Imagine a missile massacre on a Florida beach on the Fourth of July

Via Strategic Culture

The scenario is not hyperbole. Imagine a sunny beach in Florida crowded with families enjoying a holiday weekend. In a split second, mayhem and murder are unleashed as crowds flee in panic from a foreign missile exploding over the beach.

There is no doubt that the United States would go to war immediately against the perpetrator. Furious condemnations would ring out for days, weeks, and months among American politicians and their media.

But what is also obvious from this hypothetical scenario is the egregious double standard and hypocrisy of American and Western responses.

Last weekend, Russia was celebrating its annual Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. The day honors the dead of the Great Patriotic War instigated by Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. That weekend also combines Trinity Sunday, a prominent religious holiday in the Orthodox calendar.

As Russian families were enjoying the festive weekend, the Kiev regime fired five U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles at the Crimean city of Sevastopol. It was a deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure. Four missiles were shot down by Russian air defenses, but a fifth exploded over a nearby beach, where hundreds of people were enjoying sun-splashed sand and the gentle lapping of waves.

In the ensuing horror, four people including two children were killed. Over 150 were injured, dozens of them seriously, from the explosions caused by cluster bomblets released by the missile. Video footage clearly shows explosions and not merely ordnance shrapnel falling from the sky.

This was an act of state-sponsored terrorism against civilians. The United States and its NATO partners bear responsibility for the massacre. Only a week before the attack, U.S. President Joe Biden and other NATO leaders had signed off on supplying the Kiev regime with long-range (300 km) ATACMS weapons and a green light to use these missiles on Russian territory.

Arguably, too, the atrocity was an unpardonable act of war against Russia. As the foreign ministry in Moscow noted, the U.S.-led NATO proxy war in Ukraine has become a direct war against Russia. The situation has entered a most dangerous moment.

The Kremlin has warned that retaliation is coming. There is no question that under international law, the Russian Federation has every right to respond to murderous aggression. It only remains to be seen what the form of retaliation will be.

It is doubtful that Russia would take revenge on innocent American civilians. The Russian leadership and its people are far too moral and strategically intelligent to countenance such barbarity.

The scenario of bombing a beach in Florida is invoked to demonstrate the heinous reality of what occurred in Crimea last weekend. And it also demonstrates the rank moral bankruptcy of American and European leaders.

Only days before the missile attack on Crimea, the American Senate introduced a bill to declare Russia a “state sponsor of terrorism”. The bill was a hysterical reaction to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to North Korea and the signing of a mutual defense pact with Chairman Kim Jong Un.

The irony of the U.S. reaction in light of the subsequent attack on Crimea is not merely bitter. Washington is unhinged and depraved. A collection of psychopaths as are its minions in Brussels and other NATO capitals.

Following the massacre in Crimea, the Western media and NATO leaders tried to minimize the crime. The equivocations and evasions are damning. The White House and Pentagon said the decision on targets was the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian regime. A spokesman for the Kiev junta sought to justify the air strike by implying Russia was using “civilian occupiers” on a beach as human shields.

The mindset here is pure Nazi terrorism enabled by American and NATO politicians, their weapons and media propaganda. This is the same mindset and NATO enabling that terrorized the Donbass and other Russian populations after the CIA coup in Kiev in 2014. Russian civilians endured years of wanton shelling until Russia responded with the Special Military Operation in February 2022 to eradicate the fascist aggression.

Western sponsorship and practice of state terrorism have been going on for decades if not centuries. Sometimes overtly, sometimes covertly. Think of the countless Western genocides in Africa, the Americas, and Asia. Why the crimes are not more well known comes down to media propaganda brainwashing.

The aggression on Crimea last weekend has reached a momentous threshold. There are numerous fatal options that Russia can take without responding to precipitate a Third World War.

Russia can step up its obliteration of the odious Kiev NeoNazi regime thereby landing NATO in the worst existential political crisis in its 75 years of ignominious existence. It can close off the Black Sea by shooting down NATO surveillance aircraft and other warplanes. Russia could supply more sophisticated weapons to other nations and groups that ramp up the security costs of the United States to unbearable levels.

