistic Use of Language in News Reporting

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The English language Russian media sites, RT and Sputnik, report news that the US media, focused as it is on protecting official narratives, ignores. I benefit from the broader news coverage, but I have noticed that the Russian media is not very sophisticated and tends to use American characterizations, such as calling France’s nationalist party “far right-wing.”

Marine Le Pen’s party is no more nationalist than Putin’s. Would the Russian media identify Russia’s dominant political party as far right-wing? Putin is as insistent on Russian sovereignty as Le Pen is on French sovereignty. Why does the Russian media accept Washington’s propaganda that national sovereignty is far right-wing?

Anyone who regularly reads RT and Sputnik comes across these incidences of Russian media using words that convey Washington’s point of view.

The way that the Russian media and, perhaps, the Russian intellectual class have fallen in step with American propaganda indicates a lack of independent characterization and description. Perhaps the explanation is that the Russian news sources employ Americans as journalists and that mischaracterizations are institutionalized in the way of thinking.

Russian media might give thought to developing descriptions independent of American mischaracterizations. The American media uses language as a weapon for propaganda purposes. The Russian media should avoid the American media’s propagandistic use of language, which has the result of coloring news reporting with opinion.

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July 1, 2024 6:29 am

I read and like RT but always remember it is Russian propaganda, just like CNN and MSNBC are liberal American propaganda and Breitbart and Gateway Pundit are American conservative propaganda (Fox News is just screwed up). But if you don’t read/listen to them all you will never figure out the truth, but be swayed by the propaganda. That is not to say they all lie like the liberal press, just that they massage stores to their point of view, and why wouldn’t they do that?

July 1, 2024 7:17 am

Difference between News, Opinion, Editorializing and Propaganda. Propaganda in the US really got its hard start during the Woodrow Wilson administration. Once started it never went away. Look for the book “Propaganda.” PDF version is readily available.
Opinion and Editorializing used to be kept in separate sections in news print. Not at all now.
Walter Cronkite and other TV newsmen used to separate at least most of the news from the editorial portion of the shows back in the 60’s and 70’s. All you get on TV “news” now is propaganda, editorializing and opinion with absolutely no separation of facts and opinions and that includes every MSM news outlet including (especially) FOX.
Anytime the talking head says, “I think, I believe, in my opinion or sources tell me” then you are no longer hearing news!!!

July 1, 2024 7:21 am

The other big category is speculation by news men…guessing and idle imagining. Old school editors would have fired everyone of these modern reporters in a heart beat.

July 1, 2024 7:28 am

Sorry Anonymous, you accidently hit a point I have a passion for.

Old school reporting relied on Who, What, Where and When…just facts. You cannot fill a 24 hour news cycle with just facts. All the days news can be told in an hour or less every day. So the other 23 hours of the news cycle X the number of news stations is filled with the garbage that is presented as news now. And people are lead to believe this garbage is “Fair and Balanced”, “All the news fit to print”, “The most trusted name in news” and all the other lies.

July 1, 2024 7:34 am

Last but not least…all of the Panel shows on all the news programs where the moderator and guests or the daily panel set for the time slot and talk over each other, interrupt, exchange views and never solve a fucking thing. WTF is that shit about? The level of intelligence displayed in these epic moron festival is somewhere equal to or below slime mold and flatworms.

July 1, 2024 7:35 am

Yet the ones the stick the closest to Who, What, Where and When, tend to have the best rating. I don’t disagree with you. News and entertainment is just an excuse for sloppy reporting our outright lies.

July 1, 2024 10:24 am

Wrong. CNN, FOX , MSNBC, whatever. All the same exact agenda and all coordinate their programming. All Zionist propaganda.

July 2, 2024 7:10 am

It is very weird how they all report the Democratic talking points verbatim.
You would think they would change it up a bit on every station so it doesn’t look all so coached and preconceived.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 1, 2024 8:39 am

I’m a bit puzzled that PCR sees so many things so clearly but is unable to notice that the entirety of world governments work in cooperation with one another as a means of allowing the Capos to run the show.

It’s all theater.

The only escape is to become the prole and live beneath the radar, outside of the system of control.

Whenever I hear people talk about them gaining this complete and total global domination of all humanity with their WEF style plan of Technological Futurism, I tell them to watch an episode of 90 Days In or Border Security. Where the government has 100% control over people, with armed professionals 24/7 actively looking to catch people doing something under perpetual surveillance using every form of tech and training, 90% are never caught. And remember, this is with the really stupid (the incarcerated population) and the really compliant (people who follow the rules going through Customs checkpoints) in carefully controlled environments (prisons and Border Crossings).

Now multiply that by the size of the landmass of Earth, multiplied by billions of people, most of whom never even considering following ridiculous rules or mandates.

It simply cannot be accomplished without the voluntary compliance or fearful submission of the entirety of mankind and that’s just not a thing.

Relax, the odds are always in your favor.

July 1, 2024 10:22 am

Until we restore the Smith Mundt Act of 1948 as intended, we will be bombarded with propaganda. What we see is 100 percent fake news. Ever since the Smith Mundt modernization Act was tucked into the NDAA in 2012. They popped off the Sandy Hoax bullshit shortly thereafter.

Punny Wabbit
Punny Wabbit
July 1, 2024 5:43 pm

Yeah. Until the liars censor themselves we don’t stand a chance.
If you have to ask for it?
It’s not a right.

Karl Pomeroy
Karl Pomeroy
July 1, 2024 11:11 am

Good point about RT and Sputnik. As a person sympathetic with Russia since 2014, I stopped reading both sites precisely because they are too Western. (I was even banned from the Sputnik comment section for mentioning the Rottenchilds!) I read TASS instead, but it still contains Western characterizations. Putin’s biggest weakness seems to be begging for Western approval.

July 1, 2024 11:47 am

National news organizations are shills for the progressives. Local news is filled with whore wanting a place on the national casting couch. Journalists are either raging reds or whores willing to do anything for a paycheck. Trust them at your own risk.

July 1, 2024 1:00 pm

While only slightly related, have you noticed the irrelevant mentions of gender identity (like non-binary) when articles cover some story like the sports story of local (Aptos, CA, Nikki Hiltz ) come from behind personal best1500 m Olympic qualifying race that was thrilling to watch, but then you start reading articles and they use “they/them/their” pronouns all over the place which is just plain BAD GRAMMAR??? Editors are supposed to read and correct articles for bad grammar, I thought. Not any more. From the local Sentinel paper (CAPS are mine):
“That’s when the Aptos High alumna showed everyone that THEY were a force not to be denied. Hiltz cut to the right down the home stretch, a seemingly exhaustive move, and blazed passed Mackay and St. Pierre with 30 meters to go and held on for THEIR place in the record books.” Flaming poo on a stick comes to mind.

Punny Wabbit
Punny Wabbit
July 1, 2024 5:41 pm

Or, the Russian threat is all theater and the rulers are all buddies

July 1, 2024 6:01 pm

Paul, what you’re seeing is just proof that RT is part of the MSM.