Guest Post by Seymour Hersh

Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden during last night’s debate in Atlanta. / Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images.

Readers of this column know that President Joe Biden’s drift into blankness has been ongoing for months, as he and his foreign policy aides have been urging a ceasefire that will not happen in Gaza while continuing to supply the weapons that make a ceasefire less likely. There’s a similar paradox in Ukraine, where Biden has been financing a war that cannot be won and refusing to participate in negotiations that could end the slaughter.

The reality behind all of this, as I’ve been told for months, is that the president is simply no longer there, in terms of understanding the contradictions of the policies he and his foreign policy advisers have been carrying out. America should not have a president who does not know what he has signed off on. People in power have to be responsible for what they do, and last night showed America and the world that we have a president who clearly is not in that position today.

The real disgrace is not only Biden’s, but those of the men and women around him who have kept him more and more under wraps. He is a captive, and as he rapidly diminished over the past six months. I have been hearing for months about the increasing isolation of the president, from his one-time pals in the Senate, who find that he is unable to return their calls. Another old family friend, whose help has been sought by Biden on key issues since his days as vice president, told me of a plaintive call from the president many months ago.

Biden said the White House was in chaos and he needed his friend’s help. The friend said he begged off and then told me, with a laugh: “I would rather have a root canal procedure every day than go to work there.” A long retired Senate colleague was invited by Biden to join him on a foreign trip, and the two played cards and shared a drink or two on the Air Force One flight going out. The senator was barred by Biden’s staff from joining the return flight home.

I have been told the increasing isolation of the president on foreign policy issues has been in part the doing of Tom Donilon, whose younger brother, Michael, a key pollster and adviser in Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign and in the current re-election effort, was part of the team that spent much of the week briefing Biden for last night’s debate. Tom Donilon, who is 69, was Biden’s national security adviser from 2010 to 2013 and sought unsuccessfully to be named as Biden’s director of the Central Intelligence Agency. He remains very much an insider.

Given Biden’s obvious decline in recent months, it is impossible for an outsider to understand why the White House agreed to any debates with Donald Trump before the election, let alone committing to the earliest presidential debate, the first of two, in modern history. One thought, I was told, was that if Biden performed well, as he had in his State of the Union speech in March, the issue of his mental capacity would be tabled. A poor performance would give the Biden campaign time to do a better prep job for the scheduled second debate.

There also was pressure from the major Democratic fundraisers, many of them in New York City, for the campaign to do something to counter the perception of the president’s obvious growing impairment, as reported and filmed by major media. I have been told that at least one foreign leader, after a closed meeting with Biden, told others that the president’s decline was so visible that it was hard to understand how, as it was put to me, “he could go through the rigors” of a re-election campaign. Such warnings were ignored.

What now? One of Washington political savants told me today that the Democratic Party is now facing “a national security crisis.” The nation is backing two devastating wars with a president who clearly is not up to it, he said, and it might be time to start drafting a resignation speech that would match or outdo the one given in March of 1968 by President Lyndon Johnson after his narrow victory over Senator Eugene McCarthy in the New Hampshire primary.

“They’re trapped,” he said of the senior advisers in the White House who hoped that Biden would somehow do well enough in last night’s debates to carry on, with the much-needed support of the more skeptical financial supporters in New York City.

Not everyone I talked to today agreed that it is time to force a Biden resignation and hope for the best at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August—to dump the ticket and seek new candidates. “My humble opinion,” one longtime contributor to the Democratic Party told me, “is to let the dust settle. Must examine the realistic options before some quick reaction creates an internal Democratic Party split with far-reaching consequences beyond 2024. Accept reality . . . 2024 is likely beyond recovery at this point. Too steep a hill to climb. Plan and execute a long-term plan to counter Mr. Orange and build a moderate platform for the recovery . . . and let Biden wander off to the Jersey Pine Barrens.”

A differing view was expressed by another political guru. “This is the age of social media—TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and X—and a political campaign can go very far very fast.”

Whatever happens, we have a president—now fully unveiled—who just may not be responsible for what he does in the coming campaign, not to mention his actions in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Whatever happened to the 25th Amendment that authorizes the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet to declare the president incompetent? What is going on in the Biden White House?

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June 30, 2024 4:29 pm

Ned Beatty ?

June 30, 2024 8:05 pm


Daughter of rabbi sez what?

