Birth-Rates Are Plunging In The World’s Most Populous Countries

Via ZeroHedge

Birth rates are falling in the six most populated countries in the world, though at different speeds.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist’s Marcus Lu shows the annual births per 1,000 people in the world’s six largest countries by population.

The data is from the UN World Population Prospects (2022) and has been compiled by Our World in Data.

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Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

Via ZeroHedge

Update(1932ET): Russian President Putin addressed the annual economic forum in St. Petersburg on Wednesday, where he took the opportunity to put the US and NATO on notice concerning Kiev being given the greenlight to use Western weapons to attack Russian territory (detailed below).

He suggested that he’s mulling the option of providing adversaries of the West with Russian long-range missiles. Below is what he said:

“That would mark their direct involvement in the war against the Russian Federation, and we reserve the right to act the same way,” Mr Putin told a three-hour meeting with the senior editors of international news agencies.

Because using such Western weapons involves military personnel of those countries controlling the missiles and selecting targets, Mr Putin claimed Moscow could take “asymmetrical” steps elsewhere in the world.

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Fake and Gay

Guest Post by Eric Peters

It seems everything about American society has become either fake – or gay. Often both. Battery-powered vehicles pretending not to be is a case in point.

Like the battery-powered device Dodge calls Charger – which it kind of is, if you are willing to wait for it. It makes noises that are fake – and so, gay. The usage here is South Park – after the brilliantly written (horribly animated) cartoon show. See also Harley Fags. They are not homosexuals – at least not necessarily.

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Scam Watch: The Rise of Social Engineering Fraud

From Birch Gold Group

In 2023, people in the U.S. reported losing over $12.5 billion to online fraud. This is a big increase from the previous year, showing that these scams are becoming more common. The FBI gathers this information from people who report fraud to their Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), which received over 880,000 complaints last year. However, many scams are not reported, so the actual number is likely much higher.

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Doug Casey Debunks the So-Called “Green Economy”

Via International Man

International Man: Politicians, the media, and large corporations promote solar and wind energy as replacements for fossil fuels. Western governments are trying to pick winners and are subsidizing wind and solar energy to the tune of billions.

What’s going on here?

Doug Casey: Solar and wind energy can be useful. But generally only for special applications or remote locations where regular power is uneconomic or unavailable.

Wind and solar make no sense for mass power generation, however. They’re completely unsuitable for a complex industrial civilization. The Greens aren’t trying to solve a technological problem but make an ideological statement. Which is fine, except they’re doing it at the public’s expense. Meanwhile, the public has been so propagandized that they now feel it’s morally righteous to be hornswoggled.

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Every Escalation Brings Washington Closer to Defeat in Ukraine

Submitted by Bob P

Guest Post by Mike Whitney

There is a vast difference between “not winning” and “losing” a war. In the case of Ukraine, “not winning” means that President Zelensky and his handlers in Washington choose to pursue a negotiated settlement that would allow Russia to keep the territory it captured during the war while addressing Moscow’s modest security demands. (Note—Ukraine must reject any intention of joining NATO)

On the other hand, “losing” the war means that the US and NATO continue on the same path they are today—pumping lethal weapons, trainers and long-range missiles systems into Ukraine—hoping that the Russian offensive is progressively weakened so Ukraine can prevail on the battlefield. This alternate path—which amounts to ‘wishful thinking’—is the path to “losing” the war.

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The Trump show trial has taken the United States to the edge of disaster

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

And what – if anything – can be done to undo the damage is not clear (aside from a Trump landslide, followed by a Trump promise to forswear lawfare, both very unlikely)

What exactly did Democrats think would happen?

For a year, Democratic prosecutors in one of the bluest states in the nation have worked overtime to bankrupt and imprison Donald Trump.

The civil fraud case against Trump, over loans he repaid in full, was bad. The felony indictment for misclassifying accounting records was worse, built on bizarre legal theories and the testimony of an admitted liar.

