It’s Trump vs WWIII

By Greg Hunter’s

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are going to have a wild close to 2024.  Let’s start with Biden’s new job approval rating from Martin Armstrong’s “Socrates” program, which is now only 6% to 7%.  Armstrong explains, “It’s the old story of draining the swamp, but now, the swamp is an ocean.  This is completely crazy.  The cases against Trump show you how desperate they are here.  The reason they want Biden, and they even blocked RFK Jr. from getting on the Democrat ticket, the reason they want him is he is just a sock puppet.  He’s not really in charge.  He’s not making any decisions.”

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The Rand Paul interview – Part 2

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The problems that Covid exposed don’t end with Dr. Anthony S. Fauci. Is there any way to stop ultra-risky research – civilian and military – to make viruses more dangerous?


On Thursday, I interviewed Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) at his Washington office. A longtime champion of civil liberties, Senator Paul once filibustered the Senate for over 10 hours to protest the Patriot Act and warrantless surveillance.

The interview’s first half, available here, focused on what Dr. Anthony S. Fauci knew or suspected about Covid’s origins. While Fauci has finally left the government, risky scientific research – both civilian and military/intelligence-funded – continues. In Part 2, Paul discusses the problems with its funding and oversight, and how we might do better.

I’ve edited the interview only for length, as well as very minor copy edits.

Part 1 ended with Paul saying:

I don’t think we should be manipulating — taking viruses from deep down in the cave out [and] manipulating them — to see if we can grow new viruses that are even more infectious to humans.

I just think that’s a bad idea.

Continue reading “The Rand Paul interview – Part 2”

Why is Keynesian Economics Collapsing?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Keynes 5John Maynard Keynes in his 1936 book, ‘The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,” argued aggregate demand was too volatile to be stable and would lead to inflation or recessions. His theory honed in on spending as a means of price control. Low aggregate demand, Keynes argues, would lead to high unemployment and stagflation. Government could intervene through fiscal policies to increase aggregate demand, as an example, increased government spending could tame inflation. Interest rates, according to Keynes, could also be modified to encourage spending and stimulate demand. So why are these theories failing miserably today?

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Biden and Macron Bow to Zelensky at D-Day Event

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

US President Joe Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to once again discuss America’s role in funding Ukraine’s war with Russia. Biden publicly apologized to Zelensky for delaying the $61 billion aid package, as US Senators have stalled the bill in a failed attempt to coerce Biden to invest in his own country. The entire D-Day memorial was shamefully transformed into a public spectacle to promote the West’s war against Russia.

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This Week in the New Normal

Via Off-Guardian

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.

1. Rishi is throwing the election

We wrote in our piece on Rishi Sunak’s national service pledge that the Tories were not trying to win the UK’s upcoming election, this week only proves our point.

Firstly, on D-Day, Rishi left the ceremony early for unknown reasons, purely so he could be accused of disrespecting the troops. An absolutely ridiculous move for a Tory leader supposedly contesting an election. It could not be more obviously self-sabotaged if he’d turned up drunk and shirtless chanting “I love the Nazis, I wish we’d lost!”

It was also announced yesterday that the Tories will be suspending ALL social media campaigning due to “lack of funds”.

Couple that with Farage’s political rebirth “accidentally” splitting the Tory vote, and it’s pretty obvious what’s happening here.

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Evil Can Destroy the World

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

This map series shows the progressive theft of Palestine by Zionist Israel since 1947, with the complicity of Washington and Europe. Where did all the Palestinians who lived in the green areas of Palestine, almost the entirety of Palestine, in 1947 go? They were herded into refuge camps in Jordan and Lebanon.

The UN (second map from the left) planned to give Israel half of Palestine, although no one explained the UN’s ability to give away a people’s country. The UN’s generous redistribution of Palestine to Israel did not satisfy Israel who took the rest.

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If you only watch CNBC or any of the other regime media propaganda outlets, then you would believe the payroll report on Friday was fantastic, proving the U.S. economy is booming and all is well. Biden dummy continues to boast about the millions of jobs he has added and declare we have the best economy ever.

For anyone interested in the truth, the charts below reveal the reality of our plight. The national debt continues to skyrocket at a hypersonic speed, as our corrupt treasonous politicians keep spending money we don’t have. Meanwhile, interest on the debt has accelerated to where it exceeds defense spending and is poised to soar higher because $9.3 trillion must be refinanced in the next 12 months.

Continue reading “FANTASY VS REALITY”

Bird Flu Triggers Supply Chain Snarls In Dairy Industry As “Farmers Increasingly Culled Cows”

Via ZeroHedge

The latest US Department of Agriculture data shows bird flu has infected at least 80 dairy herds across ten states. There are growing concerns about rising cow mortalities from the virus and the risk of farmers culling cows to stop the spread. This could ignite economic stress across the farm belt and unleash a supply shock.

Reuters spoke with a USDA spokesperson who was aware of H5N1 virus-related deaths among cow herds but said that most cows recovered. No official figures have been provided on the number of cow mortalities in South Dakota, Michigan, Texas, Ohio, and Colorado.

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With Congressional Testimony Complete, Dr. Fauci Returns To Hidden Lair On Skull Island To Hatch Next Evil Plot

Via The Babylon Bee

SKULL ISLAND — The world braced for what promised to be a frightening remainder of 2024, as with his congressional testimony complete, Dr. Anthony Fauci returned to his hidden lair on Skull Island to hatch his next evil plot.

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10,000 California Fast Food Workers McFired Thanks To $20 Minimum Wage: Report

Via ZeroHedge

Nearly 10,000 California fast food workers have been fired thanks to the state’s new $20 minimum wage, according to the California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA), which slammed Governor Gavin Newsom for the law which went into effect April 1.

2009 Banksy exhibit, Bristol Museum


“California businesses have been under total attack and total assault for years,” said Tom Manzo, CABIA president and founder in a statement to Fox Business, adding “It’s just another law that puts businesses in further jeopardy.”

According to Manzo, nearly 10,000 fast food jobs have been cut across the state since Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1287 into law last year.

“You can only raise prices so much,” he said. “And you’re seeing it. People are not going to pay $20 for a Big Mac. It’s not going to happen.

Continue reading “10,000 California Fast Food Workers McFired Thanks To $20 Minimum Wage: Report”


A collaboration of: “The Classic Music Mafia”
Anthony Aaron, and Steve C.

Steve C / Classic Music Mafia: Here is the image depicting “The Classic Music Gangsters,” a whimsical and imaginative group of classical musicians with a playful gangster twist. The scene is set in an old-world music hall with rich, vintage decor, where the musicians are performing in stylish 1920s-era gangster attire. The atmosphere is mysterious yet sophisticated, capturing the unique blend of classical music and a lighthearted gangster theme. – aka.attrition

Every Sunday morning we present selections for our TBP family to enjoy.

We present symphonies, ensembles, quartets, octets, etc.

Not all of our music is strictly ‘classical’. We may stray a little, but we strive to make all of our selections ‘classy’.

We offer tips on proper ‘symphony etiquette’ and even some selections that are a bit light-hearted and fun aimed at a younger audience. Those pieces will be so designated, and might be a good way to introduce kids to a world of music that they might not have been exposed to or think of as old and ‘stuffy’.

A full symphony will run as long as it will. We don’t want to cut a symphony short. However, we also include some shorter pieces that we try to keep under fifteen minutes in length. You can sample each and hopefully find one or more that pleases you.

We hope that you enjoy our Sunday selections.



Mass formation psychosis is a real thing. These morons will fall for it again when the Bird Flu Pandemic is announced. They must be ridiculed and shamed at every opportunity.

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