The bigger picture is that Russia and the rest of the world are moving legitimately in a way that is accelerating the collapse of the American empire and its vassals. The U.S. and European political economies are reeling from their own internal miserable implosion. Astronomical financial debts, obscene inequality and poverty, and bankrupt political authority are cratering the failed Western systems. What Washington and Brussels are facing is a political hellscape. All brought on by their own iniquitous rulers.

All Russia, China, Iran and other nations have to do is stay strong and get on with their autonomous building of a better, fairer, sustainable multipolar world. The Western Ponzi scheme of colonialist privilege and exploitation is primed to implode. A judicious push is all that is needed. There’s no need to use a sledgehammer especially when the calamity and chaos of the latter method only serves to let the criminals off the hook so that they can restart their nefarious imperialist schemes once again.

The failing Western powers are desperate to salvage their disastrous demise. As in previous episodes of historic failure, Western imperialists are resorting to war as the ultimate way to mitigate the inevitable collapse.

The desperation is epitomized by the terrorism inflicted on the beach in Crimea and also on the same day with the terror attacks in Russia’s Dagestan region, where supposed Islamist extremists killed over 20 people in raids on churches and synagogues. A Western media headline betrayed the malicious thinking: “Dagestan attack highlights Russia’s vulnerability at home amid Ukraine war”.

The U.S. and its NATO accomplices are steadily losing the proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. They are trying to provoke Russia with outright terrorism. Only three months ago, a terrorist attack outside Moscow killed 145 people in a raid that has the hallmarks of orchestration by Western intelligence agencies. Russian state security services predicted that more such atrocities would be attempted on Russian soil. Last weekend proved the point.

The purpose is to incite the Russian people to destabilize their leadership into making a rash response.

It is tempting to hit the Western powers in the same barbaric way that they have done to Russia. But such a response is too good for these lowlifes because it only lets them off the hook by giving them the all-out catastrophic war that they calculate will somehow secure their survival.

Revenge served coldly and calmly is the best way. The Western criminal leaders have it coming. It seems frustratingly overdue. But justice for historic crimes is already coming.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 30, 2024 7:40 am

“The bigger picture is that Russia and the rest of the world are moving legitimately in a way that is accelerating the collapse of the American empire and its vassals. The U.S. and European political economies are reeling from their own internal miserable implosion. Astronomical financial debts, obscene inequality and poverty, and bankrupt political authority are cratering the failed Western systems. What Washington and Brussels are facing is a political hellscape. All brought on by their own iniquitous rulers.”


  hardscrabble farmer
June 30, 2024 7:48 am

Yep. When the methodical, incremental destruction of Western Civ happens, you can bet it was planned that way.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 30, 2024 8:10 am

Yup, it’s too stupid to be stupid. Gotta be intentional.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
June 30, 2024 1:55 pm

Putin didn’t take the CIA assassination of beachgoers bait to start
WWIII ploy.

Our government is a satanic murderous criminal empire.

Mr. Hyde
Mr. Hyde
June 30, 2024 9:00 am

How do you maintain your blindness to reality? The Russians admitted that the five missiles were aimed at one of their military air bases. They claim to have shot down four and damaged one. The damaged one flew off course and hit the beach. In war, awful s**t happens. In this war Russia deliberately targets Ukrainian civilian apartment buildings in the middle of the night when they are most likely to be occupied by innocent sleeping women and children. If you don’t want your people killed, don’t start a war.

THE END, 2025
THE END, 2025
  Mr. Hyde
June 30, 2024 10:11 am

Yeah and the germans had cremation so efficient they could dustify an entire corpse in less than 10 minutes.

The secret?
Stuffing nine corpses at a time into a one corpse oven.
This way, you can reduce the average cremation time per body from 90 minutes per, to ten minutes per.
90 minutes ÷ 9 corpses = 10 minutes a corpse.

