Supreme Court Hands Win To Hundreds Of Jan. 6 Defendants, Weakens DOJ’s Case

Via ZeroHedge

The Supreme Court on Friday handed around 350 Jan. 6 defendants a potentially huge win, while weakening the DOJ’s case against former President Trump in the process.

The court narrowed one specific chargeobstructing an official proceeding – that the DOJ had relied on in more than 300 J6 cases, including Trump’s, Axios reports. This charge has been used almost exclusively to prosecute white-collar crimes like evidence tampering, however the DOJ tried to apply it to J6 defendants, arguing that the riot was an attempt to obstruct an official proceeding – that being the certification of the 2020 election.

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‘Who’s A Good Boy? Huh? Who’s A Good Boy?’ Says Jill Biden Congratulating Biden With A Treat

Via The Babylon Bee

ATLANTA, GA — Following Biden’s debate performance, First Lady Jill Biden offered her husband a treat for his efforts at a rally following the event.

“Who’s a good boy?” Jill asked a glazed-over Joe. “Does my Joey want a snacky-snack? Good boy! You did so great up there, not dying and totally staying upright for so many minutes. Atta boy!”

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NATO Chief Seeks to Punish China Over Free Trade with Russia

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Stoltenberg Jens NATONATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg proposed sanctioning China over its support for Russia amid the Russia-Ukraine war. Unlike the West, China has not directly provided countless aid packages to Russia, but China has kept trade open and exchanged technology with Moscow. Stoltenberg believes China must face “consequences” for not aligning with NATO.

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Joe Biden Catches Cold

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Biden’s entire closing statement is the political equivalent of the blue screen of death. It’s just one long frozen glitch.” Sean Davis, the Federalist

Maybe ninety-seconds into last night’s long-awaited debate spectacle, the consensus must have jelled among the woke-and-broken news media mavens that their champion, “Joe Biden,” was not quite killing it out there at podium. CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash acted like witnesses at a ritual sacrifice. And afterward, the CNN post-mortem panel seemed genuinely shocked that months of playing pretend had skidded to such an ignominious finish.

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CNN Chief Correspondent Says Dems Urging White House To Ask Biden To Step Down After Shocking Debate Performance

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via,

CNN Chief National Correspondent John King says prominent Democrats are set to ask the White House to force Biden to step down as a presidential candidate after his shocking debate performance last night.

Biden went into the debate knowing that he just had to not appear like a human cabbage and scrape through the night.

He failed miserably.

This prompted widespread alarm and panic amongst the establishment media and top Democrats, who are now set to push to have Biden replaced entirely.

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On the coercive power of government

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

And why the fight to protect our Constitution and our rights will never end

Last month, my rights were violated up close and personal.

I was driving home from New York City. 2 a.m. Sunday morning. Four-lane divided highway. Empty. I was exhausted, alone, and sober.

Ahead I saw a police sedan’s flashing lights. A drunk driving checkpoint. State troopers, not local cops.

I slowed, pulled up, lowered my window. Can I see your license?

I know sobriety checkpoints have been found constitutionally okay. In my opinion – which predates this interaction – they aren’t. Want to pull me over because I’m speeding, or failing to signal, or weaving? Have at it. Sure, no one drives the limit at 2 a.m. (or ever) on Route 9, but at the least I have committed a legal infraction.

But stopping me when I have broken no law – not even, in the famous words of Jay-Z, doing fifty-five in a fifty-fourand demanding identification?

That game should not be allowed in the United States of America.

Nonetheless, I handed over my license.

Have you been drinking?

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North Korea Will Send Troops to Ukraine

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong


(Vladimir Smirnov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

A week after meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un has declared that he will send troops to Ukraine in the Donetsk region. Russia has already received two million rounds of ammunition, ballistic missiles, and rocket launchers from North Korea, but this marks the first time that troops will actively engage in battle.

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Trump vs Biden Debate – The Setup for Hillary

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Welcome to the fix. CNN was proud to announce that this was the first debate to ever take place BEFORE each candidate was actually nominated by their respective parties. The reason for this was to set the stage for Democrats to move to replace Biden with Hillary. CNN moderators did an amazing job of being unbiased. This debate revealed that Biden struggled to speak often, and his closing argument was really pathetic. My sources have been spot on. This debate was done EARLY to allow for this to take place to replace Biden.

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Via State of the Nation

Did the DNC really miss the obvious
along with Democrat leaders across
the USA…..
…or was Biden’s disastrous debate

So what’s their “Kabuki theater” game plan?


Why you should NEVER believe your eyes

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

The ad is simple. A bus is held up in traffic after hitting a fruit cart, a young female passenger looks out her window at a handsome young man in a convertible. She gets out of the bus, gets in the car, and the man drives her away like a chauffeur while she’s eating a candy bar.

The young woman is Audrey Hepburn.

This has massively significant implications on our perception of the world in which we live, in ways nobody really talks about. But we’ll come back to Audrey later.

It doesn’t always seem like it, but humans are innately trusting.

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Putin: The Protector of Ukraine

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Has anyone noticed that Putin is conducting his “limited military operation,” by which he means limited to Donbas and the former Russian territories that are again part of Russia, as a response to US/NATO/Ukrainian initiatives? When the Russian military strikes outside the limited combat zone, it is usually a response to a Ukrainian strike into Russia out of the combat zone. After 2.5 years of conflict, Putin has made no effort to win the war. He doesn’t even seem to understand that Russia is at war, not engaged in a limited police action.

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HUGE DEBATE TAKEAWAY: Biden came off as a pathological liar, a mean-spirited politico, a drug-addled and dementia-ridden incompetent, and a vengeful POTUS imposter…..

Via State of the Nation

…who, as the worst president in U.S. history,
is an extremely dangerous menace to society
and extraordinary threat to the global order. 

Where exactly is the proof?

WATCH THIS: (Scroll to the 4 hour mark where the debate begins)

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The Best And Funniest Debate Post You’ll Read Today: Read It For The Salty Tears

Guest Post From John Wilder

“I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay.” – Monty Python’s Flying Circus

Whelp!  All memes from X, and I didn’t even have to scroll more than three times.  This is an implosion.

I had very different plans today for this post.  During the debate, I had no fewer than 1200 words worth of notes, and had penciled in no fewer than nine really funny jokes on the first pass.  It would have been hilarious.  I guess that’s just me, pining for the humor of the situation.

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“My Retribution Is Going To Be Success” – ‘Presidential’ Trump Dominates Stuttering Biden In Debate

Via ZeroHedge

Well that backfired on the Democrats…

You know it’s bad when you lose Brian Stelter:

And others…

Continue reading ““My Retribution Is Going To Be Success” – ‘Presidential’ Trump Dominates Stuttering Biden In Debate”