With the help of friendly judges, the prosecutors won both. Trump, the Republican leader and the favorite to beat the incumbent Democratic president in November, now faces nearly $500 million in fines and four years in prison – for “crimes” that can barely be explained.

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The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All

War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Or so the song lyrics go anyway.

But in the case of this country, war, it turns out, has been good for plenty of high-class Americans, especially our weapons makers. As TomDispatch regular David Vine and Theresa Arriola report today, the military-industrial-congressional complex (MIC) has proven to be a cash cow of the first order (though I hate to insult cows that way). In this century, the money has simply poured into it and yet, somehow, it never seems to be enough. Only recently, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell typically “ripped” President Biden’s request for $850 billion for the 2025 Pentagon budget as “inadequate” and demanded even more money for it. So, it goes — so, in fact, it has long gone.

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Graduated high school with average marks below 50. Can’t read, write, or add 5 + 7, but they sure can twerk. Future doctors, lawyers, airline pilots, and BLM leaders.

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What’s Next for Battlefield America? Israel’s High-Tech Military Tactics Point the Way

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

“I did not know Israel was capturing or recording my face. [But Israel has] been watching us for years from the sky with their drones. They have been watching us gardening and going to schools and kissing our wives. I feel like I have been watched for so long.”—Mosab Abu Toha, Palestinian poet

If you want a glimpse of the next stage of America’s transformation into a police state, look no further than how Israel—a long-time recipient of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign aid from the U.S.—uses its high-tech military tactics, surveillance and weaponry to advance its authoritarian agenda.

Military checkpoints. Wall-to-wall mass surveillance. Predictive policing. Aerial surveillance that tracks your movements wherever you go and whatever you do. AI-powered facial recognition and biometric programs carried out with the knowledge or consent of those targeted by it. Cyber-intelligence. Detention centers. Brutal interrogation tactics. Weaponized drones. Combat robots.

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Via State of the Nation

…the Khazarian Cabal & Northern Italian Black Nobility & NWO Globalist Cabal & Committee of 300 & Pilgrims Society & Council on Foreign Relations & Bliderbergers &  Central Banking Cartel & Neocon Warmongers & Genocidal Zionists & Military-Industrial Complex & Bloody Brits & American Imperialists BlackRock/Vanguard/State Street & Greedy Banksters & Meddling Jesuits & European Union Superstate & North Atlantic Terrorist Organization & Zio-Anglo-American Axis, etc. All Want A World War—THAT’S WHY!

However, this final world war to end all wars does have a specific purpose on the strictly mundane level explained as follows:

Khazarians vs. the Rus’ People


The Khazarian Mafia, especially, is as vicious and malicious, repugnant and malevolent, vile and wicked, vengeful and vindictive as any horde to have raped, pillaged and plundered the Earth and her peoples.


Kremlin calls US ‘an enemy’ for first time

Via RT

Dmitry Peskov previously referred to Washington and its allies as “unfriendly states” or “opponents”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov referred to the United States as an “enemy” while speaking to reporters on Tuesday, in an apparent hardening of rhetoric between the two countries.

It remains unclear if the use of the word signals an official policy change, as the spokesman had previously argued that only President Vladimir Putin can make such decisions.

Washington’s refusal to allow former US marine, UN weapons inspector and RT contributor Scott Ritter to travel to St. Petersburg was “the latest manifestation of the rabid campaign to prevent US citizens from interacting with the Russian Federation” – which would only be “understandable” if it was somehow related to his former intelligence status, Peskov told journalists on Tuesday.

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NATO preparing troop plans for potential Russia conflict

Via RT

Men and weaponry may have to deployed across Western Europe, a senior general has claimed

NATO is working on plans to rush tens of thousands of US troops along “land corridors” in Western Europe in the event of war with Russia, a senior strategist has told The Telegraph.

Last year, members of the US-led military bloc agreed to keep 300,000 troops ready for deployment, purportedly in response to a potential Russian attack. However, training exercises have exposed red tape and infrastructure bottlenecks that prevent the rapid transfer of personnel and materiel across the continent.

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