It actually takes 90 minutes to mostly cremate a human corpse.
If you gassed one thousand people and had 26 crematory ovens available to cremate the bodies?
It will take around 58 hours to cremate them all.
So one could only cremate 12,000 max per month or 144,000 per year.
In ten years? 1,440,000.

Bonus trivia?
What is six million minus three million?
That’s right.
Six million.
Auschwitz deadees plaque 1980: 4.1 million.
Auschwitz deadees plaque 1992: 1.1 million.

Hula total 1980: 6 million.
Hula total 1992: 6 million.

  THE END, 2025
June 30, 2024 2:20 pm

It actually takes 2.5 to 3 hours to cremate a regular body. So the 1.1 million at A, with 4 ovens comes out to something like 78 years to do it. That still leaves the bones to be ground up in a second procedure as well. That’s why they immediately attack, silence people and pass laws to make it illegal to say, because simple math undoes their lies so they have no choice but to attack.

  Mr. Hyde
June 30, 2024 10:37 am

You just might be one of the dumbest people to ever post here.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
  Mr. Hyde
June 30, 2024 10:52 am

Mr Hyde, when you hit your finger with a hammer (this is an object that usually employs a wooden stalk to hold in your hand with a heavy metal object a fixed atop it to drive points home) do you blame your fingers, the hammer or yourself?

  Mr. Hyde
June 30, 2024 11:48 am

So if Ukraine doesn’t want their people killed then why did NATO provoke the nuclear power who has 3,000 atomic bombs–that we know of?
NATO could care less about Ukranian civilians getting killed just like the Communist government of our land could care less about sending other people’s American kids to get killed overseas in every war they started since Vietnam.
Satan loves death, and Satan don’t give a schidt

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  Mr. Hyde
June 30, 2024 12:17 pm

Tell that to Victoria Nuland and the other stooges in our government who started the war in Ukraine in 2014 by overthrowing a legitimate government in a Sovereign Nation …

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Anthony Aaron
June 30, 2024 2:19 pm

Black Rock, Vanguard, and bunch of Israeli billionaires including Soros
have already divided up Ukraine and stand to make more than $14 trillion
in profits renting and selling off it’s resources. They are not going to let it get away from them even if they have to get Nuland and co. to start WWIII and kill millions. Truly satanic people.

Travis BickLe
Travis BickLe
  Colorado Artist
June 30, 2024 8:15 pm

True. They did this by purchasing Ukranian bonds at .10 on dollar. These Atheist Jewish fkers, behind all the evils in our world, would sell their grandmothers for the right price.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Mr. Hyde
June 30, 2024 2:09 pm

Another Langley bot spouting the MIC Party line and dutifully carrying their water.

Those lies won’t work here.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Colorado Artist
June 30, 2024 4:03 pm

Where’s the fucking lie, shitheel?

  Mr. Hyde
June 30, 2024 4:54 pm

Sorry Mr. Hyde, America, Great Britain Ukraine, and NATO started this awefull War. Wake up and smell the Coffee, Ukrainian Patsy!!!

Gumby 2.0
Gumby 2.0
June 30, 2024 9:00 am

The sabatoge teams already dispersed across USA will cut comms and power across the country on July 4th.
The symbolism of the date of retaliation against our rogue federal government being too sweet a treat to pass up.

I think.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
  Gumby 2.0
June 30, 2024 10:54 am

Can’t cut power, several friends have heart cond. on pacemakers, others have COPD. been around 100, high 105 last wk one day. (also hi humidity) for awhile. Many can’t take the heat, one lady has 3 or 4 freezers (extreme prepper) and lives on small farm. Food would spoil. Chicken houses would be in trouble since fans must run in hot temps. Gov. doesn’t care about the citizens wants us all dead to replace w/ third world slaves.

