On Poking Dragons

Guest Post by Fred Reed

I wonder how many Americans quite understand what the Us is facing in its aggressive confrontation with China. Washington clearly prepares the public for another unnecessary war.  Given America’s routine defeat in war and catastrophic miscalculations in fighting small powers, picking a fight with what, increasingly, is again becoming the Middle Kingdom seems less than bright. Yet within the Beltway there is the usual smug complacency, the unshakable arrogance that appears to think the China is just a big Norway or Guatemala that needs to be put in its place.

A quick glance at China:

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Here’s a Reality Check on So-Called Green Energy… And It’s Not What You Think

Guest Post by Chris MacIntosh

China has the world over a barrel in more ways than we have been led to believe.

It isn’t so much that China has the biggest resources of these minerals. Rather it has the refining capacity to produce these materials. Note that most of these “lesser known base metals” don’t occur naturally on their own (like copper or tin), rather they occur concurrent with other minerals and are essentially a by-product of refining common base metals. Of course, refining minerals is a messy, polluting, and energy intensive business that few countries want to engage or allow. In doing so, they open themselves up to national security issues.

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Corrupt Inflation Reporting Damages Social Security

From Peter Reagan for Birch Gold Group

In previous articles, we’ve covered the topic of “why Social Security’s cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) isn’t a raise.”

In those installments, we also revealed why the COLA never seems to keep up with the official inflation rate, no matter how much it’s adjusted.

For example, according to a recent Motley Fool update:

In 2023, seniors on Social Security received a whopping 8.7% COLA – the largest to arrive in decades. But this year’s COLA was a relative disappointment at just 3.2%…

In mid-May, following fresh inflation data, the Senior Citizens League upped its 2025 Social Security COLA estimate ever so slightly to 2.66%. That’s an improvement from 1.75%, but it may read as a disappointment in light of more recent COLAs.

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These are the losers Biden is relieving of their student loans and having you pay. What man in his right mind would go near one of these lunatic losers? Higher Ed is Dead.

“A Full-Scale War Isn’t A Foregone Conclusion”, Warns Russian Think Tank Head

Via ZeroHedge

Ahead of the “Russia and China: Cooperation in a New Era” conference in Moscow on Thursday, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) Director General Ivan Timofeev told Russian state-owned news agency Tass about the increasing likelihood of a full-scale war between Russia and the West.

“A full-scale war is not is not a foregone conclusion, but unfortunately, its likelihood is growing,” Timofeev said in an interview with Tass. He said, “One option is that there will be a great rise in confrontation between us. At the root of this is the Ukraine issue, as the West continues to provide large-scale military assistance to Kyiv.”

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Ex-Russian president warns NATO of nuclear ‘miscalculation’

Via RT

Dmitry Medvedev believes that the worst-case scenario is developing in the Ukraine conflict

The West is bringing the Ukraine conflict to a stage in which it could escalate uncontrollably with potentially global repercussions, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned. His comments came amid reports that many Western countries have given Ukraine permission to use their weaponry to strike deep into Russia.

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Via State of the Nation

“That 12 jurors agreed so quickly that Donald Trump
was guilty on all 34 counts is as suspicious as it is

An Armchair Legal Analyst

And I say this from having watched a high-profile jury trial of a family member who was ultimately found guilty under an extremely corrupt judge and transparently fixed jury.

The venue of that trial was very similar to the exceedingly tainted jury pool that the Greater New York City area was for the deeply unpopular Trump.



Historic: A Corrupt Judge and Jury Convicts Former President Trump

Former President Donald J. Trump was convicted yesterday on thirty-four manufactured highly suspect and questionable so-called “felonies”, in one of the most significant moments in history, by a jury lacking two brain cells among them, or so steeped in Trump Derangement Syndrome and mentally deficient that they quickly dismissed reality and the actual legal facts of the case to use a fiction and a massive fabrication to convict him, based on the word of known liar Michael Cohen. Never have the American people seen a verdict more political and unjust than the “guilty” verdict handed President Trump on May 30th 2024 by twelve corrupt jurors, and all America can now clearly see the consequences of allowing our justice system to be weaponized and turned into a political tool by Marxist-Maoist district attorneys, such as Manhattan’s Alvin Bragg, as they drive the country down the path of past banana republics.

