McAfee 2020

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June 30, 2024 11:23 am

It’s like “majick”….the DNC “found” a “law”…….it’s too bad, that the DNC can’t “majickally” evaporate, while sitting there in Chicago…and just think, the DNC can say Trump supporters did it.

June 30, 2024 12:05 pm

“….the DNC “found” a “law”……”

No they didn’t. There is no law regarding how the DNC chooses it’s candidate. Political parties are not part of the government, they are private sector organizations, clubs essentially, and may choose its members, officers and the candidates they support just like any other private sector person or organization.

It is not uncommon for a candidate to be chosen first and then a political party formed for no other purpose than to support that candidate.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 30, 2024 12:33 pm

I personally never liked the guy OR his products…but that is no reason to call the man a liar when he’s plainly telling you the truth here.

June 30, 2024 1:26 pm

Speaking of “impact on our lives” the Corporate Christian Church System (which is also the deep state) has failed to carry out the biblically mandated Cultural Mandate, and the church goers allow, facilitate and condone this often referring to it as socialism. Without a potent and iconoclastic outreach there’s effectively no way to mount a formidable response to combat the overreach of the institutions, organizations, agencies, military and governmental sectors, secret societies, and corporatocracy stated and alluded to in the video. Christians are dumb about social and cultural influence and the power thereof and will totally lose their country because of this issue. They allow all of the control mentioned above while not training and inculcating their members in how to run the nation. Christians should have the sharpest lawyers, doctors, nurses, political scientists, academics and intellectuals, government-savvy individuals, and firmly grounded economists with their own inherent system of generating and earning income. They cannot rely on reactionary rhetoric and remain content to posit a defense based on the past achievements of prior generations (voting, boycotts, religious conventions). Further the ramifications of seminary training and it’s extension are another culling of sorts, ensuring chronic ineffectiveness as a people group/body politic. People simply don’t respect a people who had within their grasp the ability to direct and manage a nation then give it all away in the name of tolerance and in coddling all other belief systems while marginalizing themselves. They’ve put themselves in the position of literally having to secede from the United States as an entity and/or physically fight to get out. They won’t manage to keep it though because it wasn’t theirs, just ask those who rule over them. There was no effort to maintain it, only make believe.

June 30, 2024 10:48 pm

Nice one sentence, I didn’t read it.

June 30, 2024 2:35 pm

if he had said September 2024, it would be more interesting

June 30, 2024 10:52 pm

I can see why they got rid of him. I read something about how at least in Nevada they can’t put a different Democrat on the ticket. Something about a decision date. I don’t know of any Democrats worth voting for anyhow. Harris, Newsome? forget it. I bet TPTB come up with some unconstitutional trick.

lamont crnston
lamont crnston
June 30, 2024 11:01 pm

BTW, under GA Law, if Biden drops out after the 4th Friday in June (as he won the D Primary uncontested), there cannot be a D listed on the Prez ballot even if nominted at the DNC. Write ins only.

Listened to Sen.Tuberville speakling at the GA/AL Petro Marketers Convention Sat. AM. Impressive. Confirmed he’s running for re-elecction in ’26.

July 1, 2024 2:56 am

SO who the fuck did they choose Macafee?