  Laura Ann
June 30, 2024 2:22 pm

You in southern Arizona or Texas? I’m Tucson and you just described the local weather.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
June 30, 2024 4:54 pm

S.E. Ala. near the Fla. state line. 100 mi w. of Tallahassee. Humidity is awful,heavy rains daily. Sister and hubby in Saddlebrook area N. of Tucson.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
  Laura Ann
June 30, 2024 3:34 pm

All I can say is what William Munny said: “he should have armed himself.” Go to the hardware store and buy a small generator and enough propane or gasoline to run it for a couple of months every few hours to keep freezers frozen. Thumbs up the ass can kill.

Travis BickLe
Travis BickLe
  Laura Ann
June 30, 2024 8:19 pm

They want nearly ALL of us dead, 3rd worlders included. Depop by 3 methods: Bioweapons/Cures, Net Zero and the best of all – WW3. Why? Only so much UBI money to go round to stave off Robespierre and his gallows for their AI to take all the jobs away.

  Gumby 2.0
June 30, 2024 11:15 am

I’m ready! If the power gets turned off, I would NOT want to be a “past and present” legislator…..knowwhatImeanVern?

June 30, 2024 9:00 am

All Russia has to do is wait for Kamala Harris to step up the offal office podium, which is to say do nothing. The nation is bombing itself, every time it goes to the polls. No Russian missiles required.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
June 30, 2024 3:37 pm

“We have just been bombed with bombs that are for bombing when you decide on the use of bombs. Joe was the bomb but not in the sense of bomb like bombs used in bombing kind of bombs. A hahahahahahahahahah.”

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
June 30, 2024 9:14 am

Excellent article. We – or rather the psychopaths in power – are headed for a reckoning. You can bet that Putin is carefully evaluating his options. The shameful display put on by Biden at the debate has shown the world that the United States political system is literally falling apart. You think the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, the UK, the other NATO countries, don’t realize that our political establishment and our media deliberately concealed the pathetic mental state of Joe Biden? Leaving aside the fact that they know full well he is a corrupt pervert (oh, yes, the intelligence services know all of this, believe me).

I have said it before and will say it again. Those people who support the Democrat Party in any way are guilty of treason and have placed all of us in extreme peril. The fact that a large number of Republicans are also involved is irrelevant. I despise these RINO’s and grifters, but their sins are merely venal. They are just crooks.

The Democrats are far different. The leadership of the Democrat Party is a cabal of subversives who hate America. Most are not Americans in any real sense. They were raised by traitors or hostile foreigners and not for one day of their lives have they known about or, much less, loved our country. They want to see it destroyed.

The party faithful are nothing more than a collection of losers, parasites, sexual deviants, criminals, and the mentally ill. The “lumpen” who support the Democrats are the sick, lame and lazy, the disability cheats, the deadbeats, and the wife beaters.

Of course, many Democrat voters are merely low information people who vote like their parents did. These folks are now waking up and we had better hope it is not too late.

  Southern Sage
June 30, 2024 9:24 am

Every member of Congress has a foreign government lobbyist working for AIPAC, who is not, by US legal exemption considered an agent for a foreign government, assigned to them, except Thomas Massie, but somehow fundamentally there is a difference betwixt the two nests of criminals… ha ha ha…good one , spooky.

Jealous . Of brandon's memory
Jealous . Of brandon's memory
  Southern Sage
June 30, 2024 11:27 am

Which “Party” ?

“The party faithful are nothing more than a collection of losers, parasites, sexual deviants, criminals, and the mentally ill.”

  Jealous . Of brandon's memory
June 30, 2024 12:24 pm

Reading comprehension much?

June 30, 2024 9:43 pm

REALITY comprehension. @ ALL?