Defending Gaza (II): ‘Synagogue of Satan’ Denies Genocide While Committing Genocide, Effectively Asserting A Right to Genocide

Defending Gaza (II): Israel Indicted, Palestinians Validated In Fact, Law & Hoppean Argumentation

More of the same from the author:



They're Guilty
They're Guilty
July 1, 2024 6:22 pm

Yeah, but because they are mostly muslims?
They brought it on themselves.

Just like the christians do.
They make themselves liable to death bu proclaiming to follow Jesus, but instead of actually following Jesus, they sin.
And some sin quite disturbingly.

And because of smart phones?
They already know who all the hypocrites are.
People who claim to support Islam, support the genocide of non muslims.
And that’s why the bombing of muslim Palestinians is not a crime.

They're Guilty
They're Guilty
July 1, 2024 6:24 pm

Yeah, but because they are mostly muslims?
They brought it on themselves.

Just like the christians do.
They make themselves liable to death by proclaiming to follow Jesus, but instead of actually following Jesus, they sin.
And some sin quite disturbingly.

Jews make themselves liable to death for violating the covenant, kol nidre be damned.

And because of smart phones?
They already know who all the hypocrites are.
People who claim to support Islam, support the genocide of non muslims.
And that’s why the bombing of muslim Palestinians is not a crime.

June 30, 2024 10:06 pm

Jackson Brown

June 30, 2024 4:35 pm

Barry! No, the jews! Barry! No, the jews!

ha ha! The jew haters can’t even decide!! LMFAO!!!!!

June 30, 2024 5:56 pm

We prefer the term ‘pattern recognizers,’

comment image

June 30, 2024 6:02 pm

have you recognized the patterns of the copy and paste idiots here?

June 30, 2024 8:08 pm

Did someone mention “Noticing”? Steve Sailer’s book, “Noticing” is on the charts at Amazon:

#1 on Amazon – STEVE SAILER

“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.”
― George Orwell

July 1, 2024 1:18 am

Did you copy that from Reddit?

June 30, 2024 6:11 pm

Could this just be a cohencidence ?

June 30, 2024 7:50 pm

patterns are antisemitic

June 30, 2024 6:00 pm

Barry is 💯% Irish.

June 30, 2024 4:51 pm

“They’re trapped,” he said of the senior advisers in the White House who hoped that Biden would somehow do well enough in last night’s debates to carry on, with the much-needed support of the more skeptical financial supporters in New York City.

No. They wanted Mr. McGoo to publically bare his ass on the big stage in order to set the next kabuki theater scene.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 30, 2024 6:09 pm

It IS undeniable! The show never ends because “the show MUST go on!”.

  The Central Scrutinizer
June 30, 2024 9:27 pm
June 30, 2024 5:00 pm

There is No Such Agency.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 30, 2024 5:23 pm

You sure it ain’t Fuckin’ Bullshiters Incorporated?

June 30, 2024 7:51 pm

They just listen.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
July 1, 2024 10:17 am

If that were true they’d disband themselves voluntarily.

Nope. They’re still here!

June 30, 2024 5:15 pm

Biden has never been there, at least after 2019 when you could see the problems in his gait. He walked like an Alzheimer’s patient even back then.

He’s always been a stooge. He’s a prime example of how the wef infiltrates cabinets and governing bodies. Selfish, greedy, and morally incompetent. Not at any point in his life could he have lead this country through two wars and the other crises that TPTB have foisted upon us even if they were real.

Every one around him should be rounded up and tried for treason.

June 30, 2024 5:31 pm

Damn straight – you are totally accurate. For over 50 years, Biden has been nothing more than a corrupt, dishonest, parasitic democrat, and his mental integrity has been diminished for years ….. certainly before the last stolen presidential election (you know, the one that he completely avoided public appearances but somehow got the most votes in history?).

June 30, 2024 6:53 pm

Some synchronicity here today.

This morning, Admin reposted his “Illegitimate President” article that was written in November 2020.

And my article below was written at the exact same time and posted the very next day in Nov 2020. Therein, Sleepy Joe was referenced as “Mr. McGoo” and “Alzheimer Joe”.

But the Orwellian media & punditry were caught of guard by the human cadaver at the debate the other night? PUHleeze.


