EU to Surrender Russian Assets to Ukraine

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Ukraine War WealthThe United States discussed plans to provide Ukraine with a loan paid out with Russian assets that have been frozen since the start of the war. The bulk of frozen Russian assets lie in Europe, and the European Union has announced its plans to “make Russia pay” by allocating those assets to Ukraine to fund its war against Russia directly.

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Job Replenishment – Migrants Secured 75% of ALL new Jobs Under Biden

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

AmericanMaleWorkforceParticipation2024Steven Camarota at the Center for Immigration Studies produced a new study published by Breitbart that explains the truth behind America’s seemingly low unemployment rate. Millions of migrants have entered America under Joe Biden. The jobs reports may seem strong each month but Fed Chair Powell himself said he has not been impressed by the incoming data. One major reason that the data is skewed is because migrants have secured an overwhelming 75% of all new jobs created in the United States in 2019.

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OffG’s last word on the “lab leak” theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

The “lab leak” theory is in the news again. It is essentially revealed as a mainstream position now. As we always predicted it would be.

Two weeks ago the New York Times ran a long opinion piece endorsing it (we covered it in This Week).

Last week economist Jeffrey Sachs endorsed it in his 2-hour interview with Tucker Carlson,

and yesterday RFK jr endorsed it as part of his presidential campaign:

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Hunter Biden’s Conviction on Firearm Charges Is a Red Herring

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

We now have matching news from the opposing camp. Just as Trump is the first US President to be convicted by a jury, Hunter Biden is the first son of a sitting president to be convicted of a federal felony.

This conviction of Hunter Biden leaves me unsettled, as does his likely pending conviction for federal income tax evasion. The real issue is the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop that the FBI was able for awhile to suppress and brand as “Russian disinformation.” This is under US law obstruction of Justice by the FBI. All responsible should, if US law is still enforceable, be arrested, indicted, and prosecuted. It would be justice to see the FBI in the dock after all the innocent people the corrupt organization has put there.

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Powell Admits The Biden Admin Is “Overstating” Jobs

Via ZeroHedge

Every first Friday of this year (here, here and here) we have spent hours deconstructing the glaring propaganda peddled by Biden’s Labor Department, meant to show just one thing – how “strong” the economy is under the current administration – and exposing just how ugly the underlying labor data truly is. Last Friday’s nonfarm payrolls was the most recent case in point: for those who didn’t read our extended analysis titled “Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Years“, which dissected the laughable claim that the US added 272K payrolls (more than the highest estimate), here is what we found.

While the Establishment Survey did indeed report that 272K “jobs” were added, this number also included multiple job holders; stripping those out, we get that the actual number of “employed” workers plunged by 408K…

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How Many Millennials Will Be Rich Enough To Buy The Boomers’ Millions Of Unaffordable Bungalows?

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Absent demand from tens of millions of wealthy, high-income buyers, asset valuations will fall as Boomers sell off assets to fund their retirement.

There’s a peculiarly flawed logic behind the widely held view that the Baby Boomers will seamlessly transfer tens of trillions of dollars of their wealth to the Gen-X and Millennial generations as they exit stage left. This is flawed for a very basic reason: the extremely overvalued assets that will be transferred–real estate and stocks–only reached such extreme overvaluation because there is a surplus of buyers who are sufficiently wealthy (and willing) to pay bubble-inflated prices.

Since the ownership of both real estate and stocks is concentrated in the hands of the wealthiest 10% who tend to be older, how many Gen-Xers and Millennials have the means to buy million-dollar bungalows and overpriced portfolios? If buyers are scarce due to entrenched wealth-income inequality, then once Boomers start selling their vast holdings of stocks and millions of overpriced homes, prices will plummet if sellers outnumber qualified and willing buyers.

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How Did a Small Group Do This?

Guest Post by Jeffrey Tucker

A very interesting study appeared last week by two researchers looking into the pandemic policy response around the world. They are Drs. Eran Bendavid and Chirag Patel of Stanford and Harvard, respectively. Their ambition was straightforward. They wanted to examine the effects of government policy on the virus.

In this ambition, after all, researchers have access to an unprecedented amount of information. We have global data on strategies and stringencies. We have global data on infections and mortality. We can look at it all according to the timeline. We have precise dating of stay-at-home orders, business closures, meeting bans, masking, and every other physical intervention you can imagine.

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Fed’s $1 trillion pile of paper losses are turning into actual losses — with more in sight

Via Marketwatch

The Federal Reserve’s roughly $1 trillion pile of paper losses stemming from its underwater securities holdings have begun to turn into more than $100 billion in actual losses, with no relief in sight.

Fed Chair Jerome Powell is expected on Wednesday to say that easing inflation still isn’t yet near enough to the central bank’s 2% yearly target for interest rates to be lowered from a two-decade high.

The longer rates stay high, however, the harder it will be for the Fed to repair its balance sheet. Importantly, restrictive rates also could end up costing the Fed around $100 billion a year well into the next decade, according to Ali Meli, chief investment officer of Monachil Capital Partners, a credit fund he founded in 2019.

Meli arrived at that estimate by digging through the Fed’s financial statements, which showed a $948.4 billion unrealized loss at the end of 2023 on assets bought on the open market, compared with more than $1 trillion of unrealized losses at the end of 2022.

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Short vs. Long-Term Thinking

Guest Post by Eric Peters

One of the reasons why the car industry is in trouble hasn’t got to do with politics – the mortifying effect of slow, regulatory strangulation of the car industry – although that’s a big one.

The other one is one the car industry has done to itself. It has alienated its future, which is the rising generation of drivers – a great many of whom cannot afford a car and so have never developed interest in driving one. That, in turn, means little-to-no-interest in buying one – because what’s the point in wanting something you know you can’t have?

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Merrick Garland Threatens To Arrest Anyone Who Says His DOJ Is Corrupt

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C. — As accusations continue to mount regarding the impartiality of the American justice system, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland threatened to arrest anyone who said his Department of Justice was corrupt.

Though clear evidence was presented by many on the right of DOJ targeting political opponents with questionable charges and harsh sentences while ignoring illegal activity from people on the left, Garland vowed to bring the full weight of the federal government on anyone who dares to question his fairness.

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Will the Fed “Pivot”?

Guest Post by Jim Rickards

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the Federal Reserve System (the Fed) is meeting today and tomorrow for the purpose of discussing the economy and setting monetary policy going forward.

Today I’m going to preview the meeting, forecast Fed policy and assess what it means for the economy going forward.

On Wednesday, the Fed will leave its target rate for fed funds unchanged.

That decision will keep the federal funds target at 5.50% as set at the July 26, 2023, FOMC meeting. Over the course of 18 FOMC meetings beginning March 16, 2022, I’ve been correct in all of my forecasts including the policy rate pause that began last September. I’m confident I’ll be correct on Wednesday also.

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