  Southern Sage
June 30, 2024 2:24 pm

Voting doesn’t matter, elections have been rigged for a long time.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
June 30, 2024 5:00 pm

Besides the supreme court is captured and control much of the agendas along w/ politicians bought and paid for. see:

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
  Southern Sage
June 30, 2024 4:09 pm

The Demonrat Party is structured along similar lines to the Soviets. They have only recently attempted to be such a top down dictatorial entity out in the open. Like the Bolsheviks, I believe they decided at some point to mimic them and become a criminal conspiracy, of which there are too many examples to list.
We are absolutely just waiting for some horrific event. In addition to all the armies of foreign illegals, the Mexican drug cartels which operate almost everywhere in the US, now have heavy weapons to include anti-aircraft and anti-armor weapons. Tell me there’s no way they couldn’t smuggle those along with some 12.7’s or twin 14.5’s and deploy fleets of Technicals to explode onto the scene in major cities at a crucial time, or simply have them waiting for the other invaders.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann

Both parties merged into the Uniparty since W. Wilson, has become more obvious since the ’50’s, then got worse w/ Reagan, Bush Sr and Jr, Carter, Clinton,etc.and so called Republicans act like Dems anyway.

  Laura Ann
June 30, 2024 6:00 pm

1913 was a bad year.

THE END, 2025
THE END, 2025
June 30, 2024 9:53 am

Or just have your assassins already dispearsed across uSA start setting up train accidents, bridge collapses, food production company fires, distribution associated fires, like the dozens of fires at pallet making companies.
Water system breaks, stolen fire hydrants and other brass water valves…
Spills of toxic chemicals into major waterways…

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
  THE END, 2025
June 30, 2024 12:21 pm

… you forgot the 30,000,000 illegal aliens that have invade the United States since January 20, 2020 …

  Anthony Aaron
June 30, 2024 1:01 pm

CHI-COM 5th Column

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
  Anthony Aaron
June 30, 2024 5:04 pm

Many of those will be cannon fodder for military overseas, UN troops (no loyalty) and even some local police dept’s. Others will be sent out to kill off Americans to stop resistance in communities nationwide.

  THE END, 2025
June 30, 2024 2:30 pm

30-60,000 Chinese troops that came across as “migrants” can do a lot of damage. There are 7 major transformer stations that would take out the west and east grids leaving only Texas up. These stations aren’t even guarded because that’s pretty much impossible. The power stations have a handful of security guards but they don’t even need to attack it. Just attack the transformers on the poles all around the station, just shoot them, the oil drains out and it stops working. Zero power going out and they have a limited number of replacements and the US doesn’t even make them anymore, China does, bad strategy for us. Smells like sabotage by traitors to me.

Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
Harrington Richardson: NO TRUCKS 7/11/24
  THE END, 2025
June 30, 2024 4:17 pm

Locally we have a guy who owns a pallet factory and he f..ks all kinds of crazy women he meets in dive bars. Two of them have set his place on fire in the past couple of years.


Everyone needs a hobby. Some are more sane than others, though.

Twinkling of an i
Twinkling of an i

Who’s the cat that won’t cop out
When there’s danger all about?
(Pallet Guy!)
Right on!
You see this cat, Pallet Guy is a bad motha-
(Shut your mouth!)
But I’m talkin’ about Pallet Guy!
(Then we can dig it!)
He’s a complicated man,
But no one understands him but his woman

Robert King
Robert King
June 30, 2024 10:05 am

“Dad, Destruction is coming on The Fourth.”_ Jordan (7yrs old) My son spoke in his sleep early one September morning, Pittsburgh, Penna. Sept. 1999 No, it’s not so far fetched.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
June 30, 2024 10:10 am

No,no. Biden’s mental health is more important now. Let’s focus on that. Pfft.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Two if by sea.
June 30, 2024 2:14 pm

“He’s very engaged from 10 o’clock until 4.”

  Colorado Artist
June 30, 2024 5:59 pm

Must be when the local ice shop is open.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
June 30, 2024 10:47 am

Proxy war w/ Russia ongoing big corp. profits to be made. People need to avoid crowds over 4th July weekend (most won’t) there’s beaches away from crowds where we would always go w/ few people. But most will be w/ the crowds for some strange reason. Those near the gulf coast (hurricane Beryl) need to stay informed, it could take a turn.

June 30, 2024 11:12 am

Remember, these “people” have ‘six ways from Sunday” to get you….

