It’s official! I’ve hit peak Boomer fatigue.

I haven’t written about the Boomers in awhile because, let’s face it, regardless of how much I’m fed up with this generation clinging onto power with the desperate grip from whatever strength remains in their arthritic hands- time is on my side.

But I think it’s time collectively for the younger generations to take away the nuclear football and change the codes on the SCIFs. It’s obvious many of these people plan on dying in office and it’s our responsibility to retire them before that happens. We can’t continue on this path anymore.

Past generations have known when it’s time to gracefully step back and hand the reins over to more capable hands but these people have no shame.

The Republic isn’t dying because we’re at the end of an empire. It wasn’t designed to be an empire in the first place. It’s merely bleeding out from the thousand cuts being inflicted on it by this stubborn generation who refuses to believe the world will continue on after they’ve died.

This stubborn generation is killing our country because they can’t accept the fact they’re not immortal and the next generation chooses the future path of the country.

While I still believe Donald Trump and RFK Jr are fit to run for office it’s obvious Joe Biden needs to resign along with EVERYBODY who has conspired to hide his mental decline.

The difference of 12 years between these two debates highlights how far these people have jeopardized the stability of our country and the extent of the elder abuse that’s happening behind closed doors.


More importantly it’s time we move on from the Boomers holding government power as a whole. While there’s plenty of mentally fit Boomers (and a few Silent generation) who can contribute to our country, we need to finally hand over ALL power to the next generation.

There’s over 300 million people in the USA and I’m pretty sure we can find enough people under the age of 60 to replace all the aging Boomers.

At this point I think Trump has secured his second term. But please, let him be the last Boomer president. This country has been under the steward of the Boomers since President Clinton was elected 32 years ago. It’s time for the younger generations to suck it up, take off the training wheels, and be responsible for the survival of this country.

Trump, Bannon, and Navarro can’t save the country by themselves. They shouldn’t be the only ones willing to go to jail for our liberty. This country has become so spoiled we’re no longer willing to fight for our freedoms. We’ve taken the Constitution for granted for too many decades. The time is dawning on us when we’re going to have to overthrow this bloated and out of touch administrative state.

That’s assuming it doesn’t collapse on it’s own from being under the control of a spendthrift congress who’s proven to be less capable of saying “NO” than a horny teenager on prom night.

I’ve been holding onto hope for years that we can have the first peaceful revolution in human history. Which should always be the first option in a country comprised of free people. Sadly, I believe that’s not going to be possible if they imprison Trump before the election.

If they put Trump in jail there won’t be an election because the country will have fallen and we’ll have no choice to step up to fill the void. We can’t cede control of this country to a dementia addled meat puppet and his merry band of commies, drug addicts, and con artists.

The inter-generational transfer of power is on the horizon as this millennium fourth turning wraps up. We’re down to two options; either we elect Trump and get a four year grace period to hand over power to the next generation or they’ll imprison Trump and the country will collapse from the rot within.

By November we’ll have elected our last Boomer president either way.

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" SCIFs."
" SCIFs."
June 30, 2024 5:12 pm

” SCIFs.” = Sensitive compartmented information facility – Wikipedia

Really. Need a NEW group of Liars, Whores, Thieves & Satanists

June 30, 2024 6:02 pm

A comment found at Conservative Treehouse should not be discounted , regarding early departure.

Time to review COG rules. Continuity of Government puts the president back in the basement and leaves General Hur with NORAD in charge. I think that’s what happens? Cheney added pages to COG after 9/11
I don’t put anything past this global criminal cabal. If a revolution were to happen, they would pick off and start whacking all who don’t agree with their totalitarian take over. We would be finished before we could get started. I think this is a prep to stage an event or events.”

June 30, 2024 6:29 pm

Biden isn’t a boomer. The Boomer generation is.made.up out of the children post war Baby Boom, Biden was born in 1942.He’s in what’s called the silent generation.

July 1, 2024 2:27 am

Well most of them are now silent, Death does that !

July 1, 2024 5:51 am

There are twenty still left in Congress that are in power and not dead.

June 30, 2024 7:20 pm

Biden’s not a Boomer.

June 30, 2024 8:19 pm

Fuck off. I’m a boomer at 64. I can still do most everything. Quit condemning entire generations or groups of people because some of them, in EVERY group, SUCK BALLS! You’re just as bad as the MSM and (((those))) that control it with your divisional BULLSHIT. Grow the fuck up… Chip PS, downvote away because I don’t give a shit…

June 30, 2024 8:24 pm

Mary Christine would like you to take your whine elsewhere or write an article of your own if you think you’re so smart. Oh, did you think you could just freely speak here on a free speech site? No sir. We got us a free speech nazi on board.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 30, 2024 9:50 pm

I have no problems with Chip’s comments because I know who he is and I very rarely disagree with him.