July 1, 2024 9:12 pm

I too, am watching carefully for the signs of a Trumpian Trojan Horse but with the hope he’s real and gained wisdom. I haven’t fully made up my mind but there’s stuff out there to pull it that way such as his daughter’s red bracelet, a sign of membership in kabbalah. And Jared Kushner’s heritage. Won’t believe anything he says unless it’s rationally vetted.

July 1, 2024 8:37 pm

Don’t waste time on a trial. We all know they are guilty as the day is long.

July 1, 2024 9:14 pm

I would, even if it’s to send a message. We all know they deserve the same fate as Theron in 300.

June 30, 2024 5:29 pm

The same evil bastards that hate the U.S. Constitution, patriotic Americans, national sovereignty, individual freedom and liberty …….. you know the type.

June 30, 2024 5:57 pm

Oh, gawd. the anti-semitism, it burns.

🤣 "One thought, I was told,"
🤣 "One thought, I was told,"
June 30, 2024 5:55 pm

‘was that if Biden performed well, as he had in his State of the Union speech in March,”

comment image

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  🤣 "One thought, I was told,"
June 30, 2024 6:02 pm

Sadly, old people do spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about their bowel movements.

Joe. We can SMELL your pain!

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
  The Central Scrutinizer
June 30, 2024 11:06 pm

And If Trump does not stop eating McDonalds he will be in deep shit.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Jake Legg
July 1, 2024 10:18 am

Deep shit found that guy long ago! Your concern for him is nonetheless touching.

  Jake Legg
July 1, 2024 8:39 pm

Trump lost about 40 lbs. Since the election was stolen. Do you need glasses ?

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
July 1, 2024 10:48 pm

I don’t look at him. You?

Jim N
Jim N
June 30, 2024 6:00 pm

“…What is going on in the Biden White House? “

Well, Seymour, it’s like this:

First, we live in an age of anti-intellectualism: men are taught that reason cannot comprehend reality. When reality is incomprehensible nothing is predictable or foreseen and everything is the result of some deus ex machina or other; there is no cause and effect. No one is responsible for the outcome and every one is a victim of circumstance. Therefore, to the anti-intellectual – who is particularly exemplified by the statist-collectivist philosophy – actions do not have consequences. When people do not use reason to interpret reality, they must fabricate an “explanation” (more popularly referred to these days as a narrative) for an event or condition. When the reality no longer corroborates the purported facts (the “explanation”) the anti-intellectuals change the factsThat act of intellectual dishonesty is the underlying reason why statist-collectivists are so frequently found to be liars and why time after time the mainstream media changes its tune. The most recent prime example of that is the news media’s (and for that matter the nation’s entire left wing) shock at “Joe Biden’s” behavior during Thursday’s so-called debate. Anyone with two functioning brain cells has known since at least 2020 that “Joe Biden” is a mental paraplegic. Only the statist-collectivists were shocked by “Joe Biden’s” Thursday performance.

But, Seymour, there is a second issue at play: the psychology of the statist-collectivists. Because they have abandoned their reason the world – what we normal people call reality – is a frightening place. They, therefore, hate it and want to end it. By extension they are imbued with a profound sense of self hatred. In Atlas Shrugged there is a scene where Francisco d’Anconia asks Henry Rearden, “Yours was the code of life. What, then, is theirs?” I’ll tell you “what, then, is theirs”. It is the code of self obliteration and the wish never ever again to have to think. The people in the Biden White House and much of the civilized world are psychotic (Psychosis: fundamental derangement of the mind … characterized by defective or lost contact with reality..). And their insanity has brought the world to the brink of thermonuclear war.

That’s what is going on, Seymour, and the psychotic urge to push the obliteration button is now nearly irresistible.

Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
  Jim N
July 1, 2024 10:02 am

Thank you.

Billy Bob Dick
Billy Bob Dick
  Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
July 1, 2024 10:42 pm

If I had a son, I would have named him William Robert Richard. Jr.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
June 30, 2024 6:03 pm

Even if Bidet were as healthy as a rock … he’d still be actively destroying the United States by his policies — just with more vigor than today.


The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Anthony Aaron
June 30, 2024 6:11 pm

And all it took was two brain aneurysms and dementia to tip you off after 45 years?