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Bill Gates Invests Millions in ‘Climate Vaccines’ to Reduce Methane Emissions From Cows

Guest Post by

A Boston-based ag-biotech startup recently raised $26.5 million to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions” via the development of a “methane vaccine.” Breakthrough Energy Ventures, founded by Gates, led the financing round.

Bill Gates has long been a proponent of vaccines in general and more recently,  mRNA vaccine technology.

Now, he may have his sights set on developing a vaccine to combat climate change by targeting the methane emissions of livestock.

ArkeaBio, a Boston-based ag-biotech startup, recently raised $26.5 million in a Series A financing round to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions” via the development of a “methane vaccine,” the company announced in a May 8 press release.

Breakthrough Energy Ventures, founded by Gates and which first invested in ArkeaBio in 2022, led the financing round.

The company said:

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FOIA, lies, and subpoenas

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

A top deputy to Dr. Anthony S. Fauci hid his contacts with Peter Daszak, the conduit for the federal money that went to the Chinese lab that’s Covid’s likely source. Will ANYONE be held accountable?

The bombshells from the Congressional investigation into the lab leak coverup by top federal health bureaucrats just keep coming.

Now Dr. Anthony S. Fauci is squarely in the inquiry’s crosshairs.

Yesterday, the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released a 35-page report showing Dr. David Morens, a top advisor to Fauci, went to extraordinary lengths to evade laws on federal record-keeping and transparency.

Morens tried to hide his discussions with Peter Daszak, the British zoologist whose non-profit group had received federal funding for risky coronavirus research at the Chinese lab that is the likely source of Sars-Cov-2.

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Deflation v Inflation v Stagflation – Misconceptions Clarified

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Deflation InflationSome people have a very hard time understanding that we are in a massive deflationary spiral; they think that rising prices simply means it is inflation and not deflation. Then they mistake stagflation for deflation and wonder why people are spending more on less. They only see prices, not disposable income, and certainly not economic growth and unemployment.

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The Impact of the Trump Verdict – The Fall of the US in 8.6 years

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Merchan Judge JuanJuan Manuel Merchan is a Colombian-born American judge and former prosecutor. Most curious, he is NOT a formal judge, he is ONLY an acting justice of the New York State Supreme Court in New York County. How did a former prosecutor  who is NOT a formal judge get assigned this case? This is not just a possible rigged proceeding, but this is UNCONSTITUTIONAL insofar as the alleged crime is a federal crime when there is no subject matter jurisdiction by this ACTING JUDGE in a state court to preside over a federal crime.

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Mitochondrial Health Is a Key Countermeasure Against the Global Indoctrination Program

Via Mercola

Video Link

Story at-a-glance

  • In his book, “The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom,” Dr. Michael Nehls explains how chronic stress and fearmongering have led to inhibited hippocampal neurogenesis and decreased mental resilience, which facilitates indoctrination
  • Your neurology is being assailed in a variety of ways that can impair your cognition. The good news is, once you understand how this is done, you can take proactive steps to protect your neurological health and in so doing “inoculate” yourself against indoctrination at the same time
  • Two thinking systems exist: nonthinking (System 1) and critical thinking (System 2). Stress and poor mitochondrial health impair activation of System 2
  • Lifestyle factors like having a purpose, making sure you’re getting all essential micronutrients, especially vitamin D and iodine, social connections, exercise and sleep support hippocampal neurogenesis, which is essential for lifelong neurological health
  • Essential dietary factors for mitochondrial health and energy production include limiting linoleic acid intake, eating the right carbs in optimal amounts and limiting fats, and keeping your serotonin and estrogen levels low. Certain dietary supplements are also helpful

The video above features an interview with Dr. Michael Nehls,1,2 author of “The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom,” which describes, from a neuroscientific point of view, how certain brain changes make us more susceptible to indoctrination, and how many of the factors that cause those changes in the first place have been implemented worldwide over the past four years.

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