I’m a Boomer, too and for the most part, our generation was definitely the “me” generation. I fall in the latter part of the generation and my husband is Gen X. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. What pissed me off the most are the ones who say “Meh, I don’t worry about how bad things are because I’ll be dead by then”

They better hope they are dead soon because they are not going to like trying to get by after the shit hits the fan.

  Mary Christine
June 30, 2024 10:04 pm

I hope you don’t include me in that sorry lot. I may not be here much longer but I champion all ages of humanity, young and old. I still grieve for Lahaina, the old people offed during the Covid fraud, the young who have dropped dead suddenly. I love all people (politicians, not so much).

America For Americans

(no matter their age and natural born or naturalized)

June 30, 2024 10:20 pm

Stephanie may be on to something about the younger generation stepping up.

A 28 year old could be the next prime minister of France. Jordan Bardella’s RN party did very well in their first round snap election.

Macron gambled and lost, it seems.

July 1, 2024 6:11 am

It’s not about stepping up there are plenty of other generations willing to do that, it is about gaining power, whether getting elected of some other way. What Stephanie is saying is the sheer numbers of Boomers is keeping them in power if they only are willing to vote for other Boomers. The problem with that is Americans vote on name recognition, which is why about twenty Silent generation are still in power (over 80).

June 30, 2024 10:49 pm

I so tire of this little girl’s vitriol.
Daddy issues much?

George Wickham
George Wickham
June 30, 2024 11:06 pm

We all tilt at our favorite windmills; they only change when we change. She is nothing if not determined.

July 1, 2024 6:24 am

I’m tired of your denial

July 1, 2024 1:54 am

If you remember Reagan, you also remember he lost his marbles about halfway through his second term. Age brings with it infirmity. Supposedly it also brings wisdom, but the blunt reality is that as we age, the distance from the cradle increases, and the distance to the coffin decreases. Time and distance, it’s an Einstein kind of thing, ask your life insurance actuary for details. Time waits for no man and one fine day we will all pass from this earthly existence to whatever fate might await us beyond it. In our final years we will hopefully exist in a state of grace where they don’t work us too hard, but still feed us regularly. That would be nice. And not in some dingy poorly-managed nursing home where they park your wheelchair in front of the TV and dope you to the eyeballs to keep you passive and compliant until you stop eating and breathing, pretty much. Give me my fentanyl before that, please.

But, the democrats fed biden a different kind of dope, they found an elder statesman, put a broomstick up his pants leg, and propped him up in front of a TV camera and called him a presidential candidate. They wrenched around in the voting system and biden was very popular among municipal buildings, empty warehouses and storage lots, dumpsters, and of course, the dead vote. The election that installed biden was a fraud, and as a good puppet he serves the democratic party ownership. Until he keels over and drops dead, that is. Their game is exposed, the jig is up, time to lift the green curtain and introduce us to the puppeteers. Reform and overhaul are in order, the public wants honesty and transparency and basic honest functionality in he executive branch andTrump bears the new broom. Trump 2024

July 1, 2024 2:24 am

OH dear ! If it wasn’t for a boomer, Steph would be just another twinkle in her Father(s) eyes. All I can see is you have had ample time to take over and change the things that you whinge about but OH NO, I like to Piss on the past which made me what I am Today.. a useless waste of Sperm.

July 1, 2024 6:33 am

And what the fuck are you doing ?

July 1, 2024 5:51 am

We’re going down because we have been colonized by world wide Judea Israel. We listen to their music, watch their movies, accepted their multiculturalism, and are being marched to their Communism. Accepted the narrow and fatalistic choice of their God or none. We’ve even allowed them to play one generation against the next, one church against another, one political party against the other, and allow hostile foreign nationals into our country. We’ve allowed them to categorize and label us. Such as “boomers” Millennials, generation X’ers, and redefine our language. We’ve been lying down for it for a while and taking 2 knees for their genocidal Armageddon promising God. Caving to the pigeon hole that it’s their God, or their Devil, or nothing out there or reason to do, think, and be better. How could we do worse for ourselves and posterity? The Western world no longer reflects Western people, values, or a sense of purpose.

July 1, 2024 6:51 am

Matthew 16:26
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

July 1, 2024 7:16 am

Brother Matthew makes many good points and observations, though leads his audience back to the Abrahamic script promising Armageddon and one world government.

July 1, 2024 7:32 am

I generally think your articles are reasoned. Making generalized statements is beneath you. I have boomer fatigue from listening to snot-noses who think they’ve got it figured out. Newsflash; nobody has it figured out. Truly you know this.

lamont crnston
lamont crnston
July 1, 2024 10:12 am

Amazingly, Brandon’s eye color changed from blue on Thursday night to hazel on Friday in NC. Bad fittting mask too.

His handlers are slipping up. On purpose?