June 30, 2024 6:43 pm

I would say human demons reporting to the little g-gods, and here is their front line public imps, and flying monkeys:
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Makow/Stone makes some strong points…ha 33, they can’t help themselves…a few more heads will explode…
“Knowing that their man was completely incoherent, his people could have easily claimed illness, canceled the event, and either rescheduled or dropped it entirely. But they didn’t do that. Why?”
Makow – It’s possible that the Zionist faction of the Masonic Jewish dialectic is getting rid of Biden who is linked to the anti-Zionist Soros-Communist wing. Like WW2, WW3 is between the Zionist (Nazi, why Nazis fight with Ukrainians) and Communist wings of the Masonic Jewry. Trump is the Zionist wartime leader. (In WW2, FDR, Churchill and Stalin were all Communist Masons, and Hitler a Nazi Freemason.)
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by Mike Stone
Franklin Rosenfeld (his real name) famously said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” A clear example is the televised “debate” last week between Donald Trump and an impostor claiming to be Joe Biden. If you got the feeling while watching it that you were seeing a circus sideshow, you were.
Nothing that you saw on television last Thursday night was real. Sure, there was a “debate.” But there was nothing spontaneous or unscripted about it. 
In addition to running their fake debate and a fake discussion panel after their fake debate, CNN published a poll that allegedly shows 33% of the American public believes “Biden” won the debate.
Let’s start with that 33% number. Remember how often the number 33 came up during the entire fake pandemic? coronavirus 33 – Google Search That’s because 33 is a Masonic number. It was used continually to reassure those who knew the whole thing was fake, and also as a means to humiliate all of the dumbasses who fell for it. Could that be happening here too? Did the number 33 just come out of nowhere, or are the people behind the poll shoving it in the faces of a gullible public?


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That poll is fake. But let’s assume for a second that a sizable portion of people are so brain-damaged from the fake vaccine and so heavily inflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, that they actually do believe “Biden” won the debate. What does that say about the state of the country? That roughly a third of the population is simply too stupid and too degraded by sin to understand basic reality?

Even the most mentally deranged Trump hater has to admit, if they’re being honest, that Trump utterly destroyed the man pretending to be Joe Biden in the debate. His victory was even more decisive than it was in the three debates he won over the hapless Hillary Clinton in 2016. Yet 33% of respondents claim otherwise?

Now we have the entire mainstream media calling in unison for the fake Joe Biden to step down. Friends, you’re watching a movie. Everything you are seeing was planned beforehand and is being carried out according to a prewritten script. The only difference is that now we’re looking at a White Hat operation.

As I’ve been saying for the last three years, Trump is going to win in November by the biggest margin of victory ever seen in American politics. You can take that to the bank. Nothing can stop what is coming.

Mike Stone is the author of the new book 101 Reasons Why You Might Have a Low IQ https://shorturl.at/otL13 and Teen Boy’s Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Man: https://amzn.to/3o0BQdO  

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
June 30, 2024 11:11 pm

There’s no escape.

Donald J. Trump
Well, thank you very much, Klaus. And a very special congratulations on your 50th year hosting the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. A truly amazing achievement.”


July 1, 2024 7:58 pm


The hidden in plain sight shit from these little g-gods, and their demonically possessed imps, and flying monkeys is getting so tiresome and old.

If the masses of normie asses could ever pull their heads out of their butts, the ground, their TVs, their sports obsession, their social media worthless self aggrandizing pointless consuming addictions or their lint picking navels…they might realize how they are mocked to their stupid self involved know nothing faces relentlessly.

I will have a follow up…stay tuned buddy…

they do love their 33 degree…33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