June 30, 2024 11:19 am

Simply a threat of setting off a nuke east of Miami on the Continental Shelf would be enough.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
June 30, 2024 5:06 pm

Causing flooding and tsunami type waves, some buildings collapsing.

June 30, 2024 11:36 am

July is chock full of satanic ritual days.

7/1 Satanic and Demon Revels (blood) – Druid sexual association with demons7/1 Canada Day7/3 Beginning of Dog Days linked to Sirius Dog Star Sothis star of Set7/4 Independence Day in USA7/7 Rath Yatra7/7 Hijra – Islamic New Year7/7 Sacred Heart of Jesus7/14 Bastille Day7/15 Saint Vladimir7/15 St Swithin’s Day (Ireland)7/5 New Moon7/

16-17 Day of Ashura / Muharram

7/17-7/23 Sacrifice of first born males communion with flesh and blood7/20-7/26 Abduction ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim for Grand Climax7/21 Full Moon7/21 Asala – Dharma Day7/21 Guru Purnima7/24 Pioneer Day (Mormon)7/25 St James Day/Festival of the horned god (gathering of herbs)7/27 Grand Climax – animal and/or human sacrifice

In 2017 Ashura was on Oct. 1. Las Vegas happened.

Ashura (Arabic: عَاشُورَاء, ʿĀshūrāʾ[ʕaːʃuːˈraːʔ]) is a day of commemoration in Islam. It occurs annually on the tenth of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. For Sunni Muslims, Ashura marks the parting of the Red Sea by Moses and the salvation of the Israelites. Also on this day, Noah disembarked from the Ark, God forgave Adam, and Joseph was released from prison, among various other auspicious events on Ashura in Sunni tradition.

Why Did the Islamic State Claim the Las Vegas Shooting? – The Atlantic

June 30, 2024 1:26 pm

It doesn’t take much of an imagination to see that they’re already attacking the US but in different forms, just look at the attacks on bridges, food processing plants, businesses and the entire social structure in America.
We’ve been under attack since the Biden took office and the attacks have NOT relented since he started and maybe it’s time to look deep into these attacks and ask yourself “Are We Really at War”?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 30, 2024 4:05 pm

Nothing wrong with YOUR eyes!

June 30, 2024 4:18 pm

Wait, I thought those were done by the Chinese?

June 30, 2024 2:09 pm

That whole thing is fake though. We only get two videos of the whole thing, one shows nothing and the second shows no bomblet explosions or any incoming bomblets. Come one, the only one to land on the beach dropped right in front of the stairs with a dude coming down, he doesn’t get any injuries even though he’s in the kill zone and the stairs have zero fragment impacts. Propaganda

June 30, 2024 3:09 pm

If Putin needs a retaliatory target, I offer Washington DC. It will be a severe loss to America but we will rebuild.

Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
June 30, 2024 6:07 pm

Could someone please refresh my memory again? How to upvote the first sentence and downvote the second?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 30, 2024 4:01 pm

Wiping out a slew of transplanted New York Democrat voters doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me. Just sayin’…

June 30, 2024 4:50 pm

Well said, Strategic Culture!!! I couldn’t agree more. Why President Putin has been so patient is a mystery to me. Why he hasn’t nuked Europe, Great Britain, and America is also a great mystery to me. If I were him, there would be radioactive smoke rising from all three. It seems like our moron and idiotic leaders are purposely trying to have World War III with billions dead worldwide. We live in such crazy times!!!

June 30, 2024 9:42 pm

I doubt Russia will take the “bait”. However, the United States appears to be setting up the conditions for a false flag in the Philippines.

A future QOTD: Where and when will the false flag happen?

July 1, 2024 12:31 am

They probably did the beach attack so that when they pull off a false flag here (to cancel the election they can’t win) it may seem more plausible to blame Russia. What is the definition of chaos?

