Diaper Report

Guest Post by Eric Peters

This report concerns a friend of mine who works in the health care field as a nurse – who is currently not working because he’s down with “COVID.” And so are most of the people he works with.

This is interesting – because he (and they) were not supposed to get “COVID.” Or so they were told. If, that is, they rolled up their sleeves and allowed themselves to be injected with what turned out to not be a vaccine, as they were told it was. That word was used because it was known that most people understood the word to mean they’d have immunity from “COVID” if they took what they were told was a vaccine.

After they took it, they found out it was something else.

Kind of like being catfished into agreeing to a date with someone you found online who looked one way online and turned out to look very different in person. Only much worse, because you can’t un-inject the drugs they tricked (and coerced) you to take.

My friend was doubtful about the “vaccine” he allowed himself to be injected with – in part because he’s a very fit and not elderly guy who knew he needed this shot like a tire that hasn’t got a leak needs a shot of Fix-a-Flat.

At best, it’s superfluous.

But he was under duress to accept the needle. Not unlike the duress Ned Beatty’s character was under in Deliverance. My friend didn’t have a shotgun pointed at his belly. But he did have to choose between losing his job and the paycheck that kept a roof over his family’s head. Also the benefits he’d earned, which would be lost in the event of his early termination.

And now he faces the possibility of exactly that, in a sense far more serious than that.

My friend is currently very sick. As opposed to the cold many of us caught during the “pandemic,” before the drugs sold to people as vaccines were pushed on them. When I spoke with him the other day, he told me he’s unable to get out of bed, has no appetite and feels like death.

My hope is that he will live.

My suspicion is he’s very sick precisely because he allowed himself to be injected with the drugs that were sold to him as vaccines – and pushed on him (and countless millions of others) using the threat of job/career loss as the cudgel. I worry his immune system may be impaired – because he got “vaccinated” – because the “vaccinated” are the ones who seem to keep getting sick, over and over and over, again.

I’ve known my friend for close to 20 years and – until now – he’s never been seriously sick. He and I have both caught colds every now and then. We cough, we snot. But we’ve never been incapacitated.

And now he is. And I am not.

Could it be due to the fact that he is “vaccinated” – while I am not?

Correlation is, of course, not necessarily causation. But it also doesn’t mean it isn’t. And it’s a fact that the “vaccines” are no such thing, because it’s a fact that those who took them are not immunized. The bullshit about “reduces the chances of hospitalization” is exactly that, which can be established as that by stating what everyone knows. That being if these drugs were pushed on people on that basis – as opposed to the immunization basis –  it would have been much harder to push them.

And that is precisely why people were lied to about them.

Buyer’s regret hardly covers this. If you buy a car that turned out to be a lemon – or you just don’t like the thing – you can always take it back. How do you take back what’s been injected into your body? That may have permanently damaged your body?

These are, no doubt, some of the questions my friend and his co-workers are probably pondering right now.

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