July 1, 2024 8:42 pm


February 23, 2020

“This short essay will not attempt to go into Freemasonry, but instead will cover their tracks through history; as they have left their finger-prints on the dates & times of events they have controlled, even to the details of the flight numbers of 9-11.”
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Nine-eleven occurred almost two decades ago. 
Should justice for all ever be served? Let’s examine. There has never been a public trial including volunteer witnesses from the public; just a government published book and series of made-for-tv films repeating the official story. 
Other independent minds and maverick news outlets quickly discovered the tragedy was a planned and rigged event to immediately condition the citizens of the United States and people all over the world for perpetual warfare. The US has been warring in Afghanistan since, a country that had nothing to do with what really happened. 
Perhaps most people have never questioned the televised narrative still today; they still believe a Saudi Arabian man with surname bin Laden hiding in a cave with a satellite telephone and 19 (notably 17 Saudi Arabian passengers) with razor blades made three (including Building 7) steel superstructure skyscraper buildings in New York collapse into dust and shards straight down into themselves; mass murdering 2814 people including firefighters.
The public wasn’t shown the collapse of the third building that occurred about 8 hours later, the 47-story Building 7; only televised once when it happened. 
Building 7 was not struck by an aircraft. The public watching Building 7’s implosion on tv were just too stunned by what happened earlier in the day to realize that the 47-story steel skyscraper could not have had demolition charges placed all over its frame in only 8 hours before 5:20 pm during the chaos of the day. 
One of the 9-11 conspirators Larry Silverstein, who was then a new owner of the buildings, even admitted on a video interview that he ordered Building 7 to be “pulled” down.
We the people have allowed only the government to investigate itself, and the American people and the rest of the world have been lied to (multiple times) by the government. 
Why should we the people still care? At a bare minimum for justice of the various thousands of victims of 9-11; but we have all been victims too in various ways. 
 By permitting the horror and cover-up of 9-11 we the people are allowing the system that manages our government, namely Freemasonry, to control not only America, but the whole world. 
This short essay will not attempt to go into Freemasonry, but instead will cover their tracks through history; as they have left their finger-prints on the dates & times of events they have controlled, even to the details of the flight numbers of 9-11. 
Out of the hundreds of events that Freemasonry has put their numerical fingerprints on, for the sake of brevity, we’ll only include a dozen major events. 
Starting with the end of World War I, Veteran’s Day, 11/11 annually since 1918, recognizes the end of the world war at 11am on November 11th.
 3 11’s on the date & time of the event denotes a slightly hidden signature of 33rd degrees of organized freemasonry. 
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When Freemasonry wanted President JFK removed because they wanted preservation of their Federal Reserve Bank over entirety of America and war in Vietnam, they planned the presidential assassination for 11/22/1963, another 33 degree serial patterning signature of organized freemasonry (11+22).
 Non-coincidentally at the Kennedy Space Center the airport landing runway often used by the space shuttle program, was built numbered #33. 
Like 11s, Freemasonry uses the number 13 and its triple 39. The two launch pads the space shuttle used alongside runway 33 were named #39a, and #39b. 9-11 has their numerical signatures all over it, 9(3×3)-11.
 The original World Trade Center was designed not only as two twin towers but the number 11 itself. Flight 11 was remote controlled precisely into the 77th floor of the north tower. Flight 175 was flown in to the south tower next. 175 is an occult or hidden 13, as 1+7+5 is 13, next Flight 77 in the pentagon (not really, no aircraft parts were found at the site) is 7 11’s, and Flight 93 which crashed is a reversal of 39, the triple 13. 
Non-coincidentally the number of floors in the nearby United Nations building is 39, and the trade center towers were built 110 (11×10) stories tall. 
Major error events later conducted by Freemasonry are 3-11 (Madrid train blasts in 2004), and 7/7(London Bus bombings in 2005). The two Bali Indonesia bombings occurred 3 years and 11 days apart (October 1, 2002 and October 12th 2005). 7/22 was used in both Egypt and India terror bombings. There are dozens more examples, literally hundreds, as freemasonry operates on the world this way.
 Freemasonry/I11uminati is a real psychopathic mass murdering cult of finance and world power. We the people should wise up and dislodge (literally they organize in lodges) this cult. This needs national and global discussion as it is the hidden nature of our reality. 
Or should we really continue to let thousands of serial psychopaths run our world and our lives, as we each hope not to ever be a victim of their perpetual conquest and terrorism? Think about it. Re-tweet this essay. Talk about it. Let us wise up, and rise up; and let government and the I11umanati never fool us again evermore. May God bless this essay, the USA, you, and the full whole truth of what has really happened.
“Bill Gates says a deadly flu epidemic is one of the biggest threats to humanity. It could kill nearly 33 million people in 6 months.”

History has been continuously littered with their serial patterning. Their symbols, and the over-use of 7, 11, 13, and the triples, 21, 33, 39 are repetitively used beyond any shadow of any doubt. 

This is an example related to the new corona virus and how Freemasonic number coding is used, this time by Bill Gates, pandemic mastermind, boasting using master number “33”, that it is soon coming. “Bill Gates says a deadly flu epidemic is one of the biggest threats to humanity. It could kill nearly 33 million people in 6 months.”