July 1, 2024 1:41 am

I love America. I remember how it once was before they killed JFK.
The grief I feel for this nation that is dead and decomposing before our eyes is immense. China, Russia, and China, have a big hard on for the USA,
They will obliterate us. The end of this nation is because of Israel and the Jews.
They did this. They killed our America. They are nation wreckers.
They killed Kennedy and have brought their satanic religion to this nation that was once Christian. They are a religion. The religion of the antichrist=satanism.
Freemasonry is satanic. My heart is breaking for America. The Yids already own Russia, China and Israel. Now they own all the western powers. They will establish a one world government=that is not a government but the worship of Satan and it will be identical to Hell. The NWO is the one world religion of satanism.
They killed the nation we all loved.
They turned it into a money machine for drugs, porn and child trafficking, just like Ukraine has become. They have raided the treasury, and bankrupted us morally and physically. They have made Americans become the worst sinners on earth, who are worthless, and harm their own children.
All the trafficked Children since the greada treaty will be avenged and given justice, for the Hell they were forced into. The US has Hell to pay for its sins and corruption.
America is about to reap as they have sown, what they did to those children, will be done to us. Live by the sword, and die by that same sword.
Divine justice is coming. We will pay for all the suffering of the 8 million or more children per year since the greada treaty was signed by the CIA and our demonic government run entirely by the synagogue of Satan.
By the Rothschild Yiddish worshipers of Lucifer, who demand child sacrifice and even sacrifice their own children to Lucifer.
Any day now we will be attacked just like Gaza by Russia and China, and so will all the western nations.
They will bomb us and defeat us in 3 weeks time because our leaders are all Satanists. All the generals in the military are yiddish or with the NWO=satanism.
After that surrender the Rothschilds will consecrate the US and Europe to Lucifer in the blood of Christian’s, the same way they did in their communist revolutions that gave Russia and China to Lucifer, and all the innocent blood that was shed in the Rothschild owned Israel’s wars in the Middle East.
The BRICS nations are all against us, we are alone, weakened by Biden’s criminality, a laughing stock of the world. We are broken wheels going nowhere, sitting ducks waiting and ready for the slaughter. We will not make it to the 250th anniversary of the United States of America in 2026. We will be finished long before that.
Get ready for this beautiful nation to turn into a corpse.
Zionism had brought down the USA to ruin.
There will be no resurrection for this nation because it is not with God, but serves the enemies of God, the antichrist.
Everyone know what is coming we all can feel it.
The signs are all there, the writing is on the wall.
We are doomed to a final fatal destruction at the hands of the psychotic army of satanist drug gang criminals released from prisons and mental hospitals that Biden brought into Amercia and is paying and will arm, to do the coming satanic sacrifice of all gentile Americans. Beheading, concentration camps, gulags, bioweapons, geo engineering weapons, microwave DEW weapons. The children will not be safe, not even one child will be safe from what is coming in ww3.
If you think the next election will do anything to change the sad fate we will soon meet, you are delusional.
If you think Trump will grow wings and become a fairy tale savior, you are an idiot.
No one is going to save us. It will happen when we least expect it, it will be severe.
It will be much worse than is happening in Gaza and Ukraine.
Yellowstone will erupt artificially as well as all the fault lines.
China and Russia have been planning our demise for a long time.
They have new weapons and a perfect strategy. They want us all dead, so they can move in to a new open and unpopulated land. Any survivors go to China and Russia as slave labor. We have already lost Amercia, and lost the war, because of the Yiddish who destroy nations and turn them into prison like hells on earth, where everyone is a slave, except the Yiddish who dominate and control and own everything=as they did in Russia and China, and still do, they own those nations.
They will not stop until they own this entire world and consecrate it in blood to Lucifer their god.
The only weapons we have=God, and all things of God, will be taken from this earth.
There will be no protection from God for a godless nation that worships the enemies of God. make no mistake they want you to take their mark of the beast and worship them as gods. That is their true goal=to take every souls on earth from God.

July 1, 2024 2:49 am

Yeah many retards here believe that their retard orange messiah MIGA is gonna grow wings and become a good fairy LOL