‘Bulls**t’ – Putin on ‘plans’ to attack NATO

Via RT

The West is making up stories to deceive its own population, the Russian president has said

The idea that Moscow has some kind of plan to attack NATO is a stupid attempt to maintain the West’s global hegemony by fear, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Putin was asked about NATO’s preparations to defend from a Russian “invasion” at a meeting with the heads of major international news agencies on Wednesday, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

“Look, someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as a plank? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**t?” Putin said.

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PCR Testing for Bird Flu ‘Will Only Serve to Raise False Case Count’ Critics Say

Guest Post by

Government agencies are relying on PCR tests as they ramp up testing for bird flu, but critics argue the technology is likely to lead to false positives, just as it did with COVID-19, because it was never accurate as a diagnostic tool.

Dr. Deborah Birx, the Trump administration’s coronavirus response coordinator, told CNN’s Kasie Hunt the U.S. is making the “same mistakes” with bird flu that it made with COVID-19, which she said spread because there wasn’t enough testing for asymptomatic infection.

Birx is now calling for every cow to be tested for bird flu weekly and for regular pooled tests for dairy workers. She also said it’s likely that undetected cases are circulating in humans.

“We have the technology,” Birx said. “The great thing about America is we’re incredibly innovative and we have the ability to have these breakthroughs.”

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Victoria Nuland’s Replacement?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The role of undersecretary of state for political affairs has been vacant since Victoria Nuland resigned in March. President Joe Biden has just asked Julianne Smith to fill the position. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee strongly supports Smith and is likely to appoint her. Who is the potential new queen of the US neocons?

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Supreme Court Bombshell Decisions Due June 13th

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The Supreme Court has 28 decisions still remaining, and there are a lot of really important cases that will shape history. The next opinion day will be June 13; this 2023-2024 term ends on June 28th. Buried within these 28 cases is the only one regarding deference to agencies known as the Chevron decision. Many hope that will be overruled, which will be a victory for the private sector, as well as the rulings on the abortion pill mifepristone. However, the political game changer will be former President Donald Trump’s presidential immunity. The court heard oral arguments in Trump v. United States on April 25.

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The Latest “Bird Flu” Death is “Covid” All Over Again

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

If this keeps going, we’re gonna need a lot more “bird flu” stock images

Yesterday, the mainstream media widely reported that a new strain of Bird Flu had claimed its first victim, a 59-year-old man from Mexico.

The big news here is that the strain allegedly responsible, H5N2, had allegedly never before been detected in humans.

Everyone from CNN to the BBC to Sky News to ABC went with a headline along these lines:

First confirmed human case of bird flu H5N2 has died, says World Health Organisation

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Patriotism Has Destroyed America

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I don’t mean by patriotism’s absence. I mean by its presence. I will explain.

First, let’s understand who we are talking about. Not the liberals, not the leftwing, not the woke. These are the creatures who spend their time denouncing America.

We are talking about conservatives. They are the patriots.

I am not saying that there is anything wrong with patriotism. It is a good thing when it is not blinding. But patriotism can be very blinding.

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Normalizing War with Russia

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Just as the Israelis are annihilating Gaza, Western leaders are setting up the Western world for the same.

Russia has warned in no uncertain terms that NATO and the US will be held responsible for long range missiles launched into Russia and that such launches will turn Russia’s conflict with Ukraine into a war between Russia and the West. Putin has asked Western leaders to give clear thought to what they have in mind as their destruction will be the consequence.

It is extraordinary that such a forceful warning is not heard except as an opportunity for more propaganda against Russia.

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False Flag On The Horizon? The Strange Case Of The Destroyed Russian Nuclear Radar

Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.us,

If we accept the fundamental truth that Ukraine is nothing more than a proxy battleground between Russia and the west, then you might say WWIII has already begun. The powers-that-be have been content to keep the situation contained primarily to Ukraine so far, but a recent event suggests things are about to change. There’s something very strange happening on the nuclear front between NATO and Russia and I believe it might be time to consider the possibility that a false flag threat is in the works.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Battle of Midway ends – 1942

Via History.com

On June 7, 1942, the Battle of Midway—one of the most decisive U.S. victories in its war against Japan—comes to an end. In the four-day sea and air battle, the outnumbered U.S. Pacific Fleet succeeded in destroying four Japanese aircraft carriers with the loss of only one of its own, the Yorktown, thus reversing the tide against the previously invincible Japanese navy.

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The Psychology of Devolution

Guest Post by Eric Peters

We are living in what might be styled the Era of Disbelief.

At first read, that may sound good, skepticism of serial liars being a good thing. The danger lies in disbelieving everything – and believing in hopeful absurdities. For instance, that Trump is at the center of an intricate operation that has been in process since before the 2020 selection – and even before the “pandemic” that was the predicate for the 2020 selection.

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Gold Price Beats Expectations in the Best Way Possible

From Peter Reagan for Birch Gold Group

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving precious metals and the overall economy. Stories include: Has gold been performing due to high inflation?, Iran gold sellers go on strike over sales taxes and the list of countries bringing their gold home grows (again).

Gold’s price defies “hawkish” sentiment from the Fed

The last weeks and months have obviously had a guess-the-driver theme, with everyone wondering what exactly is pushing gold prices so high. In doing that, analysts have perhaps lost track of the main driver of gold price today, which is inflation.

Our nominal interest rate remains near historic highs, but inflation is still climbing. It has gained speed in recent months, hitting 3.5% as of latest counting. Some obvious questions arise. We all like to believe inflation fell from the 9.1% recorded in June 2022 due to raised interest rates, or rather a change in monetary policy.

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Biden Drops First Bomb On Normandy In 80 Years

Via The Babylon Bee

FRANCE — In a solemn and moving ceremony of remembrance on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, President Biden marked the occasion by dropping the first bomb on Normandy in 80 years.

“Help me out Jill, I’m having a bit of a D-Day of my own in my Depends here,” the President was overheard saying to the first lady as he bent over slowly and deposited a massive load of fecal matter in his pants. “Oh, boy, this is a big one. Get me out of here and help me clean this up before President Macron smells it! Not a joke!”

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The Fight to Save the Family Farm and America

If there’s ever been a thing that could end America, it’s this climate change lunacy that seems to have wormed its way into the brains of all the fools of the country, which are surprising large in number, and just enough to give the Biden regime its justification for pursuing national suicide in this manner.

Lord, hasn’t America drifted far since the days of my youth, when the world seemed so beautiful and sweet. Summers and holidays spent on my Grandfather’s Old Home Place, a hundred acre farm in Levasy, West Virginia, were purely wonderful, even as a teen when GranPa Spurge would slap a scythe in my hand and set me to work cutting acres of grass from dusk to dawn. It had apple trees, cherry trees, rabbits, groundhogs, deer, cattle, chickens, and sheep, too, along with a constant spring and a well. I could walk the land all day and never go hungry or thirsty, gorging myself on apples, cherries and blackberries, as I kept an eye out for the timber rattlers.

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