This book should have been titled “COLOSSAL CONSPIRACY – The SERIAL PATTERNING of History and Terror – Proof positive that 911 was an ‘inside job’ between the USA, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Illuminati class and the mass media”.

It sums it all up better than any other thick and highly researched book on the topic. It was written way back in 2005 but that is far enough to prove 9-11, 3-11 (Madrid Train bombing), and 7/7 2005 (London Bus bombings) were all inside jobs to promote the war on terror. Simply look at the rest of history, and it overuse of the number 11 (i11uminati); the number 10 is most often not used and 11 is the most used number in referring to details of events or percentages, et al, in media headlines. 9-11 was the 11th year anniversary of a ”new world order’ speech given in front of Congress on 9-11 1991 by the first treasonous Bush president.

So far it has been “God’s will that 9-11 be covered up and persist as another successful deception by the I11uminati types (most billionaires and trillionaires).

We the People can only awaken to this by sharing this information, so a sort of mass public stance can correct the history books that have reported ‘fake news’ and ‘fake history’ such as 9-11. Until that point “We The People” will continue to get screwed in a variety of ways; those ways that independent media such as infowars have reported over time.

Do You not crave to know the real truth of matters?

The Science Channel (note not the History channel because it is a massive spin-job) just published on Christmas Eve December 24th 2019 a hour long special on the I11uminati with the conclusion that they are washed-up and “harmless”. 
But my book that proved it absolutely, better than any other thick book on about i11uminati control over the world’s history, as the world’s most epic/major events of history is obviously SERIAL PATTERNED. 11 is their favorite power number, then thirteen. 11/11/1918 (End of WW I) at 11am. (11×3=33), 11/22/1963 (JFK 11+22=33), 9-11 (3×3-11=33). 3/11/2004 (Madrid train bombing where the i11uminati played another terror card on 191 people in Spain.) etc….

This so called “New World Order” conspiracy is a COLOSSAL CONSPIRACY, it is world-wide and is controlled by the highest echelons of Freemasonry and the global elite. Even the World Trade Center was designed to be a massive “11” eleven. The neighboring UN building is 39 stories tall, three stacks of 13 floors. The World Trade Center was also meant to be an 11-multiple 110 stories tall. This psychopathic global serial patterning of their influence has been going on since World War I or beyond it back in time.

Perpetual warfare is the result. If you don’t want war in the world, then most everyone would have to realize this is happening. God certainly knows about it, but because most people don’t care, then it persists. That is one of the hardest points to digest, that [their God,] whose hallowed name is Louis (aka Lucifer), The Rex, The King is in favor of this Colossal Conspiracy of the Rich and well-to-do versus the poor. So very Sad but true. May HE stop protecting the conspirators, the filthy rich.

This coming war with Iran is just another chapter in in, killing innocents on both sides. Staged attacks, false flag attacks, by the Freemasonic I11uminati who are at the helm of power, owners and controllers of corporate media and the military and most every institution of power in this world pave the way for full blown warfare.

History has been continuously littered with their serial patterning. Their symbols, and the over-use of 7, 11,13, and the triples, 21, 33, 39 are repetitively used beyond any shadow of any doubt. They finance the governments of the world with unconstitutional fiat money. The are the masters of central banks, money, media, terror,and war. The continuously mesmerize the entire public with their ownership and control of most all of the print and broadcast media. The 4 flight numbers on 9-11 were 11, 77 ( 7 11s), 175(sums to 13) and 93, a reversal of 39, the triple 13. Flight 11 was flown into the 77th floor of North tower, WTC 1.That is how much they control things, even to such fine but epic details.

Controlling the world of finance is one thing, but terrorizing people and mass murder is the ultimate Sin and Mass Murder and justice for it should not be limited by the years passing or any statute of limitations.

