Dr. Anthony S. Fauci is a hero for our time

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

As he will be the first to explain

Q: How do you know if there’s a fighter pilot at your party?

A: He’ll tell you.

That old saw hit me as I waded through Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s 464-page autobiography, “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.”

Though auto-hagiography is a more accurate description.

For decades, Fauci was one of Washington’s most powerful bureaucrats. In 2011, the New York Times called him the “J. Edgar Hoover of biology.” Covid made him a household name and lightning rod worldwide. Now he has given the public an inside look at his unique career.

In theory, anyway.

In reality, readers looking for serious self-reflection in “On Call” will be disappointed. Fauci’s tome feels like nothing so much as a book-length cover letter from a job candidate who is very pleased with himself.

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The Real Debate?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

This was a setup, and now you have the press worldwide discussing replacing Biden. NEVER before did you have a debate before the candidates were nominated. This was to give Hillary time, and now everyone is talking about replacing Biden. CNN was part of this and specifically asked about his age. They were respectful because they were in this plot from the start.

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BRITAIN IN DECLINE – PRE-ELECTION SPECIAL – Elite – Digital ID – Assange – Homeless – London – Services Inflation – Nil Growth – MSM Demise – Fake Meat – Sewage – Letter from Great Britain [06-29-24]

“If liberty means anything, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” [George Orwell]. Attacks on our freedoms fail any political candidate’s solution

  • Magnify with the illusion of being bigger than you actually are (Boris Johnson)
  • Scream and shout to scare it off (Liz Truss)
  • Roll over and play dead (Rishi Sunak)

This election will be one for the history books with so many contentitous issues and the two major parties addressing them in similar ways.  There is little differentiation between them thus Britain could be described as embodying a ‘Uniparty’ ruling elite.

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The Benefits of Walking — How to Get More Steps in This Summer

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Walking is a low-impact and moderate-intensity exercise that you can do virtually anywhere for free. Regardless of your age or fitness level, you can reap the benefits of this simple activity for your mind and body
  • A Euronews Culture article explores the link between walking and creative thinking, highlighting a 2023 study published in The American Psychologist, which found that even short bouts of walking can help you perform better on creative tasks
  • Aside from improved cognitive performance, walking has been linked to a lower risk of mortality, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, coronary disease, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, falls and more
  • Walking is even more beneficial when you do it outdoors. Tips are included to help you increase your step count this summer

What if the key to unlocking your creative potential lies not in a cluttered desk or a crowded room, but in the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other? If you’re in need of inspiration, summer presents the perfect opportunity to embrace the outdoors and incorporate more walking into your daily routine.

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Will Washington’s Latest Sanctions Have Unintended Consequences?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

I have not paid close attention to the details of the sanctions Washington has imposed on Russia and on other countries that deal with Russia in sanctioned items, which in my impression are largely military related items. My view has been that the sanctions have been good for Russia by forcing Russia out of the globalist trap toward self-sufficiency. The sanctions have mainly hurt Europeans via higher energy costs and lost business opportunities. These sanctions also hurt Americans who invested in Russian oil and Russian financial instruments. These investments are now carried on US financial statements at zero value.

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The Israeli Media Company Haaretz Reports that Official Documents Reveal that Israel Had Prior Knowledge of the October 7 Hamas Attack

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

This confirms what I reported at the time, but there is more to the story. Not only did Israel know in advance, Israel participated in the attack upon itself. Several Israeli intelligence officials and commanders of sections of the barrier separating Israel from Gaza have made it clear that it is impossible to even approach, much less penetrate, the barrier without detection. For the October 7 Hamas attack to succeed, the barrier’s alarms had to be turned off and barrier patrols stood down.

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Why Won’t The US Help Negotiate A Peaceful End To The War In Ukraine?

Authored by Jeffrey Sachs via,

For the fifth time since 2008, Russia has proposed to negotiate with the U.S. over security arrangements, this time in proposals made by President Vladimir Putin on June 14, 2024. Four previous times, the U.S. rejected the offer of negotiations in favor of a neocon strategy to weaken or dismember Russia through war and covert operations.

The U.S. neocon tactics have failed disastrously, devastating Ukraine in the process, and endangering the whole world.

After all the warmongering, it’s time for Biden to open negotiations for peace with Russia.

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21 Facts That Joe Biden Doesn’t Want You To Know

Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

It takes a lot of gumption to go on television and repeatedly lie to more than 300 million Americans.  I honestly don’t know how Joe Biden does it.  I suppose that after you have been lying for your entire career, lying comes as naturally as breathing does.  Sadly, there are still millions of Americans that are falling for his lies after all this time.  Biden would like for us all to believe that the economy is “booming”, that the southern border is under control, that our communities are safe, and that Ukraine is going to win their war against Russia.  Our entire society is literally crumbling all around us, and Biden and his minions have brought us to the brink of global war.  I am entirely convinced that he has been the worst president in U.S. history, and that is really saying something.

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Stocks will fall 30% as the U.S. economy heads for a painful recession

Via Marketwatch

Move over, J.P. Morgan — we have a new contender for most apocalyptic stock-market forecast.

It comes courtesy of Peter Berezin, chief global strategist at BCA Research, who said in a report shared with MarketWatch on Thursday that he has revised down his target for the S&P 500 SPX to 3,750 — lower than J.P. Morgan Global Research’s year-end target of 4,200, the previous Wall Street low — due to expectations that the U.S. will soon enter a sudden and unexpected recession. Berezin expects that recession to begin either later this year or in early 2025.

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Democrats Ask Kristi Noem To Take Biden Out Behind White House Shed

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S. — Kristi Noem’s penchant for putting down untrainable animals made her popular with Democrats following last night’s Presidential Debate, with her phone reportedly ringing off the hook ever since.

Democrats from all over the country were calling to implore the South Dakota Governor to “please please” take Biden out behind the White House shed and put him out of his misery.

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Big Mike is Coming

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Picture a couple of piranhas in a fishbowl, cheek to cheek. Each eyeing the other for signs of weakness that, when seen, leads quickly to the one piranha consuming the other. Last night, we watched Joe Biden being eyed – by the Left.

Which is about to consume him.

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Here’s Why These Troubling Trends Mean Mass Chaos is Likely Coming to the West…

Guest Post by Chris MacIntosh

Coming from the murky island of Britain

Sticking with our pasty friends

“The most common risk is localised flooding, according to the government’s risk register, leading to power and water outages. But among the 100 other potential threats people should be prepared for include another pandemic, a mass cyberattack that cuts off the internet, disruption to UK space systems that affect GPS signals — or, in an extreme case, could include conflict or even the potential for a nuclear attack in continental Europe.”

You will note that the British public are being placed on a war footing. This is the psychological preparation for a mass chaos event. I’ve been telling you for ages that the bankers need to eliminate the debt, and I’ve also pointed out that historical examples highlight the risks of the elites losing control of the populace in such situations and in some instances their heads, too.

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