They currently control the minds of mankind, and if they didn’t maybe we can dethrone them and redistribute wealth and power more more fairly in a world no long at war with itself. Most everyone needs to wake up to the reality of their environment for that to happen. The top of the pyramid of power represents the biggest hoax and con job played against the 99.9% of the rest of mankind. They control the militaries in their dishonor against the public with all this falsely started warfare. They stage events to get the public to accept perpetual warfare against fellow human beings. We should be protecting the borders of our countries and the Earth only.
Eric adds: There are 100+ other examples but good for the sake of brevity.  For example Apollo 11 & 13, and the runway for the space shuttle is “33” with launch pads 39a and 39b *13×3″). They control everything from the top-down. Frightening is the degree of power freemasonry holds that world history is serial patterned as it is. By the way, DIana’s was a triple 13 8/31/1997 sums to 39. Possibly coincidentally, the car struck the 13th column under the bridge. —
Event 201 is equivalent to 21 in the occult as 0 is nothing, 21 (3×7) like Agenda 21 of often used when describing a high level, god-like, 777, program.


In articles as you pointed out you can also see the 11-style numbers.
“The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths.”
The above numbers were used as 18 is the triple 6 and 65 is a form of 11 as is 56.
When they need a statistic they most often use numbers that add to 11, such as 47(Building 7 of the WTC was 47 stories tall), 74, 56, 65, 38, 83, 29, 92.

Conspirators use this numerical language in the press quite prolifically.

Another example, remember the early articles about the Corona virus, starting 56 deaths and 56 million on lockdown?


July 1, 2024 8:50 pm

The above was written by Eric Rainbolt

The Cryptocracy – Scientific Proof of the Hijacking of America and the World Hardcover – August 29, 2007 by Eric James Rainbolt (Author)

Hardcover: The Cryptocracy – The Hidden Secret World Government. This book SOLVES all the major crimes of the last century of world history in one simple analysis. Our world is currently run by mass murdering counterfeiters (international bankers). The secret communication and serial pattern of the psychopathic elite world controllers has been decoded from the ***DATES & TIMES*** of their terroristic events.

The signature code is explained in this mind shattering exposition of historical reality. Everyone should find out, and then perhaps mass freedom can occur worldwide. You and your friends are definitely much safer with everyone knowing about how we are being deceptively governed today!!! This is the only book you would ever need to prove this to yourself and others. Know in advance before the December 11th, 2010 event! What a conversation piece! Presented by: Eric James Rainbolt Non-Establishment Quality Assurance World Historian.

Contains 40 AMAZING color artworks of deesillustration.com

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
June 30, 2024 7:21 pm

i’m not questioning the “.govs” authority – i deny its existence.

they stole the fn election and installed a colostomy bag without the bag.

pirates on the ship of state.

why have government? first level thinking believes someone needs to have the power of death to keep the f-tards under control and to prevent a public witch hunt drowning from happening.

  gadsden flag
July 1, 2024 7:40 am

Denying the governments existence can get you prison or killed. Government does exist, though it really has no right to, but it also has the power, we do not. That is why government is so evil.

Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
July 1, 2024 10:06 am

Ideally government is an attempt to imitate the order of Heaven. Unfortunately, many deny the existence of Heaven, and even more Hell.

June 30, 2024 9:41 pm

Another thing America needs to stop wasting money on.
How is the World Health Organization funded? | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

July 1, 2024 6:44 am


Everyone was saying Joe has to go after the debate. The next morning Obama said no, Joe is our man, and they all backtracked and said they supported Biden. Shows who has the power and who is running things. Obama knows Joe even with dementia is still their best alternative. Hitlary, Gov. Hair, Gov. Whitless and Word Salad Harris are the backups as Big Mike has said no, and he doesn’t want be exposed.

Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
Billy Bob ( aka William Robert )
July 1, 2024 10:08 am

And we all know Big Mike is not capable of telling a lie

Howard West
Howard West
July 1, 2024 10:57 am

People will be “Blind sided”! When the inconceivable happens they will be in denial!

The Obama loophole: one who had already been elected twice could still serve as President again by attaining that office through other means — particularly, by being elected or appointed Vice-President. and thus becoming next in the line of presidential succession when the sitting President dies, becomes incapacitated, or resigns:

July 1, 2024 2:00 pm


We need to replace everyone in Washington. Both sides of the aisle, every branch of government! Period!

Jake Legg
Jake Legg
July 1, 2024 11:03 pm

“we” been saying that about 50 fucking years.

Punny Wabbit
Punny Wabbit
July 1, 2024 6:08 pm


Fixed it.

July 1, 2024 8:35 pm

OBAMA is running the country.
And he is only one step away of having his dream come true.His dream of having his husband , become the first Tranny to be prez.in the world.